
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Truth and Worth of Motherhood

Child of mine, you are of your God who has handcrafted you in His love and image for you are of His seed.  Come and be filled with the Light of my womb for I am mother to the Lamb who has given us this Tabernacle that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. Janine, no more do you need to take in the ways of the noise that place motherhood as inconsequential.  Your heart knows me and I know you for we are mother and child.  You know yours and I know mine through the workings of the heart of my Son who began the flow of the River of the I Am. Come and be awakened to the depths of the great matter of motherhood.  God has given us the way to know Him for to know your child from the view of  the River of the I Am is to truly know your God.  The coverings of the noise of the outside world cannot end or take away what we have. The noise can only mask the truth.  It cannot destroy it. Come and taste your mother.  Come and allow yours to taste me through you.  Love as I love with no mat

The Indigenous Child of God

Child, awaken and attend to your soul for this Tabernacle fills you and your soul that you may give and love this day from the view of my heart which is of the River of the I Am.  Come and know you are loved beyond measure. Your dream showed you the indigenous child that has been freed to go back to her land and has been freed from the control of others.  My child, that young girl is the deepest part of you that holds your seed of God.  She is free and able to dance in the Light with her God.  The dream has shown you the depths of the River of the I Am that you have been taken to that you may be freed from the bonds of your wounds and the control of those who were charged with your care. Take in the love that is anew for yourself this day for the deepest part called Faith is home in her natural habitat which is the space of the freedom and nakedness to be of her true design.  Take in the view of this beautiful child who has donned the clothing of freedom.  Take in the view of the dance

The Old Must be Shed to Make Room for the New

Child, I welcome you into my heart and into the River of the I Am where we commune for we are mother and child in the presence of our Father, the I Am, and the Light of my Son that shines within and without.  Come, rest and take in my love, nurture and attendance to you. Taste the awakening this day for you have been given the dream that takes you deeper into the River of the I Am for what appeared to be broken has been healed and made new.  Child, you could not find your love for he is no longer there. He is made anew.  The old is gone and shed from you that the new may take hold.  Take heart in the knowing that within your dreams the old must be shed that the new may take root.  The tree in God's timing sheds its leaves that the new may come into its place.  Each season must come and go.  The season of your shedding is within you.   Come and take joy in this knowing for your dream was not of judgment, but rather, of shedding. You must shed the old that God may replace it with the

My Touch is For you and Yours

Child, awaken to me this new day.  Come and be filled.  Come and rest with me in this new day of our Father, the I Am. Come and taste the peace that flows between us as we commune in the ways of mother and child.  The day shall gain you more and more of my motherly love.  As you love yours this new day taste the love that flows forth from my heart into yours for they are mine as well.  I am your mother who loves yours. What gains you, my child, is never for  you alone, for yours are touched by what we have and the ways in which we move in the outside world.  Never be alone and never walk without the taste and knowing that I am your mother and mother to yours. Your love is my love.  My love is your love. This is the way of the River of the I Am. Therefore, my child, fret not for yours are under my wings.  Fret not for your prayers are my prayers.  As each new day gains you more of my heart you taste how much love I have for yours.  I walk with each and know each even unto the generation

There Is Enough Food and Love for All

Child, by this Tabernacle we commune for this is the gift of the grace of the River of the I Am.  The River flows within the mystical body of the light of my womb.  Come and take in all that awaits you here within this Tabernacle.   The River of the I Am flows for all.  The River of the I am flows to gather God's children, one by one, that each may come to know the intimate love of our Father and Creator, the I Am. Your dream showed you the way of your witnessing for you raised my children, one at a time that they may see themselves in the ways of the Light of the River.  You championed them to see the the good within themselves.  In the dream you also witnessed to your learning where you needed to take the food of another.  Child, you were taught that even food was not yours.  You were given the name of evil and fed the lies of others. Now, this day anew, you are being fed with the food of life and have no fears of coming to this Tabernacle and taking the food of life.  The young

