The Kingdom is Found Within Your Soul

Child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle on this new day.  Come and allow me to take away the noise for I am your mother who comes to calm and nurture you.  I come that  you may know love and tenderness and joy for the River flows in the peace as promised by my Son.

Peace is the fruit of the River of the I Am for to flow within the depths of the River is to allow your whole being to take in the effortlessness that is of the flow of the River of the I Am.   

When you let go and allow the River to take you, rather than sink you become unsinkable.  As you are taken deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am you become all the more unsinkable.

Ponder this mystery, my child, for within the River this mystery is understood and tasted while in the outside world your language makes no space for this truth. Within the outside world the waters drown you which leads to death while within the mystical, the depths of the River of the I Am lead to life and the Kingdom. The Kingdom can be found within the depths of  your own soul, my child.