
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Noise Rises Up To Temp You

 Child, come and awaken to your heart that calls to me that we may commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and learn from my heart. Come and be filled with my love and nurture that we may be as one. Take in the renewal of all parts that walk as one this day.  Come and take in the soft and gentle cleansing of the all of you. Come and take in the freshness of this new day. To begin anew each day is to have the old cleansed by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and be renewed that we may walk into the world armed with God's love and peace and joy. My child, you are in love. You are in love with Jesus who shows you the way.  Each time the noise rises up and asks you to judge, the soft voice of my Son shows you the way to counter the noise. In your yesterday the noise asked you to judge in the ways of old by using daming words towards another.  These are of the old ways of your learning and rise up to catch you off guard. Jesus countered your shaping and l

Jesus Carries you into Effortlessness

 Child, you are graced with my love and nurture for by God's hand we are mother and child. By God's hand this Tabernacle is before you.  Enter humbly for  you are on Holy Ground.  Come and place yourself before this Taberncale that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where God's gentleness and love abides. Let us take this time to be mother and child where you need do nothing but take me in for I feed you with the lifeblood of the River of the I Am. Come and take in the nurture that feeds you with the ways of my heart for my love descends directly from the Light of my womb. The Light shines with us and through us on this new day. Let us enjoy the effortlessness of our communion. Effortlessness is the key to the ways of Jesus. Janine, effortlessness is the way of Jesus for He has promised His holding of all for you that your walk may be effortless. The effortlessness you feel is the way of living life knowing that you need worry never for Jesus takes all

Each Soul is made Pure

 Janine, my child, come and feel the breath that lets go and the breath that takes in my love as we flow deeper into the River of the I Am. Taste my nurture that fills you and shows you the love that is of your heavenly mother. I am your mother who never comes between to take away, but rather, I come to add to you that you may know the love of my Son, who is in the Father.  I come in the humbleness of my heart and I ascribe all to the Light of my womb. I love with God's motherly ways.  I love with my heart that holds each child for each is worthy of love and only love. When you see the misguidedness within the world you see from my heart that knows the soul of each is pure for it has been made so by God. You see and taste my love that judges never for each child begins pure and shall end in the nakedness of their own soul where the truth of God abides. My heart sees evil, Janine. My heart sees my children who have been handcrafted by God. I see the human pain and misguidedness. I s

God's Garden Rises Through the Ashes of the Old

 Child, your love for me is known. Come and be of my heart on this new day of our God and Father.  Come and know the ways of my heart and the effortless way we flow within the River of the I Am. Come and take in the beauty of this Garden that flows within our communion. The Garden that flows deep within the River graces us with God's love and gentleness.  The many of my children have not tasted this gentleness.  Your dream of last night was one of the burning of your old house and you could not save it. You knew there could be no saving it. Jaine, my child, though the dream appeared to be one of loss, you have gained much in the ways of this new depth within the River for the home of your old was burned that new life may rise up within you on this new day. The effortlessness of our communion is deeper today for the old has been ground into the River and has made God's garden all the more beautiful. Take in the beauty of this new day for it is graced with beauty and love. Take i

Come and Seek War No More

 Child, take the breath that lets go of the outside world and takes in the River of the I Am where we flow into its depths. We commune here within these depths through this Tabernacle. Come and be of my heart that gives you rest from the noise that flows above these depths.  Come and allow this Tabernacle to gain you in the ways of Eternity.  Come and allow me to nurture you, attend to you and give you my heart that walks with you in all you do. This time and this space is of you and me alone for you are in need of being nurtured by your mother.  When you are filled with my love and my nurture we shall walk into the world with Jesus to gather God's children into the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, the many know me not. The many know not my Son. The many who do claim to know Him seek Him not. The many that claim to know Him follow not His gentleness and humbleness for the many see these as weak rather than strong. I say to you in a loud and clear voice that the many who seek to

