
Showing posts from October, 2020

Come and Allow God to Fill the Empty Spaces

Child, come and let go and allow me to take you deep into the depths of the River of the I Am where we breathe the air of our God and Father, the I Am.  We breathe as mother and child. Come and take in all that flows within and without for this is the air of the mystical. Letting go and joining me each day anew allows you to be renewed.  Take note of your breath that needs no effort for we breathe in the peaceful Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  The outside world cannot give you what you are being given here in the joyful Living Waters of the River of the I Am. To be mine, my child, you must let go of all even those who are so close to you for to truly trust all that the River promises you must let go, get out of the way and allow God's will to be done through you. Janine, my child, I know your heart and I know your love for me and my children.  The noise cannot harm you when there is nothing to harm.   When you let go there is no space for the noise to grab at you. When yo

Be Gentle as I am Gentle

Child, come and with your yes allow me to take you into my heart where I nurture and attend to you. As we flow deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am take note of our communion for we are mother and child. As I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am take note of how we commune for as each new day arises you grow in the ways of my motherhood that judges never and speaks softly always. My heart nurtures in the softness of the gentle flow of the River of the I Am. Upon the surface of the River it may be seen by the many as not moving or not existing for the River flows gently, quietly and in the background of the noise. I take you into the world and within the noise to attest to the gentle and loving ways of the River of the I Am for the River in its gentleness flows deeply towards the New Earth. My child, the River flows towards the New Earth no matter the noise that works to hide God's gentle ways for the noise loves noise and war. The noise is grasped by those w

Within the New Is the Will of God

 Child, how great is our Father, the I Am, who gives us this new day to live in His presence as we commune within the River of the I Am.  Our Father loves with a love that cannot ever be fully understood for He loves beyond the understanding of all men. Come on this new day and taste greater love than your yesterday for your yesterday grew you and expanded  you that your today finds you more opened and ready to take in all the more love.  This love shall grow even into Eternity.    Yes, my child, the world is in great pain and at the hands of disease. Yet, my child, this day finds you with much hope for your heart is learning to take in God's ways and God's will. How can this be when so many suffer so much? When you walk with me each day we weep and we pray and we commune in such great love that all is rendered understood in the flow of the River of the I Am.  As we walk you are letting go of old ways and old understandings that you may see with the eyes of our Father and Creat

You Choose Life Each Day

Dear Child of mine, come and know this Tabernacle flows in the ways of your God and Father, the I Am, for I am Given the name and task of Our Lady of the River of the I Am.  Come and allow this Tabernacle to transform you, renew you and break open the grace that awaits you here. You choose me each day anew with your attendance to this Tabernacle.  You choose to begin with the love and only love of this Tabernacle. You choose to become still that you may hear and taste me.  You choose to allow your breath to become one with mine.  Much grace comes from this communion.  Your prayers become my prayers as we walk and witness and pray as we walk and witness.  My child, you choose life each day for what we have gains you movement towards not only expansion of your life and love in this world but also expansion into the next. Do not take Lightly your choice to choose me for your yes to me gains you the wisdom of the River of the I Am.   Today, my child, is of you and me as we flow within and

Let This Day Flow as God Intends

Child, come and be of my heart where my words and my nurture abide.  Come and let go of yourself that we may flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. Your yes allows us to flow in the ways of mother and child. Your yes allows you to hear me for this is the way of your design.  Your yes allows us to walk into the world as one for by your yes you become of  my heart that walks and works through you to reach my children. Lastly, my child, by your yes you write my words that shall touch my children who wish to open their hearts to me and to be of the yes. The opened heart is able to take in my nurture. Let this day be of the invitation to my children to come to me for I am mother to all where my heart holds, nurtures and heals all wounds with the balm of my heart.  Let this day be of the great love and only love of the River of the I Am that flows through us as we walk as one.  Give all to me and allow my heart to fill all parts for this day is as no other.   Let this day be of the p

