To Feed and Be Fed
Janine, my child, come. My little one, come and let me hold you with my heart that is of the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and be known. Come and love as I love. Come and let us commune with Jesus and love as He loves with the power of the Holy Spirit. Love such as this is powerful for it expands with power as we love with a love that grows and grows. To love at this depth is to see more clearly what love really is. Love as this finds you letting go of any need to control. Rather, you allow all to unfold. It is of love to come to me this new day and each day for to come to me at this Tabernacle is to seek only to be held and loved that you may hold and love. Jesus and I walk with you in all you do. Just as you awaken each new day and feed your body with the food of the earth, so too, you awaken and feed yourself with the food of the mystical where you are gaining the ways of the Kingdom within. Be still now and be filled. Be still now and taste what we have.