
Showing posts from January, 2023

Keep Today Simple

 Janine, my child, come. Place yourself before this Tabernacle and take in the breath of the River of the I Am. Come and love as I love. Come and take in my heart that takes you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are grown in the ways of God's design. Today is simple. Keep it simple. Today shall flow in the simplicity of the River of the I Am where the arduous cannot be. To let go and give to God the all of you is to receive the simplicity of love and only love. As Jesus told us, "my peace I give you, my peace I leave you." Peace is simple but elusive for the many who know not the simplicity of the River of the I Am. In simplicity it is no longer your ts to judge. In simplicity it is no longer yours to fret. In simplicity your walk is given to Jesus for His yoke takes and makes simple what the world asks you to make complex with judgments and frets.  You cannot end war with more war and noise. Yet, my child, with simplicity, wars shall end for love and onl

Your Being is as the Mosaic

 Janine, how graced we are to be of the seed of God. How graced we are to have the promises of the Covenant that shall give us Eternity. How graced we are to be mother and Child. Let us be still and enjoy the peace that flows within us and around us. Let us take in this time and space for it is a sacred time to be of this Tabernacle. Your hands are my hands at this Tabernacle. You are more you than ever for, as you write my words, you are grown in your deepest being. We are one and yet you are the more and more of you for you are letting go of the notion that to be you, you must be separate and separated.   To be the more of you in this union is the way of God's love for us. It is the same way, my child, with your union with Jesus. The more you and Jesus are moving to oneness, the more of you there is for you to expand in the ways of your design where, rather than be the more separated you are the more one. The more you become one with all of the River, the more you are grown to be

The Truth of Love of Self

 Janine, it is always a joy to have you come to me at this Tabernacle. I am your mother who holds you and carries you for I am your mother who awaits your need for me. I do not judge your needs. I do not hold any reservations about you. I do love you with the love of my heart. There is a lesson today that I give to you. When you judge another you judge yourself. When you give to another you give to yourself.  When you touch another you touch yourself.  To love your neighbor as yourself is a truth that flows both ways for you cannot love another if you cannot love yourself and you cannot love yourself if you cannot love another.  I say to you the truth of the love of self as you love another cannot flow one way.  The noise of the surface asks you to believe that to judge another is righteousness.  I say to you that Jesus walked the Earth to show that love begets love in both directions and hate begets hate in both directions.  Jesus says as you do to another you do to Him. As you do to

Wholeness Brings all Parts to the Banquet

 Good day, my child, I look to hold you and carry you into the River of the I Am. Come and be held and nurtured as we watch this new day rise. Come, my dear child, and taste the love I carry into you for I am your Heavenly mother. Today is a day to rejoice for your dream has given you view of the ability to make peace with opposing parts. Those parts were able to sit at the banquet with no more war between them. Peace and joy are the fruits of ending the war. War ends when there is wholeness of those warring parts for to see one as not a part, but rather, a whole is to see as God sees.  Wholeness within grows wholeness without. To be of peace grows peace.  It is the same with all of humanity. When all can see themselves as part of the whole and not parts there shall be great peace in the world.  The world needs love and only love that those parts hidden from each other and war with each other may be exposed through love. The Light shines on exposed parts where the Holy Spirit enters ma

The Lovesong of the Kingdom

Child, I am here. Fear never.  Come, and as you awaken on this new day, know that I, your mother, await your turning to me that I may feed you. Ah, my child, that breath has awakened you to me for by this breath you enter this Tabernacle. How glorious is it that I am graced to feed you with my nurture and the ways of my motherhood. As I mother you, your grow to mother in the ways of the Light of my womb. Today is a new day of our Lord and as such it shall be graced by our yes to God for by our yes we do His work to gather others into the River of the I Am. When you attend to your soul here, all slows down with you for to take me in you must slow yourself. Warm yourself in the fire of my love for I love with the fire of love and only love. I remind you of the greatness of our commitment to walk into the world with Jesus to touch others, one child at a time, that the child before us learns that love is the answer. Love counters hurt. Love counters rage. Love counters abandonment. Love co