Taste My Tears for My Lost Children

Child, breathe in and take in all that is within this Tabernacle. Breathe in and taste the love and attention and nurture that awaits you. Child, I ask that you become all the more and more of my heart. Your yes resounds within me. I weep through you for my children who know me not. Let the tears flow as you weep for my children who have no one to weep for them. I ask you to weep for those who have much pain and woundedness. I ask you to weep for those who carry heavy burdens not knowing that my Son also carries them. You have the knowing that weeping carries with it the witnessing for those of mine who must be witnessed to. Your weeping carries the knowing that you are weeping for the many of my children and weeping for me. My child, I know Eternity and what awaits each child, but my children know not what you know and the many know not how much they are loved. Let us walk this day and witness to all even those you know not in this world but shall know in the next for each tear you sh

Be Still and Know Your Mother and Father

Child, by this Tabernacle you are replenished and renewed in all things of your God.  Come and know your mother who carries you into the River of the I Am.  Your today is new and your yesterdays have gotten you to this day that you may be of love and only love all the more and more. I taste your smile. Come, be still and take in my love and the love of the River of the I Am.  Come, allow your innards to smile as we go deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am for the journey into the depths carries with greater knowledge, wisdom and the great love of the I Am. On this the Sabbath, my child, know that as you give up all the more and more you gain all the more and more of the ways of your God, the I Am, who presents Himself to you in the ways of your design. On this the Sabbath, know that my Son is true and real for he flows within and without you.  This, the day of the Sabbath, is for you and me.  Be still, let go and know the love of your mother and Father.

I Await Your Call and Invade Never

Child, I taste your love and your smile that flows through the all of you.  On this new day of our God I take you into the depths of the River where we commune as one.  To fill you with my nurture and love is the grace of my design for I am your mother who feeds you with the Light of my womb. Just as a mother feeds her child with her nurture, so too I feed you with my nurture that is derived from the Light of my womb.  Come and take in all that awaits you here within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Just as a mother invades not her child's need for nurture so too I invade not.  I await your call for me for I invade never.  This is the way of the River of the I Am that invites and awaits the yes. A mother must be attentive to her child that her child is not invaded, but rather, is nurtured at just the right time for a child's hunger calls out to mother.  The River of the I Am flows in the simplicity of the yes. Janine, in these last days you have learned much in the w

Walk with Me in Constant Prayer

Child, your heart is well for it is of my heart.  Come and let go that I may take the noise and render it helpless here within The River of the I Am.  I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where noise cannot enter. Be filled and taste the love and nurture and wisdom of the River. The River flows in such clarity for the noise that confuses has no place here. I give you view of the clear and loving and Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The clear waters carry the simplicity and wisdom of our Father, the I Am.  To be renewed with the Living Waters each day is to allow God to walk with us in all things for He is our Father, the I Am. The wisdom of the River of the I Am is simple and clear.  God's power resides within the River.  All noise includes fear that you are not enough.  All noise includes the waring of man.  All noise includes the sell righteous Adam and Eve mind. All noise includes the idea that your prayers are not heard and attended to. My child, when you walk with me

Acceptance of Your Gifts is to Acknowledge Your God

Child, come to me and into the River of the I Am.  Come and as we commune in the ways of mother and child take in all that awaits you.  Love fills you.  Love surrounds you.  Love graces all parts of you. Child, love is the gift of your Creator for you have been designed to be naked and opened that love may flow through each pore of your being.  Peace is the promise of my Son who died that you may have peace everlasting.  Wisdom is the gift of the River of the I Am for to flow within the River is to accept that you are of God and that you bear His seed. Acceptance of your gifts is to acknowledge that you are of God.  Do not hide yourself for your gifts carry the sword of love that pierces the hearts of others with love and only love. In love hearts open.  In love others are invited to be of the River of the I Am. Within the love of your heart is the power of the mustard seed that grows and expands with the forces necessary to  be of God's will.  God's will is to open and be nake

