Do Not Call Yourself Christian as a Badge to Judge

 Child, letting go is a process of the body that stops the war with itself. Come and let go of all that you may know the peace that ends all war for it is the peace as promised by my Son.

Your dream showed you the way of your yesterday that grew you. The dream was of awareness and acceptance of being God's witness. You accept and love all, even those who are judged by some as less than or even evil.

Know that, today, you are grown in the ways of Jesus. To know Jesus is to know His love for all with no judgments or boundaries. When there are those who judge another by their hypocrisy know that you are of Jesus who loves and only loves.

In your dream there was an openness and nakedness with those that are being judged for your heart has let go of the hypocrisy of saying you are Christian and then not acting like a Christian.  Your yesterday witnessed to the dangers of using the word Christian as a badge to judge.

Come and love as Jesus and I love. Come and be of peace. Come and end the war within that has carried war because of the misguidedness of your learning. Come and let us make brothers and sisters with all placed before us today.