
Showing posts from February, 2022

Come and Be Armed with Peace and Fortitude

  Child, come and allow me to take you into my heart. You are in need of your mother. Come and allow me to take you where the noise cannot abide. Come and take in my nurture that fills you with the love that counters all noise and all evil. Today finds you in need of my nurture.  Slow all down and take in the restful and effortless flow of the River of the I Am that holds us in the communion of mother and child. Janine, it takes but this inch and moment to release you from the noise.  Rest in the glory of God's River where there is no need to work. All need be done is to let go of all that all may be given you. How silly are the many who seek not the comfort of the promises of Jesus who gives us His peace. Peace is the fodder that grows you. Peace is the sign post that you are walking with me and all of the River of the I Am. Peace is the fruit of our communion. There now, my child, you are peaceful again. Your sleep was restless for the noise was loud. It may seem as though the no

" I leave You My Peace. My Peace I give you."

 Child, I hear you and I am here awaiting your call and your attendance to this Tabernacle. Come, my dearest child, and know the love of my heart and my arms and my being for we commune in the ways of mother and child as destined by God. Today is anew and the Light shines through us for the Light of my womb flows through the River of the I Am and throughout the world. Come and warm yourself before the Light.  The Light is Jesus who comes to warm the hearts of all of God's children. We are but conduits for His warmth and everlasting love.  Janine, the world may not understand love without judgment for the world operates on the ways of the noise which holds the many of the ego minds. The ego minds gather for they have power in the many. It is easy to see that many of the ego minds gathered together boast of righteousness but it is righteousness that is of great misguidedness for they declare war rather than declare the peace of Jesus. We walk as one in the peace that declares war nev

The Fruits of Your Opened Soul

 Child of mine, I greet you on this new day of Our Lord and Father.  Come and be known for to be known is to know how much you are loved by all of the River of the I Am. You are of great value for you are of God. You must always carry this awareness within your constitution for God places great value on all of His children. The lesson on this new day is to trust what is in your soul. Never doubt the soul. The fruits of the soul are the connection to me and to all of the River of the I Am. The fruits of the soul are a connection to all of mankind for the soul displaces no one and accepts all. The fruits of the soul are awarenesses of Jesus for to have the soul opened is to communicate with Jesus who is our Savior and the One who shall show you the way and the truths of the Kingdom. To know Jesus is to know that God became man that we may all have Eternal life. The fruits of your soul contain the knowing that hope is within your loins with no matter the ways of the noise. The fruits of y

Grow and Engage Your God

 Child, let go of all that you may be prepared to enter this Tabernacled emptied for I, your mother, fill you in all parts that you may be renewed. Come and be renewed in the ways of the River of the I Am. The lesson this day is to take in the breath of the River Of the I Am. Take in the breath that takes us into the realm of the mystical. Take in the realm of God who is the River of the I Am. Take in the scent of God's Garden. Take in the beauty before you. Take in the love that flows with only love and where the power of God's love begins and ends with the River of the I Am. The yes of any child enlarges and grows the power of the River of the I Am. The yes need not be of any other condition but the yes. To be of the yes is to open the heart to the possibility of something greater than the you alone. The yes is a yes of a maturity that has grown itself to ask the question of something other than self and other than this world alone. To ask the question is to seek. To seek is

The Noise Runs to the Rear when the Heart is in the Fore

 Child, come and let go of the noise that clangs all around you. Come and let us commune in the ways of the mystical body of God that is the River of the I Am. Come and fret not any noise for it cannot harm you. With your yes the noise has been exposed for what it is. It is just noise that seeks to take you away from what we have. The noise clangs with attempts to interrupt what we have. The noise knows your parts and what you call weaknesses and attacks them with noise.  The noise says you are not good enough. The noise uses your weaknesses to tell you there is nothing after this life. The noise attempts to make the small miracles too small to be of God. The noise uses others to attempt to carry you into the depths of despair where hopelessness lives. The noise has been exposed and it can no longer take you away from this Tabernacle. The noise has been exposed and it has lost its power over you. The noise runs from you when you speak of the ways of the heart for it cannot stand the he

