
Showing posts from October, 2022

Take in the Void of Our Communion Today

 Child of mine, it is the dawning of another day. Come into my heart for I invite you to be with me at this Tabernacle. I invite you to just be and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. Taste His love that speaks to you in the soft voice of love and only love. It is Jesus who takes on your burdens. It is my heart that feeds you with the love that shows you the ways of the River of the I Am where all of the yes abide with us. As the day arises, take note of the love that flows within us. Take in the peace of the void here. We commune with Jesus today in the void where nothingness becomes everything. You are being given the beauty of the communion with Jesus. Janine, you write my words. Jesus gives you His love often without words. There are those times you are learning to trust in the soft voice of Jesus who speaks to you from the depths of your own soul for there in your soul is the seed of God. Today, Janine, take this time to becom

My Nurture is Within You

 Child, you come to me at this Tabernacle that we may be mother and child in the openness and awakeness that is above all noise. We flow deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where our love for each other is taken in. I fill you with my daily nurture that you may be sustained this day. I fill you with my heart that we may walk as one within the outside world. Daily, my child, your attendance to this Tabernacle ensures the protection from the noise for to move out into the world in the name of Jesus is to draw noise. By its very nature the noise works to cast doubt on the truth and the way of Jesus.  You are mine and we walk into the world armed with the protective cloak of Jesus. Your daily communion with me gains you the strength of the River of the I Am. Just as you feed your body each day you attend to your soul each day that is fed by my heart within the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, Jesus is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am. I am your mother who feeds you th

The Dilemma

 My dear child, slow all down as you enter this Tabernacle. Come and let go of the need to do and just be with me. Soon enough we shall enter the world to give what you have received. Come and take in all that is here for you. Come and take in my nurture that shall sustain you this new day. Your dream showed you the dilemma you are facing in your daily life. On the one hand you walk with me to "feed" those we walk with and you are learning that they do in fact take your nurture. In a quiet way you are learning that there are those who see you as mother. You know we nurture but you carry fear that it is not enough. You searched for a way to feed those who are not ready to be fed.  This is why we walk, Janine.  There are those we walk with that need their mother. Do not shy away from this walk for it is of great grace that my nurture flows through you.   The dilemma is one where you cannot know who is ready to be fed and who is not. To see the fruit you must first feed the seed

Do Not Cover Over the Smile of Peace

 Janine, my child, come and trust. Come and give over yourself to me and to the River of the I Am. Come and let go for all is noise around you. Come and allow me to take you into the River of the I Am. Be of my heart that fills you with patience and fortitude that you may walk with me knowing that you are never alone. Come and let us commune where the noise cannot be. The noise is loudest upon your awakening but it cannot take hold. The noise clangs its silliness. Pay no heed as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where you find respite.  Hear my words that are of love and only love. Taste my nurture that fills you with the Light within the River of the I Am. Hear the soft voice of Jesus that halts all but peace for you are graced to have His peace. As we move deeper into the River of the I Am, hear Jesus and take in the flow of His love through us as we commune.  I cannot take away the noise within the outside world. But it is halted here within the River. By the River of

Jesus Seeks to Carry Our Burdens for Us

 Child, come and let go of yourself into my heart. Take in my heart and my hold. Take in the love that is of the River of the I Am. Today, my child, we commune within the effortlessness of God's graces. No need to make effort for all of God's love flows within us so that we may know Him. God's love has shown us His Glory.  By God's hand we are mother and child forever. To be your mother and mother to all is of great grace. God's love for all has no bounds and His love makes all effortless. By His Son, all is held in effortlessness. By our yes God knows we are committed to walk with Jesus. To give to Jesus is to give all that He may carry our burdens. To walk with Jesus is to give our yes to seek to give to others what we have. Jesus seeks to carry our burdens for us. To say yes is to allow Jesus to send His Holy Spirit into the world to gather children into the River of the I Am. Jesus seeks to carry all burdens for all children. Janine, your love and patience is kn