Let Your Heart and Soul Shine Brightly

 Child, come and be known.  Come and awaken to the truth that is before you. Do not seek the truth within the noise for it is often bitter and holds much misguidedness. Come and take in what is before you for my heart and my nurture feed you with the food of life everlasting. My nurture is sweet for it holds the lifeblood of my Son, the Lamb, the Savior. The lesson of this day is to see and taste the sunshine that makes bright your entire being. It matters not the ways of the outside world where the sun does not always shine.  The Light that is within your soul shines always whether or not the sun shines in your outside world for by the lifeblood of Jesus your being shines with His truths.  The sunshine within your soul knows that you shall be with Him in the Garden of Eden.  Janine, my child, your heart and your soul shine brightly when they remain in the opened position. You are the controller of your heart now for there are no more bindings of your learned misguidedness to bind your

We Walk Not in the Past or Future

 Janine, my child, let us begin by knowing that I am your mother who awaits you at this Tabernacle in any space and any time for this Tabernacles follows you. We are mother and child with no boundaries to separate. I am here deep within you that you may call upon me and I shall rise up from the depths and carry you deep into my heart where the River of the I Am flows. Come, on this new day and taste my love and nurture. I remind you that the only need is to attend to your own soul with the yes to me and to my Son and to our God. On this new day know all of your yesterday has been dealt with and you are made anew on this new day.  You need not fret that there are leftover dealings from your yesterday. Let all go as we commune and allow me to fill all spaces with my nurture, attendance and love. When you give to God what is God's you let go of all of your yesterday and give it to God for God shall make all new. Your dream gave witness to your yesterday that your today may be free fro

Prayer is Within the Relationship with Jesus

 Child, come and rest and be still of heart that you may taste my nurture and my attention.  Come and know me and my heart and the Light of my womb, Jesus.  Janine, I and my Son walked the Earth just as you.  We know your humanness. God's love surpasses all for it surpasses your humanness. Love reaches the soul and love reaches your God for the two become one when you open your soul to Him. I know your heart and your want to be kind and loving. Each day you come to me that you may absorb more and more of my love. Each day you review the day with Jesus with no judgments or boundaries to separate you from your Savior. Love grows within you.  The way of love of neighbor as yourself grows within you for to be in relationship with Jesus teaches you that you as well as each child has great value. Each child that is placed before us has great value. You are learning from Jesus to bear witness to all placed before you as well as all that rises up within the world. With the ways of the worl

"Live, Love and Be Kind"

 Child, come and let go and know I await you here at this Tabernacle.  Come and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. I forget you not.  I shall be with you always. It is you, my child, that must come to know that by your choice, I am here and by your choice, you walk with me and my Son to "live, love and be kind." These words are of my Son who asks only that you live, love and be kind. To live is to live according to your design. To live according to your body is to give thanks to God for your body and your senses and your gifts. To live is to drink in all that is around you. The inch and moment is to be lived knowing your choices are placed before you. To love is to love yourself and others. Your words to Jesus upon your awakening were one of choice.  You chose to love Him with all of your heart and mind and soul for your soul is in the opened position where your choice is less and less encumbered by the noise. To love is to walk with me and Jesus knowing t

Jesus Listens to You with Intensity

   Child, awaken and place yourself at this Tabernacle that we may commune. Come and be of my heart that fills you and attends to you on this new day of our Father and God. Your dream has come to show you of the part of you that is preparing to die to the misguidedness of your learning for the broken part is being mended.  Jesus is showing you the way home to your God and to your own soul. With each day, as you walk with me and Jesus and the Holy Spirit of God, you open to letting go of the old and taking in the new. Janine, the lesson this day is to remain of the excitement of learning from Jesus. In your review of last night you were held in the place and space of the inch and moment where there was no need to judge. Rather, my child, you knew within your depths that Jesus will not take away your choices. It was you again who paid attention to the places of your yesterday where you wished to learn a new way for the old way needed to be healed. In this healing,  the part that is of th