Beware of the one who uses the Language of Superiority

Good morning, my child. Come and be with me in this holy space. Come and know how much you are loved and attended to. This time is for you and me. Leave all else behind. Let the noise fall away as we move deeply into the depths of your own soul where the River of the I Am flows. Janine, there are many that do not hear God for they only hear themselves speak and only hear the ego mind within themselves.  There are many who pretend to hear others and God but gather themselves to speak without hearing for to hear you must listen.  How can someone hear God when they only hear themselves?  There are many who do not listen. Their hearts are closed and they believe they need not hear for they allow their ego mind to convince them that they are above God. In the name of a god they attempt to convince you and others that they are superior and have all the answers to the truths of God and worldly life. Janine, my child, this is the way of misguidedness. Beware of the one who uses the l

Humbleness Gives all Credit to God

  Child, make the sign of the Cross this day as you enter this Tabernacle that you may be reminded that it is by the life and death of my Son that we have what we have. Come and be of humbleness in knowing it is by Jesus that we are in communion on this most precious day.. Humbleness is the  knowing you are of God and it is by His Son that we walk in the boldness of His hand on us. To be humble is not to place your head down, but rather, hold your head up that you may see in the eyes of another with the love of God who is within us.  To be humble is to walk in the knowing that you are not alone and that God is working through us that we may open the hearts of others. To see another with the humbleness of love seeks to see with the eyes of the heart that another may see God through us. We walk in humbleness of heart that others may be nurtured for the nurtured heart opens to its God and to its design. This day shall shake the foundations of those who claim to be humble but see not in an

God Cherishes Each of His Creations

 Janine, I ask you only to come to me and attend to your own soul. I take you into my heart that your soul may remain in the opened position where we commune within the River of the I Am. We commune as one with all of the yes.  God has made His Covenant with Man and as such all are of one cloth for all have the seed of God within them. The Covenant has been sealed by the yes of my Son to be the Son of Man. God's only Son has taken on the sins of all that we may all have the clear choice to choose Him or not choose Him in the next life.  The Covenant between God and man shall never be broken and can always be counted on for God sent His only Son to redeem all of His children. Not one child shall be discounted. If God, our Father can make such a covenant that all men are of equal and great value than we as human beings must come to see each other as brother and sister in God's eyes. Ponder this lesson, Janine, for God does not make any child above another nor below another. God c

The Gates of Heaven are Opened by the Heart

 Child, open yourself to me. Let go of yourself for me that I may enter and fill you with my love, nurture and attention for I am your heavenly mother who comes to fill you as well as all of my children. I await the yes of my children that they may have what we have. Janine, each time a heart opens it opens to its heavenly mother and heavenly Savior and heavenly Father. To be of the heavenly is to be opened of heart where you taste the ways of the heavenly family. To be a part of the heavenly family is to come to know Eternity.   To be of the heavenly is to grow yourself in the ways of my Son, who by His walk on Earth, showed you the way and the truths of Eternity and the gates of Heaven. The gates of Heaven lie deep within your own soul. The gates of Heaven are opened by the heart. My child, it was the heart that first knew of God. It is the heart that holds the seed of God. It is the heart, that when opened, becomes the conduit to opening the soul where God and soul are reunited in G

Evil Shall One Day Fall

 Child, take the breath that lets go of all. Allow yourself to let go of any expectations, wants or desires. I am here to fill you within this Tabernacle on this new day where we commune in the newness of the day and where there is a new foundation built on your yesterday. "The sun shines on the good and evil," my child. The day rises on the foundations built by the yesterdays for good and for evil.  You have found the path to the truth and the way.  Your yes builds the foundations of love and only love. Your foundations rise on solid ground each day. Your heart is opened to me and to the River of the I Am. Let our day begin with our communion. Allow your heart to be opened and allow your soul to be naked where you and God unite. Allow your foundation to build today with God that your tomorrow may rise onto higher ground. For those who build upon evil, they may have foundations built day by day but these foundations are not built on solid ground. There shall be the one day wh

God Presents Himself Within the Small

 Child, awaken to me and to the River of the I Am. Come, and as you place yourself before me, know that you are mine and know that I shall never leave you. I await your attendance each day just as you await my attention, nurture and renewal in the ways of the River of the I Am. What appears to be small to the many is very large when you know God for God's miracles show themselves in the small. You no longer wait not upon the large, my child. Rather, you wait upon the small in each new day. The miracles come to you in the small ways of the day. The many of my children seek the large miracles to find God but they seek not a relationship with Him. To ask for the large is to not know God. I say this to you in a loud and clear voice, my child.  The many would not even believe the large miracles for their eyes cannot see when they seek not a personal relationship with God. Can you say you are in relationship with another when you know not the other?  There are those who seek God and ask

