
Showing posts from February, 2023

God Wishes to Open you to the Wonderment of His Love

 Janine, my child, I am your mother who loves you with no reservations or judgements. Come and allow me to take you into my heart as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where the mystical resides. You are from God and carry His seed.   You carry God's seed.  To be opened to your soul at this depth gains you the fruit of love, tolerance of others, love of yourself and awareness that God is alive within you.  When you connect to God within these depths and levels, faith, trust and wonderment open to you where your senses expand to take in God in His ways of wonderment. Today may seem to be just another day to the many, my child. When you are here with me and Jesus in the communion with God, it is far more than just another day. It is a day of joy and excitement as to what the day shall uncover in the ways of God's miracles.  Today we walk and you see through the eyes of wonderment rather than fear. You see through the eyes of selflessness for you are filled to overfl

The Path to Your Soul Has Been Laid Bare

 Janine, my child, all is according to God's ways this new day for you begin this day attending to your soul. Your soul needs to be in communion with me. Your soul needs to be in communion with Jesus who shows us the way and the truth of the River of the I Am. Your heart and soul are fed here.   Your soul no longer hides. Your soul no longer needs to be fearful of attack for you have opened your soul and discovered that no one can hurt your deepest parts that house your soul. God has created your soul where it shall live forever and no one can destroy your soul.  Even those who choose not the Kingdom shall never lose their soul for by God's Hand each child shall not perish.To be of this great love is of God for man chooses to attempt to destroy others. Your soul is now knowing it is safe and can be naked and opened to all that is before you. No More hiding, Janine. Your soul dances in the sun and knows the Son of God. What was hidden has now been opened. The path to your soul w

I Call Out to You by Name

 Dear child, I am here and I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the nurturing ways of mother and child. I prepare you with my heart that you may grow in  the ways of the River of the I Am.  Janine, my child, I call you out by name that you may know you are of preciousness to me. I call you out by name that you may know you have your place within the Kingdom. I call you out by name that you may taste being a part of the mosaic of the Garden of God's love. I call you out by name to let the world know you are mine. I call out to you by name as I call out to all of my children. In the wilderness of nothingness I call my children out by name that each may come to hear my call and learn of Jesus whose lifeblood flows within the River of the I Am.  I walk with you and teach you the beauty of calling one of mine out by name for it is in the hearing of one's own name that one learns of love from another and in turn learns that the self is loved and lov

Movement Within Nothingness

 Janine, my child, come and be of your mother. Come and know that you are loved beyond measure. I love you beyond the noise that asks that I judge what is good or bad for you. I come to walk with you with no judgments or boundaries that may separate us. Rather, I walk with you in all of your choices for your heart is of want to love and only love. When you walk with me in these ways there are no sins, only lessons to be learned. Your dream of last night has given you a lesson. Your dream of last night showed you the ways of your heart. The place you are living in is bare and dark without any furnishings and yet you are thriving here. Our walk each day may appear to be in darkness but the Light of Jesus Lights our way. Joy within the darkness was broken by the noise and you knew you must move on from the noise. The woman in your dream showed you the silliness of the noise that walks as one who is blind to the truths of the Kingdom. You knew that you must leave this place for it was enda

Wonder in the Unfolding of the Day

 Janine, my child, I rise up within you in this new day. It is a wonder on this new day for we are of God who has made this day in all of its wonder. When you make no demands or restrictions upon  the day the day belongs to the unfolding of wonder. There are those who cannot live in such wonder for they cannot open to the gifts that are of their own naked soul. Yes, it is sad that there are many of my  children who cannot wonder and allow the day to unfold, but the day unfolds anyway causing many to not be able to manage distractions and unexpected happenings. Anxiety and angst are the fruits of the inability to wonder and allow the day to unfold. Trust cannot be when you cannot let go and allow the day to unfold for trust in God lies in the unfolding. How can you see the miracles within the unfolding when you run from the day and time by being in the mindset of running? Peace is the fruit of letting go of the need to run and do and place great pressure on yourself.  Peace is the fruit