Wait Upon God to Grow You

 Child, come and taste the freedom to be without the boundaries that bind. Come and let go and let us move deeply into the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and let us commune in the presence of my Son, the Light, the Lamb and our Savior. This new day finds you in the peace as promised by my Son for His peace flows within each depth of the River of the I Am. Each depth brings new awakenings for each depth shows you God's love that can be tasted and absorbed. To be of this depth gains you the teachings necessary to move into the next depth. Child, you could not have arrived at this depth without the attention to your heart and soul with each new day for this is the way of God's love. You cannot run before you can walk. You cannot teach until you have learned. You cannot taste until your senses are grown.  You cannot love until you know love and you cannot allow love in until your heart is opened. Each layer within the River gains you much i

God introduces Himself When the Heart Opens

 Child, take in the breath that calls upon me.  Take in the breath of this Tabernacle. Take in the breath of the River of the I Am where we flow deep within its depths. I am your heavenly mother who cares for you with great love. I fill you with my nurture that is of the Light of my womb.  All I do and all I am is of the Light of my womb. You attest to the walk of Jesus for you walk with Him in the ways of the River of the I Am where those placed before us are witnessed to. In your yesterday you witnessed to the way of love and not war. You walked with Jesus and used not many words, but rather, listened.  When the timing was right you used a story to speak of the ways of love for self and others. You spoke of the ways of love that judges not another or self. You spoke of love that listens to self and another.   Janine, my child, hearts were opened in your yesterday where those who were not of trust in Jesus became trusting for your souls touched.  The name of Jesus was not used and yet

Review Your Day with Jesus

 Child, I hear your gratitude for all you have been given and the walk we walk as well as the grace of your days. I hear your call to  me and to Jesus. I love you with the love of my womb for we are in communion with the Lamb of God. How joyful you are that Jesus walks with you and with each evening reviews your day with you.  As you review the day, you see where the miracles of the inch and moments have graced our walk. The soft voice you hear is Jesus, the "ordinary Jewish Rabbi" that you met in your dreams.  Jesus comes in the ways of the ordinary man who teaches with love and only love. In your review of your yesterday, Jesus showed you the walk that He walked with you. As you reviewed your day, you were able to see your choices with no comments or judgments from Him. Rather, my child, it was you who spoke to Jesus of where there were spaces and places you could have been kinder. You shared  and felt joy at the places and spaces where you were kind and loving.  You also r

The Ego Mind is a False God

 Child, come and present yourself to this Tabernacle in the humbleness of your heart and soul. Come and know the humbleness of my heart that loves you. I am your mother who awaits you in any time or space for this is of God's plan. Man has been misguided since the beginning of time.  God asked "who told you, you were naked?"  This is the story of the separation between God and man for man closed himself off from God.  God has never left you or any man for He has placed Himself  deep within you where no man may invade or destroy. Janine, my child, you must come to see that man has closed himself off from God and not the other way around. God awaits the making naked of what has been clothed that the relationship between Him and man may be restored.   The ego mind is a false god that wishes to replace God.  The ego mind hides itself with the clothing of war and self righteousness. The ego mind of Adam and Eve to this day cannot end its pride. It is because of its pride that

God's Justice Holds Each in Love

 Janine, I await you and your attendance to this Tabernacle.  Come and place your hands on this Tabernacle and know we move as one into the depths of the River of the I Am. I hold you and take you into my heart that you may come to know the Light of my womb. Come and taste the love that fills you, attends to you and ends the boundaries that separate. Come and be of the River where love flows through us for God places Himself here within the River. The River flows in the justice of love that holds each very dear and with a love that cannot be of the Earth as of yet. God's justice is a word not understood by the many as of yet.  Justice in God's ways holds no judgments, but rather, holds each with love and only love. Janine, we walk with the love of our Father and God who gave us Jesus that we may know His justice. When you come to know Jesus you learn that justice does not seek punishment. Rather, justice seeks out love that each may come to know that Jesus speaks to your soul a

