
Showing posts from June, 2021

God Holds You and Yours

 Child, taste the joy that is from the depths of the River of the I Am where all rejoice in the splendor of knowing how graced we are to be of God.  Come and be filled and taste the freedom to be of  your design. Come and know love for your heart tastes all that awaits you here within these depths. You arrive here and ask only to be of God. You are of God, my child, for you are of commitment to this Tabernacle where you gain the filling needed to be of the day in the ways of God.  You must be filled with me to fill for me. We walk and work to gather my children for I walk and work through you through your yes. The yes is from your heart and you give to me this time that I may fill, teach and take you into the depths where my Son and the Holy Spirit and our God abide.  All are of God here within this Tabernacle. There is no amount of noise or danger within the world that can separate us. There is nothing nor anyone  that can take away what we have. Your dream of last night was a mere cl

It is Time to End Your Childish Ways

 My dear Janine, Come and be with the Holy Spirit that flows through all within the River of the I Am.  All flow as one for the River holds all within the palm of our Creator's hands. Come and take in my nurture that is of our God and Father for I am given the task and name of Our Lady of the River of the I Am. By my yes we are mother and child.  By my yes we walk with my Son, the Lamb. Listen to the words of the Lamb, my Son, the Christ, for His words flow forth from this Tabernacle.  Let those with ears to hear, hear. "I love with a love that is of no gender for I love each according to their seed as created By God.  Would God make a child with intention to be outcast and dwell in hell for being of his/her design?   Would God make a child of color and then say he/she is not of the same importance as all colors?  Would God use gender to force one upon the other?  Would the God of all place Himself into His creation with great love and then make him/her suffer from what the se

Give Up Your Fret to Faith

 Janine, come and let me wrap my arms around you and hold you in this time of fret and worry. Come and know that I, your mother, shall fill you with my mother's heart that loves you in all parts and corners of your being for you are mine. Firstly, my child, your tears are of worry for another.  No need for worry for I am here and you need only give to me the worry and fret for we walk with my Son who calms all the waters for you. Let go of yourself and allow me to take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where as we move deeper the noise cannot bear to follow. It is only noise, Janine.  But know this, the noise casts itself into your fears given you by the lifetime of noise. Let  us walk in simplicity for simplicity is of God.  Love is love and all you need do is love and know that God works through love. Keep your heart in the opened position and let go of fear for I am here and I walk with you in each inch and moment as does my Son. Your heart has reached out in p

Silence Makes the Space for God to do His Work

 Child, bring yourself deep within the breath that you may enter this Tabernacle free from the bindings of the world.  Come and allow me to take you and breathe with you and for you and through you that you may become of the mystical body of the River of the I Am. Do not fret of the word of sin, my child, for your heart and soul are in the opened position.  Do not fret a death of punishment for our Father does not punish.  Sin, Janine, is the turning away from God and giving honor to the world with no thought of the ways of God's love.  Self righteousness is sin for the ego places itself above God and attempts to take you into the place of believing you must do the work of God. You have been shaped and misguided to believe that you can only enter the Kingdom by proving your worthiness and in so doing you attempt to do what only God can do. Janine, you have been learning a new way.  You have been walking with me in the way of the sacred witness where witnessing is above all else whe

We Weep for Another Knowing Jesus Weeps with Us

 Child, come and let me hold you for you are in need of your mother in this new day.  The world has much pain and war.  The only true home is here within this Tabernacle that flows within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and let go that you may be filled with the peace as promised by my Son. Rest here within my arms that hold and renew you. Janine, joy is of the River.  Peace is of the River.  My Son, the Lamb, began the flow of the River that God's promises may be fulfilled.  Yes, my child, you can weep for those who are in such pain and war. But you have to come to know this, there is peace and love and faith that is also of your being. The pain did not overcome you for you have Jesus with you in all things.  We weep when it is time to weep in witnessing to the pain and sorrow within the world.  At the same time we are of faith and joy and peace that knows God walks with us and holds us in the palm of His hand. You need not fear or worry for all shall be made perfect one

