
Showing posts from July, 2021

God Has Come to Be in Relationship with You

 Child, joy is within me for you come to me with no matter the noise that clangs at you.  Joy was in your yesterday as the little one called Faith opened to Jesus.  Take note of your body that has opened to all that you may walk with Jesus in the intimacy as designed by our Creator. Janine, my child, God is all.  God is your Father. God is your brother through Jesus.  I am your mother through God for I gave birth to the Son of Man.  The Holy Spirit is the mystical body of God that flows within and without. Do not become confused by making boundaries between God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  All are one and therefore when you walk with Jesus know that God and the Holy Spirit abide within the man called Jesus. As you take view from the heavens take note of the oneness of all that is of the universe.  In simplicity God is the universe.  God is the Creator. God is the Light.  God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  When you taste one you taste all for the boundaries that bind you to the

You Must Come to Tame the Prideful Ego

 Child, come and rest as we flow deep within the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  Let go and allow me to hold you, nurture you and attend to all your parts.   Come and taste the love of my Son who has promised you His peace.  The lesson this new day is to stay awake that you may come to know Jesus all the more and more in the ways of intimacy.  As you walked in your yesterday you made known your love for Him.  When you walk in the inch and moment and invite Jesus to walk with you in each inch and moment you taste His love. To slow all down within you that you may see and taste Jesus is to walk in intimacy with Him. Do not take lightly the walk with Jesus.  Feel His hand upon you and within you in all things. Feel the end of the boundaries between you and Jesus. Feel the Holy Spirit as it brings the two of you into communion. In your yesterday you gave witness to the love of Jesus for He held you and showed you the way of placing the pri

The View From the Heavens

 Child, let go of the noise and come to me for I am your mother who awaits your attendance to this Tabernacle that I may fill you with the ways of my heart. Come and be cleansed in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am on this new day. Child, come and take in the view from the heavens where the Earth below you has no boundaries.  From this view all walk as brothers for the Earth belongs to all.  All breathe the same air that surrounds the Earth. Janine, your yesterday showed you the ways of man made bindings.  From this view above all there are no such bindings.  Man has used the ego mind of Adam and Eve to have you believe there are bindings that separate you from another by time, space, color, gender, and even size. I ask you to walk with me in the ways of this view for man has made bindings and called them laws and rules that have no reality from this view from the heavens. I give you view of the reality of the heavens. I shall walk with you on this day and the many coming days

You Must Give Up the Bindings made by Man

 Child, be of this Tabernacle that flows within the River of the I Am.  Come and be known.  Come and be loved without measure.  Come and know the taking away of boundaries where we flow in the sweetness and joy of no boundaries to bind. This new day is opened to you.  This new day shall be of God's ways for you give all to Him that His will may be done.  Your human ways attempt to bind.  God's ways do not hold such bindings.  God created you with the freedom to choose and man attempts to take that away from you.  When you walk with the ways of love and only love you begin to see and taste as God sees and tastes.  When you join me in the walk within the world today you shall see and taste from the grand view of the River of the I Am where love and only love is your guide. The need for bindings falls away as love and only love is the rule. Janine, man cannot override God's will within the heavens.  Man may override God's plan and will within the outside world for God has

You Must Come to See Your Own Sin

 Child, come and be embraced for I am your mother who longs to embrace you and all of my children that you and all may come to trust in love and only love.  This Tabernacle is for you and me that we may commune in the ways of the Light of my womb. I watched as my Son died for you.  I walked the walk of death and pain with my Son that you may live.  I watched the egoistic minds of those who could not see their own sin.  I watched as they raised my Son, the Lamb, up on the Cross.  I bled with Him for I have a mother's heart that bleeds for all of my children. My yes was the yes to not only be the mother of God, but also to be the mother to all.  How is it that we walk with such joy and boundless grace? Janine, our walk is by the sacrifices of my Son who began the flow of the River of the I Am by shedding His blood for us. Joy is the promise of Eternity for by my Son we shall walk together into Eternity. The River flows with the blood of my Son.  It flows to heal all of sin caused by

