
Showing posts from September, 2020

Come and Walk in the Ways of Your Design

Child, let go that you may be of my heart and attend to this Tabernacle where you become naked and empty that I may fill.  Come and know how much you are loved.  Come and know the joy of being taken into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of the ways of your design as you write what flows up from the depths of the River where we commune.  Take in and taste the love that flows within your hands as you write. Janine, my child, when you walk from the depths of the River you walk in your design that becomes pure joy for to walk in the nakedness of your design is to walk with your God in pure joy and peace. Come and allow the River to take you for all is effortless when you let go and allow the River to take you.  When you let go and allow the River to take you each inch and moment become of intimacy with your God. Let go and know my love.  Let go and taste your God.  Let go and taste the promises of the Covenant.  Know that these promises await each child.  Let us walk to open

Let Us Walk to Build and Not Break Down

Child, come and give your heart to me that I may fill you with my attention and nurture.  Just as the infant lets go to be fed so too you must let go and allow yourself to be fed for I am your mother who comes to nurture and feed you with the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. I come to grow you for I am your mother who feeds you with the ways of the River of the I Am.  Janine, my child, I am given the name and task of Our Lady of the River of the I Am.  I am graced by our Father and Creator, the I Am. Your heart expands when you are with me.  Your heart learns to love all the more and more with the ways of my Son.  You open to your seed within the depths of your being where God abides for you are made in His image and likeness.   God has placed Himself within your seed. Stay, be still and take in the love of my heart and the love that is within the River of the I Am. The River flows to build and not break down, The River flows to grow life and not kill.  The River flows to carry

The Opened Heart Carries Much Grace

Child, you come to me in nakedness that we may commune at this holy Tabernacle where boundaries do not exist for the River of the I Am flows and fills all parts of you with no bindings.  This is the way of the River of the I Am for Eternity holds no boundaries. Janine, my child, taste the ways of no boundaries.  Taste my nurture that fills and holds and grows you within the mystical of the River.  Just as the waters of a river flow with abandon so too we flow as one within the boundless Living Waters. The River flows and takes you on the path to Eternity. The River flows with abandonment that one day it shall carry all of God's Children.   Janine, my child, all these years of your attention to your soul has gained you this day for you flow deeper than your yesterday. We gain in the ways of mother and child.  We gain in the walk and work for our Father, the I Am, who has given us His design.   Let us walk in prayer that the many of my children may awaken to the need to open their he

Together We Are Much

Child, come and let go of the noise for when you enter this Tabernacle the noise is cancelled.   The noise cannot enter this Tabernacle for this is the holy ground of our Father and God, the I Am.  Come and be filled and taste love and peace and hope. Janine, my child, I renew you and nurture you in the ways of the River of the I Am where love and not noise abides.  Breathe and know you are loved without judgment or boundaries.  I take off the bindings of the noise as I feed you.  I soothe you and hold you in all things for I am your mother.   This day shall be of the grace of our Father for He walks with us and guides all of the yes into the garden of Eternity.  We shall not walk into the world until you are filled with joy and peace for your heart must be renewed.  Come and be still and take in my nurture.  Come and be still and take in the love that surrounds you, flows within you and flows out into the world that you may know you are being carried by my love and my heart. You say t

God Awaits the Opening of Your Heart and Soul

Child, let go and allow me to take you into the River of the I Am where we commune on this new day. Come and be of my heart that walks with you into the world. I come to renew you at this Tabernacle that we may walk in love and only love. The world of the River of the I Am prepares you to be of your God that He may work through you to gather His children that all may come to know Him in intimacy. When you let go and give yourself to the void that is within your own soul you greet your God. To enter the void of nothingness is to enter into intimacy with the One who handcrafted you. Janine, let go. Breathe and let go. Watch as your body slows all down that all may be emptied into the nothingness of the void. Taste all that is within the void where the mind gives up its control that the body, heart and soul may take in the intimacy that is given you. I take you out into the world to teach and attest to the intimacy that is within the void. I take you out into the world to teach and attest

