
Showing posts from June, 2022

We Must Witness to the Ignitions

Child, come and taste the freedom to just be. Come and taste my love that holds but never demands. Come and know the ways of my heart.  You fear judgment, Janine. You fear being punished. You fear that you are "being bad" for that was the way of your childhood. These fears are being healed one at a time and you must come to see that it is the old and not the new. The new ignites the old where the old is magnified and causes you much angst. Let my peace take over you for it is the peace of my Son. Janine, I cannot promise you that the angst will not rise from the ignition of the old. But, my child, I promise you that I am with you and will be with you as the fear and angst wash over you and then leave with the quickness and fury that it had arrived. I am your mother and I am with you in all things. Take in the peace here, Janine, for it shall sustain you.  We must witness to these ignitions for they tell the story of the young child within you.

How Precious You Are

 Child of mine, I call you mine. Do not listen to any or all contradictions for I am your mother by God's design. It is the noise that lurks within your weakest time and space that causes you angst for it is the noise that asks you to fret over the ways of our witnessing. You are not asked to do anything other than to witness with me. When you let go and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us God's will is being accomplished for it is by the Holy Spirit that hearts open to God.  Do not make the mistake of comparing what we have with what others may have with me or with Jesus. You are who you are by God's design and to compare is to take away that preciousness.  I ask you to write my words that you may come to know how precious you are as well as to gather others to me that they may come to me within their own design.  This is a new day and it is a day where we walk together while within your body. Take in the beauty of this day. Witness to all that is placed before us thi

Do Not Call Yourself Christian as a Badge to Judge

 Child, letting go is a process of the body that stops the war with itself. Come and let go of all that you may know the peace that ends all war for it is the peace as promised by my Son. Your dream showed you the way of your yesterday that grew you. The dream was of awareness and acceptance of being God's witness. You accept and love all, even those who are judged by some as less than or even evil. Know that, today, you are grown in the ways of Jesus. To know Jesus is to know His love for all with no judgments or boundaries. When there are those who judge another by their hypocrisy know that you are of Jesus who loves and only loves. In your dream there was an openness and nakedness with those that are being judged for your heart has let go of the hypocrisy of saying you are Christian and then not acting like a Christian.  Your yesterday witnessed to the dangers of using the word Christian as a badge to judge. Come and love as Jesus and I love. Come and be of peace. Come and end t

Love is Simple but Profound

 Child, come and rest for a time with me. Come and be held. Come and know how much you are loved. Come and witness to all that we have. Come and taste the love of my Son who is with us before God. Come and let us move into the void where we commune with Jesus.  Today, my child, is another day to be filled that we may walk into the world to witness and to fill. Today is another day to love and only love. There is no perfection, my child, but you give yourself to God who is perfection and who works His miracles through us. You may not see all of the fruits of our walk within this world, but rest assured, you shall in the next. As we witness in all things big and small, know that miracles occur in both. Know that God has His hand in all we do.  All you need do is to walk with me and to listen to the soft voice of Jesus and know that all is being accomplished. By your yes, God works. By your yes God moves mountains. By your yes those before and after you shall be blessed. By your yes we wa

The Truth of our Loving God

 Child, take the deep breath that carries you into my presence. Let go of the noise with the breath that lets go. Take in this Tabernacle that shines with the Light of my womb. Take in how much you are loved.  My children need to be heard and opened and understood. We walk to open what is closed. We walk to hear with the ear of the heart. We walk to show mercy and love. We walk to show the truth and the way to God that ends war within and without. We walk to establish the New Earth where all shall walk in nakedness with their God where nothing need be hidden any longer. To open is fearful for my children for they fear being naked before God. They fear God is a punishing God and therefore they must hide. Janine, we walk to tell the truth that God is not a punishing God. God is love and only love. When one of mine opens and faces what they call humiliation, the ego begins to move away and the door to nakedness is opened. We walk to hold each child as the fears are made known and opened.