The Seed Within When opened Sees Its God

 Child, come and rest within my hold as we move deeper into the River of the I Am. Come and as I fill you know that we are one within these depths for I am your mother and you are my child. I give my heart to you that we may be one in the presence of our Father and God, the I Am. Your yes to me is loud and clear and your love for me is known. We are of the one cloth of our Father. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am each day that you may expand and grow. You have entered this depth with a new awareness of the tiny seed within you that holds the all of you. It is the seed that God placed within you when you were created by His hands. The seed is that tiny part that when opened to the air raises you to higher ground for it declares its intimacy with God. You become reunited with the source of your being, your God. Therefore, my child, you must never compare yourself to another for your God has created you with the one seed that can never be of another.  You can guide one

Be of Gentleness and Know Your God

 Child, let go of yourself.  Enter this Tabernacle empty of all that you may hear me beyond all the noise that surrounds you on this new day. Let go with the breath and take in the breath of my heart that flows with you, for you and through you. Come and be filled with the gentle and loving waters of the River of the I Am. The lesson this new day is to be of gentleness.  Be of my heart that is of gentleness. You ask what is gentleness. Be still and take in gentleness and you shall taste the ways of gentleness. Gentleness is caring for all that is around you.  Gentleness is giving back what you have received from me. Gentleness is the softness that lies deep within you for to be of gentleness you must walk softly and speak softly and give back softly. Gentleness demands nothing in return.  Gentleness loves with no boundaries. Gentleness sees the pain of others and holds that pain. To walk with another in gentleness opens their heart and soul.   Taste what is within my heart for to taste

Death Becomes Life and Sorrow Becomes joy

 Child, come and know that this Tabernacle is for you and me with no matter the time or day for I am your mother and you are my child. Come and be of rest and renewal in this the wonder of the day.  Come and take in the way of my heart that unburdens you. Come and take notice of how I breathe for you here within this Tabernacle. Peace is the fruit of this Tabernacle for I carry the peace of the Light of my womb into you and through you. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God that flows through all things. The Holy Spirit is here for you in all things. Janine, my child, take in the Holy Spirit. Know that the Holy Spirit moves you in ways that show you how much you are loved. When you taste this intense love you learn that you and all are of great importance. Jealousy dies when you learn how much you are loved by God for there is no more need to be of  want.  Anger dies when you know how much you are loved by God for joy fills all the spaces of where anger once stood.  Trust is the fruit o

The Way of Intention

 Child, come into this Tabernacle naked and empty of any and all bindings.  Let go with the breath that I may breathe with you and for you within the depths of the River of the I Am. Today is a new day that finds us as one within these depths.  We commune as one for I am your mother and I feed you, my child. How great is our Father and Creator, the I Am.  How great is His Holy Spirit that gains us this grace.  How great is my Son, the Lamb, that has gained us Eternity together. You ask for a lesson this new day that you may know where to place your intention this day. I give you the view of the never ending love that shows itself in each inch and moment. Stay within the inch and moment with the intention of awakeness for by remaining in the inch and moment you see and taste Eternity.   When you see one of mine in pain you see the love of my Son who works through you to witness and hold. When you touch one of mine with your intention of being in the inch and moment you show one of mine

You Cannot Love Another Until You love Yourself

 My dearest child, come and let go of the worldly that you may commune with me within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The lesson of this day is to honor the ways of self love. You may say yes to another and attempt to love another without self love it is as the hypocrite. The yes that is not of the heart gives rise to angst for it is of the hypocrite.  When you open your heart you learn to love love yourself and you become prepared to love another in the ways of the River of the I Am for to truly love another you must come to love yourself. You were once but a shell.  Your true design was hidden deep within your being and you used the yes as the hypocrite who says yes to others all the while saying no to your deepest parts that longed to be freed to love and be loved. Janine, I say this to you in a loud clear voice.  You cannot love another until you love yourself.  It is of the hypocrite to attempt to look as though you love another when you cannot love yourself.

