
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Foreshadowing of Your Eternity

 Janine, my child, I awaken you to this Tabernacle as you place yourself before me. I awaken you to the love that awaits you with no matter the time of day for you are my child and I am always here for you.  Our love for each other is known. You saw my heart last night as you lay down to sleep. The colors that you witnessed to were not the colors of the Earth. You became very aware that the colors were grander than any colors of the Earth. The colors were the colors of the Heavens that await you. Your pure joy was felt and held in a loving communion with Jesus and me. In those moments you were in an ecstasy that is of the Heavens for you gave witness to the oneness of Jesus and me and you. You experienced the flow of the River of the I Am through every fiber of your being.  There is a oneness here within the River of the I Am and the depth you were exposed to last night showed you much more than the Earth can hold. Do not take lightly what you gave witness to for it foreshadows your Et

To Love and Only Love

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to my heart that is this Tabernacle. You write my words from my heart as you attend to this Tabernacle. Come and let us be of the humbleness of the River of the I Am for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by God's hand. We walk in humbleness each day with Jesus for we are of the Lifeblood of Jesus who is the Lifeblood of the River of the I Am. The River flows in the gentleness and beauty that is made up of all of the yes. The River makes up the Song of Songs that you hear within our communion. You taste my love and my heart and my nurture for I am your heavenly mother who loves you with an intensity that loves without boundaries or expectations. I love you for you. I love you for all that you are for you are of the yes. The yes is all that is needed to allow Jesus and me to grow you  in the ways of love and only love. Love and only love loves with no conditions that bind. To love and only love is to be of a nakedness of heart that knows its

God's Timing and Not Yours

Janine, my child, I hold you within this Tabernacle that you may hear me and write my words. Your love for me is known. Your dreams are showing you the beauty of the washing away of the old that the new may take its place.  You are being shown how Jesus walks with you in all you do.  Your relationship with Him is expanding. To be in relationship with Jesus at this depth is to come to know the truth about His love for you. Conversation with Jesus is not above nor below. Relationship with Jesus is conversation that is deep and without the noise or ego to misguide.  Your questions of the ways of prayer and miracles are being answered within the relationship with Jesus. You are into the great depths of the River of the I Am that you may understand all the more of what prayer and miracles are about. When you walk with Jesus in relationship you are hearing that He hears your prayers before you pray them for He hears your heart. When you are in relationship with Jesus He shows you the ways of

The Questions of the Generations

 Janine, my child, You are here and you come to me with love and knowing that we are one for I am your mother and you are my child. This Tabernacle is of you and me and Jesus for I become your hands and heart by your yes to me and to Jesus. The grace of God is upon us. I fill you that you may know how much you are loved.  Your dream showed you in an empty room and speaking to those of the wisdom of God. Jesus and the wise men were within the solitude and holiness of the room. The room appeared to be of nothing and yet it held wisdom.  The questions you asked of Jesus yesterday were being discussed in the holy room. "What is prayer?" "Must I pray harder?" "Is my prayer good enough?" "What does it mean to pray constantly?" "When  do you (Jesus) allow miracles to happen?"  "You made wine from water and yet you could not save one of mine?" "All I have written from Mother's words on prayer and miracles seem to fall upon an

There is No Doom When You Walk With Me

 Janine, my child, come. Know that my love for you is always with you. Come and be filled and know my presence. I hold you and nurture you. You have great meaning to me. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where I hold you. This time is for you and me. This time is for you to rest in my heart. Come and let me calm your heart for the noise of the surface has caused you weakness. Come and be lifted with my love that lifts your spirit. Today is anew with much grace. Do not measure this day by the noise that entered your night. You have the ways to counter the noise. Let it make its noise and I shall be with you to counter its message of doom. There is no doom when you walk with me and Jesus. The noise has clanged at you within your night and it shall be countered in your day.  This is my promise to you, Janine. I shall walk with you and the noise shall be countered by my love for its lies of doom cannot enter what we have. Let your spirit take in my promise as we