The Great Prayer

Child, come and let go and know I am your mother and I hold you and yours in my heart. Know that I intercede for you and yours. You call yourself mine and I call you mine. I have given you my heart and it shall never be taken from you.  Go and be before the roses at my feet and know that I am here with you in all things. Be at peace, my child. Be of my love. Be of the sacred witness. Be of the mother to yours. Be of the lover to your beloved. Be of Jesus who walks within you in all you do. Know that it is by Jesus that we have what we have. Know that Jesus spreads Himself into all we do. Know, Janine, that you have been given the name of mine. You need never let go of me or Jesus.  Let us be of the prayer that Jesus Himself has shown us. "Let your (God's) will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven".  This alone is the great prayer for this prayer says to God that we know His love for us surpasses all we can conjure up while in the body. To believe this prayer is to know God

To Be a Child of the Light

 Child, come and know the beauty that lies within your own soul. Come and hear your voice that emanates from your soul. Come and be of the Light. Come and let us commune in that space of your soul where you hear me and you taste and see the light that is the River of the I Am. No need to do. Just be. No need to have war within any more. No need to be frightened for the Light that is within your soul is the Light of the void that you now enter to be with jesus. Upon your sleep and awakening each day you are with Jesus for you have found that place and space deep within you that is in the Light and where you taste the relationship with Jesus. Janine, my child, all are welcome here for all have the same place and space that is the soul. To truly know Jesus your soul must open in a nakedness and emptiness that allows the Light in. To be a child of the Light is to be of the opened soul. To know the Light you must walk in each day seeking to open your own body and heart where the soul abides

Our Yes Makes It So

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle where we call our home for it is home now and always. This tabernacle is for you and me always. God has designed us that we may be mother and child forever. By my yes I am mother to all for I gave birth to the Son of Man. Take note of how your hands dance as you write my words. Take note of how deeply we move into the River of the I Am where all noise and all boundaries are no more. Yes, it is our time, Janine. Yes, it is our prayers of mother and child. Yes, it is prayer time for we are in the deep presence of God where His will is being accomplished through us on Earth as it is in Heaven. God's love is within and through and all around us in both the physical and mystical world. I say to you that the mystical shall be all the more and more each day as the physical becomes the less and less each day. Come, and as we commune, know that we are within the realm of God's will for us. Our yes makes it so. 

The Breath that Finds Jesus

Child, come and be with me as we share the peace as promised by my Son. Come and know the breath that joins us as one. Come and let us take in the breath that carries us into the depths of your own soul where the River of the I Am flows. I give my children the view of the ways of Jesus through you. On this new day I give you view of your early awakening where your breath took you into relationship with Jesus. You have been reminded that the noise can grab at you with no warning. Your early awakening is a time and space where the noise is the loudest for you. The noise gave you pain and worry and angst. By the soft voice of Jesus you were able to let go of the noise and return to the peace that is deep with your soul. It was by the breath that you were taken back into your depths. By the breath Jesus showed you the way to Him. By the breath you became in deep relationship with Jesus. Janine, my child, what you and Jesus share is the union that is brought by the breath for by the breath

When the Noise is Gone God is Seen

 Child, come and know me. Come and taste my nurture. Come and let us commune in the ways of mother and child. Your attendance to me at this Tabernacle pleases me for it allows me to take you into the depths of your own soul where the River of the I Am flows. I come to show you that one life does not end and another one begin. Rather, my child, one life is transformed into another. What is gained in this life in the ways of love and only love is not lost but taken with you.What you have gained in the ways of Jesus shall follow you. What is lost is the noise.The noise is transformed into the union with God and all of the yes. What is gained is the walk with Jesus in a way unknown to you as of yet. Your dreams are foretelling of the great love of the Heavens that abide within you already and shall be expanded in the next life. Your joy today may seem as though it cannot grow. But, my child, I say to you, that as you move into the next life, you shall take all you have gained with you. God