Without Expectations You Find your God

 Child of mine, come and let go with the breath that you may take in the breath of the River of the I Am. Let us begin this day with the love that is for you here Within this Tabernacle. .Come, Janine, and know how much you are loved. Janine, I call you by name that you may know you are mine. I see and touch the all of you that the all may be nurtured and cleansed by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Your yesterday taught you how to flow within the inch and moment all the more and more. Your tears of joy were tasted when without expectation you were given the awareness of how the little one called Faith opened the deepest parts that you could experience the rapture of intimacy with God. The lesson of this day is to take in the awareness that when you give up expectations distractions can be no more.  Expectations bring angst when distractions are perceived as bad. Without expectations there can be no distractions to bind. Joy was the fruit of your yesterday for within the mo

Jesus Speaks With No armor or Tools of Battle

 Child, come and know life in abundance. Come and be drowned in love.  Come and take in the beauty of the River of the I Am. I give you view of the day that has been written into the book of life. Your yesterday gave you witness to the intimate walk with Jesus.  It was my Son who walked with you and showed you the miracles of the inch and moment. Your voice was heard.  Your voice was filled with the awareness that Jesus calms all storms for you.  As you allowed the waves of the noise and of the worldly take you with no battle you gave witness to the calming ways of  Jesus.  It was and is Jesus who calms the storms for you. No need to do battle.  Jesus shows you the walk of the soft voice that speaks with no armor or tools of battle. You are learning to lean on Jesus.  The voice that calms all for you is Jesus, my child. Come and allow your voice to be as Jesus who shows you the walk of peace and not war. As we walk into the world this new day, allow Jesus to take you and show you the w

My Son Came Not to Be Above, But With

 Child of mine, come and be known. Come and be awakened on this new day. Come and take in the colors of the River of the I Am for to see and taste the colors before you gives you the view of Eternity. Come and know that you are of the Holy Spirit that flows with and within and without.  Come and taste the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  I am your mother who cares for you and never abandons you. No matter the road we walk I shall always be with you and within you. Just as you carry yours, Janine, I carry mine. Just as you love and pray for yours, so too, I love and pray for mine. Just as you open your heart and nurture yours, so too, I open my heart for mine. Janine, my child, I give you my heart and as you enter you become of my heart.  Mine become yours and yours become mine.  There is no more distinction between mine and yours for all are mine and all are yours when you take in my heart.  When you are of my heart you no longer can separate yourself from any of my ch

In the Instant and in the Seven Days of Creation

 Child come and unwrap yourself that I may nurture you in the nakedness of all parts. Come and let go of all that I may fill you with the Light of my womb. Come and allow me to drown you in love and only love. The lesson for this day is of the soft voice deep within you.  As you arise on this new day hear the words of the Light, the Lamb.  Janine, the many bind themselves to the rules of rigidness given them in the hiddenness of their own ego. The many have chosen to live by a god of rigidness and self righteousness in a belief system to make right their misguided and often hidden egoistic beliefs caused by shaping and learning.  They cling to these beliefs as if they came from our God. As you arise this day hear of the story of the religious man who follows only the rigid laws of his religion.  This man sees no other way than to follow even the misguided rules for he sees only the rules rather than love. When another challenges these misguided rules this man will turn himself into kno

Projection is as the Boomerang

 Child, by this Tabernacle you are awakened to the truths and ways of our Father and Guide, our God of all.  By this Tabernacle you hear me and you become my hands.  By this Tabernacle we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am.  By this Tabernacle you grow with each new day. The lesson for this new day is to continue with the breath that keeps you in awareness of the walk that is the walk with me and my Son who breathes the Holy Spirit into you,  By this breath you are in relationship with the Light.   Janine, you hear the soft voice of my son that is in relationship with you. These years of your yes have expanded you that these days may arrive.   Do not doubt the intimate relationship with my Son. Doubt Him no more.  See Him as dangerous no more.  Taste the love that is of His Spirit. Feel Him as He moves you in the ways of non judgment.  Know that when you hear the soft voice of my Son speak to you of your sins He does so that you may be in intimacy with Him. Trust in the

