Love Begets More Love

Child, come and be with me and allow yourself to be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and know how much you are loved.

Your dream frightened you.  Do not fret, my child, for your dream has shown you the way.  In the first part you were shown the death boxes where you were asking to not have to open them. In the next dream your body experienced the reaching out in intimacy.

There in your dream lies the keys to awareness of the way of your walk within the world. Firstly, you were given awareness of the death boxes that you have had to face for you have died to much in the ways of your misguidedness and learning.  The rest of the dream showed you reaching out in intimacy where you once could not.  

When you die to the misguidedness you gain lost parts that were forced to hide themselves from your awareness.  The River of the I Am flows with you and within you and then without. Know that what you are given in the ways of the death of misguidedness you give to others for what you are given you shall walk with me to give to others.   This, my child, is what we have for we are mother and child within the River of the I Am where love begets more love.