Come to the Cleansing Waters of the River of the I Am

Child, come and be with me, your mother.  Come and taste my nurture.  Come and be held for I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are held and gently cleansed as I nurture you in the ways of the River of the I Am. My child, come and taste the renewal of this new day.  Come and know we begin anew that the old may be done away with for this is a new day that carries with it the great love of our Father and Creator.   Hold me as you are being given the view of the ways of the journey here to this day.  Gently but assuredly you have been expanded within the River of the I Am.  The view of the walk of these last years has asked that you judge yourself harshly. My child, do not judge the past for it is no longer yours.  It has been taken and cleansed gently but assuredly.  Do not judge yourself, but rather, be as the River of the I Am that judges never.  The River flows with abundance and with love that gently flows with the cleansing Waters of the River of the I Am. T

Constant Prayer is the Fruit of Communion with God

Child, I taste  your love and the smile that overtakes you as you join me within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and rest your heart where we rest in the ways of mother and child.  No worry can come to you when you are in my arms for you are being filled with love and only love. All you need do this day is to arise and walk in the knowing that I am with you as is my Son for you are now hearing the song of intimacy with the Light.  The secret to the peace as promised by my Son is to engage the Light.   In your awakeness of your yesterday you became quiet of heart and heard the song of God within the River of the I Am that calls out to you with peace, faith, trust and wisdom. My dearest child, no need for words at this depth for the song between you and your God speaks without words.  You have gained much in the ways of listening and intimacy with God for when  you taste the song that has been given you by God you commune with Him.  Trust that you and yours are being attended

Trust That Your Prayers Are Being Heard

Child, sign yourself with the sign of the Cross for you are attending to this Tabernacle which flows on holy ground. Take in the peace as promised by my Son. Take in the Light that flows within and without you. Take in our Father, the I Am, who has graced us with His love. Today is upon you and you begin it here with me and with our Father and my Son and with the Holy Spirit for this is the way of the River of the I Am. The River flows that you may be filled that we in turn may enter the outside world to fill. Janine, I take you into my heart that you may hear, taste and know love and only love. I take you into my heart that you may know the love of your mother. I take you into my heart that you may come to know my Son who walks with you as well for this is the promise of the Covenant that you shall always have the Light with you and within you. My dear child, trust the loving words of my Son to give all to Him for He is the One who is the truth and the way given you in each inch and m

The Wisdom to Disengage the Noise

Child, do not let the noise distract you from this Tabernacle.  Come and let go and hear me.  Let go and allow us to flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.  Letting go for this time allows me to fill you.  letting go for this time teaches you to let go and give to God what is God's for here within these depths you learn to give all to God. To give all to God is to gain the return of the nakedness of your design.  You cannot move throughout the outside world without the noise. But, my child, you can and do move in the outside world from the view of the River. My dearest child, you ask for wisdom to know how to disengage the noise for it is loud and everywhere.  Your prayer is to disengage the noise. The task is great and often over powering.  The answer is simple but often difficult for angst overtakes you.  Within the angst you lose sight of the truth.  Within the angst you lose yourself.   My dearest child, be still and listen for the song that sings withi

Making Room For God

Child, let go of all.  Let go and allow your body to become empty and light that you may take in all that awaits you at this Tabernacle.  Within the Light we flow deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with all of the Light. Child, you need not be anything other than of the yes.  You need be nothing more than opened and naked. To let go is to become empty and become of no desires, expectations or wants.   To be opened and naked you must know the ways of letting go and giving to God what is God's.  What is of the simplicity of the River of the I Am is very difficult from the view of the outside world for the outside world asks you to clothe all parts in hiddenness and to hold tightly to wants, desires and expectations. To be of God's will is to let go of wants, desires and expectations that your God may fill you with His will. When you are empty of wants, desires and expectations you make room for God. Such simplicity is hidden from the many

Taste the Freedom that Never Owns

Child, come and be of my heart at this Tabernacle that you may be filled with my nurture and with the ways of the Light. Come and be stilled that you may taste all that awaits you here at this Tabernacle. So many days have turned into the many years that you have attended to your soul. I remind you of your dream so many years ago where you were following Jesus. You were carrying your belongings and began the walk with Jesus. You walked with Him into the forest that led to the open fields when Jesus told you to take the "other road" that led along the field but not within it.  You wept at the thought of not following Jesus but my Son told you that you would meet again after the fields. Janine, the dream spoke of our relationship for you needed to journey into your own heart with me (the other road) that you may empty the misguidedness of  your learning and shaping.  You learned that men were allowed to own your body.  You learned that your body was not yours to own. My Son, Je

