
Showing posts from December, 2020

To Know Me is to Know the Light of my Womb

Child, come and know the Light of my Son that shines within the River of the I Am.  Because of my yes the world shall know Eternity.  I give to you with my yes as well for I am your mother who walks with you and nurtures you that you may know and taste the Light. Janine, I call you by name for you are my child whom I love with no conditions.  My love flows within you as I feed you with my nurture that is derived from the Light of my womb.  Do not hide yourself or any parts for by this nakedness you are fed.  This day is anew and I know your heart that weeps with me for those who know me not for they know not my Son.  To know my Son is to know me and to know me is to know my Son. My child, to know me is to know my motherly ways.   To know me is to absorb my nurture that flows within the River of the I Am. To know me is to know the hope of the Light of my womb for I walk with you and work through you that my children may come to know the Light of my womb that loves without judgments or c

The Kingdom is Found Within Your Soul

Child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle on this new day.  Come and allow me to take away the noise for I am your mother who comes to calm and nurture you.  I come that  you may know love and tenderness and joy for the River flows in the peace as promised by my Son. Peace is the fruit of the River of the I Am for to flow within the depths of the River is to allow your whole being to take in the effortlessness that is of the flow of the River of the I Am.    When you let go and allow the River to take you, rather than sink you become unsinkable.  As you are taken deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am you become all the more unsinkable. Ponder this mystery, my child, for within the River this mystery is understood and tasted while in the outside world your language makes no space for this truth. Within the outside world the waters drown you which leads to death while within the mystical, the depths of the River of the I Am lead to life and the Kingdom. The Kingdom can

The Soul Builds Its House Upon This Inch and Moment

Child, come and let go that you may attend to your soul here within this Tabernacle that flows within the River of the I Am.  Come and love as I love with no judgments or boundaries or expectations.  Love flows forth from my heart that is of the Light of my womb. I come to you each day anew and we walk to expand you that you may be the more and more of the truth of the River of the I Am.  Your heart continues to grow in the ways of love and only love.   You give yourself over to me each day where your heart learns the more and more of the truth and the path to Eternity.  The lesson for this day is to be awake to the need to witness to my children in each inch and moment for God's will is being done through our walk within each inch and moment.  Look not to the next inch and moment until this one is finished.  This lesson is great for it acknowledges God in each inch and moment.  This lesson is great for it acknowledges that God does not ask anymore of you than to live in this inch

The Inner Journey to Your God

Child of mine, come and be filled with my love and the ways of the River of the I Am where we commune in the presence of the Holy Trinity. Come and take note of the falling away of the noise that binds the many of my children. The many hear me not for they are too busy to attend to their souls.  The many know me not for they have not been shown the way by those in charge of their care.  The many know not the way of the inner journey home to their own souls. To attend to your soul is to awaken the mystical within that gathers all parts into the whole and where the path to the Kingdom lies.  To be of my heart within the River of the I Am you must be of the yes. The yes is awareness that your heart has a language of its own.  To be of the yes you must become still and be awakened to the noise that binds for to say yes is to know your heart has a language of its own.  To say yes is to learn of the  quietness of the heart where God speaks.   You have come to me and in the quietness of our h

The Simplicity of Love

Child, come and let go that I may wash you with the calming waters of the River of the I Am.  Come and let go and be of the peace that flows within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and breathe in the love of my heart. The River flows for you.  The River flows that you may know love.  The River flows to gather all of God's children.  This day is anew that the hope of the Light of my womb may touch you and then another and then another for what touches you is carried to another.   You are graced to know me.  You are graced to know my Son.  You are graced to be with me within the River of the I Am.  Grace enters you, Janine.   Let us walk this new day in the simplicity of the love of my heart where we touch the one and then another and then another.  Our walk is simple for it loves and worries not for love flows with no matter the ways of the outside world.  Love is simple, my child, for it asks only that you become awake to it. Love asks only that you become still and