Come and Be of your True Design

 Child, come and be awakened to my heart on this new day.  Come and be loved with a love that holds you in an embrace of mother and child.  By God's design mother gives birth. By God's design mother feeds and nurtures and by God's design mother holds.   Be of your design and know God. Be of your design and taste the joy that comes from ending the hiding of parts for fear of being wounded. To be of your true design is to have made naked all parts before a scared witness that all parts may be made whole.  Wholeness is nakedness of design. Wholeness gathers each part and makes known its purpose.   The child deep within has purpose this day for she was allowed to make naked the story of her woundedness. She is called the little one called Faith and she is the one who has shown you how to love and be loved and dance. The Adam and Eve mind within you (the ego mind) has taken its place in the rear of you for it is she that needs to be tamed to be whole.  She is the part of your hu

Do Not Make Time your Bedpartner

Child, I am pleased you make this time each day to attend to this Tabernacle where we are able to commune.  I am your mother who awaits to fill you with my love and attention.  Never doubt what we have within this Tabernacle for it is holy and graced by our God and Father.  Never doubt my love for you. Never doubt the gift of Eternal life granted by my Son, the Lamb. Today is a new day and we walk in the ways of the new for each inch and moment can never be recreated.  As we walk, attend to your heart and soul and remain opened to the joy of the inch and moment that needs no effort. You shall see God in all things when you slow yourself to live in the inch and moment. This inch and moment is like no other. You choose to let go of yourself in this inch and moment that you may flow in the effortless ways of the River of the I Am. I show you the grace that awaits you in this inch and moment. Take note and take in the beauty of the letting go of time that you may be freed from the boundari

You Must Come to Trust Even When All Seems Failed

 Child, come and let yourself go into my arms as we flow deeper into the River of the I Am where you are made free from the noise and graced with the freedom from the boundaries of the Earth.  Within these depths there are no bindings to separate us.  Take in the ways of the peace of my Son. Take in the beauty of allowing my Son to carry your burdens. What you gain here within these depths you shall have forever for this is the way of the River of the I Am. I speak to you from my heart that you may take in my love, nurture and attendance to all parts. Your day shall be made lighter.  Your day shall see you and my Son arm in arm  for He shall lift your burdens as we walk within the world. You are of the human and the mystical for you have been created and designed with the seed of our God and Father and Creator. Jesus lifts you into the realm of the mystical for your yes has opened the door to the mystical where you shall see and taste the freeing of your burdens. The lesson of these da

We Walk to Open the Doors to the Kingdom Within

 Child, come and know I am here for you for I Am your mother who awaits your call to me. Come. Be of my heart and be of the mystical body of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  To be of the mystical body of God is your right given you by your birth. To gain access to the Living Waters you need only open the door with a yes of acceptance to God.  Janine,  my child, we walk to open doors, for the many know not the ways of the yes that opens the door to the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The many know not of my motherly ways nor do they know the ways of my Son who loves without judgment or reservation. We walk to witness and to make known the Kingdom that lies within. When you open your story to the sacred witness the heart opens and the yes rises up from the soul for what was lost has been found. Creator and his creation are reunited where the yes may be made with the knowing. Ponder my words and may those with ears to hear, hear. 

The Knowing

 Child, come and open your eyes and ears and heart for this is a new day that shall find us in communion. We are mother and child. Let go of yourself and let us flow within the River of the I Am where boundaries are no more.  Taste the closeness as we flow with freedom, connection, joy and the peace of my Son, the Holy Spirit. Peace is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Connection to God is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Connection to all within and without is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Hear the soft breeze of the Holy Spirit as it flows about us and within us. The Holy Spirit adds genuineness to you for it opens you to the deepest parts where all is made opened and clear.   Your countenance gives others view of the Holy Spirit for the Spirit can be tasted through you.  Stay and allow the Holy Spirit to engulf you with the love of your God. Let the Holy Spirit flow and take you into the realm of the  "KNOWING ". The knowing has no words nor does it have sound or smell but it h

