
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Clock of Man is Not of God's Perfect Timing

 Janine, do not fear that you are disturbing me for I await you here at this Tabernacle with no matter the time for I know you and I know the disruptions that come to play. You are always placing me of great importance but there are those inches and moments that call you from your daily timing of our communion within the mystical waters of the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, your soul is opened and the noise cannot keep us away. It is of matter that you see these disruptions not as a pull away from us but a call to us for these disruptions are of the River where you are called to take time to follow the flow of the River of the I Am where time has no clock. I ask you to see the way I see and place this fear in the rear of you. I await your attendance to this Tabernacle but be assured that God's timing is not yours. There shall be those times where you are being called to bear witness and our communion here within this Tabernacle may not be according to your will but rather, Go

Love and Only Love Follows You into Eternity

 Child of mine, let us move as one into the depths of the River of the I Am.  We flow in the ways of mother and child. Do not fret any wrong doing for we are one with no matter your worries, sorrows or confusions. Come and allow me to take away all fret and replace it with love and only love.  My child, I am here. You taste me. You feel my hold. You hear me. You see me but not with the eyes of the body. You see me by my heart that shows you the beauty of what we have. On that day when you pass into Eternity you shall see all the more and more of me. You grow in love and only love all the more each day for you see the truth of the Kingdom all the more and more each day. Though the River may seem to flow slowly it flows in God's timing and ways. What you and I open within your time on Earth we open that others after you may have all the more and more of what we have. Just as you pray for yours and then theirs, know that God has designed the River of the I Am to flow that the generati

Do Not Make War with Hopeless Words

 Janine, my child, love is here for you. The love that is of my heart flows within all of the yes of the River of the I Am. Come and commune with me and with Jesus and His Holy Spirit that flows through all of the River of the I Am. Come and as I fill you, know that we are of God's design for us. Janine, you have always been mine even in the darkest times. Even when you could not see the love, I was there with you for you are my child and I have followed and been with you all of the days of your life. Jesus, the Light of my womb, has been there with you all of the days of your life. Not one child shall be lost.  Jesus is here to make light your journey for to give all to Him is to allow Him to take your burdens and carry them for you. It is not of the need to carry any burden alone.  I hold you for you and I give you my words that there shall come the day that others will find solace in knowing that I have come to be with each child. My words may touch others and our walk touches o

The Heart Holds Awareness of its Roots

 Good morning, my child. I welcome you here to this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Take in the breath that tastes me. Take in the love of my heart that holds you in the embrace of my motherhood.   Our love for each other flows back and forth in the dance of mother and child. I take in your love for me as you take in my love for you. You take in my food that shall sustain you in this day. I ask nothing and offer much for my heart holds the Light of my womb. I take you into these depths that you may taste Jesus who is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am.  To know me is to know Jesus. To know Jesus is to know me. As you know you cannot separate mother from her children and you cannot separate children from their mother.  The heart holds dearly what man deems separated. The heart holds the knowledge of where it came from even in the unawareness of the mind.  The heart holds awareness of its roots. Opening the heart to its soul opens the awareness of its roo

The Invitation to the Soul to Open

 Janine, my child, sign yourself with the sign of Jesus. Enter this Tabernacle strong in the awareness of the love that opens here for you. Come and be loved that you may move into the world with me to love as I love.   Janine, to love as I love is simple. Take a look at the night sky as it gives way to the day and witness with me the simplicity of the movements of both the night sky and the flow of the River of the I Am. No need to force anything. Just allow the movement to happen as we witness to all that your senses can take in. As you take in the more around you, the more you become opened to take in all the more and more. Your yesterday gave witness to much for there was much to take in and yet it was simple and profound for what many saw as small you saw large. To see the eyes of another and bear witness to the soul of another with no matter what is being shown on the surface is to see as Jesus and I see.  In simplicity of the opened soul love flows.  When you see the simplicity

We Are All of the Same Brotherhood

 Child, Jesus is with us. Let us be humble in His sight and grateful for the ways of our design. I am your mother and you are my child. The day begins anew. We are mother and child before God. We are mother and child by the design of God. All children are connected for there was once only one man and one woman. God's plan has made it so. To say this or that one is not of my brotherhood is misguided for all are connected. To defame one is to defame yourself. To love another is to love yourself.  All returns to you in the ways of either love that grows or anger that stalls. To be of the model of love is to know hope. To be of the heart of my heart is to have hope and faith and trust in the will of God that all will be granted in love and only love. Hate, anger, jealousy, self righteousness and misguidedness shall become the fodder of the garden of the New Earth. Hope is the trusting of God's promises. 

