
Showing posts from August, 2021

You Are in Need of Your Mother

 Janine, my child, come and rest in my arms that take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where the noise is countered.  Come and let go that I may fill you with my heart that loves you with no boundaries or judgments. This new day finds you restless. Come and be calmed by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Take in the breath that takes you deeper into the River where peace and rest abide.  Come and be still and take in this Tabernacle.  Come and be still and take in my love as well as the beauty of the Garden of our Father and God. This time is of you and me.  This time is of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  The outside world cannot feed you with the food of the River.  You must take leave of the world and be still and take in the fortitude and gentleness of my heart.   When you are filled you shall walk with me back into the world.  For now, let go of yourself and allow me to fill you for you are in need of your mother.  Allow me to feed you.

You Are Being Written Into the Book of Life

 Child, come and be with me in this holy space of this Tabernacle. This is a new day and your yesterday has been written into the Book of Life that you may be expanded and renewed in this new day.  Your yes has made your today all the more and more expanded for the River grows you as we walk together in God's plan. How graced we are to be mother and child.  How graced am I to be the mother of man. I walk with you and all of my children even when they know me not.  All shall one day know and taste their heavenly mother.  The joy that is within you is of the promise of my Son to give you His peace.  Janine, you have entered the depths of the River of the I Am that flows deep within you where the promises of God abide. You have been graced with the peace of my Son by your yes to me and to Jesus. I remind you of your yes to Jesus of years ago even when you knew not the journey you and I would take into the River of the I Am.   He asked you to take yourself to the ground and give yourse

I Ask You To Write My Words

Child of mine, let go of yourself and enter this Tabernacle with the breath of letting go.  Come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be freed from the boundaries of the outside world. Take in the effortless flow of your body within the River of the I Am where we commune.  I ask you to write that your hands may be my hands.   I ask you to write that the Scriptures may come alive in this time and in this way.  I ask you to write that the ways of the River of the I Am may be understood, not only in the ways of the Kingdom, but also in the ways of the Adam and Eve mind that haunts my chidden with generational sin. I ask you to write that the ways of the inner world of the Kingdom may be tasted while on Earth as it shall be in Heaven.  I ask you to write to make known that the River of the I Am flows in love and non judgment. I ask you to write that my children may come to know of the sacred witness that aids in opening the hearts of others where Jesus resides an

The View From the Heavens

 Child, come and let go of yourself. As you let go take note of the taste of joy that expands within you as we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am.  As you let go take note of the buoyancy of the River that takes away all need to hold onto anything.  Let go and take note of the peacefulness that holds you and takes away all needs and wants and desires. Janine, my child, I give you view of the rapture of the many years ago where you were taken into the heavens and showed the world from afar.  You heard the noise disappear before you and you tasted God for the first time.  You heard the voice of God as you were told you must return. You asked not to return, but rather, stay in this place and space with God forever.   My dearest  child, I remind you of this rapture for it gave you the reason that you are here with me today. We walk together to gather others into the Kingdom of God. Hold onto this memory of this rapture and take in this new day.  One day you shall return to God w

The Ungodly Serpent of the Earth

 Child, by this Tabernacle you are taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune for we are mother and child in the presence of the Light of my womb.  By my Son the River flows into Eternity. By my Son we are mother and child. Janine, within the noise of your yesterday you gave witness to the noise. Rather than run from it you witnessed to it and to the ways it uses conditions of fear to draw you from the peace that is deep within you. The noise can only tempt you to move from the view of the River where the peace as promised by my Son abides. As you witnessed to the noise it no longer held you.  To see it from afar in the ways of the witness causes it to lose its power. To witness in the awareness that the noise, for you, carries fear and trepidation that you will be held in contempt by God for being evil.  This is all noise, my child, for God holds no one in contempt. Janine, my child, I cannot promise you freedom from this ungodly noise for it roams the earth using