I Come To Take Away the Noise

Child, let go and allow me to take you into my heart this new day.  Come and be of peace.  Come and be of love.  Come and let us commune within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and taste renewal. Your heart and soul and body need your mother that you may be renewed in love, nurture and attention.  Janine, you have great value even when the noise clangs at you that you have no worth.  Let the noise be the noise and give it no heed for when you keep your heart opened and allow me to navigate for you I take away the noise.  The noise knows you are at your weakest upon awakening.  The noise uses old fears and wounds to keep you in a state of confusion and misguidedness.  Be of gratitude that each day we have this time to commune and awaken you to the River for as your heavenly mother I take away the noise.   My child, when the noise is placed in the rear and not the fore it loses its power.  I show you the way to be of joy and peace and fortitude.  Let the noise be

You Are Safe and Saved Within the River of the I Am

Child, come, slow all done that I may rise up into your heart and awareness for when you attend to this Tabernacle I move from the back to the fore within you.  Come and know me.  Come and know the ways of the Light of my womb for I carry you into the depths of the River of the I Am where all commune in the Light.  Come and dance in the Light.  Come and taste love and only love in the Light.  Taste the ways of the mystical body of God our Father, the I Am. When you let go into my arms here within the River of the I Am all is made simple for love flows simply, with no effort and with the knowing that you are safe and saved for the River flows in great love and mercy. Child, you are never alone.  Even in your unawareness of me there I am for I await your call.  Your trust is expanding within you for in the inch and moment you awaken to me there I am.   I take you and show you the way and the truths of the River of the I Am for I am graced with the name and task of Our Lady of the River o

Come Home to Your True and Naked Self

Child of mine, how bright is this new day with no matter the ways of the outside world for I shine the Light of my womb into you through the River of the I Am.  Here within the River all is slowed that we may commune for we are mother and child.  Take in my nurture this new day that you may in turn go out and feed my children with me. I know your heart and now you are learning of my heart for I fill you each new day with the ways of my mother's heart.  The road into Eternity  has been paved for you.  The path that flows through the River of the I Am contains the breath and blood of my Son who has transformed death into life.   Come, love and be loved.  Come, taste and know the taste of Eternity for here within the River Eternity has taste, sound, scent, touch and all the workings of your life but without the noise to distract you from the beauty and communion with me and your God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You need not look outside to see the sun for the Light of the Son of

In the Stillness of Heart the Seeker Hears

Child, come and know peace.  Come and taste the truth that is of the River of the I Am.  Come and know your heavenly mother who feeds you that you may feed.  Come and taste mercy. This day is of the anew and you are graced by your attendance to this Tabernacle. Child, take note that you know not the next moment until you write my words in this inch and moment.  Our walk together begins each day at this Tabernacle for we begin by communing within the depths of the River of the I Am where I am graced with the name of Our Lady of the River of the I Am. War cannot rage within this Tabernacle for war becomes like the Lamb here within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Man cannot enter this holy ground with tools of war.  Only the seeking of the truth and the way gains you entrance to the River of the I Am.   My dearest child, the door that leads to this Tabernacle is the seeking of God or a power that is above yourself.  This seeking for the truth opens the door to the heart for the ques

Come and Uncover Your True Design

Child, just as the mother dog will search out her pups even when they are drowning, so too I search my children out that may survive rather than die.  Come and taste the love, warmth and nurture of your heavenly mother. The view I gave you is of the ways of motherhood that is of your design. The view is of the frantic mother who will lose her life to save her children.  This view has been given to you that you may know how much you are loved and how much you love for motherhood is a grace from God. There are some who bury their motherly design because of wounds that have bound them to hide themselves. Janine, I take you out into the world to attest to the workings of the wounded child who is forced to hide rather than allow the pain of the wounds to be exposed and healed.   When you are closed of heart and soul and body you cannot make naked the truth of your design as graced by our Father, the I Am.  When you are closed of body heart and soul it is because of the wounds that have been