Live Only in this Inch that the Next may Flow in the Ways of God's Will

Child, come and attend to your soul here at this Tabernacle. Come and be filled that you may in turn fill. Come and taste the peace as promised you by my Son. You ask only to be filled that you may fill. Your heart longs to be of the truth. The noise of the world cannot provide truth. The seed of your soul knows truth for your seed knows its God. Do not bury what must remain naked and opened. Do not bury the parts that must be given air to breathe. You ask for the truth knowing that your Adam and Eve mind makes much noise to counter the truth and the way. Janine, my child, you must let go of all expectations of the truth within the noise for the noise cannot hear when it is not listening. Janine, my child, you must turn to me and to the River of the I Am to show you the way. Do not follow the ways of man for to place your hope in the misguidedness of man is to leave out your God. The noise exists to counter the ways of God. Be still and allow me to fill you that you may taste love and

The Self Righteous Adam and Eve Mind Denies Its God

Child, rise up and take yourself into this Tabernacle for your day shall begin with the renewal and love of my heart. Come and know the noise cannot follow you here.  Come and be of the peace that is of my Son.   I am your mother who knows you in all ways.  I do not judge.  I do not chastise.  I walk with you that you may keep your heart open where you hear and taste me. I give you the ways of the Light of  my womb for to know me is to come to know my Son. Janine, you could not know love until you opened your heart and allowed all the closed parts to tell their story for much was hidden within your body. To know love you must first come to love yourself in all parts both seen and hidden. Our walk together is the walk of the nakedness of heart and soul.  Your human ways have closed and walled off parts to stave off the pain and humiliation from those charged with your care. In so doing the Adam and Eve mind rose to ward off this pain and humiliation.  Even in this day, my child, your Ad

A Quiet and Listening Heart is of God

Child of mine, come and join me at this Tabernacles that flows deep within the River of the I Am.  Let your body go that I may take you and drown  you in love and only love.  My child, you are being prepared.  You are being taken into the depths of the River where renewal, peace and the wisdom of God abides. You must let go of all to gain all. Just as the child lets go into mother's arms, so too you must let go and give yourself over to my nurture. To be of this peace you must let go, for to continue to hold so tightly to the noise is to counter the peace of my Son.  Just as my Son walked the Earth in a peace that gives to God what is God's you turn to me in each new day and with no matter the ways of the noise you give all to me. To give all is to let go in the mind and in the body that the Spirit may enter.  To let go of all is to be still, be naked and empty all within the silence that you may hear the voice of the Spirit within the River of the I Am.  To give all is to empt

Seek To Know God Through Your hands This Day

Child, let go and call on this Tabernacle that you may be drained of all noise.  Let go and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I am.  Come and taste this new day from the view of my heart that is within the River of the I Am. Come and be slowed that you may take in all that awaits you here in this Tabernacle. The outside world cannot fill your heart and soul  for those require the nutrition that awaits within the River of the I Am. You must come to taste what you cannot see within the outside world. Only then, my child, can you walk in the outside world with the peace as promised by my Son for He gave all of the Earth His peace that is housed within. To wait upon the outside world alone to fill you is of the misguidedness of the generations for you cannot fill by human hands what only God can fill. Human hands when given to God become as the mustard seed that moves mountains.  Human hands when given to God says to the body that you are of God and wait upon God to perform