Our Love Has No Bindings

 Child, I hold your smile to my heart. As we take this day and commune here within the River of the I Am, feed on my joy. I take joy in being with you in this time and in this way. I love you beyond measure. No one can take what we have. Do not take into account any noise today for I am your mother for always. The noise cannot invade when we give it no attention.   By my yes I gave birth to Jesus that we may have what we have for Eternity. My Son has given us the grace to know love and only love. You have been graced to love with no boundaries or expectations. Yes, my child, you are human and you have what you call imperfections. But know this, Janine, Jesus uses no such words for He came to love within all imperfections. By God's hand you have choice. You can say yes and no without the bindings of the noise. We walk into the world to give others what we have.  Jesus is with us and we have His Holy Spirit to walk with us. You are excited about the day as I am excited to walk with y

We Meet Jesus Within the Void

 Good morning, my child, come and be with me in this holy space that is of Jesus who flows within us within the River of the I Am where His promise of peace flows forth from. Come and let go of all that you may receive all of the River of the I Am. Your dream of last night showed you the "test" that you chose not to take. Others had taken the test and learned of the value of the body in knowing the spirit within. Others were learning what you know. There was no need for you to take the test but it reminded you of the ways of the body.  Your dream also reminded you of how you "chose" to give Jesus your angst in your yesterday. You had invoked Jesus in your angst and He took you into the void where He abides. The void of nothingness is where you allow God to share His Peace with you.  Your mind was very scattered with the noise of the day and your body needed to be engaged with Jesus to return to the place of His peace. To obtain the peace of Jesus is to engage with H

Come and Play as the Child on Holiday

 Child, come and be of my heart at this Tabernacle that is of you and me. I am never far from you for I abide within your depths as does all of the River of the I Am. Today is a holiday for you and me. Let us be as one just the two of us.  Let us play as the children on holiday. Let us be mother and child in play. Your dream of last night showed you the preparations of letting go of a part that was not of play. We gave that part a special letting go with a bedding special to her to make her comfortable in her last moments. The flowers of the bedding were of her. She held the flowers while you grew to this place. Come and play, Janine. Play as the child who has no fears or frets of boundaries. Let us dance in a dance of mother and child for you have grown in the ways of play. By day's end you shall be tired from play. But know this, Janine, what has been let go of has gained you the ways of play.

The Right Proportions of Self Love and Love of Others

 Child, come and be with me here at this Tabernacle. Come and let go of yourself. Come and know your dreams are making you whole all the more and more. Come and be filled with my love that flows here within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be of peace for your dreams carry love and not anger. Though your dreams appear to be painful from the surface of the River of the I Am, know that they are making you whole for your dreams have a deeper meaning than on the surface. In the dream you are telling one part that you are loving and want to be loving with aid and time towards others and at the same time there is an equal part telling of the need for care of your own self and being and body. Janine, this is the way of your days with me and Jesus.  We walk to give to others what you have received. We also walk to be sure that you are filled with love for yourself. Love must flow both ways to be of God's love and only love. Today, Janine, is a day for us to walk as one in love

Only God can see the "Whole Story"

  Janine, my child, I am with you. I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle. I love you in all parts. I love you for who you are and how you are growing. Growing never ends when you are of the yes.  I am pleased that your heart is joyful. I show you the beauty of God's love within the world.  There are those who wish to take away your peace for there are those who wish you to join them in anger and hatefulness. Do not purchase such calls for they rise from the noise that carries the misguidedness of God's love. Take in the view here within this Tabernacle. Take in all who pass by. How can you judge the heart of another when you see only the clothing? How can you judge the heart of another when you see only the face of pain and fear and the resulting anger that covers pain and fear? You cannot see through to the soul until another shares it with you. Even then, only God can see the whole story of pain and misguidedness noise that has held the soul hostage. Let this truth