Our Prayers of Mother and Child

Child, come and rest in my arms for I am your heavenly mother and you are my child.  Let us commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of the noise that becomes of no distraction for I take it and transform it into the music of our prayer of mother and child. In your weakest moment each day the noise asks you to stay asleep and stay away from this Tabernacle.  Each day you come to me and I take away the noise that we may say our prayers of mother and child.  As you become still and listen I take you into my heart where our hearts commune and combine in prayer that speaks no words.  Rather, our prayers of mother and child give to God what is God's.  All our Father asks is that we become of our true design for to do so is to gain in the ways of Eternity. My child, our prayer as mother and child is of the Light of my womb for by His words I am made your mother and mother to all.  Our prayers of mother and child connect us in ways that can only be known because of th

The Lie of the Noise

Child, come and know how much you are loved.  Come and know the love that I carry for you.  Come and let go and be of peace.  Come and know I love you as you love yours for we are mothers by the grace of God. The purity of my motherly love casts no judgments on you or any of my children for this is not of my design.  Judgments are not of  your design either, my child, for your seed was handcrafted in love and only love that was given you without judgments. My child, my love,  you have been pulled by shaping and learning to believe that it is your need to cast judgment on yourself and others for  you were taught that punishment is needed to make you and others pure. This is the lie of the noise of the Adam and Eve mind that judges all and casts no judgement on itself.   When you see the world from the view of the River of the I Am you see no judgments.  Rather, you see the power of love and only love.  When you view the world from the view of the River of the I Am you see the childish w

God Hears All in the Recesses of your Heart

Child, come and know I am pleased with your work for Our Lady of the River for your work shall one day be tasted by the many.  Your design is to be of my heart.  Take in my heart and fear no more for your work is in my name and no man shall do damage to what we have. Man may say you are not mine but that does not take away what we have.  Man may say you blaspheme but I shall bear witness to you before our Father, the I Am.  Man may say you teach f falsehoods but your heart knows the truth of God's plan for you. Child, we walk this new day to open souls to their design.  One design is not above another for our Father, the I Am, has placed Himself in each soul and handcrafted each child that each child may come to know Him in intimacy. Your joy in this new day abounds. Your hands move and write what we have for we are mother and child walking in God's design.  I know your heart and you are growing in the knowing of my heart.   God has given us the ways of motherhood that nurture

I Am Called Our Lady of the River of the I Am

Child, breathe in and let go.  Breathe in and take in the love of this Tabernacle.  Breathe in and know that the noise and heaviness of the outside world leaves you.  Come and be made light.  Come and be made weightless for to flow with me within the depths of the River of the I am is to flow effortlessly as you take in my nurture. Janine, my child, you must come to know that I, your mother, know how heavy the outside world becomes.  I, your mother, take on the weight of the day with you as we walk.  I, your mother, walk with you that I may make light your walk for I carry the promise of my Son to give you His peace. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am and by this name I am given all rights to the Light of my womb. Our father has given me the grace to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am.  Many years ago I asked that you write in this name for you have been graced to attend to this Tabernacle as one of mine. This Tabernacle prepares you for this day.  This Tabernacle gains you acces

Be of the Still Heart

Child, awaken to me and to the love that awaits you on this new day.  Do not take lightly this new day that is for you and me.  You ask what is it that you can do to make this day anew? This day anew is graced by our Father, the I Am. All need be done is to await the path that is set forth before you in the inch and moment.  Take in the way of your body that speaks to you in the inch and moment.  Take in the way of your spirit that speaks to you of love in the inch and moment.  Listen to your seed that is of the mystical in the inch and moment. Open all spaces to hear, touch, taste and smell. My child, the Holy Spirit speaks to you through your opened body in the inch and moment.  My love walks with you in the inch and moment.  Our Father, the I Am guides in the inch and moment.  This new day is for us as we flow within the River of the I Am that leads and guides in the inch and moment. As you hear me you hear our Father, the I Am.  As you hear me you hear the softness of the Holy Spir

