The View From the Heavens

 Child, let go of the noise and come to me for I am your mother who awaits your attendance to this Tabernacle that I may fill you with the ways of my heart. Come and be cleansed in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am on this new day.

Child, come and take in the view from the heavens where the Earth below you has no boundaries.  From this view all walk as brothers for the Earth belongs to all.  All breathe the same air that surrounds the Earth.

Janine, your yesterday showed you the ways of man made bindings.  From this view above all there are no such bindings.  Man has used the ego mind of Adam and Eve to have you believe there are bindings that separate you from another by time, space, color, gender, and even size.

I ask you to walk with me in the ways of this view for man has made bindings and called them laws and rules that have no reality from this view from the heavens. I give you view of the reality of the heavens.

I shall walk with you on this day and the many coming days to show you the view from the heavens where love flows with no bindings, no laws and no separation.

You ask, "mustn't there be laws and bindings to keep those from murder and war and crimes against my neighbors?"  I ask you, my child, has war or laws or punishments ended war or murder or the bindings that separate one from another?  

I ask you to be mine and to write these words for my children must come to see what I show you this day.  There are no laws or rules or bindings that have the power to end war or crimes against another.  From this view you shall come to see the only way to the New Earth is from the power of the River of the I Am where love and only love shall end wars and crimes against another. Let those with ears to hear, hear.