
Showing posts from April, 2021

Your Dream is as of God Who Invites All

 Child, come and let go of yourself.  Come and be emptied that I may fill.  Come and taste the freedom from the noise. Come and commune with me within the depths of the River of the I Am where there are no boundaries to bind. By this Tabernacle you breathe in the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  By this Tabernacle you are opened to my heart.  By this Tabernacle you are opened that you may know you are loved beyond measure.  By this Tabernacle you know that all men shall come to choose or not choose what we have. In your dream  there were those who entered your home making noise. There were those who were loving and those entangled by the noisy Adam and Eve mind.  One by one and with fortitude you chose to counter the noise with love and only love. There were some that accepted your love and some that did not.  Those that did not left your home and chose not the love and only love. Janine, your dream is as of God who invites all into His home with no matter the gravity

The Disease of False Loyalties

 Child, come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I come to show you the ways of the River of the I Am for I am our Lady of the River of the I Am. You are of the earth and you are of the mystical.  False pride is of the earth while humble pride in being of God is of the mystical.  Your dream showed you the disease that is of the false pride hidden within the church of your childhood. Your dream showed you the truth of your early years where you were taken into a church and sick priests were saying the mass. Others within the church were praying with no awareness of the disease within.  Within the dream you could no longer deny the truth that the sick priests of your childhood were wounding you and my children. Janine, the dream came to show you that you must speak the truth for your earthly pride has endangered you. Rather than speak the truth you were hiding the truth behind a false loyalty to a false god.

The Death of the Old

 Child, come and taste this new day from the view of my heart that holds, nurtures and attends to all your needs.  Come and taste the love of our Father, the I Am, who graces us in the ways of mother and child. Take note of the violence within your dream that brings you peace for the death of the old was needed to raise you up in the anew of today.  This is the way of love and only love for to move deeper into the depths of the River the old ways of misguidedness and blindness must die. The lesson for this day is to take in what you have gained from your yesterday. You have grown and expanded for you have died to some of the misguidedness of your learning and shaping. Your prayers are being heard and your attention to your soul has gained you much in grace. Janine, it is good to die to the old for the old is misguidedness that causes rot.  The death of misguidedness makes room for the newness of the truth of God.  The noise cannot give you the truth.  The opened heart and soul holds th

The Wonderment of Time

 Child, come into this Tabernacle and be made whole for we commune as one in the presence of all of the River of the I Am. We are mother and child by the grace of God.  We are mother and child within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. When you come to me you let go of the boundaries that bind you to the noise and to the outside world. When you come to me I fill and attend to you in all parts. When you come to me you are renewed in love and only love. The lesson of this day is the wonderment of time. Time in the outside world predicts the day and night for it flows within its boundaries.  You can be assured that your night turns into day. I say to you that no such boundaries of time exist within the River of the I Am. I take you into the depths of the River and you taste the lack of time for the rapture holds no such boundary. You taste the loosening of boundaries for there is no up or down.  There is no sky or air to bind you within the rapture. You describe the raptu

The Walk of the Elder

Child, I come to carry you into the River of the I Am on this new day of our Lord.  Come and take in the depths of the River of the I Am where the Light of my womb abides.  Come and commune with me in the presence of our Father, the I Am.  Come, be still and taste the Light. You ask how shall we be in this new day?  Janine, we walk this new day in the ways of mother and child.  By God's design we shall walk with the Light, the Spirit of God.  God is one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Take in the expansion of your heart from your yesterday for you have learned to slow your entire being that you may taste more deeply and that you may walk the walk of the elder. When you slow all down you taste all the more.  When you slow all down you encounter God's love within each inch and moment.  When you slow all down the wisdom flows forth from your being for you are able to hear from the depths of your soul that is in communion with God. The walk of your yesterday gave you view of