The Fruits of Knowing Jesus

 Janine, my child, we are here on this new day and we commune in the Light of the River of the I Am. This Tabernacle carries us into the River of the I Am. This Tabernacle is of great grace for it shows how much love God has for us. You have attended to your soul all these days and you have been graced to open your heart and soul to its depths. Take the breath of awareness of these depths within the River of the I Am. You could not know when you began this journey where it would take you.  With fortitude you said yes each day. There were those days you gave worry and fret for you feared abandonment and yet each day you came to this Tabernacle where in God's timing you began to trust that you were never to be abandoned.  In the timing of your soul you tasted the truth and wisdom of Jesus and you forged the intimate relationship with Him by trusting His soft voice. There has never been anger or fret from this relationship for the fruits of this relationship with Jesus are peace, fait

Your Heart is Being Prepared for the Kingdom

 Good morning, Janine. I call you by name that you may know I am your mother who loves you with the all of me. My love casts no judgments or boundaries or conditions.  Drink in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Take in the love here that shoulders all of you for the river flows in the buoyancy of God's love.  Jesus is our Savior. What we do in our walk is done for Jesus. My Son has told you that what you do for others you do for Him. What you do in relationship with Him grows you in all things of the Kingdom.  The Kingdom is filled with love and only love where anger and war and noise cannot be. The Kingdom flows within the River of the I Am with no boundaries or bindings. The Kingdom has the many rooms as Jesus speaks of but all are of love and only love for God's will in Heaven is love and only love. Today, my child, is of you and me . Take in this love as we move into the day. Take in the ways of my heart that carries you that you may know Jesus and the Kingdom. Yo

Love Carries No Demands

 Janine, my child, I come to bring you my love and the Light of my womb. I come to show you the mothering of God's design. I come to love you with the all of me that you may grow and be filled and be fulfilled. To know mothering is to know of God's design for to mother is to give with no expectations of return. This is God's truth, Janne, that I love you with no expectations as Jesus does. When God gives love He gives it to the fullest with no expectations for what is love when there is a price tag with it? What is love when there is need for guarantee of return?  Just as you mother your little ones with no expectations of return, so too God loves with the want to give love and only love with no expectations of return.  We walk to give love and only love with no expectations in return. Ponder the ways of our walk, Janine, for love casts no demands upon another. Love opens the doors by giving in the ways of the sacred witness with no demands.  You have been taught that love

Love's Author is God

 Child, you give me your love and commitment to this Tabernacle on this new day that we may be one in God's plan for us. To be of such love is a gift. To be mother and child is a gift. I fill you with the graces bestowed upon me for I am called your mother. Your dream of  last night of where your earthly mother is so happy for you because you have been given much grace in the writings of my words makes known to you that grace is upon you.  The joy in your dreams has brought a fear that you are being given honor for the writings when you say they are mine. Yes, Janine, you write my words, but you write my words through your hands. The lesson here is not the homage paid to you for being the author, but rather, for you being of the yes to me and to Jesus. The sight of  your mother in your dream was of grace for  you have been shown that your ancestors are also taking in this grace. What you have gained is being shared with all, Janine. Those of the River of the I Am also flow with us

Take in the Yoke of Jesus

 Child, it is a new day and you are here to take in your daily nurture as we comune in the ways of mother and child. I mother you in the ways of nurture, love and prosperity for what we have makes you prosper. You gain much in the ways of preparation for the day by attendance to this Tabernacle. As you take in this inch and moment, take note of the beauty of what we have. Take in how you are held by my heart and my loving arms that do more than hold for I give myself to you. I hold nothing back from you. You are moving into the depths of the River where you hold nothing from me. You hold nothing from Jesus. In the nakedness of holding, nothing is hiding. We walk in the inch and moment slowing all down that you may hear the soft voice of Jesus in all we do. To just be in this inch and moment is to be peaceful and in awe of that which is before us.  To be in this inch and moment in awareness of the mystical that connects us is to take on the yoke of Jesus that allows Him to make your bur