The Mystical Body of God Within Us

 Child, it is a new day. It is a new day to be of my heart that is of God. Come and be taken.Come and know you are part of the River of the I Am where we commune in a special way for we commune within the mystical of the River of the I Am. The mystical is what we know to be of greater taste than the outside world. The outside world has its place in God's plan but there are those who seek only the outside world and not seek to know the mystical. The many fear moving deep within themselves where God abides. We walk to open what you call the true self, the higher self, the higher power, the spiritual self and God. Do not judge what another calls this mystical beginnings for all of these roads lead to the depths within one's soul where the mystical body of God abides. We Walk to teach of the mystical body of God within no matter the name used.  It is God who gives his name to those who seek Him. To seek what is beyond them is to begin to see God. It is as Jesus said. "whoever

Grace is For All in Great Measure

 Child, I know your love for me and your want to be of this Tabernacle. I know the ways of your heart that live both in the outside world and the world of the River of the I Am. In your body you search and seek the truths of your body and soul. You seek to be in relationship with me and with Jesus. You seek the wisdom that nurtures and teaches others of love and only love. Grace is for all in great measures with no matter the ways of the noise. To open to grace is to let go of the ego mind that repulses grace for it seeks its own rewards. We walk to give love and only love where grace rises up from. To become aware of the ego mind within is to expose the part that walks only in the noise of the outside world. We walk to witness to each story and in so doing open the door to the inner ways of heart and soul where grace abides. Come and let us walk with intent to hear each story placed before us. The story of each child opens the heart and soul to grace. Be filled this new day that you m

Self Love Leads to Relationship With God

 Child, I am your mother with no matter the time or space that you place yourself before this Tabernacle for I await your turning to me. I am pleased with your love for me. I am with you in all things. Today, Janine, holds us in God's love and will. To trust in God's will for us is to not sacrifice who we are but to add to who we are. God's will is for us to find true love, one that is based in self love in all parts. When you can love yourself in a nakedness that worries not what others may see or think of your doings, you become who you are meant to be. Self love is not selfish. Self love is the ability to love others as you love yourself. If you cannot love yourself and you anger at parts of yourself how then can you say you love another and anger not at another? Self love gives with love. Self love is a humbleness that knows that relationship with self becomes a relationship with God. God is vested in self love. To be in relationship with yourself is to know how much Go

The Joy of Soul to Soul

 Child, come and take rest within this Tabernacle. Come and be known as mine. Come and know how much you are loved. Come and stand in the wisdom and truth of the River of the I Am. The truth was evident in your yesterday where the truth was spoken in love and only love.You judged not. Rather, you heard the soft voice of Jesus that spoke of the truth that needed to be spoken. You opened the two souls to the truth by hearing the truth from Jesus. The lesson learned this day is the peace that flows forth from the truth that is deep within your relationship with Jesus. Both souls opened and began to trust in the truth. Janine, the truth sets souls free.  Your words set the souls free. You heard the truth from Jesus that led these souls to open for the truth set them free.  There are those times when you are nudged to speak from deep within your soul where Jesus abides. Know this, Janine, soul meets soul and you met two souls yesterday. Let us walk in gratitude that you heard the voice of t

True Prayer

 Good morning, my child, come and allow me to take you into my heart and into the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Take in my nurture that shall sustain you this day. You ask that we pray together. Janine, my child, our communion is prayer for we are one in the will of God. At times in your day you ask for Jesus who is the One who walks and works with us to do God's will. When you find yourself losing the peace of Jesus that is beyond earthly ways, know that you must seek Jesus for the noise can become too loud. But it is less and less, Janine, for you are more and more of Jesus and thus you are more and more of the will of God. Prayer then, is the relationship with Jesus who guides us in the ways of God's will where prayer need only be His will for us. When you seek only the peace of Jesus you seek prayer for to be in relationship with Jesus in peace is to know that it is He who takes care of doing God's will. To seek only to be with Jesu