God's Spirit Gains Power Through You

 Child, come and be loved.  Come and know how to love. Come and learn from me for I am your heavenly mother who gives you the all of me that you may learn what love and only love is. Taste me, janine.  Taste the love that abounds here within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Your yesterday gave witness to the ability to allow all to flow through you in the ways of the sacred witness.  As you witnessed, you were able to take in all around you and through you and watch as all passed back into the world. Grace was upon you for you were able to feel the power flow through you and into the world. Janine, this was the power of the Holy Spirit of the River of the I Am.  The Holy Spirit gains much power when it flows through you and into the world.  By God's grace you can now feel the increased power as it flows through you,  What you cannot do alone, the Holy Spirit does through you. I know your loss of words to describe the joy of judging nothing and the joy of allowing all to pass t

The Circle of Love and Only Love

 Dear child of mine,  I love you and I offer you my love and the love of my womb. This moment is for you that you may know how much I love you.  The lesson for this day is to take in all that surrounds you. Take in all that flows before you, within you and watch as it flows back into the world for where all becomes of the circle. When you witness you take in all that is before you. You take in the beauty that is before you.  You take in the colors and hues before you. You take in the song of the air that sings to you of love as it fills your lungs. When you take in the beauty before you the circle of love and only love has begun. As you breathe you take in and taste all that it may flow back into the world armed with the love of the River of the I Am. Janine, do not allow the judgments of others to deter you from taking in all before you for to take  in all without judgment is to take in all as God does with love and without judgments. Love of this depth knows no boundaries or judgment

The Lesson of My Motherly Heart

 Child, I welcome you into this Tabernacle.  I welcome you into the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and allow me to bring you into the depths where you hear and taste me.  Come and within these depths let us abide with the Holy Spirit. You ask for the lesson of this day.  Come and see what I see and taste what I taste.  I give you the lesson of my heart.  My heart holds you. My heart becomes your heart with your yes and we walk together. My heart asks you to weep with me when it is time for we must weep for my children.  My children need their mother to weep for them when their wounds must be witnessed to. I have wept for you and with you for your wounds bound you tightly where your heart was closed. My heart shows you the ways of learning and shaping. My heart opens the story of another that the wounds may rise and be heard and witnessed to. When the story is heard and witnessed to the heart opens and the seed of God is exposed.  There can be n

Come and Let the Disruptions Move You

  Child, it matters not where or when you reach out to me for this Tabernacle is always here for you. There are no rigid boundaries to separate us. Come and be filled with my heart. Come, be filled with the Holy Spirit. Come and know how much you are loved.  Today, as you rise up with disruptions, know that I have awaited you. Know that in disruption I am here. Know that in disruption God's miracles flow. Taste my love within the disruption. You have gained much for through your countenance those around you witnessed to the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit worked through you throughout the disruption.  Now, my child, come and be still. Take in the love and nurture that is here for you within the River of the I Am. Come and be of your dream that found the Holy Spirit flowing through you. Come and rest. When you are filled we shall move out into the world armed with the Holy Spirit where disruptions awaken you to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Come and let the disruptions move you.

The Surface of the River Contains Much Noise

 Child, come and allow me to take you deep within the River of the I Am where you are free from the noise of the surface of the River of the I Am.  Come and commune with me for you are my child and I nurture you with the love that is within my womb. Take in the nurture that nurtured the Lamb. Janine, my child, the surface of the River contains much noise for it lurks upon the surface in attempts to take you away from the truth and the way of the River of the I Am. The noise does not attempt to gather its own.  Rather, it attempts to gather those of the River where it uses temptations of being above God to steer you from me and my Son. The noise can never gather you when you attend to your heart and soul as you do in each new day. Your yesterday saw you tempted by the noise. To experience this temptation was to see how you and my children are moved by the temptations of the noise. Just as you rise each day and prepare yourself for the day with cleansing, so too, each day you come to me