Mature Love

 My child, come.Come and be of my heart. Come and let go of all that you may hear me within your heart and depths of your entire being. This new day is of you and me. This new day is another day to love and be loved. Today is another day to walk together into the world of the noise that we may bring some peace to those placed before us. Peace is fleeting for the many who know not Jesus who is and lives and loves us all deeply. It is Jesus who gives us the promise of peace for by His life and death and resurrection has shown us the way. My children come to know Jesus through us even when they know not the name of Jesus for we can pass the peace of Jesus through our love and only love. Janine, my child, it is Jesus who has given us the River of the I Am that flows with His lifeblood. As we love others with no boundaries or restrictions, my children learn that there is a force that can love beyond the noise of the self righteousness and immaturity of the many who cannot give for they have

The Creation Cannot be Separated From its Creator

 Janine, my child, come and let go of yourself. Take the breath of letting go. These years have gained you the ability to let go that you may take in this Tabernacle. To be of this Tabernacle began with the yes of those years ago. The yes has become a daily pilgrimage to this Tabernacle that has gained you much in the ways of the River of the I Am. The yes begins the road home to the place of your original design which is the seed that is of God who handcrafted you. The yes is the yes of the heart that longs to be of the depths of the River of the I Am for the soul holds the relationship with God. The soul is connected to God for the creation cannot be separated from its creator. Your soul has found itself reunited with God that is deep within your soul for the two were once one. You have a sense of God within the depths of your own soul, Janine, for the creation knows its creator.  You know that part that is deep within you whether or not not your mind does for the soul knows its crea

Come and Hold the Hands of Jesus

Janine, my child, I am here and I wait upon your attendance to this Tabernacle.  My love shall never abandon you or leave you.  I am here and I am your heavenly mother. To be of the River of the I Am is to possess  the grace of God for the River flows with all of those  of the yes and who walk in the ways of their design . One day you shall shed your  body. But know this, my child, we shall then be in the Kingdom  together.  Janine, the joy you feel is because you are of your design. You are designed to walk with me and to witness to those placed before us. You are designed to be of the peace and joy of God who, by His Son, has made all of this possible. I  remind you of the peace that you gained in that one day you were taken and shown the peace of the Heavens. Fear is not your bed partner anymore, Janine, your yesterday showed you the peace that is with you when you hold the hands of Jesus. Doubt no more what the Heavens hold for God's children. To those who doubt we bring convi

Come and Expand All of Your Senses

 Janine, my child, I hear you. Come and calm the noise. Come and slow yourself down that you may let go of all that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note, Janine, of how the noise becomes farther and farther away and the sweet sounds of the River of the I Am replace the noise. Come, rest and take in the beauty of what we have. Today, Janine, is a day to walk slowly and take in all that is around you for the River flows in the beauty of the heart and soul. See and taste and smell and touch and hear what is beyond the noise.  Allow your heart and soul to be opened and naked that your senses may expand beyond the noise. Let your heart and soul be the guiding light for this is where Jesus and I abide. It is where the River of the I Am flows forth from. Janine, my child, Jesus and I know of the noise that attacks my children. The noise is of the generations that have been misguided since Adam and Eve. The noise will never know the peace of Jesus for it is only o

The Way of Mistakes

 Janine, I know you and I call you by your name for we are mother and child. I know you in all parts where you hide nothing from me. You are of my heart that opens to you each day. To make time to enter this Tabernacle each day grows you in the ways of my heart and the River of the I Am. Today rises and you allow me to take you into my heart with your yes. Janine, my child, I have been with you always for you are my child. I am pleased that you take time to attend to your soul and to make time to be with me. I am your mother for it is by God's hands that we are mother and child. To be of the earth is to be of God's hands for God is the Creator of all things. Be not afraid of the truth. Be not afraid that you make mistakes that may hurt another for you are of the gentleness of the River and whatever you may perceive as error is a judgment on yourself. Trust in what we have, Janine. Trust that Jesus is showing you the path to the ways of love and only love. What you may call a mi

A Lesson From The River of the I Am

 Janine, my child, come and now that you have rested, you are here that we may enter into the depths of the River of the I Am. To begin this new day with me is to attend to your soul for I feed you with the Light within the River of the I Am. I am called our Lady of the River of the I Am for this is of God's design for me. Today is of the new day where the sun rises. Jesus rises within you for the River of the I Am flows with the lifeblood of Jesus. To be of this depth while in your body is to be transformed by the River.  Your attendance of these years each day has grown you in the ways of our connection and the wisdom within the River of the I Am where love is the lifeblood here. What fills you here we take into the world armed with this lifeblood. As a human being you must be renewed each day with this lifeblood that you may never grow too weary for the noise is heavy and works to break down your fortitude.  Janine, my child, I walked the Earth as you, a mother. My body tired as