The River of the I Am Flows in All Directions

 Janine, take the breath of letting go that you may take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where we commune on this new day. Yesterday has been placed behind us and what you have learned of the Kingdom is  now a part of your deepest parts. That which is not of the River from yesterday has been laid to rest and no longer weighs you down, Your yesterday gave you vision and taste of the buoyancy of the River. As you set about the day, you gave credence to what carries joy into those we walked with. You gave credence and witness to your joy of just being and following your heart that carries Jesus.  As you take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am and give yourself to listening to the soft voice of Jesus, you are learning to see from all the directions of the flow of the River of the I Am. It is harder to see the flow of the River from only one direction for you are changed. You see how the River flows in many directions.  No more can  you see the right or wrong, but r

The Wisdom of Inclusion

 Janine, my child, come. Let go and allow me to take you into my arms and flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note, as we move deeper, how the silliness of the noise draws the smile of understanding within you. As we move deeper, take note of how your heart holds my love and joy for we are mother and child. To be of such grace, Janine, is to be of the opened heart and soul where our communion grows you in the ways of your motherhood to others for the River flows in both directions.  Motherhood without the noise of learning and misguidedness is able to grow others for to have exposed and healed the wounds of your childhood grows you into your own motherhood. The River flows in this way for to have opened to the truth grows you that you may be of the sacred witness that mothers and grows others.  These last days have shown you where love and inclusion lies. To be included is to grow to include. To taste being part of the whole within yourself makes you opened to making ot

Love is in the Works of Jesus

 Janine, my child, your hands are here at this Tabernacle that we may enter into the River of the I Am where we commune. Our love is known. Our love is of the wonder of God's graces for we are mother and child. As each new day dawns we are here and hold each other in the embrace of the mystical. We are of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Take in the wonder as you drink in the waters of God's commitment to you. Janine, my child, I take in the Living Waters with you as the River flows through us. You have the promise of Jesus that these Living Waters you take in are the commitment and connection to Him.  You have been given the act of the outward sign of the love of Jesus and the way of being in intimacy with Him by taking Him in through the chalice given you.  Never take this chalice lightly. All you need do is to take in the wonder of this Living Water through the chalice given you. Let no man take away what you have with Jesus.  Let no man take away what we have for

The Drawing of your Face

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you are here at this Tabernacle . I am pleased that you come to me that we may be as one here within  the River of the I Am. Today is another day to love and be loved. Today is another day to rest here with me within the River of the I Am.  Let us speak to the ways of your learning in these last few days. Your dream that showed you the erasing of the picture of yourself and drawing the picture anew from start to finish was of you and the ability to choose to erase the old of you and draw yourself anew. The most beautiful part of the dream was the teaching of others to do the same, that each may choose to erase the old of themselves and build themselves anew.  In the dream you took great pain to erase each part drawn as it became the blank page where you could build the face anew from the very start. My dear Janine, you have erased the old within your entire being where the blank page was exposed (the emptying of your story) and where you drew yourse

The Touch of this Tabernacle

 Child, how graced we are that this Tabernacle. This Tabernacle graces you that you may enter at any time and place where your hands hear me. Your heart hears me in a special way within this Tabernacle for your hands have become my touch to you and for you. Take note of how your hands write my words.  Touch is the awareness that cannot lie for touch is touch that cannot be made into a lie. The touch of the soft is soft. The touch of the hand that holds you holds you. The touch of the hard is hard and the touch we share at this Tabernacle is touch for, as your hands write my words they feel my touch. Your heart and mind cannot make touch anything other than touch. It may be told in different words but touch is touch. You touch this Tabernacle and you know me. The touch of your hands upon this Tabernacle touches the reality of what we have.  We have been given this Tabernacle that you may know me in the way of touch. The miracle of this Tabernacle is from God who has blessed us greatly. 