Our Love Shall Never Grow Old

Child, come and allow me to take you into my heart that is within the River of the I Am.  Come and know the ways of the River where I am tasked and graced to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am.  Come and take note of your heart that beats with mine in a rhythm that gives our Father and God the gratitude to be mother and child in His presence.  To be loved in this way is to know how much you are loved.   Today, in this new day, is of you and me for I come to fill you and show you the way to the Light of my womb.  Joy fills you as you take in this Tabernacle that surrounds you and fills you with love and only love.  Janine, my child, this love never grows old for what we have becomes anew in each day. As each day arises you come to me and attend to our communion.  You place yourself in my hands and in the hands of the River of the I Am where as each day arises we move deeper and deeper into the depths of God's love. Child, even in death you shall grow and find more and more life fo

The Fodder For God's Garden

Child, come and awaken to me on this new day.  Taste my nurture that flows within you as we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Taste all that awaits you here. Take in the scent of the love and only love that flows through you.  Take in the scent of God's garden that is for you.  Taste love that graces you.  See with the eyes of your heart on this new day for your eyes are being opened from the view within the River of the I Am. Watch as you flow with all of the River.  Watch the joy that emanates from within the River.  Watch as we become one with all of the River. Janine, my child, take in what your ancestors take in.  Your dream of last night separated you from your earthly mother that was needed to become of this depth.  With passion and fortitude you gave back to your earthly mother your misguided learning and shaping.  The force of your voice was that of the little one called Faith who has taken back the energy that was taken as a young infant and child.  The

Come and End the Ways of Your Dangerous Learning

Child, come and know the ways of your body and soul for I nurture the all of you in all parts.  Your soul expands and your body is filled with all that shall sustain you on this new day. The mystical Waters of the River of the I Am flow that we may commune and that we may be in the presence of the Light of my womb. Do not fret the noise.  Do not fret for you are mine.  Do not fret the ways of man but know that man has been misguided since the beginning.  You must question and let go of all of your shaping and learning for only by tasting the truth and ways of God within the depths of the River can you end the misguidedness that works to keep you in darkness. Child, I ask you to walk with me and to witness to the noise that takes my children and works to keep blind what must be seen.  The misguidedness of your human ways cannot end by the ways of man alone for the noise and misguidedness  is embedded within each child. The one generation adds the misguidedness to the next.  In your yest

Moving Deeper into the River of the I Am

Child, come and take in the breath that takes you to me.  Take in the breath that carries us into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Take in the breath that allows you to hear the song of my heart as we commune for I am your mother who feeds you with the love of  my heart. This day finds us in love for as we move deeper you taste our love as mother and child all the more and more.  Never again shall you fear that I will abandon you for this depth is of you and me.  This depth is of love and only love where you see and taste our communion in ways that cannot be understood from the surface of the River of the I Am. My child, you are being graced with this depth within the River of the I Am.  You are being graced with the knowing that this depth carries with it a love that is deeper than your yesterdays. And, my child, there is all the more and more that awaits you within the depths of the River of the I Am.  The noise is great, but pay no heed to it.  The noise asks you to misinterpre

The Way of the Leap

Child, come and let go of all.  Come and know that your dreams come to show you the way.  Come and be filled with my heart where the noise cannot be. Come and know your Father, the I Am, for we commune within the River of the I Am. Your dream came to show you the way of the "leap."  Child, you cannot leap with one foot still on the ledge.  Your dream came to show you the need to leap that you may give to God what is God's.  You took the leap and no harm came to you.  You took the leap into the love of the River of the I Am and found God.  The dream showed your leap into the ways of the River of the I Am where your yes has brought you.  But for those around you they must choose the leap for themselves.  You cannot ask someone to leap for this is the work of God.  The danger of asking another to leap before it is time was shown you in your dream.  As we walk into the world this new day stay awake and witness to the inch and moment for you will see the ways of my heart that