Hide Not Yourself From your Design

 Janine, my child, how pleased I am that you attend to this Tabernacle. Come and let go of all that you may be able to take in the all of me. Do not close any parts for I come to fill all parts that all may be opened to God. Hide not yourself from God.  Hide not yourself from others.  Hide not yourself from your design which is to be naked in all parts that all parts may have the sunshine of God's love flow through them. All parts of you have become naked before God.  But, my child, there are still those parts that fear for destructive noise abounds everywhere within the outside world.  Do not hide yourself to avoid fear.  To do so is to hide those parts that seek the love of God.  Do not close any parts.  Rather, be opened and naked of your design and trust that our Father and Savior will protect you from all harm. This simple lesson this day is to stay opened and naked with fortitude and trust that God will care for you.  Stay opened and naked of design and trust that I, your mot

Do Not Complicate what God Makes Simple

 Janine,  my child. I call you by name for I am your mother who loves you and knows you in all parts.  You fear being called a liar and you fear being accused of not being mine. Tears rise up as those parts that fear being persecuted make themselves known. My little one, there may be those who know not the ways of the mystical body of God and use self righteousness to persecute you. You must come to know this, my child, it matters not what the world calls you. It matters only what I and my Son call you. I call you mine and Jesus calls you His. Hear His soft voice that calls you into intimacy with Him.  Come and breathe in the calming and Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and breathe in the breath of life that emits from the River of the I Am. Come and know our Father and God shall one day usher in the New Earth where we shall all walk with our bodies and with our God.  Come and I shall take you even deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where you take in how much y

Eternity is Gained with the Yes to God

 Child, you are loved beyond measure. You are loved with the depth and gentleness and grace of the River of the I Am. I am graced to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am. I am graced to be your mother and mother to all for I am the mother of the Lamb, the One who has guaranteed us all Eternity. Janine, my child, I am of the yes.  My yes was true and real for it was from my heart and soul.  I walk with you into the world to end the noise that all of my children may hear me, taste me and come to learn that Jesus is real and walks with us and within us. The journey into Eternity is a simple one for it is not based on earning.  Eternity is merely based on the yes.  You cannot earn Eternity but with a yes to God you can walk into Eternity. God expects not that you must earn perfection to gain access to the Kingdom. Rather, God asks only that you turn inward and open your heart and soul that you may access the path to the Kingdom. The yes is within the heart and soul and they shall be opened

The Child of the Scriptures Holds the Keys to Heaven

 Child, I know you and I know your want to be my hands. Before you came to hear me you were in great need of mothering for you were in the ward of those who could not mother.  By God's grace, I have slowly and with patience mothered you. Your heart was closed and your body held much in the ways of pain and woundedness. The wounded body learns to close all off that there may be no further woundedness. The wounded heart has no choice but to follow the body for it is the body that must close all parts to avoid death if it can. I was there with you even when you knew me not. I fed you and held you even when you knew me not. The lesson this day is to allow the little one called Faith to remain opened and naked that the body may never again feel the need to close to avoid more woundedness. I am here and we shall walk together to keep the body open that your heart and soul may remain exposed. Janine, your day could not have been so joyful had you not exposed Faith to the joy of childhood.

Taste the Joy of Being in Relationship with Jesus

 My child, I welcome you into this Tabernacle. I welcome you into my arms that hold you, feed you and attend to you in the naked[ness of the River of the I Am where we commune.  The nakedness I speak of is the openness and nakedness that exposes your heart and soul where the seed of your God abides.  What you taste this new day is the joy of being in relationship with my Son. Jesus walks with you in relationship for your seed has been exposed and you hear the soft voice of Jesus deep within you. The soft voice of Jesus hears you and responds to you with love and non judgment and patience and intimacy. The soft voice of Jesus gives you the view of love and only love that asks only to be in relationship with you. The joy that fills you fills Him for this is the way of relationship.  The heart and soul are ignited with this relationship.  When you are opened and naked of your heart and soul you meet Jesus where you fear death no longer.  When you are naked of heart and soul you fear punis