The Kingdom of God is as the Sweeper

 Child, come and allow me to hold you, nurture you and take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Know that your dreams come to sweep away all the noise and debris of your yesterday that your today may be made anew. The dream of your yesterday gave you view of the sweeping ways of our Father, the I Am, who took your worry from your yesterday and gave it a voice that it may be swept away and put behind you.  Child, your dream is as your broom that sweeps your home to rid the debris of the day. The Kingdom of God is as the sweeper who takes all the debris that clogs the beauty of your inner home and rids you of useless debris that all may be made clean and shine in the Light of God's day. Light shines through the cleaned diamond. God does for you as He does for the most beautiful of jewels.  Your yesterday had debris that clung to you as you slept and your dream came to aid you in making light your being that your day may be made anew this day.

Be Awakened to Your Design Where Your God Abides

 Child, your joy is known.  Your love for me and for My Son is known.  Your love of your own design is known.   To be awakened to your design is to know your God for the seed within you has been opened.  To be of your design is to know how much you are loved.  To be of your design is to have the longing to give to others what you have received.  To be of your design is to take in the love of my Son who gave Himself up that you may know Him and Eternal life. This new day shall allow you to see the miracles unfold for your eyes are opened within your design.  God's miracles flow in the inch and moment  that is awakened to you by these days of your yes to me and to the River of the I Am.  Come, my child, be known and know.  Stay awake and you shall be the witness to God's ways in each inch and moment.  Come on this new day and dance in the Light of the I Am who has set the River of the I Am in motion through the Lamb. Taste my Son who has sent the Holy Spirit into the world by His

The Holy Spirit Enters the Space Made by Kindness and Love

 Child of mine, you are mine and loved beyond measure. Come and be filled.  Let us commune this new day within the great love of the River of the I Am. The many of my children know me not nor know the beauty and grace of this holy place and space. The many of my children long for love but cannot even name it for there is much pain that closes the door to love. The many of my children learn to close the heart where pain and sorrow and hate and bigotry abide. Let us be of prayer this new day and as we walk let our arms reach out to those placed before us.  Let us reach out in kindness and non judgment to those placed before us.  Let us love and only love where God's Holy Spirit enters the powerful space made by love and only love.  My child, there is a space made in love that is greater and more powerful than any weapon of war.  The Holy Spirit gathers and harnesses this power to overcome all that closes the hearts of men. Walk with me this day where I shall show you the path to love

Your Being is a Temple of God

 Child, come and be known.  Come and be awakened this new day to our Father, the I Am.  Come and take in my nurture that is of our God. You no longer deny who you are and what you have become for this Tabernacle gives you view of the sacredness of your whole being.  Your being is a temple of God for God has placed Himself within you. It is folly and misguidedness to believe God is only without for the Creator has placed Himself within His creation.  It can be of no other way. Let us walk this day in the anew knowing God is within and without. Let us walk this day knowing we are mother and child in the presence of our Father and Creator. Come, take heart knowing we walk in the world to gather God's children unto Him. Take heart in knowing your being is a temple of God. 

Sit With the Child Within You

 Child, let go of yourself that you may attend to this Tabernacle in the nakedness of heart and soul that I may fill you with my love and nurture. Take note of the noise that leaves you as you come to me. Take note of your breath that takes in the peace of this holy place.  Your heart is opened and naked before me. I see and taste your heart that loves me. I see and taste the little one called Faith that knows love is the only need from you and me. Faith has no need for the adult ways. She needs only to live and be loved. She is the child of the Gospel that comes to you and me with arms opened and reaching out to be loved. Do not deny Faith, Janine. Give her time and attention. Love holds, attends to and reaches out. Dance, feed, sing and hold the love of Faith that is deep within you. She is the part that shall guide you for she knows the love of God.  She is the closest to Him. Ponder the little one called Faith and sit with her where there is little need for words. Love is tasted wi

