The Abundance of Life Beyond What is Before You

 Child, I smile with you as you enter this Tabernacle that holds the light of awareness and holds much joy for the preciousness of this inch and moment carries joy and peace in abundance.

See that which is of God's gift of life. When you see from this place you see beyond what is in front of you. You see the life and happenings beyond the physical into the mystical. 

You see a child at play. The child is seeing through the eyes of a child that is not yet taught not to play within the mystical. A child hears and sees and tastes much from its place of play. Watch the child at play and learn much of the pure joy of play. 

You see and taste the water that gives you freedom from thirst. This water gives more than life for it transports you into the mystical living waters of the River of the I Am where thirst gives way to abundance. 

Food carries joy and for the pure joy of taste but the many see not such joy for they see not beyond what is before them. The many rush even the food before them and see not the abundance of God's gifts. 

The need to run and not take the time to see and taste and smell God's gifts carries a loss of awareness of abundance. Let us be of great gratitude of the abundance of life.