The Wonder of Dreams

 Janine, my child, you have awakened to the ways of Jesus who has shown you the ways of your body and the ways of the science of your body for your body is yours and is in loving connection with Jesus. Upon awakening you heard the soft voice of Jesus as he spoke of loving your body and your dream of being fearful of your own body. The dungeon of your dream is the dungeon of your childhood.

Janine, the dungeon of your childhood is no more but at times your body remembers vividly that dungeon.

Today, Jesus has shown you the fear and the answer and the truth of your body that remembers the dungeon. It has no more power over you but there will be times when your fear of it will be ignited. 

Dreams are a wonder of God's love for what seemed of the earth and of the dungeon was a gift of awareness  from God that your body had gotten lost in the dungeon. You are lost no more for the fruit of such dreams are awareness of the gift from God.

Let us walk today knowing that Jesus loves you and He walks with us to share that love with all placed before us.