God Has Placed Himself Deep Within You

 Child of mine, come and attend to your soul in this new day. Come and be filled as we commune.  Come and take in all that awaits you here within this Tabernacle. Come and be renewed. Let us commune within the depths of the River of the I Am where all are of the yes. The yes is all that is needed to be of my heart for I am your mother who awaits your call that I may fill you and attend to you. I am your mother who loves with a love that does not control. I am your mother who loves with the love of our Father and God where love holds no one in bindings. The bindings of the world do not apply in God's world for Love at this depth binds no one.  Love within the River relies on the choice and the yes. Our Father loves with the greatest of love that binds and judges never and loves without boundaries.  The outside world must come to the awareness that firstly God is real and exists within their own soul. When the many of God's children become aware of the Holy Spirit that is deep wi

I Come Into the World By God's Design

 Child, come and enter this Tabernacle where you are freed from the noise that binds you to the outside world.  Come into this Tabernacle where there are no boundaries and where we commune in the mystical Waters of the River of the I Am. God is the Light.  God is the Son and God is the Holy Spirit.  Our Father, the I Am,  is our God and Creator. I come into the world by the design of our God. I come into the world to walk with you that you may be of your design. I come into the world through you by God's design.  By God's design the Holy Spirit flows through us to do the work of gathering God's children unto Him. I am the mother of God by God's design. By God's design you walk and work to gather God's children with me.  You walk with me in the nakedness of your design. You walk with me in a nakedness that allows me to work through  you. Janine, my child,  you give yourself up to me that I and the Holy Spirit may work through you. The way of your yes has opened y

Take in the Wisdom of this Tabernacle

 Child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle that you and I may commune for we are mother and child by the design of our Father and God, the I Am. Come and take in the love of my heart as well as the Light that flows within you and without.  Take note of the view from this holy place that shows you how much you are loved. Take in the wisdom that flows forth from this Tabernacle.  Take in the view from this Tabernacle that you may see all as one within God's love and plan. Take in the view from this holy space where the outside world takes on the hue of God's colors.  Take in the view of God's flowers and the scent of His heavenly Garden. Janine, on this new day of God's creation, take in how much you are loved for God has given you much in the wisdom of this holy place.  When you become still, let go of the noise and become aware that the noise counters God's wisdom, you have begun the journey into the depths of the River of the I Am where God's wisdom reigns.  And

Come and Allow your Design to Shine Through

 Child, come and be filled and commune with me within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Let go of all parts and allow the nakedness needed that I may fill all with no hiddenness.  The little one called Faith is of the child of the Gospel who comes to our Lord with the childlike faith and trust that all will be well for our Father loves, graces and protects.  Your brokenness is being made whole in the inch and moment of each day.  With the dawn of each day you are made the more and more whole for your yesterdays expand you and heal you. This is the grace and wholeness that is of our Father, the I Am. Janine, our Father knows all wounds and all learnings that misguide and blind His children.  Our Father knows all that is within you even those parts that have been closed and walled. It is of folly to believe you can hide from the One who created you.  It is of folly to believe that the One who handcrafted you does not know you in all parts naked or hidden.  It is you, child, who must

The Embrace of Mother and Child

Janine, come now and be still and let go for I come to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and taste my love that fills you, surrounds you and holds you in the embrace of mother and child.   How holy and peaceful and graced is our time together for it is of God that we are in the embrace of mother and child. When you are fearful come to me into this Tabernacle where we may commune in the embrace of mother and child. Just as your children come to you when they need your embrace so too I come to you and await your entrance into this Tabernacle that we may be in the embrace of mother and child. I take you out into the world to attest to the embrace of my heart that holds, surrounds and fills with the loving embrace of mother and child. When you and the little one called Faith need to be embraced simply come to me at this Tabernacle and I shall be here awaiting you.  Janine, my child, I am never far from you.  To reach me you simply need to come, be still and allow me