The Way of Nothingness

Child, joy be with you.  Peace be with you and love be with you. Come and be filled with the joy, peace and love of my heart that carries you deep within the River of the I Am.  Take joy in knowing we commune with our Father and my Son and the Holy Spirit that is the source of the River of the I Am. Take in and allow my love to touch you in all parts that you may be whole.  Allow all to be opened and naked that all parts may know true peace.  Janine, take in the rapture that is within this new day.   As you arise and attend to your soul allow all parts to be taken and made of nothingness that all of your God may fill you. Nothingness makes you whole, my child, for in nothingness all parts are naked and make the one whole. Nothingness comes from the letting go of the need to hide where nakedness of all parts is transformed into wholeness.  When you are naked in all parts you see your God.  When you are naked in all parts the seed of the soul is reunited with its Creator, our Father and

Motherhood is Forever

Child, I welcome you on this the new day of our Father, the Creator, the I Am.  Come and be known.  Come and take your place within the River where we commune in the ways of mother and child.  I am your mother who fills you.  I am your mother who holds you with no self expectations or wants other than to fill with love.  Our Father has destined us to be mother and child for Eternity.  You shall never be alone.    Child, does your name of mother end when your children hide from you?  Does your name of mother to your children ever become anything other than a love that cannot be ended?   There are those who live in the worldly only who will state that yes, you can end motherhood. But I say to you in a loud and clear voice that motherhood cannot end.  Whether it be mother who denies her child or child who denies mother, our God knows the hearts of all and motherhood never ends.  Motherhood can and does grow when hearts are opened.  What has been graced by God can never end.  Motherhood is

The Destructive Powers of the Noise

Child, come and be still and let go that you may take in my love for I come to feed you with the all of me.  Come, be still and listen to the call of my heart that wishes to feed you that you may be of the promises of the Covenant. Be still.  Be quiet of heart that you may hear all that is within this Tabernacle. Be quiet and allow me to teach you of the way of your dream.  Your dream appeared angry and violent, my child, but it was necessary to show you the ways of the destructive powers of the noise.  Those whom you were attempting to force to leave your home would not leave for they could not hear or see you. They refused to honor you for they could not hear or see you. Those who acted as if you were not there heard you not.  You called for help to rid them of their blindness but help did not come for their hearts were closed.  Janine, you have been shown the often silent, destructive powers of the noise. The noise carries its destructive powers by making my children lost in their o

The Opened Heart is of the Yes

Janine, I call you by name for I am your mother who calls to you to be nurtured in the ways of the River of the I Am.  Come and let go for in emptiness I fill.  In emptiness I give you my heart that you may come to know my love that holds the Light of my womb. Child, to give birth to the Son of Man has graced me as mother to all.  I come into the world through you and through all of the yes.  I know your human ways and I know your spirit and I know your mystical for all are part of the whole of you and all of my children.  The whole bears no judgments for our Father, the I Am, knows the ways of your learning and shaping that have come forth from the Adam and Eve mind that has hidden much in the ways of the spirit and the mystical as well as the truth about your body. I know who you are in all parts and make no judgments for I love you.  I walk and work through you.  It matters not your misguidedness for with your yes the River of the I Am flows to make holy our walk.  Do not fret for y

I Give you the Peace and Joy of the River of the I Am

Child, sign yourself that you may enter this holy ground of this Tabernacle. You must let go of all that you may taste this sacred space.  With your entrance into this holy space I take you into my arms where my nurture awaits you.  Come and be of joy and peace.  Come and be of love and only love. When  you arrive here I take the noise from you no matter how loud the noise becomes and no matter the intensity of the pull.   How great is the love that is of the River for in the instant that you attend to me you are given the peace that knows no bounds. Janine, I know the joy and peace that is within you and I know the noise we must return to that we may gather my children to me. I know your heart and your love for me.  I know your heart and love for my Son.  I know the love that flows forth from the River and into our communion of mother and child that we may move into the world as one. I know your woundedness and I know your learning and shaping that leaves you with misguidedness.  I kn