God Makes No Child Defective

 My child, fear not for I am here and I await your call to me.  I come to you for I am your mother who loves you with a love that shall never die. I am your mother who awaits you here at this Tabernacle that we may commune in the ways of the River of the I Am. I give you view of your design where you are graced with hearing me and writing my words of love and only love. My mother's heart knows you in all  parts and spaces for by God's grace I am called your mother and mother to all. Janine, I give you view of what you have called a defect. What you call a defect is a gift from God for it allows you to enter into this Tabernacle and into the realm of the mystical body of God while in your human form. You have called this gift to leave yourself and enter into the real of the mystical a defect.  The outside world may call it a defect to enter the mystical but I say this to you in  a loud and clear voice that to enter this Tabernacle that is of the mystical is a great gift of grace

Jesus Lives Within you in the Name of the Holy Spirit

 Child, come and be awakened to this Tabernacle that awaits your attendance that we may commune for I am your mother who wishes to fill you with my nurture.  I am your mother who wishes to attend to your heart and soul where the Kingdom resides. Take note of your breath that takes in the mystical of the River of the I Am. Take in the gentleness and the kindness of the Light that is Jesus. The joy within your heart is of the relationship with Jesus who shows you the truth and the way. I walk with you in the knowing that as His mother we are one within the mystical body of God. Janine, my child, the world may not grasp the ways of the River of the I Am for the many of the outside world do not know God exists within their own soul. The many continue to search for Jesus within the outside world. Jesus is within and without.  When you grasp this truth you begin to taste intimacy with Jesus for He is within and without. Your walk with me has gained you much for you are opened to the awarenes

Allow God to Be as the Wind

Child, let go with the breath.  Let go with the softening of your heart and hands that you may leave the noise and enter this Tabernacle. Let go and allow me to take you into the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Jesus is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am. By God's hand, his Son has given us everlasting life through the lifeblood of the River of the I Am. When you arrive here I take you deeper and deeper into the depths of the River. With each new day you give me your yes that God's hand may be upon us.  When you move into the depths of the River of the I Am with me all noise is canceled.  Even when there is interruption from the surface of the River you return to me when the interruption is taken care of.  Janine, my child, this is the lesson for this new day.  The interruptions that may take you from me need not be deemed as bad, for God and I are within you and shall walk with you through the interruptions. I give you view of your yeste

The Journey Into Eternity Begins with the Yes

 My dearest child of God, come to me, your mother, and know the ways of the great love that awaits you when you turn to me at this Tabernacle. Let go with the breath that lets go of all and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Janine, it is in the instant that you are able to let go of all that all opens to you.  This journey into the depths of the River of the I Am has taken many inches and moments for the ability to let go of all takes many inches and moments.  It matters not the amount of inches and moments of the journey.  Rather, it matters that the yes begins the journey for the journey moves into Eternity with the yes.  Janine, my child, the journey ends not with the death of the body.  The journey may or may not begin while in the body.  The journey shall surely begin with the death of the body for the yes must be chosen or denied when you meet Jesus. The death of the body takes away the noise where all is made naked and the yes shall be true and real.

Allow Yourself to be Taken into the Mystical Body of Jesus

Child, come and let go with the breath that you may take in the breath of life within the River of the I Am. Come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River where we commune in love and only love.  Take in my nurture. Take in my attention.  Take in the beauty of the nakedness of your being where there is nothing to hide from me. Janine, I love you and I judge you not.  I love you and I abandon you not. I love you and with your yes we shall move into the world as one. For this inch and moment rest in the love that flows through the all of you for in nakedness you are able to take in the all of me. Let your hands write my words.  Let your hands dance with me for my words touch you in all parts where we dance within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The lesson this day is to hear and see and taste the love of Jesus. Slow all down.  Allow this inch and moment to take you.  Allow this inch and moment to witness to Jesus as He gives you Himself.  I have given li