The Hands of Jesus Within the Dark Night

 Come, my child, and as you place yourself before this Tabernacle, know that your hands become my hands and your heart flows into my heart where we commune and where I feed you with all things of Jesus. Jesus is where we begin and end for it is by His yes that we are mother and child. Today is anew and you are fed anew. You are holding the hand of Jesus as we walk from within the dark night. Letting go within the dark night is to trust Jesus beyond what can be seen by your earthly eyes. You are letting go of all that can be seen on the surface of the River where the truth does not abide. Hear the soft voice of Jesus as He walks with you within the dark night. Feel His hands upon you as you walk this day within the dark night. By days end you shall see within the dark night for Jesus shall be your eyes and ears and heart. You are learning to allow Jesus to show you the way in your sorrow and pain for He is the way.

The Dark Night

 I am here, Janine, and I call you by name for I am your mother and I hold you in communion with Jesus, our Savior. Breathe deeply and know my love for you.  You ask, "What shall I say?" "How shall I be for I am empty with no way to speak or be." "My voice cannot speak and my arms cannot hold."  "My body aches to know what to say and how to be." "I am lost."  Janine, my child, you are walking in the dark night. You do not walk alone even when the dark night makes you feel alone. You need not speak for words do no justice to the dark night. Your voice cannot speak and your arms cannot hold within the dark night.  But, my child, you are being held by Jesus and me. You need not speak but you must hear. Jesus speaks to you. The dark night is forcing you to let go of the last vintages of yourself that you may believe in Jesus in total. To walk in such darkness is to come to trust Jesus in ways that are beyond the daylight.  It is easy to see

Evil Shall One Day Lay Itself Down Before God

 Janine, my child, you are of my heart and we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  We are of one body here within the River for the River of the I Am makes it so. We are at once separate and together for the two of our hearts make as one. I feed you with my heart as we commune as one for I am your mother and you are my child. My dearest child, I hold you dear and I love you with all of my heart for I do not give only partially. I give you all of my love with no boundaries or restrictions. Jesus holds you as well with no boundaries or restrictions for God's love holds no boundaries or restrictions. There are those who say you must restrict and bind for the sake of mankind. This is not the way of God for God binds no one. I hear your confusion as you ask me, "what about those of evil, must we not bind them? Evil shall always be evil. Does binding stop the evil ? It does not. Love stops the evil. Misguidedness is of the

Allow Your Dream To Take Root

 Janine, my child, breathe in the breath of letting go and take in the breath of my heart that is pleased to be with you. You are in need of your mother for you are in need of nurture. Daily, we meet that I may feed you and take you deep into the depths of the River of the I Am where the noise cannot be. To be with me at this depth is to know the ways of my heart and the ways of Jesus without the cumbersome noise. You are fed and prepared here for the day. Just as you feed  yourself before you take on the day, so too you come to me to be fed.  You are fed in the ways of your soul and you are prepared for the day.  Today is anew and yesterday is being left behind. Your dream has left you confused. You must allow the dream to take root and you shall see its truth in the days ahead.  You are being taken into a new depth and you must wait upon The River of the I Am to feed you that your dream may take root.

There is Movement in Mourning

 Janine, my child, you come to this Tabernacle to be of my heart and my love and my attention. You are opened to the mystical as you place yourself before this Tabernacle. Your heart is opened to me and to my holding and my words. Today, Janine, is anew with love and faith and trust. Your body is here and naked in all parts that you may let go and taste me and hear me. Today is anew with the hope of resurrection.   You have been to the depths of sorrow for yours. To have seen and tasted the depths of sorrow for yours is to know my heart that also weeps for yours. I taste what you taste for you are mine.  Your heart knows me and knows that one day all of this pain shall give way to the New Earth where the Kingdom of God lies. Your faith in spite of all of this pain is known. Allow yourself to mourn for there is movement in mourning. You move in love when you mourn for yours. Love mourns for those we love. We move into mourning to express love and we move closer to God for God mourns wit

