
To Feed and Be Fed

 Janine, my child, come.  My little one, come and let me hold you with my heart that is of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and be known. Come and love as I love. Come and let us commune with Jesus and love as He loves with the power of the Holy Spirit. Love such as this is powerful for it expands with power as we love with a love that grows and grows. To love at this depth is to see more clearly what love really is. Love as this finds you letting go of any need to control. Rather, you allow all to unfold. It is of love to come to me this new day and each day for to come to me at this Tabernacle is to seek only to be held and loved that you may hold and love.  Jesus and I walk with you in all you do. Just as you awaken each new day and feed your body with the food of the earth, so too, you awaken and feed yourself with the food of the mystical where you are gaining the ways of the Kingdom within.  Be still now and be filled. Be still now and taste what we have.

Movement Into the New Awakening

 Janine, my child, come and be opened to me and to my heart that is of the River of the I Am for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. I open this Tabernacle for you that you may be of my hands and my heart. I fill you with my nurture and we commune with Jesus who is our Savior. It is by the life and death of Jesus that we have what we have.  Take in the beauty of this day. What appears to be dying is that which moves from one space to another for nothing dies. Rather, all things move and  take on new dimensions. The dying rose makes seed and grows another rose. The day moves into the darkness of the night only to awaken the next day. The winter gives way to the spring and then the summer and then winter again. Death is merely the movement into the new awakening. My children run from the truth for they fear that death is the end. It is not the end, Janine, as you now know.  To fear death and think it is the end does harm for it does not allow one to live. Rather than fear death, the

Sharing Your Soul Invites Others to do the Same

 Janine, come and be of my heart. Come, and as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am, see and taste the beauty of being washed and cleansed by the arms of my love. You are being added to for you gain the ways of my heart all the more today. What was washed has made you clean and prepared to take me in all the more and more. You wrote the good news in your yesterday that to be of  my heart is to be of your design. You learned of the ability to just be you with no fret of what the world may deem as a rule that must be followed in order for you to be of matter. You are of matter. You are of your design when you speak from your soul. Your soul speaks in love and only love. Do not be mistaken to think that the sacred witness does not speak. The sacred witness speaks from the soul in the timing of the soul. To be in communion soul to soul is firstly beyond words. When in communion, the soul to soul speaks with the language of the heart where words take on matter for when words

All We Do is Being Written into the Book of Life

 Janine, my child, come. Place yourself before this Tabernacle where you let go into my heart and we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Today shall see grace. Today shall see you and I walk with Jesus where we witness to God's grace. There shall be the love and there shall be the evil we witness to. We witness to all that is happening for it shall be written into the Book of Life where it shall be known for all of Eternity. Jesus shall show you that it is of matter that we witness to all that is before us. The story of man shall be written. The story of our walk is being written. The love of our walk is being written. Our love for each other and Jesus is being written. It is not for you to judge any of this. It is for us to witness to all of the day before us. Jesus shall show you what is being written as we witness. You are of my heart and you are of Jesus. Let this all take root today. Our walk shall give you great purpose for all we do is being written into the Bo

Choice is Given Us By God

 Janine, my child, you come to me and place yourself before this Tabernacle. You come to love and be loved. You come to commune with me and with Jesus. Come and be filled. Come and allow yourself to love and be loved. We move into the depths of the River of the I Am where all is of God.  His will for us is love and only love. No need to do anything to earn this love. It is given freely with no expectations or judgments. The love of God flows through all things, my child, even those things on the surface that become of evil for God has created all things and all things have God.  God so loves that all have choice. There is much misguidedness in some of those choices, but that does not stop God from being in all things.  To know this from this depth changes everything for you. This depth knows that God so loves all that within the world choice is given.  For those who choose God in the next life, they shall have chosen love and only love for evil cannot be in the Kingdom. Let those with