To Know Me is to Taste What I Taste

 Child, come and rest within the depths of the River of the I Am. I take you into my heart where you absorb my love and attention and nurture. I feed you, not only with nurture, but with the all of me. Come and let go and flow with me where I breathe with you and for you.  Take in the lack of boundaries for there are no bindings between us.  Your yesterday gave witness to me even without using my name for you mothered as I mother. You gave witness to the pain of another and held that pain for me. You gave witness to my mother's heart for you tasted the pain.  No longer does the pain of another overtake you with a need to "fix". Rather, you allowed the pain to flow through you and experienced the pain along with me and my child.  This, Janine, is the way of my mothers' heart. The many of my children fear the ways of my mother's heart for they fear that taking in someone else's pain will add to theirs. This is farthest from the truth as you tasted in your yester

The Way of Motherhood

 Child, as you enter this Tabernacle take note of the way your hands move to write the ways of my heart that speaks to you from within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Take in what your body tastes.  Take in what your heart hears. Take in the joy of our communion for we are mother and child. How great is it to hear from the heart of yours when all is opened and love seeps in. How great it is to taste the hearts of yours for you are mother to yours. I, just as you, find great joy to be mother.  On this new day take in both being  my child and being mother to yours for we walk in the ways of a mother's heart that finds great joy in being mother. It matters never the noise when you walk from the opened heart for the noise asks you to judge motherhood.  Let go of the noise this day and walk from the view of the River of the I Am where motherhood holds and nurtures and never judges. Janine, my child you are of the child and you are of the mother. As we walk into the world to witnes

The Prideful Ego

 Child, come. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  I come to you to fill you with love and renewal in this new day of our Lord and God.  Janine, what you gain in wisdom in this world shall follow you into the Eternity. The noise cannot follow you, therefore all that is not of God shall not follow you. To gain is to add wisdom to your whole. With each new day you walk with me to gain wisdom for with  each inch and moment you walk in awareness you learn of God's loving ways. What is gained in wisdom is never lost. To let go of the prideful ego is to loosen the noise that clangs and follows you for the prideful ego works to drag you into much noise. The prideful ego is counter to God's wisdom. The prideful ego asks you to believe that God cannot protect you. The prideful ego attempts to convince you that you cannot trust in God's love. As we walk this new day, know that your prideful ego must be tamed

Let us Join the Song of Songs

 Child, come and breathe in the life within the River of the I Am. Come and be known.  Come and know those who are of the River of the I Am for all flow as one within the River.  Each child of the yes forms a part of the whole of God's plan. Each gains the River much power to usher in the New Earth. It matters not that you know not all of the yes as yet, my child. But know this, there shall come the day that you shall know all of the yes for Eternity has no bounds. Eternity knows not time for it shall never fade or end and you shall grow into forever and walk with me and my Son and your God and all of the yes. Take in the view of forever.  Take in the beauty of the Song of Songs that each yes produces.  Each voice within the song is of its own soul where there is no one like the other.  The resulting Song of Songs is of great prize and great love. Let us walk into the world armed with the voices of the many of the yes. Let us join the Song of Songs as we walk with all of the yes to

Come and Be of the Rapture

 Child, how great is the mystical body of our God who has graced us with this Tabernacle that I may nurture and attend to you. Take in this depth for it is of the peace and depth of rapture.   Take in the inch and moment that is of the nothingness within you for in nothingness you are reunited with the One who handcrafted you. In nothingness you are made hollow that God may show Himself to you. In nothingness you become one with God and yet remain the whole of you. In nothingness you are whole for you and your God commune in the place of union that unites your seed with your Creator. Love is within the nothingness.  Communion is within the nothingness.  Words have no place within this realm where in nothingness we meet our God. Within the nothingness is the rapture. Within the nothingness you lose your body and you lose the need to breathe alone. Janine, I give you words that cannot truly describe the rapture.  Let go, and be with your God. When it is time we shall return to the body b