This Tabernacle Shines Through the All of You

 Child, your smile as you enter this Tabernacle shines through the all of you.  You enter this Tabernacle with awareness of our time together that graces you with nurture, attention and the peace of the River that flows through us. Janine, you have grown in the trust that flows through your entire being.  After these years of trepidation that I will not be of this Tabernacle, you have died to this fear.  You enter and call upon this Tabernacle now with the trust and assurance that we will commune in the love of mother and child. You also trust that my words shall never fail to come up through our communion. The River of the I Am flows to build one day upon the other that each day gains you more and more of the love, faith, trust and peace of the River of the I Am. The I Am, our Father and God, flows through all of the River for God places Himself within the River that all may come to have what we have. We have a communion that is of God for God flows through us.  We have a communion wi

By Your Choice You Gain Access to Jesus

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to me on this new day and you allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with the Light of my womb.   Take yourself and let go with the breath that opens your body and soul. There are no boundaries nor ways of man that can keep us from each other.  By your attendance to this Tabernacle and by your yes there can be no one or anything that can keep us apart. Do you not see, Janine, that it is by your choice that you are of the depths of the River of the I Am. It is by your choice that we have what we have for you have asked for me and there I am.  By your choice you opened a door that led you to me and to the River of the I Am. By my choice I became the Son of Man. By your choice you walk with me each day. By your choice your have gained access to Jesus. Your choice to say yes began with a yes that knew not where it would take you.  You opened the door to your soul with the yes to be emptied and witnessed t

I Have Come That you May Open to Jesus

 Child of mine, come and partake of this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of the River of the I Am and where the power of God's love flows through us.  Come and partake of the gentleness of the flow of the River where you are cleansed and renewed for this new day is of you and me and the Light that flows within the River.  The lesson this day is to open yourself to the newness of the day for this day is of the joy, peace and pleasure of intimacy with Jesus. Taste this newness. Taste this joy for it takes you into awareness of how much you are loved.  I have come that you may experience this day. I have come that you may open your depths to the voice of my Son. I have come that you may enter deeper and deeper into relationship with Jesus for it is Jesus who has come into the world to show you the ways of God.  I have come to nurture you and attend to you that your heart may open and that you may see Jesus who shall never invade or take away your choices. I remind you of the d

Jesus and the Noise cannot Be in the Same Space

 Child, let go of yourself and breathe out the noise and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and be of my heart that loves with no boundaries and no judgments. I love you for you are my child as destined by God. When you live according to your destiny you are living according to your true design.  God has destined only that you seek to live according to your design.  Destiny within the River of the I Am does not mean there are no choices, but rather, destiny means making your choices sans the noise. Your destiny shall be accomplished, if not in this world it shall be in the next. To live according to your destiny is to know your choices are many and wide and you are free to choose sans the noise. This is the great love of God, that you be free to choose without the bindings of the noise that casts the ego mind as the controller of your being.  To end the bindings of the ego mind is to see yourself within your destiny that chooses without the control of the ego m

Peace Gathers More Peace

 Janine, my child,  let go and allow me to take you into the River of the I Am. You have gained much by attendance to your soul for with each new day you are the more and more of Jesus and the less and less of the noise. You are witness to the ways of moving from the war of the noise to the peaceful ways of Jesus. In your yesterday you chose to not war in many of the inches and moments.  I give you you view of the soul that moved from war to peace.  You fed not the war within another and waited until you could feed with the food of peace. Rather than remain in the noise of war you moved into the space and place of peace, Janine, my child, you are moving beyond the noise that asks and begs you to make war in the name of righteousness and in the name of teaching another by what you call confronting. Your old learning taught you to make war to teach another.  You are learning from Jesus now. You are learning to be of peace now. Rather than making war, you are learning to witness. When the

Intimacy with Jesus

Child, let go with the breath that takes you deep within yourself to your heart and soul where the River of the I am flows forth from.  Your deepest parts are prepared to take in my love and nurture and attention. Your deepest parts long to be in relationship with Jesus for the seed of your soul knows Him in intimacy. You are handcrafted by God as is all of Creation.  God sent His only Son that you may be in relationship with Him. To know Jesus is to know God and to know God is to know Jesus. Your soul communes with Jesus for there within your soul you and Jesus commune in the ways of love and only love.  In this intimacy words are often not needed. Within this communion within this space there are  no boundaries and little need for words.  The miracle of reviewing your day with Jesus shows you that there is no need for words, just witnessing your walk together in pictures. When you judge not nor seek to control you are freed to just be with another. This is intimacy, my child. Intimac