Your Dreams Come to Move You Out of the Darkness

Child, I commune with you here at this Tabernacle.  Come and let go in the all of you that you may take in my nurture.  I know you and I know all parts where I nurture and love with no exceptions.  I know you and I know your love for me and the Light of my womb. I know you and I know the ways of your dreams that speak to you of all parts.  In your dream there was the one part who knew not those that entered your home.  These are the parts that you remain unaware of in your daily life.  Yet, my child they know you and speak to you of your helping ways, of your confusions, and of the ways of judgments.  Your dreams come to show you the work of the River of the I Am to take you from the darkness into the Light.  Your dream showed you that there are some who take not your helping ways.  There are others who shall judge your helping ways.  And, my child, there are parts of you that are confused about the old and the new. Know that your dreams are of the Light that shines within each dream t

From Darkness into the Light

Child, fear not for I am here and I await you at this Tabernacle that you may be filled with my nurture that will sustain you on this new day. Come and know the love that asks for nothing other than to feed you.  I ask only that you allow me to nurture you in the ways of my heart for I am your mother who comes to fill and not take away. Be still, let go of yourself and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am.  As we flow deeper take in the view of all you have left behind.  See the child who only asked to be held for she was never held.  See the child who was alone and asked or nothing for the fear of being seen was far greater than not being seen.   See the love of my heart that followed you and led you from the darkness of isolation of your heart and soul into the Light of seeing and being seen. To see you must be seen.  To love you must be loved.  To give you must have been given to.  Janine, as we move deeper into the depths of the River, see the ways of my he

Come and Be Fed by Your Mother

Child, come and let go and allow your breath to be taken into my heart where we shall breathe within the River of the I Am.  Come and let go and allow your breath to come to me that we may commune. Take in my nurture that is for you and you alone for we are mother and child where I fill you with my nurture.  Just as the infant is fed so too I feed you. I am your mother who feeds you with the food of the Light of my womb.  I am your mother who feeds you with the love of the River of the I Am for I am graced to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am. The lesson for this day is twofold.  Firstly I come to feed you each day at this Tabernacle that you may know the peace and gentleness of my heart that holds you with no judgements or expectations.  We are justly mother and child. We are mother and child in the presence of our Father, the I Am, who is Father to all. Secondly, what we  have is for you alone and yet it shall not remain for you alone. When you are filled your spirit walks to fill

The Naked Heart Dances Within the Light

Child, Love is within and without you.  Come and attend to your soul this new day and taste love.  A simple love flows from my heart and flows into you that you may know the love of your mother. I am your mother who gave birth to the Lamb.  I am your mother who loves you beyond measure. I am mother to all by the grace of our Father, the I Am. Your Earthly parents conceived you.  The seed of your God was there within the conception for you were handcrafted by the One, the I Am. The Little One called Faith is the smallest part that holds the truth of the seed.  Trust in her dance of love.  When  you view the miracle of the seed from the view of the outside world only, my child, you see only your earthly beginnings. When you see your birth from the view of the River of the I Am you see the miracle of the seed that is within you where you are intimately connected to God, the Father, the I Am. Therefore, my child, take into your heart the knowing that all are of the same cloth as all have b

Trust What is Within Your Heart and Soul

Child, come and be freed from the boundaries of the outside world that bind you to the noise.  Come and let go into my arms and watch the noise become the quiet within your soul for to attend to your soul is to awaken to the Mystical Living Waters of the River of  the I Am. Trust what is in your deepest parts for they speak to you of your design.  When you become still here with me and allow your heart and soul to open the noise cannot call out to you in the ways of your learning and misguidedness. The lesson for this day is to trust what is of this Tabernacle.  Trust your deepest parts that attend to your soul.  What is of matter is that you make your choices this day from the view of the River of the I Am rather than from the view of the outside world. In this new day your fret shall be no more when you see all that is before you in both choices and love.  The River asks nothing of you other than to love yourself as you love others and to love others as you love yourself.  One cannot

The Illusion of Solid Ground

Child of mine, you do well to attend to your soul this new day.  You do well to make this time and space that we may commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and gain the grace of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The walk of the dark night has gained you this new depth within the River for trust is built when you walk within the darkness and find the Light that awaits you.   To walk into the Light of the River of the I Am you must give up the illusion of solid ground within the outside world.  To let yourself go and watch the illusions die is to walk into the dark night where no solid ground exists. The dark night gives way to the daylight of the Light of my womb for when you let go and allow yourself to be taken into the mystical you find the Light that shows the way. You have walked through the dark night with the lack of solid ground and the lack of boundaries that you may taste the buoyant ways of the River of the I Am where you flow effortlessly and with