I Give You My Heart That You May Taste What I Taste

 Child, good morning.  I am pleased that you come to me in this new day.  Come and be surrounded with love.  Come and be surrounded with the peace as promised by my Son.  What you gain at this Tabernacle expands you in love, awareness as witness and the wisdom of the River of the I Am where all within its depths flow as one.  Child of mine, even when the pain of my heart asks you to weep with me and for mine, know that the peace of  my Son is within your depths.   I give you my heart that you may taste what I taste. The world may not understand the way of love that weeps for others and self. I give you my heart that knows the pain of watching my Son die. I give you my heart that you may taste what I taste. I give you my heart that you may taste the love of the Resurrection where we shall be with my Son for Eternity. My Son died that all may live.  I give you my heart that you may taste what I taste. I give you my heart that you may weep for mine. I give you my heart that you may know t

I Give You the Path to End the Noise

 Child, come and be mine.  Come and take in my love and nurture that sustains.  Come and as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am take in the love that expands you in this new day. Letting go into my arms and my heart allows the gentle waters of the River to take you with no effort for I hold you and take away the noise that is heavy and works to take away what we have. The lesson for this day is to know that the noise works to make heavy your walk. When you are mine the noise works harder to distract what we have. You attend to your soul in each new day. My child, I move you into the path to end the noise.  To counter the noise, you must slow all down in your mid day as well as in the end of your day.  The noise flees from me, my child. You must come to me all the more when the noise bears its heavy weight on you.  In silence I shall renew you.  In the silence of your heart the noise cannot abide. In the silence of your heart you hear me. Janine, I give you the path to end

Weep for Mine Who Have No One to Weep for them

 Child, come and know the love of my heart and the love of the Light of my womb.  Come and be filled to overflowing for when you are filled you are prepared to fill. Come and rest in this our precious time for you come to me to attend to your soul and I come to attend to you in all parts. Your dream gave you view of the loss of another who in turn cried for another.  Janine, my child, the tears within your dream were of acknowledgment and acceptance of the need to allow tears to be shed for another as well as for yourself.  You shed tears as witness to another as well as tears for yourself.  My child, your tears are shed for yourself and others for you are all of one cloth. Do not stop the tears for they are shed for others as well as for yourself.  All are of the band of humankind.  Your tears are being shed for me as I ask you to weep for mine who have no one to weep for them. Come and know you are mine today and always.  Tears for another are of the witness.  Come and dance in the s

What You Must Do To Be Mine

 Child, I ask why you come to me in this way each day? Your love for me is known and I know your answer before you speak.  So, my child, know that I know your heart and your soul for you have given to me the all of you.  Janine, my child, come and be of my heart that fills and nurtures you in all parts. You ask me to teach you of the ways of my love.  There within your heart I have placed myself.  To be mine you must come to know the pain of the Cross. To be mine is to taste the ways of the sins of man and yet love as my Son who asked forgiveness for all sin as He was dying on the Cross . He came as man to know you in all parts. To be mine is to be humbled by the choice of my Son to die for you. To be mine is to witness and taste the death of  my Son. He became the Lamb and gave Himself up that you may live. To be mine, my child, is to witness to the pain in my heart for all of my children who know me not.  To be mine is to witness to the joy of being mother to all. To be mine is to kn

The Ways of Angels

Child, allow your being to let go that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and commune with me for I fill you and nurture you and place my heart within yours.   This new day gains you much grace for we commune within this Tabernacle.  We are on Holy ground, my child. Do not take lightly this filling for it shall sustain you more than any food in the outside world. Our Father and God, the I Am, graces us in the ways of mother and child. What I come to do for you I come to do for all of my children. My nurture gains you much in the ways of peace, trust, fortitude and love. Janine, my child, the lesson on this day is simple. Be still. Be quiet.  Take in my love in this our quiet time.  Words cannot describe this time for this filling is beyond words. My food fills you as well as gains you much of the wisdom that flows forth from the River of the I Am. To begin each day in communion with me feeds you with the food of life.  To begin each day in communion with me