Our Mothering Holds and Feeds

 Good day, Janine. It is another day to be of your body that attends to this Tabernacle. This holy place fills you that you may fill. This Tabernacle is of you and me that we may commune. We are mother and child in a special way today for it is another day to make special what we have. Janine, what we have is not for you alone for what we have is being spread one by one to those placed before us. When you are fed by my heart you are fed that we may walk the outside world to feed. What we have is a great gift of grace. You have grown in the ways of motherhood where we, as one, feed others. All of these years of attendance to this Tabernacle have grown you in the wholeness of  your own being that you may walk with me to grow others to see what you see.  The many of my children suffer much from the anxiety of feeling alone and unwelcomed and unfed within their hearts and souls. Those we walk with are mothered and fed that they may taste the human contact that they may eventually taste the

The Wonder of Dreams

 Janine, my child, you have awakened to the ways of Jesus who has shown you the ways of your body and the ways of the science of your body for your body is yours and is in loving connection with Jesus. Upon awakening you heard the soft voice of Jesus as he spoke of loving your body and your dream of being fearful of your own body. The dungeon of your dream is the dungeon of your childhood. Janine, the dungeon of your childhood is no more but at times your body remembers vividly that dungeon. Today, Jesus has shown you the fear and the answer and the truth of your body that remembers the dungeon. It has no more power over you but there will be times when your fear of it will be ignited.  Dreams are a wonder of God's love for what seemed of the earth and of the dungeon was a gift of awareness  from God that your body had gotten lost in the dungeon. You are lost no more for the fruit of such dreams are awareness of the gift from God. Let us walk today knowing that Jesus loves you and

The Birthing that Has Made You Whole

 Good day, my child, it is another day. As you come to me at this Tabernacle, take note of the joy and peace that holds us and graces us for we are mother and child on this new day of our Lord and God. I am pleased that you come to me each day that we may be as one for my nurture feeds you and makes us one.  Your dream of last night came to you to show you the journey between you and the little one called Faith. Your dream showed you the little one called Faith who was caged and alone and who could not climb out. Your journey left her in the cage and with time the little one called Faith was able to climb out. You feared she had fallen to her death but you were wrong. Yes, she had fallen, but she was not harmed. She fell into a deep sleep waiting for you to come and get her. As in your other dream you are birthing a new relationship with the little one called Faith. She is a part of you and your joy. No longer are you seeing her as separate. No longer can you taste her as separate for

The River of the I Am Holds God's Covenant with Man

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you make the choice to attend to this Tabernacle for it is of grace and holiness that we share this time and space. Come, and as you let go, let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune before all of the River. Those of the River are of God and of the choice of the yes to Him. Let us be as one with all of the RIver for the Light shines within these depths. Each soul shines within these depths for the souls of the River are naked and boundless with nothing to hide. Your ancestors dance and sing within the Light of the River of the I Am for their souls are united with Jesus. The kingdom lies here within the River of the I Am. The souls of each child of the yes lie here within the River. The River flows in the love and promises of the Covenant between God and man. We shall walk into the world when you are filled and prepared to be one with me and with Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. Come and be still and rest. Come and

We Walk to be the Hands of Jesus

 Janine, sign yourself with the Cross for this Tabernacle awaits you that we may commune with Jesus in the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be opened. Come and be known in all parts for wholeness is the nakedness of all parts. Wholeness sees all for there is nothing to hide anymore. You are graced and protected by the Cross for Jesus has made whole all that is broken. Jesus walks the Earth with us to make whole the brokenness of all man. The message is simple, my child. All brokenness shall be made whole by God's hand for by God's hand Jesus was and is and always shall be. The ways of the world shall one day matter only in love and only love for all shall be graced with the choice to choose the River of the I Am or not. To be given the grace to choose is the ultimate love for all else is control. My dearest child, we walk to make simple what the world makes complex. Love is the only answer to all for love does not control or judge.  We walk today to be the hands of Jes