The Soul Opens to an Opened Soul

 Janine, the day is becoming anew and your yesterday is being written into the Book of lIfe. Take heart in the knowing that those placed before us are taking in our motherhood. It is not the words you speak, but rather, it is the listening with the ear of your heart that makes matter to another.  Know that those placed before us are able to hold dear to me through you. Motherhood holds and places much matter on giving of time and nurture and listening and making matter of one's heart and soul. We touch hearts and souls. We hold each placed before us dearly within our motherhood that one may feel heard, understood and touched within their very soul. The soul is of great matter to us. The soul is felt by those who search for love and understanding and attention.   The heart opens to the heart of an opened heart and the soul opens to an opened soul. The mind without the opened heart and soul touches only itself. Let those with ears to hear, hear. 

Walking in Love Makes Life Simple

 Janine, my child, I call you by name. Come and be known. Come and be loved. Come and be filled in this new day. God gives life in abundance. Come and receive the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where God's Abundance flows forth from.  Come and awaken to the abundance of God's love for you. This new day holds much for you. Be still and be filled. Be still of heart and allow your depths to take in what is here for you that you may experience  the wonderment of God.  Today, my child, stay awake to the wonderment of the inch and moment where the one choice in the one moment moves you to the next where the one builds the next. There are many of my children who do not see or witness to the power of love that flows from the one inch and builds the next. The many see not their own workings and see not the power of their choices to choose love or choose anger and blame and the want to punish. The want to love is simple when the heart and soul are the parts that walk with the min

The Yes Asks the Question to God of God

Child of mine, come and be with me and the love I carry into you. Take the breath of letting go that you may take in the breath that gathers us as one within the River of the I Am.  I am our Lady of the River of the I Am that my children may come to know me and the Light of Jesus that forms the lifeblood of the River.  Today is dawning and it is another day to be with me and to be filled to overflowing. Today we begin by flowing deep into the depths of the River where we commune for I am your mother who fills you with my nurture.  Come and rest here within my holding and nurturing. I feed you in love and only love. We have what we have because you attend to your heart and soul. You have learned to listen and to hear from deep within your depths where Jesus and I and all of the yes abide. Take note that we may teach those placed before us that only the yes is needed to enter the River of the I Am. You need not be of this group or that group.You need only open the heart with a yes to the

Move Beyond the Noise Into the Trust of Jesus

 Good morning my child. Come and know my love that holds you on this new day. Come and be of the peace of my heart for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am and I carry the peace of my Son.  As you rise on this new day know that you need only say yes to be of my heart.  As you rise, know that your fears are being held by my heart. Trust in the Light of my womb. Trust in Jesus who calms the storms of your life. As you awaken to me and to this Tabernacle, know that trust may always have the doubt of Thomas. But the trust I hold for you is the trust that chooses to believe beyond the doubt. When you trust beyond the doubt you know that the doubt shall pass just as the noise passes when you pay no heed to it. Trust is as the noise that clangs at you and you move beyond it that you may reach the depths of your heart and soul. Trust is always being challenged by the noise.  It says, "see there in the garden of these beautiful roses there are thorns. Do not pick these flowers for they s

Words Mean Little in the Face of Example

 Janine, my child, lay all down and come to me that we may be one in communion with my heart and the heart of Jesus who is with us in all things. Today finds us in the beauty of our love with no matter the noise for the noise cannot enter here and what we have. This Tabernacle is for you. You come to me in the faithfulness of your heart and soul that know this is for your nurture and growth in the ways of mother and child as well as the ways of love and only love. With no matter the noise you make time for this Tabernacle that is with you always. You are my faithful child, Janine. You gather yourself to me knowing that I am here.  My heart is always ready to nurture and hold you with no restrictions or boundaries or judgments. If I or Jesus were judges of you, you would fret over attending to your own soul for judgments and or punishments force you to  pull away from rather than move towards to. The child runs with open arms to love and pulls away from chastisement and punishment. Puni