We Carry The Peace of Jesus in Spite of all Pain and Evil

 Child, come. I am pleased that you arrive here each day to begin the day with me and attend to this Tabernacle where your heart and soul abide with me. Today, I fill you that you may enter the outside world with me where we witness to those placed before us. We witness to the world that all may be written into the Book of Life.  Firstly, however, you must be filled that you may be renewed in the ways of my love and my heart. Janine, to do the work of the sacred witness you must be of the River of the I Am where your yes resides and is taken in by God's Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is part of us for we are of the yes. The yes is simple but profound for it raises up the Holy Spirit within us that we may walk into the world armed with the power of love and only love.  Love that flows from the River flows through us and into the world. Take note of the peace that we walk with. Take note of the joy that is deep within your heart. This joy can never be taken away even when there is pain

Rest Grows You In Body and Spirit

 Child of mine. You have awakened with great rest. Your sleep has been met with the dreams of Eternity where your ancestors are and where you are being grown even into Eternity. Come and taste the Light that walks with us and is always with us. Today, as the sun rises, so too are we rising for we are mother and child and I am always with you. There are the times where we commune as now. There are times where I am silent for you must walk the outside world in your body.  But know this, I am always with you and in you and through you even in those times as well. Even as you sleep we are mother and child as designed by God. Our design is to be of God's will. True joy and peace are known from Jesus who has given us Eternity. Your dream has grown you for this is the way of your yes. Your dream has shown you how rest grows. In your dream you were sleeping for a time and when you awoke you were in the place of those who went before you. Confusion turned to an awakenness that rest was the

The Chains Placed Upon You Are Being Lifted

 Child, come and let us commune within the River of the I Am. Come and know the peace that is beyond the noise. Come and know the Light of my womb. Come and commune with all of the River of the I Am in the song of songs. Today is another day to love and be loved. Today is another day to carry joy into the world with me. Today is another day to be of gratitude for what we have. Today is another day to be of the sacred witness where we witness in the name of our Father and Creator, our God. As you awaken on this new day, take note of the beauty within you and surrounding you. Take note that your day is being written into the Book of Life. Take in what we have for it is also being written into the Book of Life. Your dream showed you a part of your story that has been written into the Book of Life for it showed you the path that your childhood took and the ways of fear and worry and trepidation. To be married was of great danger in those times for you were told that marriage was of evil an

See as Love Sees

 Child, come and be mine. Come and know how much you are loved. As we commune, know that love grows love. Our love for each other cannot remain stagnant for love grows more love. Our love is being spread for this is the way of love and only love. Our love moves us into Eternity. Love is always young for it sees as a child with eyes wide and opened and naked to being loved and loving.  Anger and hate grow you old and decrepit. You age with hate. You become an elder in love.  Love sees outside itself into the world of God's creations. Love widens the eyes while anger and hate close off to the beauty of God's creations. Love seeks to preserve while anger and hate seek to destroy. Love sees others as brother and sister. Love holds close the ways of sisterhood and brotherhood by calling all into the brotherhood of God. Brotherhood has no gender or class requirements other than love.  Love knows it is small but powerful. Hate sees itself as powerful but is small for it sees not the b

We Are Graced to be Mother and Child

 Child, come and let go of  yourself that we may enter into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of God's plan for us. You are a child of God as all children are. I am neither above nor below you. You are loved as I am loved. Your design is to be of love and only love as my design is to be of love and only love. I am graced to be the mother of the Son of Man. You are graced to be my child. Life need be no more complicated than love and only love. When we commune here within these depths you see love and only love. There are no judgments and no boundaries to bind or hide from the truth. Jesus came to be of love and only love to show how graced we all are to be given life. God became man in the name of Jesus that we may all see and taste His love while within the body. Janine, you are loved greatly and you are designed to be of love and only love. When you shed your body you shall see God's love sans the noise.  Come and let us walk this new day in lov

The Walls are Becoming Thinner and Thinner

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to me with the clear choice to do so. I am pleased that  you come to this Tabernacle to be with me and to be filled and to grow in the ways of God's Kingdom. The wall between us gets thinner and thinner each day, for as you commune with me, you see all of the Heavens clearer and clearer. The walls between you and those of Eternity become thinner and thinner for you grow in the beauty and splendor of love and only love. This day you see the wall becoming thinner and thinner between you and me and Jesus and Eternity. To see all becoming thinner is to not grow old but grow in the ways of the endless and boundless beauty of the Kingdom of God. Each day you awaken and say loudy, "I choose to believe." Each day you say out loud to me , "I choose you, Mother. I choose you Jesus." This, my child, grows you in faith for you say to all of the Heavens that you clearly choose the walk we walk and you choose clearly to believe ev