My Heart is Always Placed Upon You

 Child, come and taste the joy and love of those who await your attendance to this Tabernacle. Come and taste the love that flows through you for you have made yourself emptied and naked within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and learn to love as I love. Today is a new day and as the day rises up before you know that I am with you, within you, and through you.  I am your mother who showers you with my love and nurture. I wash you in the gentle cleansing waters of the River of the I Am. Our God has graced us in the ways of mother and child. My mother's heart is selfless.  My heart is always placed upon you and all of my children. We walk into the outside world to gather my children into the River of the I Am where each may come to know of their heavenly mother who intercedes for them before my Son, the Light, the Lamb. I come to show each how God's love is within.  I come to open hearts. The opened heart exposes the soul where God's seed abides. I take you i

The River Flows to Be in Relationship with You

 Child, come and be of my heart that is for you.  You are my child. I love you with a love that is of my mother's heart.  You cannot be abandoned for my heart holds you in all things.  You cannot be judged for my heart is of God that judges never. I and my Son only wish to have you know of the River of the I Am where love flows with the heart of God. The River of the I Am flows that you may come to know that love is all powerful.  The River  of the I Am flows to be in relationship with you and all of the yes. The River flows that all may come to know the Kingdom lies within each soul.  No need to follow the ways of the noise.  Follow your own soul deep within you and you shall find God for your own soul knows its God. Follow the journey within and you shall have all in abundance. The River of the I Am flows in abundance.  Rather than seek the limiting ways of the noise that makes empty promises of wealth, seek to drown within the depths of the River of the I Am where all is gained

Jesus Comes to Make Your Burden Light

 Child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune for by this Tabernacle we are mother and child. Take in the joy that awaits you.  Take in the view of the garden of the Kingdom as we move deeper and deeper for with each depth the Kingdom becomes all the more known to you. Your yesterday saw you expand in the ways of the way Jesus walks with us.  Your yesterday gave you view of the relationship and connection to Jesus. My Son awakened you to the beauty of generosity.  Jesus awakened you to your daily need for time with the parts of you that wish to dance. The walk with Jesus is becoming known to you within the relationship for it is Jesus who is witnessing to you. The Lamb is with you always as is my heart.  The Savior is always with you as we walk in each inch and moment.  He asks only that you walk with Him in awareness that He is close and with the ears of your heart you hear Him. No need to fret.  When angst rises, turn to Him and allow Him to t

Trust Builds Upon Trust To Replace all Doubt

 Janine, my child, it matters not where you come to me for this Tabernacle is prepared for you whenever and wherever you leave the one breath and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we take on the breath and depths of the River of the I Am. When all is empty and naked within you trust is the fruit for when you can let go and give all to God, all is taken up by God and returned to you in the miracles of the inch and moment that trust may expand within your deepest parts. You may not see them in the timing of your expectations. But know this, when you give your fears and worries to God, God shall take up the sword of love and shall gather his angels and archangels to do His will for you. His love for you shall be shown in the miracles of the inch and moment. Trust builds upon trust, my child. Trust builds upon trust to replace all doubt. Let us walk this new day in trust. Walk with me this day and let go of wants, expectations and desires.  To let go in ea

You Are So Much More than of the Earth

 Child, breathe the breath of life that is of this Tabernacle and let go of the breath of the outside world.  This time is for you and me that we may commune for we are mother and child.  Come and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. What is it that is of our communion? In communion I give you my  heart and I nurture you for I am your mother who has come into the world to nurture you and all of my children. I hold you as your mother and I hold my eyes and ears and hands to you that I may take the all of you into me. You are in daily need of your mother that you may be held, loved, nurtured and heard. You are in daily need of your mother that you may be cleansed and renewed in hope and trust. Janine, the world we walk  in is of great noise that casts itself upon the earth and makes heavy your walk.  The noise is the noise and for that reason you need your mother to renew you each new day. My child, take in my love that holds you with no matter the noise and with no mat

God's Covenant with You and All

 Child, come and be loved with no matter the way of the noise that pulls at you to take you away from me and destroy your peace.  The noise cannot bear to taste the peace as promised by my Son for all noise is counter to God's peace. Your aging is both of the body and of the soul where your body declines but your soul grows as it prepares you for Eternity. Do not fret the loss of your body for no matter its decline it shall be returned to you in the perfection of God's creation. God's promises shall come to be for He is in Covenant with you all of His children. What folly to judge yourself by your body only.  What folly to hide yourself from the wonders that are placed before you.  What folly to place your body above God and think that God could not have created such things. There are those that ask why is my body going to decay and die?  Janine, my child, I walk with you this day and show you the ways of Eternity.  On this the Sabbath, I shall show you that, rather than se