Honor Yourself that You may Honor Others

 Child of mine, it is a new day and it is another day to be of your body that praises God with me. Come and gain the ways of my heart that grow you in the ways of the River of the I Am. I am graced with the name and design of Our Lady of the River of the I Am. Today rises with newness for your yesterday has gained you more solid ground within the River of the I Am. You are being graced with the slothing off of the old that the new may emerge for the old must be shed and replaced with the newness of the wisdom here within my heart that flows within the River of the I Am. The shedding of the old ways of misguidedness is the gift of the River of the I Am where what was held in misguidedness can be let go. I give you view of the old that has been shed that you may see how much has been made anew.  You held yourself low and without honor for you were given no honor until you learned of the need to  honor all. To place yourself below is as misguided as to hold yourself above. I show you the

The Abundance of Life Beyond What is Before You

  Child, I smile with you as you enter this Tabernacle that holds the light of awareness and holds much joy for the preciousness of this inch and moment carries joy and peace in abundance. See that which is of God's gift of life. When you see from this place you see beyond what is in front of you. You see the life and happenings beyond the physical into the mystical.  You see a child at play. The child is seeing through the eyes of a child that is not yet taught not to play within the mystical. A child hears and sees and tastes much from its place of play. Watch the child at play and learn much of the pure joy of play.  You see and taste the water that gives you freedom from thirst. This water gives more than life for it transports you into the mystical living waters of the River of the I Am where thirst gives way to abundance.  Food carries joy and for the pure joy of taste but the many see not such joy for they see not beyond what is before them. The many rush even the food befor

Sit Within Your Depths and Know Jesus

 Child, I know you and I know your fret on some of these days that I will not be here for you.  The sun rises each day as you do and I rise with you each day as well for I am your heavenly mother who loves you. I am your mother who loves you with all of my heart as you love yours with all of your heart. My yes to God has graced me to be the mother of Jesus as well as your mother for by God's hand I am mother to all. You call me mother. We are mother and child before God. I chose to be your mother for I chose to be the mother of man. Love can be of no other way.  There are those that fear for they cannot touch Jesus and yet you touch Jesus. There are those that ask why their hands cannot touch Jesus just as doubting Thomas. All are capable of touching Jesus for Jesus lies within their own spaces. To touch oneself is to touch Jesus when you become naked to your own soul. When you sit with your depths Jesus is there to greet you. Touch Him. Love Him. Know Him. Let us walk to teach of

The Walk of the Angel

 Janine. my child, I am here and know that I love you. Let us flow into the depths of the River of the I Am and commune in the beauty and softness and clarity of the River.  Your heart is bursting with love. Come and be of my heart as we embrace the beauty and clarity of this new day. Janine, my child, your dream spoke to you of the clarity of God's ways and of our walk and design together with Jesus. The dream came to make clear the walk of the angel. The dream has made clear the promise of Jesus to you so long ago that your walk with Him would gather children to Him and save souls.  You spent time with a family that you were confused by for you knew not what they needed or why you were called to be with them.  But faithfully you went.  When you realized there was a child in grave danger, you raised the child to Jesus and stated "So this is why you have me with these people" and demanded that Jesus intercede and keep "His promise" to you to save this soul. Your

Be Still that You May Taste my Nurture

 Janine, my child. You are mine by God's design. You hear mea and write my words by God's design. Worry no more about food, shelter or disease for the hand of God is upon you in all things. Whatever you may suffer, know that God is with you and shall show you the way. You know that death of your body will befall you and it cannot be chased away. You must learn to trust that even in death you shall live.  Joy and peace will follow you all the days of your life even in death for you choose to give to God all of your worries. In the face of the noise you choose Jesus loud and clear, Janine. Your heart knows me and your heart knows Jesus for you sit with yourself and join me within this Tabernacle.  Each day you rise to greet me and sign yourself that we may commune. This Tabernacle is for you and all who say yes to the River of the I Am for I Am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. Let us be still and allow the Living Waters of the River of the I Am to envelope us. Be still and take