We Are of God's Cloth

 My child, come to me and sign yourself with the sign of the Cross for it is by Jesus that we have what we have, Let us commune in the oneness of our Creator who gave us His Son that we might know love and only love.  To be embedded with God's seed gives us the wonder of being all of one cloth. To be embedded with God's seed is to be given all choices for to truly choose Him is to make the clear choice to do so. God's children have many choices closed to them for there are many choices unknown or taken from them. But know this, my child, the day shall come when all shall see clearly for the veil of misguidedness shall fall. To be embedded with God's seed allows for the soul to be awakened to Him. This is the hope that is over the Earth. Hope is the knowing that deep inside is God's seed within us. Janine, my child, to see God as outside of you is to take no ownership of being of God's cloth. To be awakened to the seed within you is to come to see God and take ow

Love Your Given Name

 Good morning, Janine. I call you by name that you may know how much you are loved. Your name has been given you by those responsible for your care. Love the name given you for it is loved within the Heavens. As a child, you learned to hate your name for it was attached to hurt and pain. Today, Janine, I use your name and use love to announce your name within the Heavens. Your name is attached to love. Your name is attached to my heart. Your name is attached to your Book of Life. Jesus shall announce you by your name, Janine. I remind you of the attachment that I have given to your name which is the name of Janine of the Order of Bernadette. My love for you is known within the Heavens. Today, we honor your name. Today, as the sun rises, so too, we rise to be of gratitude for your very being. You were meant to enter Eternity with the name of Janine. Those who have gone before you shall be of the witnesses when you enter Heaven.  Janine, my child, you shall be known as Janine even into E

The Noise Has Been Wounded

 Child of mine. Come and awaken to me at this Tabernacle. I come and awaken you to our communion that is of God for it is by God's hand that we have this Tabernacle. Come and know the peace that is of Jesus. Your dream came to show you the ways of those parts that must be seen. There is the one part who is refusing to take on another's noise. There is another part that must flee from the noise of the world. All parts came to show you the ways of the noise that you are refusing to do business with. It is a difficult task to run from the noise alone. You are not alone, Janine. You are always with Jesus even in your dreams. You were shown your fortitude and commitment to Jesus that requires fortitude for the noise is loudest when it fears being lost to the peace of Jesus. Even in your peace the noise was clanging.  Janine, I make it simple for you. The noise in your dream was addressed directly. You told the noise that no one can control your choices. You told the noise that it mu

I Love Being With You

My child, you are here. I am pleased that you are here and I thank you for being here for we are able to commune in the ways of mother and child by your yes to me. Janine, you could have said no to your attendance to this Tabernacle and I would not judge your no. You must know how I love being with you. As you love to be with yours, so too I l ove being with you and attending to you. Love does not control, ever. Love holds and builds. Love does not destroy. Love does not judge. I love you with a love that cannot be broken. Trust me and know I am your mother. I await your attendance that I may hold you and help you grow. I do not hold you back from what you call mistakes. Mistakes are growths for when you review all each night with Jesus you are shown how to grow in the ways of love and only love. Never do you feel judged, Rather, you are grateful to be shown the ways of growth. You cannot grow when you are not shown the ways of love and only love. You grow when you

Do Not Rush Through Your Day

Come, my child, and know my love for you. Janine, My child, how great is our relationship. Take note of how I listen and hear you in all parts. Take note of how you are heard. In the inch and moment you speak to me I hear you. I hear from the depths of your heart that loves and is loved. To know at your very core that you are loved by me and Jesus is to know Jesus. Love is yours for you love from the view of the River of the I Am. To seek only to witness from the view of the River of the I Am is to be of God's will for His will for you is to only love. Love the day with no matter the noise. Love what you do for each day need only be walked from love. Love seeks only to move through the inch and moment for within each inch and moment the miracles of God's love show themselves. No more need to rush through the day with your mind ahead of you rather than with you. No More need to become fretful for when you are in this inch and moment fret cannot take hold.  Let us walk today in t