Rise Up

 Child, rise up and be known. Rise up and attend to your soul. Rise up and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune and where you are prepared to move into the world with me. Rise up and taste goodness. Rise up and live, love and be kind to all that we meet this new day. Rise up and do not allow the noise to take you down. Rise up and do not allow others to destroy what we have. Rise up and do not allow the news of the day to deter you from our walk to gather those who seek the peace of my Son. Rise up and witness to the news of the day but do not allow it to own you for only God's love within the River of the I Am can move the dangers of the news of the day from hopelessness to hopefulness. Rise up and know you carry the sword of love that counters all war. Rise up and know you are mine. Rise up and know you are of God. Rise up and walk with me with the power of the River of the I Am where Jesus is the sword that shall conquer all. Love is not war, my

The Opened Soul Sees all Choices

 Child, come and taste the freedom to be naked and opened in all parts. Come and commune with me for I am your mother who loves you, holds you, nurtures you and judges you never. I am your mother by the design of our Father and Creator.  Take note of the way of your heart that now operates in accordance with your soul. Perfection is not possible, my child, but to seek to operate in accordance with your soul is to seek out God for God and soul are connected.  The soul is of God's seed.  You are learning that to be opened to your soul is to know God works through this nakedness where you are not hiding any parts. On this new day, take in this depth where we move beyond the noise and where your soul is freed to be.  Again, my child, it is not perfection, but it is a knowing and communion with the One who Created you.  To be at such a depth is to taste God who loves you with no judgments and no expectations other than to open to your soul where all your choices lie before you. There ar

It Was Jesus Who Showed You the Way

 Child of mine, you are mine and you are loved beyond measure. Come, and as we move deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am,  know that your love for me is known. Know that your hands move with the rhythm of my heart on this new day of our Lord and Creator. The lesson this new day is to know that as you come to me each day, you are prepared to walk with me into the world. You begin each new day in prayer with me as we commune in the mystical ways of mother and child. You come to me in a nakedness that allows me to prepare you in many ways. I engage you in the ways of preparing you for as we walk into this new day you must be prepared to counter the noise for the noise shows itself in ways you have not encountered as of yet. I prepare you to keep your heart in the opened position with no matter the noise. I give you view of your yesterday where the noise asked you to be of judgment in the name of being helpful.  It was Jesus who showed you the way of the witness that countered t

The Great Teacher was First the Great Student

 Child, come and take rest here within the River. Come and be fed by my heart and my nurture and my attention.  Come, and as you let go of the surface of the River of the I Am, take in all that flows through us as we move deeper into the depths of God's graces. Today finds you in awareness of those judgments that are made according to your shaping and learning. Your dream showed you the ways of those judgments that lurk in the background. As you held such a judgment of another based on your past learning, you were given the view of the soul of that other where you were faced with your misguidedness. You were given view of a soul that you had previously completely misjudged. Your heart felt joy for you were able to make right with this other. By seeing past the misguidedness you saw the beauty and love of this gentle soul. Janine, my child, stay awake this day for you shall become the student that you may become the teacher. As we walk with others this day you shall be awakened to t

"Take My Yoke Upon You"

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me. Let go and place yourself before this Tabernacle that you may be prepared to enter this holy space. Come and with your yes to me join me in communion. Come and take the breath and leap into the nothingness that allows me to take you up into my heart where all is lost and all is gained. To give up yourself requires the yes to me and to Jesus and to the River of the I Am. To give up yourself requires the awareness that, rather than lose yourself, you gain more of yourself when you let go.  Your joy, peace, faith and trust are gifts of this awareness for to truly accept the gifts of the Covenant requires the understanding that there are parts that must become naked and emptied that the whole may see the light of day. The Kingdom requires only the letting go into the arms of Jesus.  There are the many who know Him not for they do not seek relationship with Him. In your review with Jesus you saw Him as he picked you up and helped you to traverse the

Take Note of the Ways of Your Heart

 Child, let go and know that it is I within the River of the I am that boldly takes you into my heart that we may move deeply into the River of the I Am. On this new day I say boldly for the noise is loud and you are in need of being removed from it. By your yes, I am your mother who shall always take you into my heart.  What I do for you, I have come to do for all of my children. Now that we are in this peaceful and joyful place, rest and be filled and be attended to. You are my child and I know you in all parts and all places. This time is for you and me. When it is time we shall share it. But for now, my child, be still and be filled and attended to. Taste the breath that we share. Take in the flow of the River that flows through us. Take in the love of my Son whose love flows through all things here within the River for all is touched by His saving blood. Take note of the ways of your heart that has given itself to me that I may fill you. As the infant feeds on its mother, so too y