Deny Not that Tiny Space of Your Soul

 Janine, my child, it is time. It is time to attend to your soul. Come and be given the nurture of my heart that gains you rest within the River of the I Am where we flow with all of the yes. Today, I speak to you of your dream where someone told you "it is time". My child , that someone is you who is feeling that space of hiddenness for the first time. It is time to allow your true self that is of your design to walk with you in your deepest part that is of your human body. No more can you deny that tiny  part that houses God and houses your soul. In that tiny space your soul lives. In that tiny space your God lives. In that tiny space you feel the ways of  men and women who need to be honored in spite of what you have called failings. To make peace with the tiniest part of you is to allow yourself to see man as God has designed man. Man was meant to love and cherish women and not used or tortured or forced to close out of fear of punishment. You have met your soul in a plac

The Epiphanies that Open the Soul

 Janine, my child, come and be held on this new day. Come and know the peace that has been graced  upon us by Jesus, the Lamb, the Savior. Come, be still and know Jesus and me and all of the River of the I Am. No need to be a saint. No need to prove you are worthy. No need to come and beg for entrance to Heaven. All is needed is the yes to be opened to what is beyond the noise. Jesus asks us not to beg, but rather, to come to Him in relationship.  Today is another day to love and be loved. To be opened to the yes to that which is beyond the noise is to slow the part of you that asks the question of a God that can love without judgment or control or punishment.  To be opened is to be of the want to discover your own soul for there in your soul is the truth that lies in wait to be exposed. Once the wisdom of your own soul erupts, you see differently., you taste differently and you gain a knowing that is beyond the noise. With the yes, the deep knowings surface as the epiphany. This knowi

Open yourself to See, Taste, Hear, Smell and Touch Love

 Janine, my child, Love is the lifeblood of this Tabernacle. Jesus has spilled His blood that the River of the I Am may flow unto Eternity. The River of the I Am cleanses and renews you each day that love may be your guide for you walk with Jesus in the ways of God's design.  Take in the breath of the River of the I Am. Take in the love that is here for you. Open yourself to the love that I give you and the love of Jesus who loves you with no bindings. Listen to the music that surrounds you and flows through you. My child, do you not hear  the music with your heart? Can you not touch the music as it touches you? The River expands your senses where you taste me with your heart and soul. You touch  me as I touch you with the song of my heart that touches your depths.  Your senses meld into the beauty of the nakedness of your heart and soul that you may see with your hands and taste with your heart and enjoy the scent of the garden of nothingness. The world attempts to use words when

Love Can Break the Bonds of Hate

 Child of mine, awaken and know that we are of mother and child on this new day for our God has deemed it so. You come here each day to make holy our connection for you come here to be graced in the ways of the River of the Am. I am given the name and design of our Lady of the River of the I Am that my children may come to know how truly God has graced us all. You come here each day, to not only attend to your soul, but to also write my words that others may be touched with the hands of Jesus through us.  I do not come to be above. I do not come to own you or anyone for this is not the way of my heart nor the River of the I Am. I do not come to take away but to add for my heart adds nurture to your soul that you may grow and expand all of your senses.  I come to show you the Light of my Son who has gained us all Eternity. I come to hold you that you may know the taste of your mother for my nurture feeds you with the love of the River of the I Am. My Son, Jesus, carries us and all of th

Pay No Heed to Those who Hate

 Janine, my child, I love you and I invite you here to commune with me for we are mother and child by God's hands. To trust me is to believe in me. To love is to taste God's graces. Love has no bindings. Love has no anger or hate for love cannot hate by its very nature. God is love.  As we commune, take in all of the love within the River of the I Am that cannot be of any other way than love and only love. Love yourself as I love you. Love your body as it is the vessel of God's love. Love  your body that you may walk in love that has no bindings. When you witness with me, know that love is the only measure that God is capable of for His love cannot be of any other way.  How can you say you are of love when you hate? How can you say you are of love when you cannot see that you are a vessel of God's love? Do not pay any heed to those who use hate to say they love for love and hate cannot be bedfellows. Do not  not pay any heed to those who bellow in an attempt to have you