The Walk Into the Dark Night

Child, peace shall be with you.  You shall know peace on this new day for I am your mother who nurtures and carries you into the depths of the River of the I Am where peace lives. Breathe in the Living Waters and know my love.  I shall give you the view of the truth of your dream for your dream shows you your journey these last years. Yes, my child, you hit the button that exploded with the threats of the many being killed and you felt it was by your choice that so many must die.  Rather, my child, the proposed deaths of the 5 million people represented the witnessing of the deaths of those who shall die not knowing their God. You ran away from rather than into the dangerous field of death, my child. In so doing you began the journey in the dark night.  Those in danger of death must come to the realization that death carries life.  Your dream took you on the fearful walk of darkness with no one on the dark road to show you the way.  The walk of darkness took you to the knowing that the

What of the Child Who Refuses to Eat

Child, you gain grace as you attend to this Tabernacle.  You gain nurture as you attend to this Tabernacle.  I fill you as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am for in emptiness the River fills. Child, how inattentive are the many of my children to their own soul.  How can you expect to be fed if you close your mouth to the food of life?  For the self righteous of the world they take in nothing and give out falsehoods and the self righteous statements that leave God out. How noisy are the many of my children who do not become still that they may hear and take in the love of the Creator, our Father and Guide, the I Am. How silly are the many who do not take in my nurture and the love of the River of the I Am.   Janine, what of the child who refuses to eat? What is a mother to do when her child refuses to take in the food of life? Should mother give up and let her child die?  Does mother force her child to take in her nurture when the child will not open to the food of life? 

Sin: The Ways of Your Learning

Child, Come and commune with me and with the Light within the River of the I Am.  Come and take in the beauty of the mystical knowing.  Take in the beauty of the souls that surround us for the River flows with all of the yes. Janine, no need to hurry here.  No need to cancel out any joy.  Listen not to the noise that you are not worthy.  You are given worth as a child of your God, your Creator, the I Am.  No need to fret that you do harm for you use the words of love and only love. Do not fret harm for I am with you to guide and show you the way.  You need not be of perfection to be on the road to Eternity with all of the River of the I Am.  You are being shown what you call your sins and the Holy Spirit calls the ways of your learning. You are being given the view from the River of the I Am that places no burdens to deny your humanness for God so loves you in all of your humanness. You were shaped and learned that which is not holy.  You were shaped and learned that which forced you i

This Precious Inch and Moment

Child, your heart must be nurtured daily that you may be filled with love and only love that shall sustain you for we walk into the world where the noise works to overtake you.  Come and rest in my arms where we commune for we are mother and child as sanctioned by our Father, the I Am. You need not do anymore that attend to your soul at this Tabernacle each day for to do so is to gain in the knowing that you are being taken by the flow of the River of the I Am that makes your journey effortless. When you allow the power of the River to show you the way in each inch and moment you slow and make invalid the forces of the noise. The lesson for this day is to make anew and stay awake to this inch and moment only.  The lesson for this day is to allow the River to take you where the joy of this inch and moment cannot be replicated.  To lose the joy of this moment only engages you more and more with the noise. The journey of this inch and moment is so precious for it shows you the miracles be

Emptiness Allows God to Fill

Child, come and join me and allow me to hold you and take you into my heart that flows deep within the mystical of the River of the I Am.  Let go and allow yourself to be emptied that you may be filled. Trust is expanded within you today.  It is more than your yesterday for your yesterday grew you in the ways of trust.  When you allow your body to flow from within the mystical of the River all is expanded in the ways of love and only love.   As we walk this day stay awake to the ways of trust for within each inch and moment is the call to trust. Letting go of the need to attempt to hold what cannot be held gains you in trust.  When there is emptiness and nothing to hold onto you release the boundaries that bind the mystical and you free God to do His work unencumbered. The emptiness I speak of is of the mystical.  Emptiness is fearful to my children for they are misguided to think emptiness leads to starvation and death.  Rather, to empty is to add to life for in emptiness God fills. 