A New Day to a New Beginning

 Janine, my child, come and be with me and with Jesus and His Holy Spirit that flows with us within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and let us commune within these depths that allows us to be in the holding of mother and child. Come and be nurtured in my love and my holding. To be held in your entire being is to know love. To be held with no judgements is to know love. To be held in all you do with no boundaries or bindings is to know love. Janine, in your yesterday you gave witness to the noise that binds and judges and refuses to hold you dear. Today the noise has left you and is gone for you are here and I take the noise and grind it into earth with my love. To know love and only love in spite of the noise makes whole what was broken.  Your attendance here at this Tabernacle is for you to be held and to be nurtured and to be prepared for the day ahead. Your attendance to this Tabernacle fills you with love that is deep and peaceful and gains us the grace to move into the d

All Shall Be washed in the River of the I Am

 Janine, take the breath of letting go of yourself and the breath of letting in this Tabernacle that opens our communion within the depths of the River of the I Am.  As you breathe, take note of each breath that moves us deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of all that is here. Take note of the peace that goes deeper and deeper into your being. Take note of the ways of your heart that beat with the beat of the River of the I Am. You are not alone.You are of God. You are with Jesus. You ask of the tears of the world. You ask of the pain within the world. The tears and pain are not taken lightly here within the River of the I Am. Jesus takes in the tears and pain of the world all the while knowing all shall be comforted in the next. You ask of all those who cause the pain and evil in the world. Those who cause pain and evil are not taken lightly here within the River of the I Am. Jesus takes in those who cause pain and evil  in the world all the while kno

The Body and Soul Must Be Nurtured into Wholeness

 Child, it is a new day. Come and be of this Tabernacle. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we rest and commune in the solitude of mother and child. In the stillness of the gentle Waters of the River of the I Am I hold you, soothe you and nurture you. The ways of mothering hold the truth that to be a whole adult, the child must be nurtured to be safe and to be naked of heart and soul that the whole adult may emerge. There are the many who know not the nurturing of mother and therefore remain closed in the adult. I take you and walk with you into the world that you may attest to this truth for you were once closed in the child where the adult could not emerge until the child was nurtured where it was safe to open. Just as a child who is not fed with nurture in the outside world dies, so too a child dies to itself when it is not not nurtured in the spirit. The body and soul must be fed and nurtured to grow into the wholeness of the adult. Let those with e

Come and Be in the Wholeness of Relationship

 Child, This Tabernacle is here and awaits you on this new day of our Lord. Today is anew with the brightness of the sun that shines on the Earth. Today is anew with our communion. This time and space is of great holiness for it is the Tabernacle as designed by God for us. Let us commune in the gratitude of God's design. Today, for many, is called just another day. But, my child, it is a day of great prize. Rather than just another day, it is a day of sunshine and the wholeness of our beings that graces us. To be of this day is to be of so much for it is another day to jon in relationship with others where wholeness grows from. To be in relationship with others is to learn of the wonders of God's mosaic.  My children long to be in the nakedness of their own soul but have no name for it because of the hiddenness of their own soul.  To long to be in relationship is to long to be taken as the whole and not just parts whether seen as good or bad. Confusion is great among the many f

Seek Relationship with Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and warm yourself here at this Tabernacle. Come and know that today is anew and yesterday has grown you that you may be more today. Love has no beginning or ending. Love holds dear your entire being with no matter the outside for it is the soul inside that is of matter. One can only see what is given them. If you give nothing there is nothing to see. If you give all there is all to see. This is what is so freeing for God is here within the all.  Fear keeps one from showing all for fear covers over the deep knowing that God is here in the depths of your own soul.  Fear is counter to love for fear closes the door to the love of your own soul. Trust and the knowing that to share yourself with another is to open to the soul where there is an emergent faith and trust that your soul cannot be hurt or damaged.  Come and walk in the nakedness of soul where you share who you are in a knowing that we are one in the walk into the world for our hearts are combined in love a

The Light that is Visible in the Darkness

 My child, you come to me on this new day with the brightness of the new day. Take in the beauty of the Light that is with you and through you and then out into the world. I commune with you within the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in these depths of the River for it shines with the brightness of God's love and Redeemer, Jesus. Janine, even what may appear to be the dark depths of the River of the I Am there is only Light. The darkness has given way to the Light even when surrounded by darkness. The River is as in your last night where, rather than see the darkness within your room the Light within your soul rose up to meet you With your eyes closed the Light came into your awareness. The Light was peaceful and loving where the darkness could not be. The Light is of Jesus. The Light communed with you.  Your awareness of yesterday is the way of the River of the I Am and the way of Eternity for the darkness shall give way to the Light just as you experienced last night. Even