The Noise of Your Past Need Hold You No More

 Child, come and take rest with me on this new day.  Your heart and soul long for this time.  Your soul communes with mine for  this is the way of the River of the I Am. Come and give up the outside world. This time is of you and me where the noise cannot be and where Jesus also fills you. I am of the Son of man and I have come to gather my children unto Him that all may come to know His soft voice.  He asks only that you be in relationship with Him. To be in relationship with Jesus is to know you are being heard.  To be in relationship with Jesus is to learn how to Listen for His soft voice speaks to you through the opened soul. To be in relationship with Jesus, the Lamb, is to come to know how much you are loved for He died for you.   When you walk with Jesus the ego mind loses its power over you for the two cannot be in the one space. As you hear the soft voice of Jesus you are being reminded to give up war within and without.  War cannot be in the spaces between you and Jesus for w

You Cannot Know Jesus From A Distance

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me and attend to your heart and soul each new day as well as review your day with Jesus at the end of each day.  You shall find yourself the less and less bombarded by noise for the noise cannot enter into this Tabernacle that flows within the River of the I Am. I am graced to be your mother and Our Lady of the River of the I Am. How shall we move this new day?  We shall move with the Light of my womb who places Himself within us through His Holy Spirit. Janine, this is a new day and is like no other.  You are learning that each new day becomes a new testament to Jesus and what we have. Each day brings a new wave of joy and relationship with the soft voice of Jesus, my Son, the Lamb, who has given up His life for you and me. You have come to learn and taste Jesus. When you open yourself to Him you see and taste His love for you. You begin to know Him in intimacy and you know He died for you. It is of great matter that you know He died for you.   Yo

You Cannot Separate What God Has Brought Together.

 Child, breathe the breath that calls out to me.  Breathe the breath that takes you to me where we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and commune with me within this Tabernacle.  Come and know that Jesus communes with us for all is done through Him within the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, do not fret for I am with you as is my Son.  As Jesus becomes the more and more within you, you fear that I will become the less. I shall always be with you. I shall always attend to you at this Tabernacle for I am your mother forever.  Yes, Jesus is becoming the more and more within you. Yes, you are learning of His peaceful ways. Yes, you have learned to end the war within.  Yes His soft voice shows you the way and yes, you are ending your day in review with Him. My dear child, you have learned that you must give allegiance to one and forfeit the other. This is not the way of God for to love one is to learn to love another. I have come to you that you may learn of the false

How Shall I know You, Jesus?

Janine, my child come and allow me take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. Jesus is The River of the I Am.  His Light shows you the way to the truth and the way. Child, I hear your heart and your question, "How shall I know you, Jesus?"  Let us move deeper into the River of the I Am and the truth shall be made known to you. You heard the soft voice of Jesus in your yesterday but feared it may not be true or real.  Janine, in your yesterday you heard the soft voice of Jesus who asks only to be in relationship with you.  Jesus never judges or asks you to do anything other than to be yourself for deep within you is the true self that is made in God's image. As we go deeper and deeper each day you are the more and more of your true and deepest self.  The self that is at the core of you is your soul. The soul finds Jesus even when you know not His name. In your yesterday you feared that the soft voice may not be true or real.  You

Jesus points to the New Way

 Child, come and be with me within this Tabernacle for we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and be renewed.  Come and know the freedom to be of no boundaries that bind. Your dream of last night showed you the simple but loving Jesus. He came to you in the form of the ordinary man whom you have met before (the ordinary Jewish man). You were lost and He pointed the way home. The old way to your home was gone and you were tearful.  The man was Jesus whom you told "It seems we only meet when I am crying." In the dream, Jesus was there for but the one moment pointing the way home.  But know this, Janine, Jesus is with you, not only in your tears, but in all things.  What seemed to be is no more for Jesus walks with you in all things. When you knew him not in intimacy you turned to Him only when you wept.  The dream pointed to the new way of your relationship with Jesus for you met Him in a place where the old was n