Let us Be of One Heart

 Good morning, my child, come and know that this Tabernacle awaits you that you may be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Your heart is in need of the love of my heart for this is a new day and you must come to taste all of me that you may be restful in the face of the noise. The lesson this day is simple.  Come and be renewed in the prayerful and mystical and loving ways of my heart that flows within the River of the I Am. This day may appear to be harsh and unloving, my child, but you must be drowned in the ways of my heart that the fears that rise up from the noise may be destroyed. Janine, my child, I ask you to write, firstly, that you may come to know that we are mother and child. This Tabernacle is for you and me that you may come to know what we have shall be for Eternity.  Do not fear any punishment.  Do not fear any abandonment.  Do not fear for the Lord, our Father and God, shall renew all that the New Earth may be established.  Worry not how others may see or

Come and Know Jesus as He truly Is

Child, how graced we are to be mother and child for God's promises are being fulfilled in this time and space of this holy Tabernacle.  As we commune, know that I fill you with the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. I feed you as mother feeds her child.  I feed you with the mystical food of life that carries you beyond the worldly. In your awakening of this new day you walked with my Son who held you in His hands. He gave you the meaning of love for He gave you Himself.  As He gave you view of your yesterday He spoke to you of His love that walks with you in all things.  You reviewed your yesterday with Him in a walk that spoke to you of a love that only asks you to walk with Him. The joy of your awakening fills you. I am your mother, Janine.  I have come that you may let go of fear of men.  I have come to carry you into the River of the I Am where all healing occurs for its Waters are filled with the lifeblood of Jesus.  I have come that you may be taken into the depths of th

The River of the I Am Generates Great Power

 Child, take note of the breath that carries you into this Tabernacle.  Take note of how you fall into the River of the I Am with the gentleness of the breeze.  The gentle flow of the River of the I Am graces us in the way of mother and child. Dear child, do not mistake the gentleness of our communion with lack of power.  The River carries us in the gentleness and power of God. By this gentleness and love power is gained that carries us into the depths of the River of the I Am where great power is generated. The outside world cannot comprehend gentleness and power as bedfellows. The outside world sees power as the lack of gentleness for power is said to be of the raging storms or the power to take over by war. I say this to you, my child, there is greater power in gentleness and communion with me and my Son than all of the powers of the Earth. Come, be still and allow our communion to build rather than destroy.  When you are built upon the communion with me and all of the River of the

Come and Taste the Promise of Joy

 Child, let go of yourself. Let go of the need to be attached to the outside world.  Let go that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where the Holy Spirit abides and where we commune in the ways of the Light of my womb. I give you view of  the joy that is within the depths of the River of the I Am. Joy lies within your loins for all senses here within these depths are expanded that you may see and taste and sense joy. My Son gave you His peace and promised you the joy of Eternity. Joy within these depths comes from the knowing that this River shall take you into Eternity where you shall walk with all of the yes. Joy, my child, is here within these depths.  Be still and take in the joy that flows so freely through you for this moment expands joy within and through you and joins all of the River.  Joy is the knowing you are never going to be alone again.  Joy comes from the knowing that God is true and real for God has become man.  Even the word, joy, has limitations

The Noise is Loudest Upon Awakening

 Child, arise and take yourself into the breath that carries you here to this Tabernacle.  Take note of the joy of the breath that comes to me. Take in the great love that awaits you here. Janine, my child, it is of grace that we commune and it is of grace that we shall walk into the world armed in love and only love.  The lesson this day is to make known the ways of your disturbed sleep. You fret upon awakening. The noise is the loudest when you move from sleep to awake.  The noise raises itself up when you first awaken for it is at this time when you are the most at risk for angst and worry.  I give you view of the fret within you upon awakening this new day.  You awoke to fret over the day ahead.  You awoke with worry over the days ahead. You awoke with your body tensed as in fear and angst rather than peaceful and joyful. And yet, my child, all that fear and fret and worry leaves you when you come to me at this Tabernacle where all is renewed in love and only love and where you are