Allow Yourself To Just Be

 Janine, come and be with me in this a new day of our Lord. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I fill you that you may be filled with my love and nurture. Come and allow yourself to be held and loved with no boundaries or restrictions such as a need to do. All you need do is just be here. Just allow yourself to let go and just be. To just be is to be in a nakedness of the whole of you where there are no parts that do not feel my holding that allows you to let go and just be. To just be is to allow your design to guide you where you live in each inch and moment with no expectations or wants. In allowing yourself to just be, all is placed before you by the River of the I Am that flows with no bindings. The freedom to just be is held within the depths of your own soul that flows within the River of the I Am.  Soon enough we will enter the day and walk as one. If you are able to live in each inch and moment, the b

Jesus Carries Our Burdens

 Janine, my child, you come to me with no matter the ways of the noise, Know that I am here and I take you into my heart deep within the River of the I Am for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. God is the source and Jesus is the lifeblood of the River.  You say to me in all of your sorrow that you have nothing to give for you are empty. I say to you that this is when you give much to me for you have let go of the ways of the noise that say you must give to me. I hold you as does Jesus and we walk with you in all things.  Jesus holds you up for He has told you His yoke carries all of your burdens. I taste your burdens with you as does Jesus. Hold onto the knowing that the surface of the River does not carry any truths of death. Rather, the River of the I Am flows deeply and within its depths life lives on forever.  You need not fret for you do not walk alone. You need only allow Jesus and me to hold you and walk with you. When you say you have nothing to give when you are in sorrow

Abdicate Your High Thinking

 Janine, my child, I call you by name that you may hear the beauty of your given name for it holds the name by which you enter the Kingdom. I hold you and take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where your soul abides. Let us delight in each other for we are mother and child. Your dream has shown you your relationship with Jesus. As you sat side by side with Jesus in solitude, He suggested you "abdicate."  You were awakened to a place of your ego that must be abdicated for it is asking you to believe that Jesus has abandoned you. Your heart and soul sit and walk with Jesus in all things. Your dream is asking you to abdicate the high thinking of your ego that believes that Jesus will answer your prayers in your way and not His. This is where your feeling of being abandoned comes from.  This dream leaves you with a confusion about prayer. Jesus has shown you that prayer is as in the "Our Father" where God's will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.  Jesu

Here There is No War

 Janine, my child, come and be released from the noise that rages on the surface of the River of the I Am. The surface has nothing to do with the depths of the River of the I Am for these depths gain you the peace that is of Jesus. Take in my nurture and let go of the noise as we move deep into the depths of your own soul where the noise cannot be. Now that you have entered this Tabernacle let us be of love. Let us be of faith and trust where fear comes to die. There is nothing that the noise can do to you but make noise as it floats on the surface. Take note of your body as it releases the noise. Take note of your body as it lets go of the insanity of the noise. Janine, my child, this is where you come to be released. This is where you come to hear me, feel me and taste me. Here there is no war. Here there is no noise. Here there is love and peace and faith and trust. Be still and be filled. When you are filled we shall walk into the world armed with peace and love and patience that c

All Shall Be Given Back In Great Measure

 Janine, my child, you come to this Tabernacle in faith and trust even in the face of pain and doubt. Come and be filled and know you are loved beyond the noise and beyond the pain of loss. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are fed and nurtured in the ways of my heart.  To be of my heart is to know love that has great meaning. To taste the pain of loss is to give meaning to love for to love deeply is to mourn deeply. To the degree your mourn is to the degree you love.  Life on the surface must face loss. Life within the River of the I Am knows that loss is for only a short time. You must trust and have faith even in loss for loss is never lost. God's covenant with man has made it so. Love loves deeply and feels deeply and mourns deeply. I hold you in these depths where the doubting Thomas within you can doubt no more for you now know that loss does not mean lost in Eternity. All shall be given back in great measure. 