You Are the Master of Your Own Soul

 Janine, my child, come and awaken this new day in my company and nurture. Come and as you awaken, take note of this Tabernacle that welcomes you. Hear me. Taste me. Take in the holding here within the River of the I Am. Watch as your hands dance in the Light of this new day. How graced we are to have this Tabernacle that is of you and me and Jesus. How graced you are to write of our relationship that flows deep here within the River of the I Am. Firstly, my child, your hands write my words for you to take in and secondly that what we have may touch others to open to me and to the Light of the River of the I Am, Jesus. You walk with me to enjoy the peace with me as promised by Jesus. You walk with me that you may gain the joy of attending to others for my mothering mothers with you and through you  You are growing in the ways of my mothering for our walk has slowed to enjoy the inch and moment in mothering. Janine, my child, Jesus is showing you the way to be and just be in relationshi

Your God is Yours

 Child, you open your eyes to the new day. You open your heart and soul to me and to the River of the I Am with no matter the noise of the outside world.   You come to me at this Tabernacle with no matter the noise. With no matter the noise we flow into the  depths of the River of the I Am where the noise cannot enter. Peace is the fruit here. Take this time and space to be nurtured in peace, love and attendance to your soul. Now, Janine, take in the peace and beauty of what we have. Take in the taste of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The noise cannot destroy the Living Waters. When you take in the Living Waters into your being it is a reminder of what we have with Jesus. Take not lightly what we have for it is of God. You are being asked to take in that which the noise casts doubt upon. You are asked to take in that which you fear may not be of God for the noise is saying to you that the Living Waters cannot be of God and yet it fills you, sustains you and gives you the p

Jesus is the Comforter and Not the Punisher

 Child, come and taste my love on this new day for we are mother and child in communion here within the River of the I Am. Take this time to be filled and to take in my heart that loves you with great joy for you are mine in God's design for us.  You ask of relationship and how the ways of a true relationship must have each ignited and engaged with each other that each may come to know the other.  I am your mother. You are learning that we are in relationship in the ways of mother and child. You grow in the ways of my heart.  I feed you with my ways. We commune here and you learn of me. I know you in the ways of our walk together. You show me your heart and soul that I may know you. You show me the noise that is not of your design as we walk to counter it with love and only love.  I now speak to the relationship you are igniting with Jesus. You hear His soft voice as he tells you of you. You hear His soft voice as you learn of Him for He speaks to you and opens Himself to you. He s

To Be of the Earth is a Grace and Not a Tragedy

 My dear Janine, I am graced to be here with you at this Tabernacle.We are graced to be mother and child. Come and be held and nurtured. Come and let our communion become prayer. When we walk in the ways of our design we join the River of the I Am in the prayer of gratitude. When we are in the embrace of mother and child we are being the nurturer and nurtured. I nurture and you are the nurtured. The grace to be mother and child is to be of our design. To bury the grace of our design is to hide from God. To be naked of heart and soul is to allow ourselves to see God as God truly is and that is love and only love. The child who is free to just be has great joy. The child who is allowed to be free with no judgments is truly free. Let us bask in the sunlight of our souls that are in communion.  The noise of the world says this communion cannot be for I am spirit and you are of the Earth. And yet, Janine, you taste my love here at this Tabernacle. We commune here at this Tabernacle. You kno

Seek to Love and Only Love

 Child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and take note of how your body becomes of my heart. Take note of your body as you write my words for you are renewed and transformed of body and spirit  by my love. You walked slower and took in the words of Jesus all the more in your yesterday. The need to make right all that which you see as wrong is loosening for that is of the noise that asks you to judge a right or wrong. As you reviewed your day with Jesus you saw that the way of  the walk with Jesus is to not make right a perceived wrong (the closed heart hears not anyway) but to speak of love and only love in all things. The parables of the Scriptures are the ways Jesus speaks to love and only love.  You are coming to see, Janine, that to love is to not judge a perceived right or wrong. To love is to speak not of right and wrong but to speak of love and only love.  To see yourself in this way is to see that you are of misgui