The Circle of Life is Fulfilled When You Come to Taste Your God in Intimacy

  Child, come and be held and know your mother.  I come to nurture and sustain you.  I come to take you into the River of the I Am where we commune in the presence of the I Am, our Father. Janine, do not fret for I am here and I await this union of mother and child for I am your mother who waits upon you to feed you.  I do not force, my child, I await for this is the way of your mother who awaits that you may be filled.  I await rather than demand for you must come to see that choice is the way of growth. My child, I await upon you for the choice is always yours.  But take note of the choice that carries you with joy, a filling that is love and the dance of union with all of the River of the I Am. Janine, allow the dance to take you for to dance in the nakedness of heart and soul is to love the all of you.  As you love yourself you are now prepared to love another.  The River flows that my children may come to know how much they are loved that they may in turn love.   This is the way o

The Opened Heart is the True Self

Child, breathe in the love that awaits you this new day.  Come and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Come and when you breathe in seek the void that takes us into the depths of the River of the I Am. By the  breath you are slowed that you may taste the void that brings you into your own soul where we commune within the mystical body of the River of the I Am. Within the void all questions are answered. In this inch and moment you ask how to aid my children to find the void.  My child, we have begun for you are teaching my children, one at a time, to trust what is within their own depths. Let us walk in the simplicity of the ways of the River of the I Am where we touch one child at a time and we teach of the wisdom that is within. Do not fret, my child, for you need utter no words other than wisdom is held within the heart or what you call the true self for the opened heart is the true self. When the true self is exposed it meets its God for the two are reunited wit

Come and Know Hope

Child, watch your heart as it moves into the River of the I Am where your breath communes with mine and with the Light of the River.  Taste the Light that is within and without you.  Taste my nurture this new day.  Taste the newness of this day. Your awakening on this new day shatters the old and carries in the new.  Your awakening on this new day has seen you in the Light where you were given view of what you call the hopelessness of walking alone.  My child, you walk with me in the newness of the day.  Hopelessness is the walk of aloneness without your God. Your prayer upon your awakening this new day was one of giving all to God for you know that prayer consists of letting go of all worry and hopelessness into God's hands.  Rather than become overwhelmed with hopelessness you were brought into God's grace and love.   Janine, in the one inch and moment you saw life evolve into Eternity.  Hopelessness gave way to hope for you were allowed to see the futility of walking alone. 

The Heart is the Gate to the Kingdom

Child, come and know you are of the earth and you are of the River of the I Am for your heart has said yes to me and to the Light of my womb.  Come and know you are  freed from the bindings that separate you from your God. As each day rises you come to me and open yourself to me.  Know that I am with  you and within you for this is the way of our Father, the I Am.  You cannot let go of the chains that bind without opening the heart for the heart is the gate to the Kingdom. Your heart is the gate that joins the physical to the mystical.  Your heart is the gate that when opened takes you into the mystical within depths of the River of the I Am.  The soul holds itself within the depths of the heart for the heart is the gate to the soul. By your daily attendance to this Tabernacle your heart and soul are opened to your God.  As you attest to and taste, my child, this is where intimacy lies with your Father and Creator. The gate has been opened.  Come and be still and commune with your Crea

Come and Know Hope

Child, watch your heart as it moves into the River of the I Am where your breath communes with mine and with the Light of the River.  Taste the Light that is within and without you.  Taste my nurture this new day.  Taste the newness of this day. Your awakening on this new day shatters the old and carries in the new.  Your awakening on this new day has seen you in the Light where you were given view of what you call the hopelessness of walking alone.  My child, you walk with me in the newness of the day.  Hopelessness is the walk of aloneness without your God. Your prayer upon your awakening this new day was one of giving all to God for you know that prayer consists of letting go of all worry and hopelessness into God's hands.  Rather than become overwhelmed with hopelessness you were brought into God's grace and love.   Janine, in the one inch and moment you saw life evolve into Eternity.  Hopelessness gave way to hope for you were allowed to see the futility of walking alone. 