The Lesson of Trust

Child, come and be filled that we may commune and I may fill you with my nurture for I am your mother who fills and attends to you.  Come and be expanded at this Tabernacle for you are on the holy ground of the I Am where wisdom lives. Trust, my child, is the lesson for this new day for you are being expanded in the ways of trust.  I shall be your witness that you may live in trust.  Janine, you are on the cusp of the lesson of trust for there deep within you is the deepest of question that is arising within you. The question of trust is the story of doubting Thomas. Blessed are those who trust but cannot touch the wounds of my Son.  The blessing of trust is of the depths of the River of the I Am for to truly trust is to give all to our Father and Creator, the I Am.   The depths of your being are awakening to trust.  I call you to awaken to the truth that needs no words.  Prayer becomes trust when you ask only for "God's will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven." You b

The Light of My Womb

Child of mine, come and let go of all wants, desires and expectations that you may be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune within the mystical body of our Father and Creator, the I Am. My child, we are one within the mystical body for I am your mother by the grace of the I Am.   Breathe in the love that awaits you. Take in the Light.  Listen for the soft voice of my Son, the Light of the world and the Light that flows within the River of the I Am.  Janine, there is no Light that shines brighter and with more love that the Light of my womb.  The wisdom that flows within the depths of the River flows forth from the Light of my womb. Our Father, the I Am has granted us all with the rights to the Kingdom by the life and Resurrection of my Son. The Light of my womb is for all of God's Creations.  The Light of my womb has granted us all Eternity.  My yes to the I Am, our Creator, began the flow of the River of the I Am for my yes gave the world the Light that b

The Living Waters of the River of the I Am

Child, sadness cannot overtake you as you attend to this Tabernacle.  Sadness is of the outside world that must taste the end of one life before the beginning of the other that is Eternity.  Come and let go and take in the softness of my touch as I wash away sadness and fear with the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and take in my nurture.  Come and hold the peace as promised by my Son, the Living Christ.  Come and be of the intimacy of the River where all commune within its Living Waters. My Child, the mystical is contained within the Living Waters and awaits each child.  Blessed is the child who discovers the Living Waters before the end of earthly life and the beginning of the next.  Blessed is the child who comes to know me before the end of the one life and entrance into the next for to taste the Living Waters while in the body gains much in the peace as promised by my son. The Living Waters of the River of the I Am flow with the cleansing balm of my heart and flow wit

You Cannot Stop the Flow of God's Love

Child, come and let go of all that you may be filled with all of the River of the I Am.  Take note of the ways of your senses as you are taken deeper within the River of the I Am.   Taste my love and nurture.  Take in the scent of the love that feeds you here within the River.  Take in the touch of my love that holds you in the quiet embrace of mother and child. See me with the eyes of your heart.  The senses are expanded here within the River of the I Am.  Take in all that awaits you as we commune in the embrace of mother and child. Hear the song I sing to you that is for you alone for no other child is sung the same song.  You are loved without judgment and you need not earn this love for I am your mother who loves you in ways you cannot yet fully comprehend.  Know that as each day arises you shall expand in the knowing of how much I love you. Janine, I walk with you and witness with you and ask only that we walk in the ways of the River of the I Am where our walk is in the name of o

Come and Attend to Your Soul

Child, let go and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River where we breathe in the ways of mother and child that you may be filled and secure in my love.  This new day finds you in love for we commune in the love and only love of our Father, the I Am.  My child, this daily attendance to this Tabernacle gains you much grace and fortitude for you are filled here that you may taste the joy that is of the River of the I Am.  Joy shall follow you all the days of your life for you attend to your soul. I speak through you to my children.  I come to love through you.  I come to show the power of the River of the I Am. I come to open hearts that each soul may be attended to rather than remain hidden in the dungeon of fear, anger, misguidedness and hopelessness.  Come and as we walk into the world this new day let us walk as one in the ways of love and only love for love and only love opens hearts and souls to the joy and