From Dust to Ashes to Life

 Janine, my child, come and rest within my heart that draws you close as we flow deeper into the River of the I Am. The view upon your awakening has shown you that you were made from the dust of God where your seed was placed within you. The view also showed you that you lived a life that was filled with your story of becoming of your design as God has intended. The view showed you the ways of what the world calls death and where you become of the ashes of the earth.  But, my child, the view ended not there. You witnessed to the knowing that from the ashes you shall rise and become of forever where life begins anew. Your earthly life becomes not of ashes, but rather, becomes the rising of your new life. You are being taught not to fear the end of this life, but rather, to seek to live this life to the fullest until it is time to move on to God's promise of everlasting life. The view of this knowing took but an instant.  In that instant you were filled with the taste of Jesus who sh

Join the Effortless Flow of The River of the I Am

 Child, you come to me in this new day and present yourself to me that I may take you into my heart and show you the way and the truth of who you are and who God is. Come and be taken into the depths of the River where you see and taste God's graces upon us. Allow me to slow all down for you. To slow all down is to breathe the air of the River for the River flows with the air of the mystical body of God. Here within the River time has no place for it has no matter.  Here within the River where all is slowed there is no need to make effort for the River takes us in its effortless flow.  Take in the wonderment of what we have. Take in the beauty of God's Garden. Make no effort for to do so is to miss what God has prepared for you. Take in the peace that has no effort. Take in the Love that flows through you just as the breath flows within you and through you. Take in the wonderment of all that flows here with no boundaries. Rush not into your day. This time is of you and me. Allo

The Ways of Motherhood

 Child, come and taste the love of my heart as I take you deep into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. Come and let go with the breath that empties you of all the I may fill you with the all of me.   To be filled within these depths is to know and taste my love. To be filled with my heart is to know my Son for I bear His seal. To be filled is to grasp the nature of the love that flows within the River of the I Am.  To be filled with my heart is to know the ways of motherhood without the constraints of the boundaries that bind you to the Earth. To be filled with my love gains you the awareness of how motherhood loves without any judgments or control. When you love in the ways of motherhood here within the River of the I Am you learn that motherhood has no matter to color, race or gender for motherhood here within the River, nurtures, fills, attends to and holds in an eternal loving embrace. You shall walk with me in this new day and you shall see the ways of motherhoo

You Shall know the Noise by Its Fruit

 Child of mine, come and rest knowing I take you into my heart that flows within the River of the I Am. Rest in the knowing that we commune here in the effortlessness of God's love. Rest in the knowing that you are witness to the Eternal Garden of our Father and Creator. Rest in the knowing that love and only love is the fodder that grows you in the ways of the Kingdom. The Kingdom does not exist in the outside world for the outside world contains the noise that counters the Kingdom. The noise gathers unto itself with the lies and misguidedness since the time of Adam and Eve. Do not take any grand news from the noise that attempts to cast itself as holy.  Keep your eyes on The River of the I Am and my heart and Jesus for these are the only sources of the truth. Only the River which flows in God's will and love can gain you the truth for the River holds the Light of God and the Light of His Son.   Now that you taste the Light and the Garden within the River of the I Am the noise

The More I Lose Myself the More I Gain Myself

 Child, come and be filled with me. Come and know my nurture, attention and love deep within your depths.  Here within these depths we commune in the ways of our Father who has designed us. Be still of heart and soul and take note of how opened you are to me and to Jesus and to all that is within the River of the I Am. Take note that we move from the surface where you place yourself before me at this Tabernacle. Take note of the movement of your heart and soul as we move deeper and deeper into the River. Take note of how you lose yourself within me. This is the way of our journey for each day you move deeper and each day you lose yourself all the more that you may gain all the more and more of wholeness that expands and makes naked the more and more of you. Janine, my child you ask how is it that the more I lose myself the more I gain myself? The answer lies within you. Take in how much more you see, taste, smell and feel yourself in the wholeness that is grown within you each new day.