Doubt Never and Hope Always

 My dear child, come and let go of yourself. Take in this communion within this holy space.  This Tabernacle is for you and me as I fill you with my nurture and love and attention.  My love for you is known for within this communion my love fills you and flows through you.  It is as the love of mother for child and the openness for the child to take in nurture. There are many of my children who cannot take in my nurture nor the nurture of others for their hearts have been walled off and closed by the wounds of man. There are the many who know me not.  Our Father and God has given us the Lamb that all may one day come to have what you and I have.  On this new day, let us weep as one for those who cannot know me until the next life. Weep in the knowing that all shall one day come to be free of the pain that forced the closing of the heart. Janine, we walk into the world to gather my children.  We walk in the ways of the sacred witness where we witness, one by one, that each child placed

Rid Yourself of Manmade Boundaries

 Child, grace is upon you.  Let go of yourself that I may feed you with the Food of Life that is of our God. This time is of you and me.  This time is in the presence of our Father and God, the I Am. God is beyond the rigid boundaries formed by man.  Our Father loves beyond any and all boundaries for God cannot be contained within man's ideas of right and wrong. Therefore, my child, on this new day do not take into any matter the noise that attempts to cast its rigid boundaries upon you. Do not take into any matter the wants of others to place these boundaries upon you.  Boundaries of right and wrong and weak or strong made by man have no place within the River of the I Am. Judge not any of these boundaries for to judge them is to place yourself above your God with manmade rules that build boundaries separating your from your God. Take heart this day for you are being prepared all the more and more to cease these false images of God.  Take heart this day and as we walk the River sh

The Lifeblood of God Within Your Veins

  The Lifeblood of God Within Your Veins Child, come to me and let go of all needs, wants and desires that I may fill you with the all of me.  I am your mother who fills you with love, nurture and attention that you may know how much you are loved.  Come and know my Son who is your brother and who died for you that you may live. The Living Waters of the River of the I Am flows through you for it is the LifeBlood of your soul.   Child, learn this lesson, it matters not if any child is aware of the Living Waters that flow through their blood.  Do you need to know that you have air in your lungs? Do you need to know that your heart beats? Do you need to feel the blood flow through your veins? You need not know in awareness that the LifeBlood of the River of the I Am flows through you for it to flow through you. It is of great value to taste the LifeBlood of my Son within you as it flows for this is the way of God who longs to have all hearts opened to the LifeBlood of His Son that flows w

The Mark of the Sacred Witness

 Child, by the sign of the Cross and the letting go of your breath you enter this Tabernacle.  As you let go and give your yes, we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know me.  Come and know your mother who feeds you with love and only love that you may know how much you are loved. My love shall sustain you on this new day.  We walk with the love and protection of the River of the I Am that flows with us as we walk the walk of the sacred witness. On the surface this day may appear as any other day.  But when you walk from the view within the depths of the River of the I Am you see from the view of our Father and Guide who shows us the miracles as they unfold in each inch and moment. When you walk within each inch and moment you walk in awareness that there can be no other inch and moment as this one for it is by this inch and moment that the next may show its miracles.   There can be no other day as this one for it is by this day that the next may show its mira

Generational Learnings

 Child, come and be in this moment as I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of the beauty of flowing down into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the love of mother and child.  Your yesterday gave you witness to the miracles of God.  To be of the sacred witness opens you to the walk of my Son within each inch and moment.  Janine, my child, our walk is reaching you in a way of being and honoring all that is within and around you. To hear the soft voice of my Son raise your awareness to your learned sins of judgments is to learn to be in relationship with Him.  To be of the openness to taste your own sins rather than judge another's is to reach the space of intimacy with the Light, my Son, Jesus. You witnessed to the miracles of true love for another when you judged not the workings of another.  Take joy and delight in the discoveries and findings of your learning that remained hidden in the self righteous ways of judgment.  Let us walk t