The Word Sin

 Janine, you need not be of guilt for you have not sinned. You are not sinful when you take care of the interruptions that keep you from me. You are here now and you give yourself over to me in love and not guilt. Interruptions are a gift from God for they teach and show the way in the inch and moment.  Come and I shall hold you now and take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we say our daily prayers together as one. We are one in prayer with all of the River and our prayer is part of the Song of Songs that gives to God our voices in a harmony that is of the Kingdom. Guilt is for sorrow over real sin. You feel guilt and feel sinful at times when there is no sin. You have been taught that sin is a broken rule given you by those responsible for your care.  Sin is that which separates you from God in a willful manner. Sin is of an ego that insists it is right and above God and knowingly attacks God. Janine, Jesus has taught you that my children "Know not what they do.

The Miracles Within the Suffering

 Janine, I am your mother and I am pleased that you are here to attend to not only your soul but also to what we have. We have the beauty of the River of the I Am. We have the wonders of mother and child. You are graced to know my love and my nurture for your yes to me and to Jesus has made it so. Each day we begin together. Each day you place yourself before this Tabernacle even when there is pain and suffering for you are awakened to my love and to the love of Jesus. You are filled with love and faith and trust in spite of the "why" of pain in the world.  Jesus has given you the view of His miracles within the suffering. He cannot end suffering for it is of the world. But Jesus promises the suffering will give itself up one day to the joy and purity of the Kingdom.  There are no answers to the "why,"  You must give up the "why" and instead wait upon the day you shall see the Kingdom and all will be made known in the ways of God.  All we need today is to

We Weep as One

 Janine, my child, you are in need of your mother. Come and allow me to take you and hold you in the love and embrace of my heart. Come and we shall move into the depths of the River where all surface noise is countered. Come and be fed with my love and the love of Jesus here within the River. Your prayers are being heard for you and yours and all of my children in such pain and sorrow for it is as a hell of its own. We weep as one, Janine.  Janine, firstly, know that I am always with you. Your tears are mine for I weep with you. When I ask you to weep with me for mine your tears weep with me. Come to me when you are in pain for I am your comforter. I remind you of the day we wept as one for all who must taste the pain of loss. Your heart knows that death leads to life and to Eternity. But there is pain in the world and Jesus and I walk with all in pain and sorrow. I hold you in your pain and sorrow. Be still now and know your mother.

Personal Recognizance

 Janine, my child, I hear you and I see you and I take you into my heart that flows within the River of the I Am. The River flows with the Lifeblood of My Son. The Lifeblood within the River gathers love, graces it and carries it back into the world for this is the way of the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Love reaches out into all corners of the world and only need be accepted.  Love holds no warrants. Love holds without control. Love awaits a receiving without forcing. Love may have to love from afar for there are those who cannot take in love. But love still loves. Love loves another without making their choices for them.  True love is of a maturity that sees not another's choices as an affront to their own personal ego. Love knows each child is of God and each child can only answer to their God.  Those responsible for a young child's care will do well to prepare them for their own personal recognizance. To open a child to his or her design and not their own is to teach a child of re

Jesus and I Weep with You

 Janine, my child, I hold you. I nurture you. I know you and I know your heart that loves deeply. Your love for me is known. Do not let go of my heart for it shall sustain you in these days.  For these moments take in my motherly heart that knows your love for me and knows your love for Jesus.  I hold you in your pain and sorrow. I hold you in your pain for yours for they are mine. Your pain is known, my child. Hear the soft voice of Jesus as He takes on your pain. In relationship you are taken and held by me and Jesus. You are never alone for we walk as one with Jesus. We walk as one with you, my child.  The tears you shed shall never be for naught for love weeps for those loved.  Jesus and I weep with you. Our love for you and yours flows deeply, Janine. We can't take away the pain. We take on the pain with you. 