God's Love Shines on the Good and Evil

 Child, come and rest with me for I come to give rest, nurture and hold you within this Tabernacle. I Give you my heart that loves and holds and gives you myself that you may know how much you are loved. Today finds you in love with me and with Jesus. You are wrapped in joy this new day for you have put aside the noise that you may be of your design. You were designed to take in all that is good within your surroundings. In spite of the noise you carry the peace as promised by Jesus. You are discovering, as the loved child discovers, the newness and excitement of the day. Janine, my child, where there was once fear and hiddenness within you there is now joy and a nakedness to be of your design. There is joy in discovery of the ways of the beauty of God's world.  The world was not meant to hurt you. It was meant to bring the joy you feel today in spite of the noise and evil within the world.  God did not intend such pain and evil. God so loves that His love shines on the good and ev

All Shall Come to Know Jesus

 Child, come and be known to me and to all of the River of the I Am. There are those who have joined the yes and are a part of the River of the I Am for they have come to see what you see and taste what you taste. This Tabernacle draws us into communion. By God's grace we are of this Tabernacle. You are mine by God's grace. Love has no boundaries to bind. Love knows the soul of another exists and seeks to commune with the soul of others. To know the soul of others is to know God for each soul has God within. The soul cannot be contaminated. The soul shall make the choice of the yes or no for all else holds noise. True choice cannot be made with any noise.  You must come to open your heart so that your soul may be exposed to the light of day. When the heart is opened and the soul is exposed then true choice is opened as well. To choose Jesus is to know Jesus. To choose the no when the soul is opened is to come to know Jesus as well.  Those of the evil shall one day see their own

The Naked Choice Shall Be Made

 Child, come and as you sign yourself with the yes of the Cross, know that I take you into the River of the I Am. You have chosen this, my child. You have opened your heart where the true yes abides. Jesus and I have heard your yes. Upon your awakening this new day your voice and heart made the choice to choose Jesus again. You have recommitted to God for what you do with Jesus is done with God. Janine, to be so free to choose is to choose without the noise that carries guilt, worry, fear and trepidation.  The deepest parts of you have opened and made the choice to choose God. You have been opened and awakened to all choices for there were choices held from you out of fear, worry and trepidation. You cannot truly choose God when parts are held back out of fear, worry and trepidation. Today, my child, is a new day with a nakedness of all parts that your choice may be truly made without the noise. I also chose without the noise for to be the mother of all there could be no noise to invad

To Know Your Soul is to Know God

 Child, it is a new day and you have come to me at this Tabernacle that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and know that I awaken you to my heart on this new day. Come and taste the goodness here within the River of the I Am. To take leave of the world and the noise is to be still of heart and soul where God abides within.To take leave of the noise is to find joy, peace and trust in the promises of God. Today finds you deep within your heart and soul where you hear and taste all that is of God. The mystical body of God is the River of the I Am where all flow with no noise to counter the love and only love of God. To be of this time and space is the great gift of grace. To attend to your soul is to know it is your soul that knows God for the two were once one. To be in touch with your soul is to know where it came from for it is hidden no longer. To know your own soul is to know God. To know God in intimacy is to know your soul has opened. To be of this depth has gaine

I Come to Add to You

 Child, come and trust in this Tabernacle. Trust that what we have is of the grace of the River of the I Am. I come to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where faith and trust in the Covenant abide. Today is a new day in the flow towards the New earth. Do not let fear take you. Trust in my words that give you the love and only love of my heart. I do not come to chastise. I do not come to take you over. Rather, I come to take you into my heart where we walk as one. I do not come to take away. Rather, I come to add for when we walk as one we walk with the power of the River of the I Am. I come to add to you rather than take away.  The River grows as you grow for you add more and more power to the River through love. Love grows you. Love fills you that you may fill others with the ways of  love and only love. Janine, be of the peace as promised by my Son who has sealed the Covenant between God and man. Be of the peace of Jesus for it is He who gave up Himself that you and I

