The Dance of Your Design

 Child, it is pleasing to have you attend to this Tabernacle for you are a love.  You are mine and I love you in every nook and cranny of your being.  Janine, child, you are so loved.  No need to judge yourself nor the walk of each day for your humanness is known to me.  Your humanness may seem sinful at times for you error in the attempt to love and only love.  

You are loved with no matter your errors. What you call sin is not of your heart where all matters.  Your being yearns to do good. for others. You must do good to yourself that in turn others may see how you do good to yourself for to do so is to cherish what God has given you. To do so is to witness to the good that is within you.

When you choose to give yourself time to dance you dance the dance of love. As I watch you dance, you raise up your hands to God and to the Son of God. You dance with gratitude that God has given you the body to dance.  The little one called Faith wishes to dance each day.  Do not stop or stall the delight you share in dancing.  The gift of the dance gains you much joy and grace for you dance in gratitude to the One who handcrafted you.

Dance this day, Janine, and know your heart is fed with self love as you dance the dance of love and only love. Dance the dance of your design.