The Hands of Jesus are upon us

 Janine, my child, I speak to you of this good day. Our time together is precious for we are mother and child where we commune on this new day. You are in a space and time that is for you and me.  The day begins as any other and yet it is no ordinary day for the sun rises between us in a different way. No two days are ever the same. The new day brings the excitement of our walk within the world.  How graced we are to be in this time and space before God. Take in all that is before you. Take in all as your hands dance upon this Tabernacle where your heart hears me.  Taste and take me in with all of your senses that become expanded in our communion. No need to do anything other than be. No need to seek but just be. As we take in this inch and moment take in the peace that is deep within you for it is the peace as promised by Jesus. What is so different about you now Janine, is that you give to Jesus all even in the face of fear and doubt. Your body may react as if you are still the child

To Be In Communion with Jesus Ends Misguidedness

 Janine, my child, we have this Tabernacle that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. We have this Tabernacle where you have come to be cleansed and healed of all the wounds that closed you off to the goodness of Jesus. The River of the I Am flows that you and I may be of our design while you are in your body. What you gain here you take with you into Eternity. You learned of Jesus through a lens that was misguided and confusing for you were told that Jesus loves you as well as Jesus punishes and sacrifices you. That misguidedness has risen up from within your depths that it may be healed by the balm of my heart that is within the River of the I Am. What I do I do not do alone. What we have we have not alone for the River shares itself with all of the yes. The River shares itself for all that all may come to open themselves to the truth of God's love. The River is the lifeblood of Jesus who shares Himself with all that all may learn that Jesus wishes only relationship wit

Jesus is Humbleness

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. I welcome you into my heart that holds, nurtures and loves you.  We flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Do not take lightly the wonder of mother and child. God's gift to all is to be nurtured by mother and loved with no judgments or boundaries. The nurture of mother to her child is God's gift for to be mother and child in this deep connection is to watch God's Love moving from Him to you. Just as I nurture with no boundaries, so too, God nurtures through Jesus with no boundaries. My love holds you with no restrictions or demands. Jesus loves with no restrictions or demands.  As mother feeds her child in the holding and feeding, so too I hold you, feed you and love you with a love that fills you with the food of everlasting life. You grow in the shadow of my love and holding and nurturing. Jesus walks with us in the same way for He comes to feed the hungry an

Joy and Peace are Within this Inch

 Janine, my child, come and attend to your soul on this new day. Come and seek not to know tomorrow for tomorrow is not yet determined. Come and let us move deep into the depths of the River of the I Am and let us commune for I am your mother who nurtures and feeds you with the life here within the River of the I Am. In simplicity the River flows in this inch and moment. When you attempt to move into tomorrow you fret because tomorrow cannot be seen. This inch and moment, however, can be seen and tasted and witnessed to.  Joy and peace are fruits of this inch and moment. My children fret and run from the very inch and moment that carries peace. To be emptied from the last inch and moment and to be free to live this inch and moment opens up the gift and grace of peace for to pay no heed to what is gone and to pay no heed to what is ahead is to live within this inch and moment only where you enjoy the unfolding of God's love and peace and miracles. As you entered this Tabernacle you

To Be "In Touch"

 Janine, come and know that it is that time and place again when I carry you into the River of the I Am in the nakedness of mother and child. To be free this is to have no boundaries to bind you from me or the River of the I Am. Take in the beauty and depth of Jesus whose lifeblood is endless and evergrowing. Today, Janine, my child, take in what is of Jesus. By His life and death, take in what He has given you. Take in the boundless beauty of this time and space that is of Jesus. There is such  joy to be in relationship with Jesus. To know you are loved with no judgments or boundaries is to know the promises of Eternity. To feel this wonder is to know how much you are loved and lovable. Pay no heed to those who cannot see what you see and attempt to make you appear "out of touch." You taste and touch deeper and deeper each day for you attend to your soul that we may be in touch with others where our joy may be tasted by others. This is why the River of the I Am flows, Janine