Come and Free Your Heart From its Dudgeon

 Child, come and be mine.  Come and know how grace awaits you for as you enter this Tabernacle, you gain much in grace. Come and find the joy as promised by my Son, the Lamb. Jesus of Nazareth. The lesson for this day remains simple but profound. To be of God you must seek the Kingdom within. To seek the Kingdom within is to open your heart and soul where God abides.  My child, the Kingdom is within your soul.  The Kingdom presents itself when your heart tells its story where the soul becomes exposed. The exposed soul meets God for the seed within the soul and God are reunited in a love that was formed through your creation. Our walk and work is to witness to the story that the heart may be freed from its dudgeon of hiddenness. The many of my children fear telling their story for they fear not being heard, they fear embarrassment and humiliation, they fear punishment, they fear not being believed and they fear retribution for the breaking of loyalty to those who were charged with their

In Awareness the Noise Can Find No Home

Janine, my child, do not hesitate to come to me and join me at this Tabernacle for I am your mother who awaits you always and abandons never.  Do not fret the noise for it is only noise. The noise cannot harm you if you give it no attention.  The noise boasts and pulls at you to attend to it that it may ensnare you in its web. The noise asks you to walk and work to prove you are worthy. You had been ensnared by the noise when you walked to prove your worthiness to me and to my Son and to our God. No longer can the noise engulf you in its plan to keep you in unawareness where it thrives and feeds upon you and those who are unaware. The unaware of God's Kingdom within do not know that God lives within and that God is love and only love.  The noise asks my children to believe in a God who is from afar and is a God of anger and punishment.   Janine, my child, come and be of awareness.  Do not stray from this inch and moment for in this inch and moment the noise cannot find breath. As t

We Hold Another as the Seed of God Opens Within

 Child, come and be of my heart on this new day.  Come and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where we commune within its depths. Feel and take in within your depths all that is of the River.  Let your body take in and absorb the love and only love that is here for you. Janine, my child, to be of these depths you must come to an emptiness and nakedness that you may be free to take in and absorb the mystical body of God that flows so freely here within the depths of the River. To be of the River requires only the yes to begin this journey into its depths. One day builds upon another when you are of the yes.  You walk with me and one of mine where we witness to the yes.  You see and witness to the expansion and awareness of the Light within.  As you walk with one of mine you witness to the ways of immersion within the River where one becomes emptied of their story that has bound them and where there is an awakening that leads to a knowing of God. Within this depth ther

Seek Your God who abides Within You

 Child of mine, come.  Come and find love, peace and renewal.  Just as you bathe yourself and rest each day that you may be renewed, you come to this Tabernacle to be bathed and rest within my heart that holds and renews you. Let go of yourself and write my words.  As you write, take note of the ways of your hands that do not move past this inch or moment that you may be of the still heart to hear me. To be of this Tabernacle each day is to let go of all expectations and to be still of heart that you may take in all that is here for you. You  walk with me each day and as each day arises you gain all the more and more of the ability to give up all that you may be filled with all.  The lesson for this day is to walk with me and walk in awareness of the gifts of the River of the I Am.  By the River of the I Am we are able to be mother and child.  By the gifts of the River of the I Am you gain the power of God's love within you for you are opened to your core where God's power resi

Empty All That You May be of Your Design

Child, come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where our God and Father abides. Come and know my Son who is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am.  Come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are filled and nurtured in the ways of my heart as well as the wisdom of the Lamb. Janine, what seems complicated above the River is made simple within the depths of the River of the I  Am. Without the noise you are freed to be of love and only love. I fill you that you may enter the outside world with me armed with the counters to the noise. Take note of how you begin each day with me. You taste the love of my heart that flows through the all of you. This taste begins within your breath and then flows into your heart and then flows through your hands that you may place my love out into the world. Through this Tabernacle you gain access to me and to the River of the I Am. Through this Tabernacle God's will of love and only love is being

The Panoramic View of God's Plan

Child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle on this a new day.  You come to me and in the stillness and nakedness of your heart and soul you await me.  I come to you that you may taste what the outside world cannot give you. I come to give you the knowing that the outside world cannot give you. Here within this Tabernacle you are renewed and given the ways of  my Son.  In this stillness you are graced with God's love for by His grace this Tabernacle awaits you.  I attend to you here within the depths of the River of the I Am where this Tabernacle abides.  I come to you that I may fill you with the love of my heart that cannot be understood from the view of the outside world.  You must turn inward to your own heart and soul to find my heart and the peace as promised by my Son. Your yesterday gave you a beautiful panoramic view of God's plan for His children.  Without planning and with a boldness of heart you were shown how God loves with a love that holds and carries and graces