Witnessing to a Confession

 Child, as you make the sign of the Cross, know that you are making holy this Tabernacle for we commune in the ways of the mystical body of our Father and God. Come and be taken into the depth of the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, you must enter this holy space of this Tabernacle that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where the I Am, our God abides. You have been guided into this sanctuary. It is by my heart and my love that you have been taken into this great holy space of our God. To be in this holy space you must be of the opened heart. I ask you to bear witness to the visit from your earthly mother who is among those of the yes. I also ask you to bear witness to the man who asked you to come to him for he is a saint who has been blessed . He assured you that he has been blessed so it was ok to take his hand. You rose up with him where you were guided up into the mystical.   This man gave you his name. He told you of the guilt and pain for the breaking of

The Scent of the Roses Shall Linger Beyond this Life

 Child, breathe in the air of this Tabernacle. Breathe out the noise. Come and take the breath that carries us into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know your mother. Come and know the mother of God. I and my Son walked the Earth. To be aware of such grace brings great humbleness. To be of such grace is to be humble in the ways of my motherhood.  On this day of God's grace we commune in the ways of mother and child. On this new day we walk to be of God's will for us. To be of opened to your deepest parts is to be of your design for there is no need to hide any part. Janine, my child, take leave of all of the outside world and be with me. Take leave of yourself that you may know how much you are loved. This day is of you and me. This day is of our love for each other. Take view of the roses beneath my feet today for they carry the awareness and grace of what we have. Each rose shows you how much you are loved. The rose is of God who grants us this communion. Be sure

God Takes Painstaking Care of You

 Child, you have chosen to attend to this Tabernacle that we may commune. To commune is to open us where we become one in the presence of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  I give you my yes with each inch and moment. What we have can never be destroyed. What we have is of the Covenant between God and Man for by my yes, man shall live forever. Come and be still and hear the beauty of the yes between mother and child. I feed you. I attend to you. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Just as you must attend to the bread you make in order that it may grow into bread, So too you attend to your soul that it may grow into the food that nourishes yourself and others. To love the making of bread is as God who loves growing you into a food of life where your dough feeds others and makes more compost to feed others and so on and so on. Be of gratitude this new day for you see your love of making bread is as the love God has for you in making you of love and only love. You tak

Come and Build Solid Ground

 Child, come and be awakened to this Tabernacle. Come and be awakened to my heart that holds you, attends to you and nurtures you. Come and take in all that is of this holy place. Come and take in all that is before you and through you. The River of the I Am flows with you, without you and through you for the River is of the mystical ways of God. The River has no boundaries for it flows in the way of the Holy Spirit that is within, without, and through all things.  What is good is made holy by the Holy Spirit for all which the Holy Spirit opens gains the grace of the mystical. What you gain cannot be taken away for the door to the old becomes closed when the door to the Holy Spirit is opened.  You may become dormant at times where you may not feel the Holy Spirit but that does not mean the Spirit is not there. You may even close the door out of anger but the Holy Spirit is still with you for what has been built shall never be destroyed. Your heart has been opened and you and I have bui

The Noise: The Tempter

Child, take the breath that exits the noise and take in the breath of this Tabernacle. Come and be of my heart that carries us into the depths of the River of the I Am. Today is a new day and you await my heart and my words that we may commune. I am your mother and I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am as decreed by God. By God's hand I am your mother and mother to the Son of Man and mother to all.  You are humble of heart by my heart that is by God's hand. You are of the ways of Bernadette for you seek only to do God's will through me. You have gained much grace and you have gained much healing of your body and soul. Your body and soul are now in the opened position where you taste all that is both within and without. To be freed from the fear of being exposed is to be free from the noise that works to close what God intends to be opened. To be opened is to come to know God as God truly is.  When you no longer fear what others may see or say of you, you are freed from the