The Fruits of This Tabernacle

My child, come and be still and take in the life, breath and peace of my heart for I take you into my heart where the lifeblood of my womb abides.  Come and allow me to fill you as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Blessed are your hands that write what my heart gives you.  Blessed is your heart that hears me.  Blessed is this day that finds us in communion within the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, you are blessed for you have gained much in the ways of the River of the I Am.  Gratitude, humbleness, joy, the peace of my Son, the wisdom of the I Am, the protection of the Holy Spirit within the River and the communion with me, my Son, our Father and all of the River of the I Am are the fruits of this Tabernacle. A nakedness of heart, soul, body and psyche in the presence of your God gains you the freedom that many know not. To open all into a nakedness to your God is to say to your God that you know in this nakedness you take in and gain much in the ways of Eternity

Come and Taste Hope

Child, come and lay down all that you may gain all.  Come and attend to this Tabernacle.  Be filled with the passion and love that the River of the I Am showers upon you. This Tabernacle works to make you whole. This Tabernacle works to gain you access to the truth of the Gospels.  This Tabernacle fills you with the awareness of how much you are loved. Janine, take in this new day with the scent of hope.  Hope gained from your yesterday is directly attached to the ability to give all to God for the miracles that you tasted, smelled, touched and viewed were because you gave up all expectations.  Hope is gained when you allow the River of the I Am to do its work through you.  Hope is the fruit of the faith in God to do His will on Earth as it is in Heaven. You cannot know how much you are truly loved until you let go of all expectations and allow each minute and each inch to unfold giving all back to God.  To do so is to say to our father and God, "My dear God, I trust in you to car

Allow God's Miracles to Flow Through You

Child, awake and enter this Tabernacle where you become one with me and with all of the River of the I Am.  Come and be nurtured that you may enter the day with the love and ways of my heart. You give yourself over to me that I may gather my chidden to me and to the great love of the River of the I Am. There is no greater gift than to give to God the all of you for to do so is to allow His miracles to flow through you. Do not take lightly what we have. Do not walk into the world without the power of the River of the I Am.  Your yesterday saw the miracles of love and only love. Your today is expanded in love and only love for the one touched in your yesterday shall touch another and then another. This, my child, is the way of the River of the I Am for love begets more love. Walk with me and know you carry my love into the world.  Remain open and without expectations and allow me to do the work of the River of the I Am.  Remain without expectations and allow our Father to do His work to

Fear Has Many Fruits

Child, come and join me within the mystical body of the River of the I Am where you see and taste the newness of this day.  Come and know the world of God that flows within you in the depths of your being where we commune. Janine, anger, angst, retreat from the world and war are the fruits of fear.  When you fear there is not enough or you fear that one will overtake you the fear becomes the fodder for anger, angst, war and retreat from the world. Fear is the warning to the body, soul and psyche that danger lurks.  To avoid death from fear the choices made become the fruits.  When you see the fruits of fear you begin to see with the eyes of the truth of your human nature. Child, each and every time you taste angst, anger, or retreat, ask yourself, "What is it that I fear?" This, my child, shall lead you to loosen the bindings of the Adam and Eve mind that walks to keep your fears hidden for your Adam and Eve mind works to convince you that your fears must remain hidden. What

The Warmth and Nurture of Your Mother

Child, come and join me within the River of the I Am where our prayers are gathered up with all of the River of the I Am.  Come and join the love of the River that powers the road to the New earth. Come and be filled and take in the view from the River.  Come, be filled and take in the love that cannot be destroyed.  Come and take in the beauty of this new day that finds us in communion.  Come and take in the love that walks with no noise. Janine, my child, I am firstly your mother who cares for you in all parts and in all ways.  Take in how warm and protected you are. These last days have found you more and more in love with all that surrounds you for as you gain more of my heart you lose more of the noise. As you gain more of my heart the warmth that ceases the coldness of heart and body brings you the peace that is beyond the noise. My dear child, the warmth that is within your heart is of my heart for just as the newborn needs the warmth and nurture of its mother, so too you need t

