Abdicate Your High Thinking

 Janine, my child, I call you by name that you may hear the beauty of your given name for it holds the name by which you enter the Kingdom. I hold you and take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where your soul abides. Let us delight in each other for we are mother and child.

Your dream has shown you your relationship with Jesus. As you sat side by side with Jesus in solitude, He suggested you "abdicate."  You were awakened to a place of your ego that must be abdicated for it is asking you to believe that Jesus has abandoned you.

Your heart and soul sit and walk with Jesus in all things. Your dream is asking you to abdicate the high thinking of your ego that believes that Jesus will answer your prayers in your way and not His. This is where your feeling of being abandoned comes from. 

This dream leaves you with a confusion about prayer. Jesus has shown you that prayer is as in the "Our Father" where God's will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. 

Jesus knows your heart and your prayers for they always come from a loving place. Your yes to abdicate is your yes to God in all things.