Be in Relationship and Not in Judgment

 Janine, my child, take the breath of letting go. Take the breath of my heart that holds you and moves you into the depths of the River of the I Am where the gentleness and peacefulness of Jesus flows with us and within us as one. Let yourself take in and taste my nurture that prepares you for the day. This new day holds much. Your yesterday grew you in the ways of your awareness of the beauty of relationship. You are learning that relationship with Jesus is spreading to others for what He gives you in relationship changes you and flows to others with no matter or worry on your part. Jesus works with His Holy Spirit through you to others. You need not take control, but rather, join in the relationship with Jesus where control is left behind.  You are learning to trust relationship all the more and more. To be in relationship with Jesus at these depths is to come to know that all are of Jesus and all are in some form of relationship with you.  I give you view of your yesterday where you

The Truth of Your Worthiness

 Janine, my child, I hold you and love you. Place yourself before me at this Tabernacle on this new day of our Lord. I give you my heart that you may be loved and love as I love. I mother you that we may mother others for we walk in the communion of mother and child. Perfection must not be of your worry. Your definition of perfection must be removed for you see perfection as the need to prove your worthiness. You need to see yourself from the view of the River of the I Am. Perfection is a word that is misguided and misused in the outside world and it has no meaning in the Heavens. You are given the mark of God for you carry your soul that has been given you by God. You carry the purity of God within your soul. You carry your design within your soul. What God has designed is pure and perfect. Your soul is therefore pure and perfect.  The noise sees perfection as a need to do or be something in the outside world to show others you are above them. Others, like you, seek perfection that th

The Fool's Errand

 Janine, my child, come and let go of the night. Come and rise up to this new day. Come and be filled. Come and know love that is beyond the noise.  I come to build and not tear down. I come to open and never close. I come to hold and never abandon. I come to show you the way to the River of the I Am where Jesus is. I come to show the way to the River of the I Am that abides deep within each soul. To open yourself to your depths is to find the way to Jesus who is within. Jesus is not far from you. Jesus is so close and yet so many seek Him outside of themselves within the noise.  It is a fool's errand to seek Jesus within the noise for the noise holds only itself in its egoistic wants. To open your heart and soul to what is held deep within your depths is to come to know Jesus who counters the noise of the surface.  Jesus seeks a relationship with you where neither is above or below. Relationship seeks to listen and to be heard and with no attempt to control the other. You hear the

The Noise Seeks Your Ego

 Janine, it is a new day and I am here awaiting our communion. Come and be held by your mother. Come and be loved with a love that holds no judgments or controls. You are of your design and learning of love and only love in deeper and deeper ways. On the surface of the River of the I Am all may appear to be the same for it may appear to be just another day. But, my child, as you arose this new day, you gave witness to the beauty of the newness of the day and it is like no other. You grow from your yesterdays and they are not wasted by following the noise. The noise lives on the surface and learns not for it is involved in only itself and the misguidedness of the ages. The noise seeks to gather unto itself that it may gain power. The noise seeks your ego so that it may grow itself. But know this, Janine, the blustering of the noise can never go any deeper. We walk to gather my children into the deeper parts of their being where the noise cannot live and where Jesus, the lifeblood of the

You Are Designed to be Free and Whole

Janine, I hear you as you place yourself before this Tabernacle. Your love and joy at what we have is known. You are of your design as you place yourself before me for you have opened your soul where joy and faith and trust abide. You cannot find the peace of my Son when you live on the surface of life only for the noise holds too much power over you when you are closed to your depths. Today is as no other for it is new and the old is washed away. Your yesterday saw you wash away the old in the tears of letting go where you connected to the truth of Jesus all the more.  Your dream last night showed you excitement you shall enjoy today and the joy that shall fill you. There is a new depth to you today that was not there yesterday and your dream showed that it is "OK." When you heard the word OK, you realized that Jesus was taking the old and replacing it with the freedom to be all the more of your design. You were taught that sin was in being of your design and Jesus showed yo