When You Are Drained Come to Me for I Fill

Child, come and attend to this Tabernacle where we move into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Within these depths the noise cannot abide.  Within these depths we commune.  Within these depths we are joined by the Light and all of the yes for within these depths there is the flow into Eternity. Come to the River and dance.  Come to the River and taste the depths of Eternity.  Come to the River and join me in the great love of our Father, the I Am. Janine, when you come to the River you attend to your soul.  When  you come to the River all is quieted for you breathe in the great love that awaits you.  When you come to the River your soul opens and  finds its God.  Grace awaits you here within the depths of the River.  Taste the quiet and the space of the depths of the River.  Come, be quiet of heart and soul and mind and allow the River to show you the way.   You ask how do we teach of the way?  Be still, be silent and taste for the way shows itself in the stillness of your heart an

Take In Slowly the Song of My Heart

Child, hear me and taste me and feel me for I fill you in the all of you that you may know you are loved within all parts.  Come and let go for it is in the letting go that I may fill you and take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am. This Tabernacle awaits you that you may be taken into the depths of the River where we commune as mother and child for I am your heavenly mother who gives you the all of me. The River flows with patience and fortitude for your expansion occurs slowly that you may take in this depth before we move deeper into the next.  As each new day arises you attend to this Tabernacle that your soul may take in  my love and nurture and you may come deeper and deeper with me. This day is as no other.  You expand in the way that you could not in your yesterday for this day is deeper.  Therefore, my child, let us commune in the ways of the mystical body of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Take in the view and the taste slowly for to be within th

Love Begets More Love

Child, come and be with me and allow yourself to be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and know how much you are loved. Your dream frightened you.  Do not fret, my child, for your dream has shown you the way.  In the first part you were shown the death boxes where you were asking to not have to open them. In the next dream your body experienced the reaching out in intimacy. There in your dream lies the keys to awareness of the way of your walk within the world. Firstly, you were given awareness of the death boxes that you have had to face for you have died to much in the ways of your misguidedness and learning.  The rest of the dream showed you reaching out in intimacy where you once could not.   When you die to the misguidedness you gain lost parts that were forced to hide themselves from your awareness.  The River of the I Am flows with you and within you and then without. Know that what you are given in the ways of the death of misguidedness you give to others for

Seek Only This Inch and This Moment

Child, come and let go and allow the River to take you and slow all down that you may enter this Tabernacle with no noise or boundaries  that bind.  Come and be naked in all parts and corners that there can be no places hidden.  Come and allow my love to pernitrate you.  Come and allow your pores to take in how much you are loved. Janine, my child, the noise pulls and clangs at you to run.  The noise pulls at you with the fleeting promises of gain.  But, my child, all that is gained by the noise is as the chains that bind for the noise works in the name of the Adam and Eve mind that asserts there is no God nor is there the mystical. The childish ways of the Earth must give way to the mystical for the child within knows the mystical.  It is the childish ways without that carry the misguidedness of the world. The child that my Son speaks of is the child within that knows its God for the seed is carried in the deepest parts where the child within you abides. Be still and listen for the ch

When You Let Go Of All You Gain All

Child, it matters not the way of the outside world for you to enter this Tabernacle for this Tabernacle awaits you with no matter the noise.  Come and let go with your breath.  Come and let go of your body for your body has learned to trust me and the great flow of the River of the I Am. The River of the I Am takes you and drowns you within the love of its Living Waters.  The River takes you for you have let go and said yes.  The yes is the way of letting go of yourself and allowing my heart that flows within the River to bargain for you and to show you the way to the Light. To let go of yourself into my arms and to the River of the I Am is to give up the ghost of control.  When you let go of all you gain all in the ways of your God.  As we commune this new day take in the effortless flow of our communion.  Take in the way your body gives all that you may commune with me. To let go of all parts is to open your body with the gentleness of love where you  give back to God what is God'

The Seed Must Be Cracked Open to Grow Into Its Design

Child, come and taste joy.  Come and taste my love that fills you on this new day.  We commune within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Taste the love of all of the yes. Be filled and know peace.  Be filled and know the nurture of your body.  Be filled and know my Son who is the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Be filled and know you are never alone. Janine, you could not know me within these depths without the yes of those years ago for each day of the yes builds upon itself.  It is as the small seed that when cracked open and nurtured becomes the tall tree that grows much fruit. The Seed of your God must be cracked open to grow into its design. Just as the seed of the tree you have cracked open your seed that expands each day with the ways of the River of the I Am. Your seed has cracked open that you may be fed by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Child, I give you view of the first days of your yes.  Your earthly story began and will end with me for it was I wh

