Intimacy with Jesus

Child, let go with the breath that takes you deep within yourself to your heart and soul where the River of the I am flows forth from.  Your deepest parts are prepared to take in my love and nurture and attention. Your deepest parts long to be in relationship with Jesus for the seed of your soul knows Him in intimacy.

You are handcrafted by God as is all of Creation.  God sent His only Son that you may be in relationship with Him. To know Jesus is to know God and to know God is to know Jesus.

Your soul communes with Jesus for there within your soul you and Jesus commune in the ways of love and only love.  In this intimacy words are often not needed. Within this communion within this space there are  no boundaries and little need for words.  The miracle of reviewing your day with Jesus shows you that there is no need for words, just witnessing your walk together in pictures.

When you judge not nor seek to control you are freed to just be with another. This is intimacy, my child. Intimacy is the nakedness of sharing each other in all parts.  Intimacy is the sharing of two souls where each is allowed to be of their design with no judgments or need to control the other.

Janine, you gave witness to such intimacy in your yesterday where you showed two souls the way of non judgment within their relationship.  To be this deep in relationship you must come to see the other as Jesus sees the other.  Your work with Jesus shall take this next depth where you show others the way of ending war within that holds self righteousness. In ending the war within you are prepared to be in intimacy with Jesus for His ways demand the end of war within and without. The humble, peaceful, and loving Jesus walks with us in all things. To be in intimacy with Him is to move deeper into the realm of the mystical where your hearts and souls commune.