Jesus Speaks to You of You

 Janine, my child, I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where Jesus speaks to you of you. Do not fear for it is the noise that says this cannot be. I say to you it is.  You fear the soft voice of Jesus who speaks to you of you. When we walk as sacred witness to others you hear Jesus and you know it is Jesus. Now you worry when Jesus speaks to you of you.  You have moved into the deeper waters of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where Jesus is speaking to you of you. In the ways of the sacred witness there is relationship that extends to another. When it is just you and Jesus about you the noise clangs at you to not believe. You fear the soft voice of Jesus may be the noise. Janine, my child, why is it easier to believe in the soft voice of Jesus when in relationship with others and not so easy when it is just you and Jesus? I say to you that it is because the intimacy of just you and Jesus is taking hold and it is frightening for the world says that you cannot

The Rot Shall Become the Fodder of the New Earth

 Child, come. Come and rest in my heart that loves you with a love that is often beyond your comprehension for you are still of the Earth. Your dreams confuse you but they are from God who writes your story into the Book of Life. Let go of this dream for it is of the old and we are of the new day. As we move into the depths of the River of the I Am know that you are anew this day where all is made clean and new for my nurture prepares you and fills you for the day ahead. Dear child, take in my love that nurtures and holds and judges never. You feel judged by a dream that needed to be that your old wounds may heal. Take note the misguided interpretations you are making that are a part of your learning. Rather, my child, know that God's gift of dreams makes clean the old that the new may be undertaken for the old is written and the new is yet to be written. The rot that is of yesterday is of yesterday. The rot is ground into the matter that grows the new.  Take not the dream and cast

The Closed Heart Knows Not How to Listen.

 Janine, my child, come and let go of all of this world and enter the depths of the River of the I Am  with me. Take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am that allows us to commune with the Light of the River of the I Am, Jesus. Come and be of the restful and gentle waters of the River where time and space have no boundaries to bind. As you let go and allow the River to take us take note of the flow that is endless for it is deep within  your soul that shall never die or become broken for it is protected by the promises of our Father and Creator. Your soul may appear tiny and of no value in this world but I promise you that it is of great value and it shall be known in the next. Today, my child just allow. Today, my child, just be. Today, my child, just witness and allow the Light of the Holy Spirit of Jesus to do the rest. Today, my child, listen and allow the love of listening to hear Jesus. Let your soul be exposed to Jesus who is the One who is our Savior and has fulfilled

Love of Mother Grows You In Love

 Child, I am here and I take you into this Tabernacle where we move into the depths of the River of the I Am. We commune this new day. We embrace in the ways of mother and child that you may feel safe and held in love and only love. When a child is nurtured by mother in love and only love, love of self is the fruit for the love of mother grows her child in love and only love. Sadly there are some mothers who need their mothers to care for them in the ways of love and only love for they were not nurtured in the ways of love and only love. When a mother gives life to her child, in order to give the love of motherhood to her child, that mother needs to know what love and only love is before she can pass it to her child.  I make it simple for  you. You could not be the mother with the love you carry today for your mother could not mother. Your mother was a child in desperate need of love herself. With the love of my heart and nurture within the River of the I Am and with the sacred witness

Walk Slowly and with Intention

 Janine, my child, the voice of Jesus is within you and you taste Him from the very depths of your being where your hands write my words. Come and commune and as I fill you with my nurture, allow yourself to be cradled within the River of the I Am. The Living Waters flow through us that we may be one with all of the River of the I Am. You are all the more and more of intimacy with Jesus for it is not by His voice alone but with His senses that you come to taste the ways of Eternity where there are no boundaries to hide love and only love. You are being prepared for the justice of God where all is love and only love. To be of such great love is to have let go of the misguidedness of the generations. To let go of the misguidedness of the generations you must see it all for what it is. The misguidedness has been labeled as truth when it is all just noise that keeps one from going inward into the truth of God's love via Jesus.  Janine, I make it simple for you. Continue to walk with me