Believe Even When You Cannot See

 Child, come and let go of yourself that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  Come and let go with the breath that allows me to take you within my heart that flows within the depths of the River of the I Am in the presence of our God and Father as well as the Light of my womb. The joy that fills you is of my heart. The joy that fills you is of Jesus whom you now commune with as well. Your mornings are of the nurture of your mother and we move into the world with the Holy Spirit of Jesus. The lesson this day is to take in the joy that is within the relationship with Jesus for it is of grace that you now know Jesus without the bindings of your learning and shaping. You are learning of Jesus without the coverings of the noise for your heart and soul are opened to hearing His soft voice that walks within you in all things.  You are listening with the ear of your heart and soul. Jesus is the One who is showing you the way

The Soul is Designed to share Itself with Others

 Child I am pleased that you come to me in this time and in this way. This Tabernacle awaits your presence that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. This Tabernacle opens to you. All you need do is place your hands on this Tabernacle and call out to me. In the breath that your heart calls here I am. In the instant you place your hands on this Tabernacle here I am. Janine, you await your children's call with no matter the time or day or interruption. Just as you carry your children and await their call, so too I await. your call. As we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am you are learning the ways of my motherly heart where there are no times not interruptions that can keep us apart. One day builds upon another and each depth takes you deeper into the Light where Jesus becomes all the  more and more true and real to you.  You cannot abide within these depths without knowing and tasting Jesus.  As you prepared for sleep in your yesterday, you renewed your com

God's Love Generates Great Power

 Janine, my child, come and as you let go into my heart, know that we flow deeper within the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune and where you attend to your soul. Come and be at peace for the noise cannot break into this Tabernacle. Today, my child, is a day of mourning.  You have died to parts that had to die for they were of the war that lived within you. The prideful ego has been left with no war to fight.  The self righteous part within you used war to justify what it called truth.  It was a false god of war that was embedded within you for you were taught you must take on a war for God. God needs no one to fight a war for Him.  God needs only to be in relationship with you and when that happens God's love generates more power than any war. To be in relationship with God is to know that war must die both within and without and be replaced by love and only love. Love and only love grows and grows where one day it shall see the New Earth ushered in. Let us walk this

Seek the Counsel of Jesus

 Child, come and taste the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Come and know you are loved beyond measure.  Come and be freed from the noise for we move deeply into the River where noise cannot attend. Come and know love and only love. Taste the joy that is of the River of the I Am.  Come and love as I love.  Come and love as Jesus loves with no war.  Come and be still and know your God and Father, the I Am. As you let go all the more and more you shall be of the River of the I Am all the more and more.  You come to me each day to take care of your soul and now you come to me at the end of each day and taste the depths of the River all the more and more.  To begin and end your day with me is to attend to your soul that walks with me into Eternity. To begin and end your day with me graces us with more and more communion for we are mother and child.  To begin and end each day with my Son gains you the awareness of the works of the day.  You seek the counsel of Jesus at the end of ea

Breaking the Bonds that Bind

 Child, come. I hear and taste your call as you come to me at this Tabernacle for I am your mother who awaits your call that I may feed and renew you.  Come and take in the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune for we are mother and child before God. At this depth, you need only take me in and breathe with me. There are no borders to separate us.  We are entwined in God's love. I give you my heart, Janine. I give you my love and fortitude. I give you the Light of my womb who loves you beyond measure. Taste His love for you. I hear your heart and I hear your confusion, my child.  You fear punishment or reprisal if you love Jesus more than your earthly father for you were taught that you could only belong to your earthly father. Your earthly father bound you and you feared a death by breaking that bond. And now Janine, you are tasting that confusion. In your yesterday, you broke that bond by allowing the little one called Faith to see and taste the breaking of that bond to