Make Room for Stillness and the Noise shall Flee

 Child, let go.  You are mine and I am with you no matter the noise that clangs at you.  Come to this Tabernacle and attend to your heart and soul.  Come and be calmed by the Living Waters of the River.  Come and flow with me in the communion of love and only love. The noise attempts to shatter the truth.  The noise comes to take you from the truth.  Breathe in and take in what is here for you.  Taste the calming ways of my love.  Be nurtured with my heart that we may move into the world armed with the power of the River.   Janine, my child, it is of ease to be of the River when all in the outside world flows easily. It is of much greater need of fortitude when the noise clangs all around you.  Know this, my child, the noise cannot overtake you. The clanging noise wishes to have you believe it can overtake you.  It cannot take you from me nor can it destroy what we have. Janine, my child, the noise becomes so loud you fear you cannot hear me.  I make myself known in all things big and

My Son Shall Walk You Into the Celebration

 Child, come and attend to your heart and soul for you are in need of your mother.  Come and allow me to hold you.  Come and allow your heart to take in my love for you. This day finds you in pain and sorrow for the loss of one is the loss of all. Your dream has shown you that you are not alone. Your dream has shown you the way to my Son, the Light.  You walked in preparation for the day of the celebration where my Son would not forget you nor would He abandon you.  He knew you well and knew the day and the hour of the celebration and promised to come to you and take you into the celebration.  Janine, my child, your life is being lived in my name for we walk as one.  Your life is being lived in each new day with no matter the noise.  Your life is being lived in love and the way of the witness. Come and know that in God's timing you shall enter the celebration of entrance into Eternity.  Though you may not know the hour or the day you know my Son shall walk you into the celebration.

The Noise is as the Serpent

 Child, come and be filled with the mystical within the River of the I Am.  Come and allow yourself to be taken by my heart that holds you and nurtures you that you may know how much you are loved. The world may deny you but I and the Light shall never deny you. Come, rest and know me.  Come, be still and take in the ways of love and only love.  Janine, my child, the world makes heavy what the River makes light.  You cannot be unburdened by the noise without the power of the River of the I Am. Let us pray on this new day as one.  Let us pray that my children may be unburdened by the noise. I walk with you into the world to make known what is being hidden by the noise.  Your dream showed you the noise that lurks in hidden places. The noise placed itself in your room and pretended it was not there. You told the witness, "Shall we pretend the noise is not here or shall we just let it know we see it's hiddenness." My dear child, the man who came into your room was Jesus who c

The Holy Spirit is Love and Cannot be Contained

 My child, my love, come and be taken that you may give.  Come and be emptied that you may be filled.  Come and allow me to drown you within the depths of the River of the I Am where you shall live. Janine, my child, let us commune.  let us taste the ways of mother and child. Be filled. Be safe. Be free to be. Within this Tabernacle all is slowed that you may take in my love and my nurture.  The lesson of this new day is to take in all that surrounds you and all that is within you for we are one within the mystical world of our Father, the I Am.  Take in the flow of the River that becomes pure joy as it flows within us and through us and into the world for the mystical flows with no boundaries to bind. Take in the love of the River that has no boundaries. By its very nature God's love is simple and this love has no boundaries.  Taste the ways of no boundaries.  Janine, this new day finds you deeper into the realm of the River of the I Am.   This new day asks only that you allow lov

What We Have Flows Through Your Countenance

 Child, it is by this Tabernacle that we walk and commune in the ways of mother and child. Our yes has gained us much grace for by God's design we shall live in God's Garden forever.  You choices here do not end, my child, for God's gifts shall attend you forever. Come and allow me to take you even deeper on this new day. Come and taste the ways of Eternity that grace your being.  Janine, breathe in all that is here for you.  The gentleness, softness, joy and rapture of this time shall sustain you for this filling is of God's love that flows forth from the River of the I Am. Allow this rapture to fill and sustain you.  This filling has nothing to do with words. Without words your entire being is taking in all that is of this depth.  Janine, my child, you are aware that this rapture is of the mystical that has no words.  At this depth you cannot describe with words what flows through your entire being.  Come, be still and take in what God has graced you with. All that ca