Let Your Soul Be Your Rutter, Not Time

 Janine, my child, do not fret for I am here and I await you on this new day. Pay no heed to the guilt of not coming sooner for disruptions are a gift from God to allow Him to intervene in your day. Pay attention to the soft voice of Jesus who is loving you and calling out with His soft voice. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. The old has come up to greet you with its use of guilt. Pay no heed to it for we move in the gentleness and nonjudgmental ways of the River of the I Am where guilt has no place.  Janine, my child, take note of why guilt has grabbed at you. You waited to attend to other things before arriving here to this Tabernacle. Time has no place here within the River of the I Am for the River flows unto Eternity. Your heart finds its way to me each day and you must come to be of the simplicity of the River where the heart and soul are the rutters of your journey and not time.  Let us sit with love and only love and all

The River of the I Am Grows You Daily

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. Come and take in my heart that loves, nurtures and holds you. Never have you been so free to just be for your yesterday has prepared you for today. With each day you grow in the ways of Jesus, for your yes opens you all the more each day. Your attendance to your soul keeps open your heart and soul for each day you begin by attending to this Tabernacle.  You run from me no more. You run to me now. You run from the name of Jesus no more. You run to HIm. The times you fear men are no more. Your fear led you to hide yourself in the depths of your being. There is a story that is being written of the healing and joy of firstly allowing the wounds to open and heal that your heart and soul could risk opening. To open your soul was to see Jesus as He truly is and that is love and only love. Your soul gave its soul cry that day of opening and has been free ever since to know love. To wake each day and learn of God's ways through Jesus

The Heart and Soul are Capable of Ever Expanding

 Janine, my child, come and taste the goodness of the River of the I Am that flows in goodness and abundance. Come and let go of all and empty yourself that the spaces made may be filled with the goodness that is before you. As you taste the goodness of your body and of the earth you walk, take note of the greater goodness of the River of the I Am for the River holds no bindings and is ever expanding. Take in what we have for it is also ever expanding. As each day rises and moves towards the night you grow rather than decay for you are expanding within your heart and soul. There is no end to the heart and soul for it is capable of ever expanding. The Kingdom is ever expanding for this is the way of God's love for us. Your joy and excitement of growing yourself is known. Your peace and ways of love of self and others is expanding. As each grain of sand may not be seen until it is expanded into the sand of the endless ocean, so too, my child,  you may appear to be but a small grain o

I Carry the Balm of Healing to My Children

 Janine, my child, how is it that each day you arrive here and greet me in the blessing of this Tabernacle? How is it that you come to me as the child who knows mother is here to nurture and feed in love and only love?  How is it that a child that was once so closed and in despair for so many years has opened and become as the child of love and only love? Janine, my child, I ask you these questions to remind you of how closed you were and how despair was your bed partner. To have come from the dungeon to freedom such as this you walked into the despair with the sacred witness that it may be exposed to the balm of my heart here within the River of the I Am. To be of the child who can now accept nurture when it was once a poison is of God's mercy and love for I have been designed to feed and nurture and open what has  been so dreadfully abused and closed.  I am the nurturer to my wounded children. I carry the balm of healing. The wounds need to be exposed to the balm of my heart. The

In Stillness All is Calmed

 Janine, my child, your yesterday is written and your day is yet to be. Come and let us flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we may commune in peace and love and only love.  How graced you are to experience such peace and wonderment. Your eyes are as the child who takes in all in wonderment. Your heart and soul are opened as a child who is free to just be and take in the ways of being human in a human world. Your senses are expanded to take in and see what is more than just in front of you for you are expanded to take in what is not seen by the many for the many stop not to grow in the ways of heart and soul. The many feel they must run and grab and learn from the noise when all is needed is to come to the stillness that makes simple and clear what the noise complicates.  To grow in heart and soul is to just be in the nothingness of stillness. In stillness the heart speaks.  In  stillness the heart asks the questions of Eternity and God. In stillness God is heard. In sti