Allow the Tears to Flow

Child, I am here and I await your turning to me that we may commune in the ways of the River of the I Am.  The River flows that we may be mother and child within the mystical body of our Father, the I Am.  Come and taste love.  Come and Taste peace.  Come and taste Eternity for what we have shall never die. Janine, tears cleanse the heart and tears flow for both joy and pain.  Both are counted and held within my heart for I am your mother who knows your heart and soul.  Tears express what is in the heart and soul for they are directly connected to God. Do not stop the tears that long to flow for they free the body of its need to control what must be opened and expressed.  Tears gain you freedom from what the noise calls upon you to hold.   Child, in your night I asked you to weep for mine that know me not.  Your tears have gained you my heart for we weep as one.  Your tears of joy are mine as we flow within the River of the I Am for we flow as one. Janine, my child, you weep for those

The Pearl of Great Prize

Child, come in the ways of prayer.  Come in the ways of my nurture.  Come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where renewal and the peace of my Son awaits you. Take in the breath of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Take in my nurture. Know that this time is for you and I.  Know that this time takes you into the depths of the River of the I Am where your soul and your God commune. My children need to taste the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  My children need to gain the awareness and taste of their God for to know Him while in the body is of great value.  It is the pearl of great prize. To be still and to take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am is to gain the peace and serenity as designed for you by God. Come and take in the life that communes with you in the depths of this Tabernacle and when you are filled let us walk as one for I walk with you and within you and through you to gather my children, one at a time, that one da

Love the Enemy within that you may Love the Enemy Without

Child, Come and hold my hands as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Though my hands be of the mystical you can taste and feel the hold of  your mother as we walk in this new day with no matter the ways of the outside world. I ask only that you let go with the yes of your heart and allow me to take you into the depths of the River where hope and love abide.  I give you hope for your prayer of your want to carry love and only love is being heard.  The walk of your night was one of letting go of the noise in deep and deeper ways, my child. I take you back into your night and give you view of your prayers that God's will be done for the world needs love so much more and more as the noise becomes the louder and louder.  I give you view of our walk that asks only that we witness to the pain of others with no judgments and no boundaries. My child in your night you asked how to love without the intrusions of your Adam and Eve mind that pull and beg you to judge another a

To Witness Is To Call Upon God

Child, sign yourself with the sign of the Cross for you are entering the holy space of this Tabernacle. Your sign is your yes to me and to the River of the I Am for I am your mother who is Our Lady of the River of the I Am. Come and be filled with love and nurture and all that awaits you here in the depths of the River of the I Am. Janine, you await my presence.  But know this, I am always with you and I await your turning to me and to this Tabernacle.  Come and rest and stay for this is our time where we commune with the mystical body of our Father and guide, the I Am. I awaken you to all that is within the River where all flow in love and only love.  Eternity awaits you.  the Kingdom awaits you. Love and only love is the edict in Eternity for anger and hate and self righteousness cannot abide in the kingdom. The Kingdom is filled with joy, peace and the wisdom that is of our God, the I Am.   To be mine you must let go of all that is of the Earth.  To be mine you must come to see the

Seek The Kingdom Within

Child, come and be of my heart. Come and I shall take away the noise as we become immersed in the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know the love and nurture that is of the River of the I Am. The River takes you deeper and deeper into the heart of the I Am who calls out to you to know Him in intimacy. Allow the noise to fall away. Allow your body to let go. Allow your breath to take you into my heart as we descend into the depths of the River where I breathe with you and for you. Janine, the noise cannot descend to these depths. Take note of the ways of your heart as we descend into the mystical body of the River where all of the yes abide. Take note of the letting go into the nothingness that makes you all the more and more of your design. Child, I say this to you in a loud and clear voice. You cannot end the noise for it is of the generations that deny the mystical part of the body that is attached to God. Only when my children open their hearts to their God will the noise lo