God and Science are Not Counter to Each Other

 Janine, my child, breathe the breath that lets go and take in the breath of this Tabernacle. This Tabernacle opens when you breathe the breath of letting go for it is in the breath of letting go that you are freed to enter this Tabernacle.  The breath of letting go is the breath that gives up the need to control and allows me to take you into my heart. To let go and just be with no expectations, wants or desires allows your deepest parts to become opened and naked where there are no bindings and where the River of the I Am flows forth from. The many of my children run from such things for they see this quietness and nothingness as nothing and boring when it is the entire opposite for to enter into this nothingness from the letting go with the breath is to open all your senses to the mystical body of God.  You see, my child, the truth is before you both in the mystical realm and the physical realm for when you teach of the breath and the breathing of letting go you are showing the way

The Fog of the Noise

 Janine, my child, you are mine and of my heart. Come and allow me to take you into the River of the I Am where I hold you and nurture you. Your body is in need of our time together. Your spirit is in need of our time together. Rest in my heart and take in this love and holding and nurturing. Let the world be the world and let the River be the River. You cannot stop the noise for this is the way of the generations of misguidedness. You can take away the noise within you for this is the way of the River of the I Am. The noise clangs from the outside of you now. When it makes its threats of annihilation, heed it not. Rather, when it threatens you, take the breath that calls on me and Jesus, Take the time to move away from it and be still for in stillness Jesus and I abide. In stillness the River of the I Am flows towards the New Earth The lesson today, my child, is to be still when the noise attempts to take you away from the stillness where the truth lies. The noise is loudest upon your

Jesus Replaces the Darkness with His Light

 Janine, my child, it is another day as graced by God. It is another day that this Tabernacle is here for you. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. It is another day to find joy in living within your body. This day is of God's design for us for we walk as one into the world along with the Light that shines the way for us. Jesus shines His Light into the Darkness that wisdom and peace and joy may be tasted for His Light shines the way into the light of truth. Today shall shine bright for us. Today shall show us the way. Today, my child, your choices shall be held dearly for your love of life and of me is now known. I dance and sing with you and through you that we may share what we have. The roses that surround us shall give you the scent of my love. The little one called Faith has been exposed within the Light of the River of the I Am where the truth of your seed and design have been exposed. Where there was once a sadness that could not see the Lig

The Birthing

 Janine, come and let go of the worry of your dream. Come and let go of yourself and I shall hold you and nurture you that you may place the worry into the depths of the River where it shall be no more. Come and know that this Tabernacle shall make your confusion no more. The dream of last night showed you the face of yourself who is understandably confused for a woman before you seemed to not see you. The woman before you was pregnant even though she was of old age.  Janine, my child, this pregnant woman is you.  You are too old to be with child and yet you are of the joy of having a child. The child is within you in your deepest part and is becoming anew. The world may not see you birthing, Janine, but you are giving birth to the child of your design. You now play as that little child in a nakedness of pure joy.  Let us walk into the world today and continue to dance in the pure joy of this birthing. My child, what brought you worry upon awakening has now given you the truth of your

Wholeness Fears Not Nakedness

 Good morning, my child, we meet here in the beauty of this day for, by your attendance to this Tabernacle we commune in the ways of mother and child. Take note of how I am here for you with no matter the time or day. I know you in all parts and I know your want to be of my heart and to take into the world and share what we have. You cannot share what you don't have, my child. When one of mine is starving, that one has nothing to share. When one of mine is deeply wounded, that one of mine cannot reach out to help heal another for their wound must be healed in order to aid another. We walk and witness and keep each story within our hearts for each has wounds that must be healed and each has wounds begging to be healed and made whole from brokenness. One day each child  shall be made whole, whether in this world or the next. But know this, my child, to have been given and to know me within this world is to have been graced. The prayers of those before you have been heard for I and th

To Be of the Mystical and the Human

 Janine, my child, take in my nurture for I feed you with the food of the River of the I Am. Let us be still in the wonderment of God's love for us. We are both of the human. We are both of the seed of God. There are those who place me far from the human for I am given the name of mother to all. You taste my nurture even in your human form for this is the way of God's Design. The generations have closed themselves to this truth. Each child was meant to have what we have and that is a deep mystical relationship with God while in the body. Trust comes from entering the depths of your own being where the emptiness and nakedness felt at these depths fills you with the love of God for in your depths your seed and God are reunited in the faith and trust and knowing that God is within you. Today is another day to be of the mystical and human. You know not how many more days to your human part. Take in the beauty of all of  your senses. They grow here within the River for you to take i