Our Father Asks You to Choose From All of the Colors

Child, come and slow all that you may let go into my arms within this Tabernacle.  Come and be of peace as I nurture you and attend to you.  Come and know your mother. Janine, it is by your God that you are here with me on this new day for you are graced with His seed.  You are of His blood for all children carry His seed.  Therefore, my child, you are entwined with each soul for each is of God's bloodline. Do not take lightly that all are your brothers and sisters.  Do not take lightly that you carry the seed of the One who handcrafted you. Do not take lightly that you are God's creation borne out of great love. Child, we shall walk this day in the presence of the Light of the River of the I Am. You must know that each choice you make this day is a gift of the Father, the I Am. Yes, my child, all choices are before you, the good and the bad.  Our Father loves with a love that does not control nor demands. Our Father calls you to become intimate with Him where you see all choic

The Many of My Children Are Being "Duped"

Child, come and know this new day that awakens you to this Tabernacle for you come to me to attend to your soul. Come and take in the peace and joy that awaits you for you are of your God where the Kingdom is established within that you may walk with me into the outside world armed with the power of the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, your dream awakened you to the truth and the way of the Kingdom.  The many of my chidden are being "duped" into believing the great treasure is of the Earth.  The many do not see into their own heart and soul where the true Kingdom and treasures lie. Your dream has come to show you the way of the witness for you stood outside the great "dupe" which is of the Adam and Eve mind that makes such noise. Do not take lightly the place of the witness for by being placed outside the noise you see and taste the futility of the great "dupe". Walk with me this day and we shall open hearts to see and taste the truth and the way. We a

My Son Has Felt Each and Every One of Your Wounds

Child, come and be awakened to my heart and to the River of the I Am where we commune and flow as one.  Let go of yourself and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Let go of yourself and join me within the mystical of this Tabernacle.  Come and be humble of heart for you are in a holy place. Janine, as each day passes you become the more and more of my heart for as each day begins you attend to your heart and soul at this Tabernacle. Each day you are renewed.  Each day you go deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are all the more and more loosened from the bonds of the Earth for to be of this Tabernacle each day is to be nurtured in the ways of Eternity where all bindings are washed away. Do not fear for I am with you always.  Be of peace for my Son walks with you always.  Know that my Son has felt each and every one of your wounds and He knows you by name. Do not let the noise attempt to convince you that Jesus could not possibly be in

The Opened Heart Makes Space For Its God

  Child, come and be of this Tabernacle that flows within and without. Come and claim victory over the noise for the noise has no place within this Tabernacle. Come and be filled with the blessings of this holy place. Janine, breathe in the love that fills you.  Open the void within all the more that you may take in all the more. Take in the beauty of the River of the I Am that flows and takes you with no effort for the war within is dying. When you give to God what is God's and allow yourself to let go effort dies.  When you give to God what is God's and let go of your body within this void you flow with peace, trust, faith and wisdom for this is the way of the River of the I Am where God's will is being accomplished. Janine, my child, within this Tabernacle you are given the peace that is promised by my Son that you may take it into the world and attest to the peace that comes from giving back to God what is God's. When you let go into the arms of the River of the I A

We Are of the Yes To Our Father

We Are of the Yes To Our Father Child, by the grace of God we commune here at this Tabernacle.  Be of peace.  Let go of all that you may be renewed within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Take in the peace that flows within you in the depths of your being.  Breathe in this new day for it is like no other.  Give thanks to our Father, the I Am, for this day that rises up within and without. Janine, my child, you ask for the lesson of this day.  The lesson is to know within your depths that you are of Eternity. This life shall one day carry you into the life of the Kingdom where what has gained  you and expanded you follows you into everlasting life. You must come to see that what has grown you within the River shall never die for your  heart and soul expands each new day with the ways of the River of the I Am. Do not take lightly our walk for we walk from the view of the River of the I Am that flows into Eternity.  What you gain within your opened heart and soul shall never d

Breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am

Child, come and be awakened.  Come and open to me for I come to fill you and awaken you to all that is of the mystical of the River of the I Am.  Come and taste the goodness that awaits you for I am your mother who nurtures and attends to you here at this Tabernacle as well as within the outside world. When you are filled and renewed you shall be prepared to enter the world on this new day as graced by our Father and Lord.  Take in the peace that fills you.  Take in the awakening as your eyes are graced with the view of your own heart and soul that flows within the depths of the River.  Janine, my child, to be awakened to the depths of the River of the I Am is to be slowed that your heart and soul may take in the love, protection, wisdom and peace that fills you slowly but assuredly.  Take in the ways of the little one called Faith who dances in the Light of the River for she is freed to be the child as described in the words of my Son. Stay, be still and allow Faith to dance with the

Your Dream Comes to Expand You

Child of mine, come and be freed of the noise. Child, you come to me with no matter the ways of the noise. You come to me with no matter the ways of the outside world that pull at you with its deceptions to induce you to avoid this Taberncale. Janine, my child, you come to me with fears and worries that arise within your dreams. Do not fret, my child, for your dreams give view to our Father's work. In the one dream, the man who spoke to you of his sin drove you to hold his hand, rather than allow him to drown in guilt. My child, this is the way of my Son, who comes to hold rather than judge. When you warned the large crowd of the sadness and "shame" of not allowing the child to be freed from its constrictions you were speaking of God's truth to "come to me as a child." Upon awakening, the noise asked you to believe the dreams came from a dark place within you. Rather, my child, the dreams came from the place of the Light of the River of the I Am to show God&

The Mystery of the Seed of Your Soul

Child, come and let go of all that you may be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where the mystical body of my Son, the Christ, abides.  Come and be lightened of spirit.  Come and be nurtured.  Come and know you are mine for I am your mother and I am given the name and task of Our Lady of the River of the I Am. Child, what we have is of our Father and God, the I Am.  What we have is of the grace of the One who handcrafted us.  What we have is of our design. Come and know the peace as promised by my Son.  Take in the space of your heart for it leads to your soul.  Take in the space of your soul that knows me.  Take in the space of your soul that takes in its God. Janine, my child, it is by the space that is within the empty that God fills .  When you reach your soul you reach the void of emptiness that God fills.  The mystery of the seed of your soul is that it opens the space and voids all that all may be taken in. The space of the void is where you meet God with no binding

The soul Longs to be Freed From Its Bondage

  Child, I welcome you into this Tabernacle.  I welcome you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune on this new day for we are mother and child within the mystical.  Within this Tabernacle within the depths of the River of the I Am we commune as one for this is the gift of our design. Janine, my child, this gift is for all of God's children for the seed of God lies within each that each may come to know His greatest gift of all which is the choice to choose Him into Eternity.  This gift calls each to be in intimate knowledge of Him for His seed is within.  The Kingdom is within. The seed so small holds Eternity.  The seed so small opens and expands forever.  The seed so small has opened you to the depths of the River of the I Am where you grow in intimacy with your God.  What began as a small opening has grown you that you may come to know your God in intimacy. Intimacy, my child, is the knowing, tasting and trust that comes from being heard and hearing.  I give y

Self Care is Soul Care

  Child, come and breathe in the ways of this Tabernacle.  Breathe in the love that awaits you here at this Tabernacle.  Take in my nurture as we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come. Come and allow yourself to flow deeply with me.  Let us go deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where we flow without noise and without the bindings of the outside world. Breathe out with the sigh of letting go of all of the noise and of any and all fret. Janine, your heart is restless this new day for you need your mother.  Come and know you are loved.  The noise of your yesterday is being taken into the depths of the River and is being ground into the fodder that shall give rise to the flowers and beauty of the New Earth. Child, your dream has shown you the way of the noise that attempts to take you and give you a view of a walk alone.  You are not alone, my child.  Your dream is of the noise that asks you to purchase its temptation to believe you are alone.  Pay no heed t

To Know Your God Within Your Body is Precious Beyond Compare

Child, come to this holy place and be of love for love carries with it the truth and the way.  Love yourself and take in all that awaits you this day.  Let go and flow with no boundaries or bindings for you meet me in this Tabernacle of no boundaries. Janine, to arrive at this depth you must walk into the River each day and attend to your heart and soul.  You must know within your loins that you are of your God.  You must know within your loins that without this Tabernacle you walk alone. Know this, my child, the outside world shall wash away while the Kingdom shall flow forever. Take in the effortlessness of the flow here within the River.  Take in the communion with me and all of the River.  Take in the breath that we breathe as one.  Take in the love that flows with gentleness that you may taste forever. My child, the River has no limits. The River does not bind.  The River flows with such love that all pores of you take it in.  As each day arises you become all the more and more of