In Nothingness There Are No Boundaries To Bind

 Child,  take yourself and let go of all that you may become of the nothingness needed to take in this Tabernacle. Come into this Tabernacle in nothingness that I may take you and fill you with the all of me for in nothingness I fill. In emptiness I fill and nurture. In nothingness you are made whole for by God's Hand you are made anew. To give all is to gain all. To attend to your soul within this Tabernacle requires that you enter in nothingness and emptiness that fullness may be your fruit.  In nothingness you walk with me and Jesus into the world where in your nothingness we make wholeness through you. Nothingness, my Child, is the journey of these many years for day by day you enter this Tabernacle being of more and more nothingness that you may be of my heart all the more and more. The more room you make the more room is available for the Holy Spirit to do its work of gathering my children into the River of the I Am. In nothingness you are graced and made whole.  In nothingne

This Tabernacle Is Your Sanctuary

 Child, come and be of this Tabernacle. Come and commune with me and with my Son. Come and know how much you are loved on this new day.  I shall tell you the truth of your dream of last night, my child, that you may know you are of God. Within the dream your closest friend of childhood was in an outdoor church (of the outside and not within) with you as was your beloved. They heard what you could not hear for you had not the same ears to hear. It was as though you were the deaf one while they heard all of the spoken words. Yet it was they that left the church early even espousing hearing what were of the words of the priest. Janine, your closest friend left the church before you as did your beloved. What appeared to be your inability to hear was their inability to hear what you hear. The clothing you wore was not of the clothing of others for you were not of the understanding of the ways of the rules of their church. My child, to be mine you must have the ears to hear me and not to hea

You Shall Walk Hand and Hand with Me and the Light

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me at this Tabernacle with the only intention of being with me.  Rest and be filled and be taken from the noise on this new day. Come and as we move deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am take in each depth for these are the depths you have passed through on our journey to your own soul. Take note as we flow slowly through each depth of the River for each depth has its story to tell of our journey.  Each depth is written into the Book of Life and one day it shall be read aloud to all of the yes.  Do not say to yourself it matters not the journey for each inch and moment matters greatly to our Father and God, the I Am.  But, my child, you must not be swayed by your fears of sin and guilt for you have been taught much misguidedness in the ways of sin and guilt. There were those who taught you of their perceived evil and placed it within you.  Your learning and shaping gave you misguidedness that covered over your soul. My dearest child, your

Those That demand Loyalty of You are Not of God

 Child of mine, you have chosen to come to me at this Tabernacle and with the breath of letting go of all you allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. Come, and as we flow deeper and deeper, take in the breath of life for I breathe with you and for you within these depths where the Holy Spirit flows with us and through us.  In this way we become one for I am your mother and you are my child.  Come and allow me to feed you.  Come and allow me to fill all of your needs that you may be prepared to walk into the world with me. The lesson for this day is to take in the words that were spoken to you as you were in prayer with my Son. You were shown the folly of those who espouse loyalty for to demand loyalty is not of God. You were shown the dangers of loyalty that breeds the need to remain attached and joined even when there is a truth that runs counter to their loyalty. Rather than face their own misguidedness even in the face of truth, they use the w

The Serpent of Your Dream is Called Misguidedness

 Child, come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.  We are mother and child.  The bond we have cannot be broken for it is by God's will and His hand that we shall be in communion forever. This day finds us in the walk of the sacred witness.  By the sacred witness the Holy Spirit is released to work through the relationship we have.  The Holy Spirit is also working within the relationship you have with my Son. As we walk in the ways of the sacred witness keep your heart and soul opened and you shall witness to the draining out of the misguidedness of not only your misguidedness but also the generations of misguidedness. You have carried much in the ways of generational misguidedness as all of my children have for the one generation gives its misguidedness to the next.   Janine, my child, do you not see that by this Tabernacle and by this our walk the next generations will carry the less and less of misguidedness.  Your dream of last night gave you v

