
Love and Only Love Loves Simply

 Janine, my child, love is known to you for you have emptied that which closed you to love and opened you to this Tabernacle that knows me.  Come and let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. I give you to Jesus in this communion for you now know the love of Jesus who shows you that love and only love has no gender. Love and only love loves for the sake of love and only love where gender and or color matter not. Everything in the world has wonderful color. Everything in the world has great beauty for God has designed it so. It is man and man's ego that make matter of colors and genders. We walk to show God's mercy through Jesus that loves all with no matter for God has designed it so. Love and only love is that simple. Let those with ears to hear, hear. 

Mother is Always Mother

 Janine, my child, it is always welcomed when you place yourself before this Tabernacle. I welcome you here for I am your mother who awaits your turning to me. I love you and I am always with you whether or not you are aware of me. I await you for I am your mother who remains always available. You make sure to be there for yours as I make sure to be there for mine. Mother learns to let go of her child as her child learns to let go yet never far from each other. Even when there is distance there is nearness for mother is always mother.  You have grown in your ability to mother for you have learned to let go of all the pain that has held you back. You no longer are encumbered by the hurt and wounds of the past placed upon you by those responsible for your care. As you heal, yours heal too, both on Earth and in Heaven for growing never ends. Your soul expands into Eternity. This is the way of God's love for what you give comes back to you and yours. 

The Miracles Seen Within Relationship with Jesus

 Janine, my child, let us descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Let us commune with Jesus who speaks to you of the ways of miracles. Miracles cannot have meaning without relationship for what matter would miracles be if there were no one to make them for? The miracle of water to wine was made in relationship that God's mercy may be known.  Jesus walks with you to give and receive for this is the way of relationship. The miracles of the inch and moment are made in relationship with you for you are awake to them within the relationship. You hear Jesus and He hears you. There is no mistaking His soft voice that shows you the miracles of giving and receiving. What good would all the miracles in the world be if there were no one to taste Jesus in them? When you were of the child, you could not see relationship and your understanding of Jesus was childlike. Now you have grown into the awareness that relationship with Jesus is of  intimacy that sees and tastes giving...


 Janine, my child, I open this Tabernacle to fill you and nurture you and show you the way of love that takes in acceptance. Come, my little one, and let us speak to acceptance. Acceptance is knowing that Jesus carries your burdens where you accept that He is with you in a relationship that gives you peace. Acceptance is that which you take in as sure and true of the existence of the Mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  The peace within you is the acceptance of what is. Acceptance brings peace for worry cannot live in acceptance.  Jesus is alive within you and you accept that. Acceptance of what is within the world is a gift of understanding for the world holds love and it holds evil. To accept such things does not mean that you don't pray and work to end evil within the world for prayer and good works counter all evil.  Acceptance of these truths carries you into Eternity where you accept that God's will shall be done in Heaven where evil shall not abid...

Listen to the Soft Voice of Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and let go that we may descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take the breath that takes you to me. Let us commune with Jesus. The void within you takes us to Him. Hear the soft voice of Jesus speak to you of love. Love such as this controls never. You heard Jesus say to you that He makes no choices for you, rather He rejoices in relationship with you where your choices are made in awareness of your depths. Jesus shows you the way of truth and at times that truth shows you your biases. In love and awareness you see the truth. You see your ego as it tempts you. Jesus shows you your ego in the light of love and only love. This love makes no war for it shows you the way of relationship and peace.  Love such as this shows you your ego that will rise up with the noise of wanting to be right. With awareness and the soft voice of Jesus deep within you, the truth is learned. Jesus is here always and accessible always. All you need do is turn inward a...