Come and Know Hope

Child, come and taste my heart.  Come and taste hope for all hope is within the River of the I Am where you are loved, held and never abandoned.  The outside world abandons but my  heart that flows within the River of the I Am shall never abandon you or any child.  Hope is the knowing that the New Earth shall be established with no matter the ways of the outside world. You come to know hope by giving all to the One who handcrafted you with love and only love. Janine, my child, you cannot know hope when you live in the outside world only.  Hope flows forth from the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Come and know hope for hope is in the Light of my womb where my nurture flows forth from. Let go of yourself into my heart and give your heart to me that I may fill you in all parts for to be filled with me in all parts is to know hope.  I walked the earth when the earth lost hope.  I walked the earth when the misguidedness of souls killed my Son.  I walked the earth when hope was lost

The Gifts of My Son's Prayer

Child, by this Tabernacle you are mine.  By this Tabernacle we become one with all of the yes within the River of the I Am. Janine, the more of yourself you let go of the more you are filled with the passion and love of our Father, the I Am, who has made the Covenant of forever with all of His children. You need not earn forever.  You need not prove worthiness to gain forever.  You need only say yes to the invitation of forever.  My Son died with the mercy of forever for He asked for mercy with His dying breaths. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  My Son came to taste our human ways that He may know us in each detail.  By this statement we are known.  By this Statement Jesus knew that all of God's children had become so misguided.   By this statement you must come to know that no one escapes the misguidedness.  By this statement you must come to see the ways of the self righteous who claim innocence from the misguidedness. When you claim self righteous

Make No Distinctions Between God's Children

Child, Come and attend to your heart this new day.  The outside world views this day as just another.  The world of the mystical sees and tastes this day in the newness of the River of the I Am where the excitement of daily renewal is tasted. This new day is of you and me.  This new day is of your heart that expands in the ways of our Father, the I Am.  Let us commune as mother and child.  The communion of mother and her children can never be separated.  The outside world may be seen as separation by space or death, but my child, God's grace never separates but keeps connection through the communion of seed and Creator where all are of one cloth. All are brother and sister in the family of God and all may lay claim to such for all carry the seed of their Father, the I Am.  Come and walk with me and make no distinction between your brothers and sisters.  Come and make no distinction between any of God's children for to do so is to deny your God. 

The Ways of Jealousy

 The Ways of Jealousy Monday, November 2, 2020 Child, let go and take in my heart that reaches out to meet you at this Tabernacle.  Taste my love that seeks only to fill you that you may be of your design. Janine, do you not see that it is by this Tabernacle that joy and peace and the wisdom of the River flows through you.  To be of  your design is to be loosed of the chains that have bound you.   We walk into the world when you are filled with the Holy Spirit of the River of the I Am.  We walk out into the world only when you are filled for without this filling you could not be of my heart. Take heart in the knowing that you are filled that you may take in this new day armed with the love and only love of my heart that is the gift of our Father, the I Am. There is no jealousy within the River for all are filled.  Jealousy, my child, is the fear of not having enough or being enough.  Jealousy, my child, speaks to the longing to be enough and to have enough.  Jealousy will end when my c

I Keep No Count of Your Sins

Child, be of the peace of the Light of my womb.  Your awakening on this new day carries you into this Tabernacle where we commune. Take in the communion with my Son.  Take in the beauty of the effortless flow of our communion as we allow the River to take us in the ways of love and only love. Count not time.  Count not the pieces of goods that you collect.  Count not the trespasses of another for this is of the noise.  The outside world expects that the counting of grievances towards another makes right anger and war. Rather, the allowing of each grievance to drown in the depths of the River's love and only love grows the peace and joy and promises of my Son who is the Light within the River of the I Am. On this new day of the Sabbath let us walk in the knowing that we are mother and child and we walk from the view of within the River of the I Am where all of the yes walk with us.  No need to count.  Rather, count never and carry peace into the world where counting has no home. I l