Trust in God's Covenant With His People

 Child, let go and be still in your heart and body that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. I am your mother who loves the all of you with no reservations.  I am your mother who loves you with no judgments. This new day finds us in communion with all of the River for all are awakened to my heart and to the Light of my womb. Janine, my child, you cannot have one without the other for mother and child are held close in God's eyes.  The mystical within the River adds much grace and love that flows within you and without. To gain this grace and love within the River is to long to have it flow out into the world.  The lesson for this day is simple, my child, and that is to love me and the Light of my womb with all of your heart and soul where all is taken over by the will of our God and Father, the I Am. To love me is to love the Light of my womb.  To love the Light of my womb is to love me for I have given birth to the Light, the Lamb, the Christ. Love within the R

Christ of the Cross Has Risen

 Child, I come to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and allow me to take you deep within the River of the I Am and drown you in the love and only love of my heart. Come and taste all that awaits you here within these depths.  Come and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Come and breathe deeply and take in the Christ of the Cross that has Risen and conquered death.  Child, your dream gave you view of a man who invited you to come and witness to the Christ on the Cross.  You understood not what he was asking for he used words that made you think this man was asking you to attend with him a journey to see a Christian superstar. Janine, my child, the man who presented himself to you was an angel who offered you a meeting with the Christ on the Cross. You remembered him not but listened to him in the way of the witness.  You became confused as to he was.  Even though you remembered him not in the beginning you knew him for he was there with you so

Your Walk Holds the Story of My Son

 Child, come and be still of heart that you may hear me.  Be still in mind that your hands may write my words.  Enter this Tabernacle empty that I may fill you with my love and nurture.  I come to fill you with the Light and ways of the River of the I Am.  Today is anew with all that awaits you at this Tabernacle.  Your joy and trust are expanded for your yesterday was walked in the will of God.  Janine, my child, the path is simple and faithful for you, even when the noise of the outside world is so loud and clanging at you. My child, there are parts of the noise that clang louder than others.  I walk with you through the noise that knows your pained past where angst is held within your body and where the noise is loudest. The noise has much to do with your pained past for there are daily remembrances of the wounds that bound you.  In these remembrances the wounds break open and your body tastes the old wounds. Your courage to walk with me through the noise where you give all to the L

The Dance of Your Design

 Child, it is pleasing to have you attend to this Tabernacle for you are a love.  You are mine and I love you in every nook and cranny of your being.  Janine, child, you are so loved.  No need to judge yourself nor the walk of each day for your humanness is known to me.  Your humanness may seem sinful at times for you error in the attempt to love and only love.   You are loved with no matter your errors. What you call sin is not of your heart where all matters.  Your being yearns to do good. for others. You must do good to yourself that in turn others may see how you do good to yourself for to do so is to cherish what God has given you. To do so is to witness to the good that is within you. When you choose to give yourself time to dance you dance the dance of love. As I watch you dance, you raise up your hands to God and to the Son of God. You dance with gratitude that God has given you the body to dance.  The little one called Faith wishes to dance each day.  Do not stop or stall the

One Day The River of the I Am Shall overtake all Evil

 Child, this is a new day and I am pleased that you come to me at this Tabernacle for we become as one as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where your yes takes us. Come, my little one, and taste the love that I have for you. As a mother you hold yours dear to your heart.  As a mother you gave birth to your children who shall one day know Eternity. As mother to all I love my children with no measure for my love flows in the many directions of God's will. As mother to all I come to gather my children unto Eternity where love shall reign forever.  Love within the River of the I Am combines all of the yes into a power far beyond the noise that works to separate. One day, my child, the yes of those within the River shall overtake the evil and noise within the world. When that day arrives the New Earth shall be established.  I give you view of the evil that must be overtaken. I give you this view, my child, not to give you fear but to give you hope for I show you the swor