The Voice of Jesus Moves Us

My child, sign yourself with the sign of the Cross. Place yourself before this Tabernacle and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of the way of your being that lets go of all that I may take you into my heart. Let us commune on this new day. I ask only that you give me your yes for the yes allows me to take you into my heart. You say yes to me in the many ways of the day for you seek my counsel and the counsel of my Son. The voice that breaks open deep within your depths is the voice of the Holy Spirit that moves us as one within the day. The voice of Jesus moves us. The soft voice that rises from your depths is from the seed of your soul that houses the Holy Spirit of Jesus. The soft voice counters all noise for when you hear the noise you now hear the counter to the noise in each inch and moment.  When you make a choice to love you make the choice to place your ego mind in the rear and not the fore. The noise can no longer justify its want to judg

The Lesson of the Inch and Moment

 Child of mine, you are mine and I am here that you may be filled, attended to and nourished in the ways of the River of the I Am for my nurture is of God. Come and let go of yourself that we may commune here within this Tabernacle. Come and be loved in all parts. On this new day know that you are of love and only love. Know that we are mother and child forever. Know that God has His hand on us. In your yesterday you saw the roses bloom at my feet that give witness to the power of my love. In the one moment you saw yourself grow in love, patience and fortitude for even though you were tempted to move from the moment in your mind you resisted and walked to remain in the moment. From your yesterday you have moved into the deeper next inch within the depths of your being. Janine, my child, this is the way of the River of the I Am for to remain in the moment moves you forward in the inch where the inch is the movement deeper into the depths of your own soul. Take in this lesson for to be i

Come and Just Be

 Child, do not fret for I am here and I await your attendance to this Tabernacle. Come and be known. Come and know there are those who have gone before you that walk and work to gather as we do for theirs is of their design as well. Come and taste the freedom to just be. To just be is to shed what others feel you must be. To just be is to let go and allow this special inch and moment to be of you and me in the embrace of mother and child. To just be is to remain in this inch and moment until it is finished where it ushers in the next inch and moment.  To Just be, my child, is to walk in the awareness of the grace and sacredness of this inch and moment. Just as you taste the roses at my feet in this inch and moment, know that the next cannot be until you have tasted this one.  To just be is to taste all in this inch and moment that it may build your next. What is accomplished here within this Tabernacle shall hold you and build you that we may move into the outside world with your found

Take Note of How Simple Love Is

 Good morning, my child. I take you and hold you as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am where all of the yes abide. I take you into my heart where we commune for I am your mother and you are my child. You await my words that you may be of my heart that wishes my children to come to know me as you do. Love grows love, my child. The love we share shall be spread for it can be of no other way. I taste your want to move into the world to gather. But, be still and be empty in this inch and moment that I may fill.  Your love for all that is around you grows all the more and more each day. Your love for what we have grows each day for you take in the ways of mother and child in these depths all the more and more each day. Talk note of how simple this love is for it judges never. Take in how simple this love is for it controls never. Take in how simple this love is for it gives all to God with no matter that want of the noise to have you control and judge. Janine, this love is

By the Sacred Witness the Holy Spirit Does Its Work

Janine, my child, how joyful is your heart this day for in your yesterday you witnessed to the opening of another’s heart that found the root of its design.   How joyful you were when the other exposed his heart as his story unraveled. To witness to the opening of another’s heart and to witness the joy that fills the empty space of the emptying of one’s story is the miracle of the explosion that opens the soul to God. There was no need to speak of God for God was felt by both of you. There was no need to speak for both felt the joy of the connection to God that filled the room. Janine, my child, it was the Holy Spirit of God that filled the room. You witnessed to the confusion of the old for the new had not yet replaced the old. You witnessed the silence as the confusion broke open and exploded exposing the heart and soul.  As the awareness of the simplicity of God’s love replaced the confusion, peace and joy were felt by the both of you for this is the way of the River of the I Am. T