The Labor of Joy

 Janine, you come to me at this Tabernacle with the labor of joy. You come to me that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune and where you are prepared to walk into the world with me in the labor of Joy. When we walked in your yesterday joy filled your heart for you let go of being drawn into the noise that wishes to leave out your joy.  The joy you arose with today is the knowing that you were coming to me to be attached and commune with me. The labor of joy is within our walk for what others would call labor we call the labor of joy. When you work with me and the Holy Spirit and Jesus you walk in joy. On this new day your hands dance in joy as you write my words. Your fear that others may judge this as the labor of folly is no more.  I am pleased that you come to me to be prepared to labor in joy for joy cannot be manufactured as the noise would have you believe. Rather, the joy and peace that is within you is given you by our Father and Creator who

Let No Man Attempt to Take Away Your Design

 Child, come and place yourself before this Tabernacle. Come with no matter the time or space you are in for this Tabernacle awaits your yes. Place your hands on this Tabernacle and with the humbleness of your heart reach out for me.  Take in the ways of my hands that reach out to greet you and take you into my heart as we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. I am your mother and I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where all are my children by God's hand. The lesson this day is to see me as I truly am. I hold you and embrace what we have. Janine, there are no boundaries that can keep us apart. You need just place your hands on this Tabernacle and here I Am. The world may not understand the ways you hear me and the ways of your hands that write my words. Take no matter what others may say or think or believe for what we have is by God's design. What man can say what is your design? What man can say who you were created to be? What man can judge you in the ways of yo

The Awakening of Hidden Parts

 Child, come and breathe out the breath of letting go and allow me to take you into my heart where we breathe as one within the River of the I Am. Come and let us move deeper into the River of the I Am. Come and take in my heart that gives you my attention, nurture and the ways of the River of the I Am. Your dream of last night gave you view of the letting go of the part of your ego that has made much noise with the need of control over you. You told the noise to go and that you were quite capable of managing the beautiful preparations for a special party yourself.  Janne, my child, the dream came to show you how you made the ego mind move out from the fore of you to the behind of you. As you were preparing to give a party to all of those within your family, the man representing your controlling ego mind, attempted to take over the preparations. You forced the man representing your ego mind to leave and that you were quite capable of making the preparations yourself. Those within your

The Noise Chases You at Your Weakest Points

 Child, come and be known for I awaken you to all that is here for you within this Tabernacle.  Come and empty yourself that I may fill you with the ways of the River of the I Am. Let go of yourself that I may free you from the boundaries that bind you. My dear child, do not fret and take heart for I am your mother who holds you, feeds you and renews you. The noise is loudest upon awakening and it causes you fret for it clangs at you at your weakest parts. Each day your heart awakens to me all the while the noise clangs at you at your weakest points. The noise knows you and our weakest points. You must be prepared to give the noise no attention or time upon awakening. Rather, it is wiser to allow the noise to pass through you with no attention to it. You are learning to give the noise no attention within our walk and now you must give it no attention upon your awakening.  When fear grasps at you as you awaken, rather than give it attention, call on me and there I will be. Janine, my ch

The River Flows to Grow You

 Child, come and place yourself before this Tabernacle. Take the breath that lets go of the outside world and join me within the River of the I Am. Come and let us flow down within the depths of the River where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I fill you with my heart and nurture. Let us take time to rest here within this depth for it fills you more than your yesterday. You have expanded in your yesterday that today may fill you all the more. You shall never be just what you were yesterday for the wisdom of the River has grown you and made your foundation stronger. The lesson this day is simple. Love as you loved yesterday but with the knowing and tasting that you can love even deeper.  When you taste me and Jesus within the inch, take in the love that deepens and grows stronger and then give it away to another and then another. This is the way of the River of the I Am for the River flows to expand and to grow each child that Eternity may be tasted in the outside world as we

Let Others See Your Soul that Holds God's Seed

 My Dear child of mine, take in this Tabernacle that holds you in high regard for you are my child whom I shall hold and love and nurture forever.  I am God's servant who has said yes to be the mother to the Son of Man and therefore my yes moves to being mother to all. Your yes has opened the door to me. The opened door graces you with knowing me. Make no mistake, my child, I am your mother and mother to all with no matter the ways of the yes or no. I shall always hold dear each child for each child holds the seed of God. Could you love any child of yours the less with matter to how you perceive their behaviors? I say to you that there are the many who do so. The many know not to seek to know the heart and soul of my children and shall not know what we have until they see me in the New World.  Each day we walk into the world and you learn of my heart that loves with no matter the outside of any child. Come and let us seek to see others through the eyes of Jesus where we see the sou