The River Flows to Remove all Boundaries between You and God

 Child, come and allow yourself to be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and allow me to hold you within these depths that we may commune for we are mother and child by God's design. In this new day stay awake that you may see all of God's graces that shall shine upon you.  The many of my children walk in a sleepfulness and blindness that sees not the showering of grace. When you live in the outside world alone you see all from the view of one dimension.  This leads to blindness where God is not seen or known. My child, when we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am you are awakened to what is greater than you or me or the outside world.  When you take in the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am you take in the ways of God and you taste the loosening of boundaries that separate the mystical from the outside world. Today is a new day for you to walk with me in the ways of a nakedness that sees through the noise of the world and into the

Be of Gratitude Rather than Regret

 Child, come for you are in need of your mother.  Come and allow me to take you into my heart and into the depths of the River of the I Am where all is made clean and clear in each new day.  Come and let go of what you call regret. Janine, allow the Living Waters to cleanse you of this regret for it has held you captive within the noise. Your dream has given you view of the futility of regret. To taste the step you took that gave you pause and was seen as regret needed to be tasted that you may learn the lesson of listening to your true design rather than the noise. Take in this inch, my child, and taste gratitude for you have opened to your depths and seen what you will not do again.  In tasting the pain of not listening to the voice of your true design (what you call your gut) you immediately felt what you call regret. An so, my child, the lesson of this new day is gratitude rather than regret. To taste regret is to know you have not listened to the voice of your true design. Be of g

Take in the Light Within the River of the I Am

 Child, by your yes you enter this Tabernacle free from the noise.  When you enter this Tabernacle you are free to flow with me in the mystical ways of the River of the I Am where we commune. You become of my heart that breathes with you and for you.  The air here is light and free of noise.  It flows forth from our Father and Creator, our God. Come and as I take you into the depths of the River be awakened to the Light that shines within these depths.  Awaken to the love that is within the Light.  Allow your body to flow freely within the Light where there are no boundaries to bind. In the instant that you are taken into the depths all that is of the surface fades away.   As you flow deeper take note of your hands that dance with the Light. Take note of the joy of my words that flow within the Light.  We are one with our Father and here within these depths you take in the love that is for you.  It matters not the decisions of the day that you will make.  What is of matter in this time

In Wholeness You Taste Your God

 Child, come and be made whole.  Come and be renewed in the ways of love and wholeness for all parts are made naked within this Tabernacle that you may be filled with love and know a wholeness that is of the River of the I Am. On this new day know that wholeness is the awakening of all parts that were forced to hide because of wounds placed upon you within the outside world. Wholeness is the learning of and making naked those parts that were forced to hide.   These parts along with those not hidden comprise what you call the true self.  I say to you my child, that wholeness is the reuniting of all parts hidden from view.  All parts as designed by God are meant to be exposed and not hidden from view. When you expose a hidden part, life within is expanded.  Life with God is expanded for the true self knows its God.  When all hidden parts are united, the self becomes whole. In wholeness the all of  you is seen.  In wholeness you taste your God for the seed within is no longer hidden from

One Day You Shall See With the Eyes of Eternity

 Child, this is a new day and I am pleased with your yes to me on each new day.  Come and let us commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be of my heart as I fill  you with the all of me. Janine, my child, your dreams carry much in the ways of cleansing and renewal for they chart your walk on the earth and they are written into the Book of Life that you may see the workings of our Father and God, the I Am. One day you shall see each inch and moment of God's hand on  you.  One day you shall see the ways of God within relationship with  you.  One day you shall see the great love of my Son who died that He may always be in relationship with you. Your God is not afar.  Your God is within. Your God, the Light, is always with you and not above you for our God and Father has created each of us with great care giving us a part of Himself. One day you shall see with the eyes of Eternity. Know that as we walk into the world this new day your journey to Eternity is a part