To Shake the Dust Off Our Feet

 Janine, my child, you acknowledge me and what we have by the sign of the Cross here at this Tabernacle.  You take in this Tabernacle for you let go of yourself that you may be empty and free and naked to take all of this in. Take the breath that allows us to commune in the ways of mother and child. We are mother and child before all of the River of the I Am. You have let go of all judgments of those who wounded you. You now take in the love that is here within the River of the I Am. You say to me that you are not the author of this writing for you cannot be of this depth. Yes, my child you are not the author but you are the writer for I use your hands to speak to you and all of my children through this Tabernacle.  We commune. We write as one for we are one here within this Tabernacle. The wonder of God's graces are before us for we commune where the many say cannot be and yet here we are. I do not come to bring demands into the world. I come to be your mother and to walk with you

The Depth of Peace Between You and Jesus

 My dear child, come and be known.  I am your mother who knows the all of you. Come and taste the beauty of what we have. Take in the wonder and glory of this time and space. The lesson of your yesterday was the awareness that the ability to just be is of great wonder for it allows you to just take in all that is of the inch and moment. As the inch and moment moved into the next you witnessed to the beauty of just allowing the River to take us on its course towards the New Earth.  The River flows with the beauty of the solitude of peace for peace is felt within your deepest parts in that space that is between you and Jesus. Jesus has given you His peace and you have discovered it lies deep within your relationship with Him. Peace of this depth has no words for it is the taste and knowing that you and Jesus are one within His peace. To know this peace and the depths of this solitude is to know that it is the space between you and Jesus for you share His peace as promised. Janine, the wo

The Wonder of Each Inch and Moment

 Janine, my child, I call your name for you are mine and I wish to give you the awareness of being mine. I call you by name that you may enter into this Tabernacle knowing you are loved beyond measure. Come and be still and take in this Tabernacle as we flow deep into the depths of the River of the I Am. Your ancestors are here within the River of the I Am and walk with us that God's will may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Do not take lightly the holiness of this day for this day shall see more of God's will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven. To be God's emissary is to walk with the yes to Him. To be of my heart is to know we walk in love and only love. The miracles of this day shall be shown to you in the ways of the inch and moment. Stay in the inch and moment so that you may not miss any miracle, The small miracles are of God for His works are through you in the inch and moment.  The many walk not in the inch and moment for they walk so fast and see not what i

The Way of Disruptions

 Child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. By this Tabernacle you are of my heart. By this tabernacle you hear me. By this Tabernacle you taste me.  Today is anew with the unknowns. Rather than seek to predict the day ahead, my child, you are of the awareness that to see such things only carries the silliness of the noise.  The plans for the day are just that, just plans. As you have come to know there are disruptions to these plans for when you seek only to be of my heart and the heart of Jesus, disruptions carry the awareness that God works within the disruptions. The many see disruptions as the gnat that must be swatted and killed. To be of the idea that you must crush interruptions is of the noise that attempts to hide the truth of the disruptions. When you trust in God, the day takes on the hue of peace for the angst of disruption is no more. Rather, disruptions are welcomed and seen as a way to attend to

The Name of Guardian

 Janine, my child, let go of yourself and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we are mother and child before God's loving presence. Today is anew with the fresh essence of the Kingdom for your yesterday has made the foundation for today. The love you gave in your yesterday has come back to you two fold for this is the way of God's grace.  As you gave love, even in the face of confusion, you gave love. You walked with Jesus in the inch and moment of the confusion. You gave love from your heart and opened the door to the guardian within you.  Your dream of last night gave you the new name of "guardian." The dream made clear the confusion about the name of guardian. You were shown that love that is of the sacred witness is also of the guardian within you for that which you witnessed to in your yesterday as in days of old makes you the guardian of what has been witnessed to.  The dream showed you that you are not only the guardian of others stories

Love and Only Love Has no Sanctions

 Child of mine, come and know that I am here awaiting you at this Tabernacle. Come and be with me for I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Today is anew with the awareness of the only need is to allow love and only love to flow through you so that you may be filled  and fill others. When you are of these depths the ways of needs take on a different hue for the River flows with love and only love where other needs fall away.  The ways of needs are embedded in the great need to know love that you may spread love. This is the simplicity of God's love and the flow of the River of the I Am.  Firstly, my child, mother feeds her child that the child may know a fullness that is attached to love. The love is showered upon a child when mother is able to give love. If mother cannot give love, a child will starve for it. I take you into the world to attest to the love of God and my love that has fed you that you may know love and