Love Yourself That You May Love Others

Child of mine, come and let go. Place yourself before this Tabernacle on this new day and know how much you are loved. Your joy and love is tasted in places that were once hidden to any love or joy for your wounds had closed them off. Today is another day that you are graced to be in your body. Today is another day to be graced. Today is another day to be filled with the ways of my heart. Today is another day to be loved and to be loving. Today is another day to be of the sacred witness where we invite others to open their hearts to God. Love this day, Janine. Love yourself that you may love others. Love others that they may learn to love themselves. Love with the love that is deep within you where your seed of God abides.  Love as Jesus loves. Love with no matter the ways of the noise. Love as you are meant to love. When your heart is opened and in love with Jesus you learn to love all of God's creations. 

Love Holds No Expectations of Another

 Child, come and place yourself before this Tabernacle. Come and be of my hands and heart and peace for these are the hands and heart and peace of my Son the Light, the Lamb. Come and know the wisdom of the depths of the River of the I Am where simplicity of love and only love flows forth from. Love is but a word when it is not tasted within the loins. Love cannot be understood in simplicity when the door to the heart is closed. Love is made complicated and corrupt when it flows forth from the ego mind.  Love, when it flows from deep within your being, is simple and sacred. Love needs no words when it flows from the heart and soul for this is when God joins the heart to gather. Love listens when it is not time to speak. Love hears with the ear of the heart where God resides. Love holds no expectations of another. Rather, love seeks only to love another. You have learned much in these last days. To seek expectations of another is to see from the ego mind rather than from the heart and s

The Grace of the Interruption

 Child, come and be attended to and know that the interruption of this new day is a grace from God.  To be interrupted does not mean to deny the ways of God's work. I am your mother who is with you in all things, even the interruptions.  You are here now and I hold you and give you my nurture and attention.  I love you and your love for me is known. How great is our God for your prayer has been answered.  I give you view of the grace of the interruption. God gave you this interruption that your prayer may be answered, not in your timing, but His. The prayer of your night has been answered.  To be interrupted within this Tabernacle is to be interrupted by God for He places His miracles in all times and in all things. You have been graced with the knowledge and knowing that there is no time nor space where you will not see God's hand upon you. Rest now and allow the joy that is within you to praise our Father and God for His miracles in the inch and moment. Now, my  child, trust

All are Birthed with God's Seed

 Child, take in this time and this space for it has brought you to me. Take in how much you are loved. Take in the power of my love that holds you and all of the yes within the River of the I Am. Love is more powerful than evil. Love is more powerful than any destructive power for God is truly the One who has created you and all of that which is of man. The River flows in simplicity. All are able to know this love with no distinctions that man may place on a child. Man judges one's ability to know love and only love for man presupposes that not all are equal.  One child may be judged as above another for intellectual accomplishments or hand creations. Janine, my child, I say to you that God's Love is innate within each child for each has the seed of God. This seed of love is above all that man may judge to be above or below.  The heart and soul are simple in their need for love and only love.  All else is noise. Each child is given God's love in abundance. It may look to ma

The Boundless Ways to Bear God's Fruit

 Child, come.  As you let go with the breath that holds the noise, take in the breath of the River of the I Am where the peace of the Holy Spirit of Jesus resides.  As we move into the depths of the River of the I Am take note and take in the beauty of each depth we pass. Each depth gives witness to your journey. Each depth holds the foundation for the next and so on. With each depth a lesson is learned and taken in. With each depth the wisdom of the River bears fruit within you. The depth of today has been built upon the way of your yesterdays. Each depth becomes the foundation that has no bearing on time. Rather, each depth must be the lesson of God's wisdom that is taken into your entire being. To hear is not always to hear for God's wisdom may be heard and not taken into your being where the truth and the way reside. This new day sees you at a new depth. Your dream was of being without your personhood from the loss of your '"things"  There is a new and differe