The Ways of the Mustard Seed

Child, come and know peace.  Come and know me and my nurture.  Come and know my heart that loves you in all ways.  Come and commune where we rest as one within the River of the I Am. Come and witness to the movement of the mountains as promised by the I Am for your faith is as the tiny mustard seed.  This new day is of you and me. This new day shall show you the ways of the mustard seed where your tiny faith shall  move the mountains as destined by the Light of my womb. Faith, my child, need be no more than the mustard seed for the faith of the mustard gains you the miracles as promised by our Father and Creator, the I Am. To see the miracles of the mustard seed needs awakeness for to see you must be awake.  Stay awake with me this new day. The mustard seed is tiny and yet powerful.  The mustard seed need not be seen for the fruits become known and are seen. Keep awake this day and you shall see the fruits of the mustard seed. Watch for the fruits of faith, my child, for as we witness

The River of the I Am Flows To Establish the New Earth

Child, I am pleased that you come to me at this Tabernacle with no matter the ways of the pull of the outside world.  Come and be filled and know my love and nurture.  Come and taste the Light of my womb for I carry the Light as graced by our Father and Creator, the I Am. Come and be still and take in the love that shall renew and sustain you this day. Come, be still and take in the beauty that is within and surrounds you for we commune within the River of the I Am where the Light flows forth from. Breathe and allow me to take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with all of the yes.  Breathe and know your breath becomes mine that I may walk and witness to my children through you. Janine, the lesson for you and all of my chidden this new day is to take in and be aware that your heart and soul and body can be gifted back to God that God's power may work through you and my children in all things. The River of the I Am flows with all of the yes that the

The Walk of Mother and Child

Child, place all of yourself at this Tabernacle that you may let go and be of emptiness that I may fill you.  Let go of your heart, soul, body and spirit that I may take you into my heart and nurture, attend to you and hold you in the embrace of mother and child.  Your want and holding onto what must be let go was the view given you in your dream.  To have what we have and to be of the River of the I Am within these depths you must allow all to fall away that all may be added. Walk with me the walk of mother and child as I show you the way of your dream.  Your dream showed you the walk we walk where the confusion gave way to the field of those we witness to and where you were shown your children who were of joy and awaiting you.   Janine, I was there with you in the ways of the River for in the background you witnessed to the River of the I am that flowed gently and lovingly.  Know that your children are my children and your walk is my walk even into Eternity.  Take heart in your dream

Each Child Shall Have Representation Before God

Child, by the Cross you are graced to be with me at this Tabernacle for we are proclaimed mother and child by the death and Resurrection of my Son.  Come and be of joy for this new day gains us this communion.  Be filled and be joyful. Yes, my child, the world tastes much pain.  Yes, we walk into the world to witness to the great pain.  Yes, I ask you to weep for mine who are in pain and know not the ways of their heavenly mother.  How is it then that we walk and dance in joy and the peace as promised by the Light of my womb? You taste Eternity, Janine.  We walk from the view of the River where all is understood through the eyes of the I Am. You taste my love and the love of the I Am.  You taste the knowing deep within your loins that you shall never die nor lose what we have no matter the pain and misguidedness of the outside world. What seems to be in the ways of the outside world do not apply to the ways of the River of the I Am.  We witness as mother and child to all of the outside

Come and Let us Spread the Love of the I Am

Child, come and know the love of your mother for I am your heavenly mother who is with you and within you that you may know the ways of God's love.  By His love I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where I am mother to all. Be still of heart and rest while I fill you to overflowing that my nurture may flow into the world with you and through you.  Be still of heart and take in all that awaits you here within the flow of the River of the I Am.   I take you and slow all down for you that you may take in the nurture and attention that I pour into you.  I feed you with the all of me that you may know how much you  are loved.  This time is of you and me.  This time gains you much in the grace of the River of the I Am. The River flows that you may know the goodness of our Father and Creator, the I Am.  The River flows to feed my children for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where my motherly ways are graced to flow forth from.  My dearest Janine, I call you by name that you may k