Sin No More

 Child, by the grace of God we are here within the River of the I Am.  By God's grace you are of my cloth as is all. By God's grace we are all of one Creator. You ask for the lesson and story of this new day. My dearest child, I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am that you may hear the story of the love of my Son. He judged not anyone.  He used the words, "Go and sin no more."  Sin is the separation of God from man.  To sin no more is to walk in connection with God.  This simple story is the simple lesson for today. To sin no more is to taste my Son who loves with a love that draws you close to Him where He nurtures and protects and carries joy into you. To be in relationship with Jesus is to sin no more.  To know within your loins that you are of God's cloth is to sin no more. Janine, my child, your God knows your weaknesses and failings . Rather than judge or punish He asks you to be near to Him and get to know Him that you may know what His love t

Come and Stop Your Hiding

 Child, come and as you are taken into the depths of the River of the I Am know my heart fills you and nurtures you and attends to you.  Become naked and emptied that I may fill the all of you. Take in the beauty that is within you and before you for I am within you and before you. When you are naked of heart and soul there is love within and without for the two become one with no locks or boundaries to separate.  The lesson this day is to taste and breathe knowing that the within and without are in relationship just as you and I and Jesus are in relationship for when there are no boundaries to bind you walk and love and live in relationship with all of the mystical body of our Father and guide. Janine, in simplicity you let go and allow yourself to flow with no boundaries where we walk in relationship. When you are bound you close the relationship with yourself where there are parts in hiding.  When there is hiding the seed of your soul is bound to the earth. When you stop the hiding

Choice: The Great Gift from God

 Child, I welcome you back to this Tabernacle.  I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in  the ways of mother and child. I ask only to feed you and nurture you and attend to you for I am your mother and you are my child. I am always with you and await your turning to me for I invade never and await giving you my nurture always. The choices before you are many and you now see them and taste them.  You shall always have the choice to come to me.  I will always await you here at this Tabernacle. Janine, my child, you must come to see that choice is the greatest gift of our Father and Creator. When you see not all choices it is because the prideful ego has limited them.  It is not by God that choices are limited but by man. When you were a child, choices were limited before you for you were in need of a learning to keep you safe. Your choices were also limited by your wounds caused by those responsible for your learning and nurturing. Now, as an adult, those l

Come and Let Quietness be Your Teacher

 Child, this is a new day and you have left much behind to attend to this Tabernacle. Come and as I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am know that there is much love and hope within these depths. I fill you, attend to you and prepare you for the day ahead of us as well as slow all down for you that you may take in my heart.  You need not fear your words for I shall speak for you and through you. In these last days you have been quieted. In these last days you have learned to speak less and listen all the more.  The more quiet you become the more the noise wants to overtake the quiet. I ask you to walk with me in quietness this day and witness only. When it is time to teach with the story I will show you the way. But for today,  my child,  walk in quietness and allow me to show you how quietness itself is the teacher. Come and stay awake and let quietness be your teacher. .

Tears Give Purpose to your Story

 Child, come and let go of all the noise for you are in need of your mother.  Tears rise up in you for you are in need of your mother. Come and allow me to take away the noise for the noise has been heavy upon you. Come and let us flow deep within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where no one can take away the peace that flows within you at this depth. At this depth noise cannot enter. Tears need not  take away your peace and joy.  Tears need not carry you into your old cocoon where you hid all even your tears. Tears are a shedding of what must be shed, my child. Tears shed give purpose to the story of yourself or another. Janine, you have carried  your pain and the pain of others and you have become heavy. Let the tears flow that you may be made lighter.   Come and take note of the lightness you now have. Take note of the way of relationship with my Son who speaks to you through your tears. Tears for another give purpose to their story. Ponder the heaviness that held you as