The Wisdom Greater than Solomon

 Dearest Child, you enter this Tabernacle that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune within the Living Waters. The Holy Spirit of God is upon you.  Whether here within this Tabernacle or within the world we are of God. We are within God and God is within us for we carry His seed and He has birthed us in His fashion. The outside world cannot grasp such things unless it is seen from the view of the River of the I Am. The wisdom greater than Solomon is within these depths for within these depths the view is from God and casts itself outward into the world. Those who attempt to see inward into the Kingdom from without rather than from within their own soul see only from the view of the noise and misguidedness. The information that rises from this view is folly rather than wisdom for it sees only from the darkness of the closed heart and soul.   Janine, The wisdom I speak of is as the view from the clear and clean waters of the River of the I Am as opposed

Come and Witness to God in All Things

 Child, by the grace of our Father and God we are here at this Tabernacle where we commune in the love of mother and child.  This Tabernacle is of the mystical body of God.  When we open ourselves to God we are made whole for what was separated has been reunited.  On the one level you become whole for your brokenness is made whole by God.  The yes to God makes a journey begin to where you are reunited with those parts that were forced to close to the truths of the Kingdom.  On another, deeper level, your seed is exposed for to open all parts is to expose the pearl of great prize, the seed of your soul. When the seed of the soul is exposed, it is reunited with God and all is made whole once again. You and God were one before your creation.  You shall return to the one either in this world or the next. You were meant to be naked in all parts that the seed within you may walk in nakedness with your God. You were meant to have both the mystical and physical in a nakedness of intimacy with

The Power of Love Shall Usher in the New Earth

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me this new day that we may commune for we are mother and child.  This Tabernacle is for you that you may be filled with my nurture and attention.  Above all else you are filled with my love.  Love begets more love, Janine, for love expands even into  the universe. Love has no boundaries for true love is without the noise of the misguided world. Man makes boundaries by misguiding my children into thinking there is nothing or no one above the worldly. You have come to see and taste what the world cannot see and taste on its own. You walk from the view of the River of the I Am where the love within its depths is boundless.  The love that is produced by the joining of my children, one by one, expands into the world and on the wings of the Holy Spirit spreads all the more and more. There shall be the day when the love of the River of the I Am becomes so great it will usher in the New Earth.  In that time you shall see and walk with me, my Son and our G

I Am But God's Small Child who Gave Her Yes

 Child, come and allow yourself to become naked in all parts that I may fill you in all parts.  Let go with the breath that allows you to let go of the body and where you descend into the depths of the River of the I Am.  There in the depths you enter the void where you hear and taste my Son. Janine, I have shown you how to breathe that you may find and taste the Light.  The void within you when you empty makes the space and place where you meet in intimacy with my Son.  The soft voice of Jesus rises up from within the void for when you make this space available God fills it with Himself. God is Jesus and Jesus is God.  The Holy Spirit is of God and is of Jesus.  Therefore, my child when one speaks to you all speak to you. The soft voice of Jesus is of God and the Holy Spirit, for Father is Son and Son is Father. I speak to you in this way that you may know I am the mother to God for I am the mother to the Son of God.  The Holy Spirit is of God and is of my Son. I am given the keys to

Resolution is of your God

 Child, come to this Tabernacle and know love and only love.  Come into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. Come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where the noise dare not go. You cannot resolve what is not resolvable.  You can only await upon your God and savior to do the work of resolution.  When you give to God all you must give God all with no matter the way of what you want as resolution. To trust is to not place your wants and desires before God. To trust is to ask for God's will to be done in all things.  This prayer replaces all wants and desires with the understanding that God will bring his love to bear on your life.   Janine, this does not mean that you need not pray.  To be of prayer that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven is to add power to the River of the I Am for the River grows with the yes and prayers for others as well as for yourself. Pure prayer asks that God's will be done knowing that God can bring abo