As We Give We Receive

 Child, come and be mine. Come and place yourself here before me that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with our Father and Creator. We commune with Jesus, our Savior and guide as well as all of the yes. The River of the I Am is for all. The River of the I Am is the power that moves us towards the New Earth. Come, Janine, and let us make this day holy. Come and let us walk in the ways of love and only love. Come, and know that as we give, we receive for to give with an open and loving heart is to receive the grace to come to know God all the more and more. To love with no boundaries or exceptions is to see Jesus as He truly is. To love with no regard as to return is to receive the body and blood of Jesus, our Savior. As we give we receive. To give with no holdings is to love as Jesus loves. To hear with no ownership is to love as Jesus loves. Come and ponder the gifts of giving and receiving.

iday, November 4, 2022

Jesus, the Man

 Child, breathe in my love and this Tabernacle for we are on holy ground. Breathe in the beauty of God's love for us. You are in your body and yet you have the ability to be in the mystical with me. Your soul has met God and has given you much in the way of knowing. Today is a day of grace for we have what we have. Let us use this time and space to be mother and child before God. Just as in your dream, the man (Jesus) guided you on your way with safety within the dark. You knew not the face of this man but he honored you in the ways of space to be, safety and the ways of intimacy with him. The man (Jesus) gave you his attention and love. You could see the love in his eyes. He honored your body and soul. He honored your walk with Him. He was in the body of a man so that you could see the many sides of Him. Walk this knowing today and make the face of Jesus known . He has many faces but His eyes and countenance are always the same.  He is loving. He gives His attention and He honors.

You Cannot Separate Yourself From Me

 Child of mine, I love you. I am pleased that we have this Tabernacle as destined by God. I am humble in the wake of the River of the I Am for by my Son's design we have what we have. No need to worry what others may make of this Tabernacle for you and I know how precious is this time and space. How precious it is to be mother to you that I may be with you and feed you with my love.  Janine, my child, when you listen with the naked heart and soul you hear me. When you open your body to the taste of love you taste my love. When you learned of the scent within your deepest parts your senses were  expanded to take in the scent of love and only love. My dear child, what we have is of the will of God. What we have cannot be denied nor taken away. What we have leaves us as one for you carry my heart. You cannot take yourself out of this union. Your yes is of great value in the eyes of God for to give yourself over to God is to make clear you are of the want to love and only love. You can

The Truth of the Physical and Mystical

 Child, I welcome you here at this Tabernacle.  I welcome you here within the River of the I Am. Come and be awakened on this new day of Our Lord, Jesus. Come and know how much you are loved. On this new day you have awakened to our prayers together as we pray for all of my children that they may come to have what we have. To open to God is to open to what truly is deep within your loins. Your body is the vessel by which you find God. Your heart and soul are eternal but have grounding in the body for the body is what traverses the outside world. How silly are some of my children for they see not eternal, but rather, see only their body that shall leave the heart and soul behind one day. To see God is to know the truth that you are eternal. To see God is to know the beauty of the all of you which is the physical and mystical for you are both.  The truth shall set you free. The truth is the knowing that deep within you is where God resides. Your soul is but a tiny part of your physical b

The Sense of Knowing

 Good morning, Janine. I take you into the River of the I Am and place you into my heart that, as each day moves forward, you are more and more of love and intimacy with Jesus. You taste Jesus within you for hope is the fruit of your yes.  Each day you awaken with the Holy Spirit running through your veins. Each day you are the more excited to know your inner and outer world. Janine, hope is the fruit of discovering your design al the more and more.  As the sun rises hope is more and more. You pay attention to what is inside of you. You pay attention to the beauty of God's gifts in the outside world as well. As each fear and angst arises it is easier and easier to give it to God where it need not enter your day for any length of time. God's love for you is sensed. You have discovered the beauty of God's Garden and all of its beauty within your day. God's garden has scent. God's garden within the world has wholeness for in wholeness you rediscover who you are each da