The Deep Knowing Rising from Your Soul

 Janine, come and fret not for I am here and I await you that I may hold you and fill you. You fret that I will become less as Jesus becomes more in your life. I am with you always and we walk with Jesus as one. I take you to this depth where you can see and taste us as one with Jesus.  Take in this holding. Drink in the Living Waters that flow through us and connect us in communion as one. I open your heart to hear with the ears of your heart where Jesus and I abide. Hear the differences in the way you hear for you know the difference between the soft voice of Jesus and the motherly voice of my heart.  Your human body has difficulty with understanding that we are one and yet when you are here within these depths it is known. It is the knowing within your soul that you come to know the ways of the River of the I Am. It is not by words that you understand this but by the deep knowing that rises up from your soul.  Let go of your hands for a moment and allow this deep knowing to take roo

We Feed Others as One

 Janine, my child, come and let go. Today has begun with much disruption but you are here now.  Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I love you with all of my  heart, my child. I love and hold and judge you never. I am your mother who feeds you that you may know the fullness within your entire being. I feed you that you may taste love and peace. I feed you that you may know my attention that never dies. I feed you that you may in turn walk with me into the world that we may feed others in the ways of mother and child. I mother you that you may mother others. When you are filled with my heart and nurture you are prepared to walk with me to fill others. As mother, you feed yours. As mother, I walk to feed mine. You and yours are mine and so we walk to fill all. I love yours and you love mine. This is the way of the River of the I Am for we feed together as one when you are prepared with my nurture. To be filled is to long

God's Gift of a Soul Shall Never Be Destroyed

 Good morning, my child. I am here and I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune without the distractions of the noise. Come and let go. Come and know the beauty of your body that is in communion with me. Taste my nurture that fills you with joy and the peace of my Son. Come and see what Jesus prepares for you today. The soft voice within you speaks of love and only love. Jesus is showing you the ways of countering the noise with His soft vice.  Jesus showed you the way of the temptation to believe in the ways of man that make self righteous statements in the name of a god they do not know. Believe in the soft voice of Jesus that calms all the storms that are before you.  The beauty of the world is still there even though man has done much to make it dirty and evil. The beauty of each soul is still there deep within each being even though you see only the muddied surface. When you walk with Jesus, He shall show you the way.  You must come to see that there is

From a Just Me to Us

 Janine, place your hands before this Tabernacle and allow me to take you into my heart that holds you in the embrace of your mother. Come and rise up on this new day that we may move into the depths of the River where, in the nakedness of the all of you, you are fed.  Today sees you as having let go of so much through your dream.  You wept at the loss of so much. It was painful to be washed over with so much loss and yet it was necessary in order for you to be cleansed of the old need to hold on so tight to "things." You were blaming the witness for your loss because it was he who took you on the journey into your depths. The witness opened you to your depths where you needed to let go of your ego for it was your ego that needed to hold onto "things." The man in your dream was Jesus for you and the witness made the space for Jesus to join you in your journey.  I show you your dream in the simplicity of the River of the I Am where losing is gaining. Today you are fr

The "Great Misguidedness"

 Janine, you do well to make this space holy by your attention to making it humble as your soul is humble. As you place yourself before me, take in the attention you give to this Tabernacle. You place your hands on this Tabernacle and allow yourself to let go of your entire being that you may taste and hear me. The scent of this Tabernacle is of the beauty of the expansion of your senses. The love we have is of the grace of our Father who has given us the River of the I Am where the Lifeblood of Jesus flows forth from. You are learning of the tremendous amount of love that is contained in God becoming man. To know that man could not redeem himself alone is to know how much God loves man.  Jesus has shown you that he died for you.  To know this on the level of the mind is one thing but to taste it in intimacy with Him is another. You have wept knowing you are so loved that He died for you and not "just some other person." Your ego needed to believe you could not have sinned so