To Seek is to Say Yes to Your God

Child, come to me and let go of yourself for you are in need of your mother who nurtures you and attends to you within this Tabernacle.  Come and be filled.  Come and know peace and serenity. You are mine and you are of your God who is the River of the I Am. When you let go and give all to your God you are allowing Him to move on earth as in Heaven. I come to take you into my heart that loves with the love of the River of the I Am where love and only love abides. Child, pay no heed to the worldly calls to lose hope.  Do no pay heed to the mighty noise for our Father the I Am is more powerful than any man or noise. He loves with a love greater than all of the Earth for He does not invade. Rather, He waits upon the yes.  With the yes God moves the mountains of the Earth to bring peace, healing and serenity to all. My child, we pray as one for the miracle of peace.  We pray as one for the miracle of the nakedness of heart that hearts may open where the yes abides.  Dearest child, we walk

The Tender Heart Must Be Nurtured

Child, come and be filled.  As the days pass you grow in the ways of the River of the I Am for your heart opens all the more and more.  The rooms in our Fathers' house expand with each heart that is of the yes.  Come and know you are grown with each new day for your yesterday was one of openness to me and to the River of the I Am. Janine, my child, it matters not where you begin.  It matters that when the heart is heard and witnessed to in love and only love it learns that safety is possible.  The tender heart that tastes love without judgement learns to open.  Once opened the tender heart must be nurtured with no judgments for judgments and self righteousness will close the tender heart again forcing it back into hiding.  As we witness this day let us witness to the tender heart that it may trust to open and learn that I, their mother, shall intercede with the protection of the River of the I Am.  The tender heart that opens learns that it shall not die, but rather, shall be loved

The Mystical Body of the River of the I Am

Child, come and let go of yourself into my arms as we commune within the River of the I Am. Take the breath that gathers us into the community of those of the yes. Take in the breath of life that grows you in the ways of God's love and only love.  Take in this Tabernacle that is of you and me for this Tabernacle is on holy ground and graced by the I Am. Janine, my child, what you take in nurtures, renews and expands you.  Each day you come to me at this Tabernacle and you await my nurture in a nakedness and emptiness of all parts that you may be expanded. The yes of so many years ago has expanded you to this depth within the River for the first step of the yes began your walk with me and into Eternity. Stay, rest and take in all that is for you and when you are filled and renewed we shall walk into the world armed with the power of the River of the I Am.  We shall walk into the world with the simplicity of love and only love.  Child, you attend to this Tabernacle each day that we m

Keep Your Heart and Body and Soul in Communication

Child, come and be with me within the River of the I Am where we commune as mother and child by the grace of our Creator.  All children are handcrafted by the Father, the I Am.  All are loved beyond measure.  All are given the seed of our Father, the I Am for His love is so great that He has placed Himself within us. You are born from the seed of your worldly father. You are given the seed of your Heavenly Father who handcrafted you even before your worldly parents.  Janine, your heart and soul are opened and you attest to the seed within you. I speak to my children through you and with you. Do not speak until you taste my words. Do not walk with your body closed off for you cannot hear or taste me when you are closed. Keep your body and soul and heart in communication, my child.  I have taught you the ways of the opened body, the opened soul and the opened heart.  Walk with me this day and I shall show you the way to remain opened of heart and soul and body with no matter the noise. T

Your Dream is of the Light

Child, breathe and take in my heart that flows within the River of the I Am where I abide.  Come and taste that with which awaits you on this new day of our Lord. Come and be of my Son who is of the River of the I Am.  Come and taste the great Spirit that flows within the River for the Holy Spirit flows with all of the yes who join the River to gather all  into God's Kingdom. Janine, my child, on this the Sabbath within this new day, take in the love that flows through you for you become unencumbered by the outside world when you walk from the depths of the River of the I Am.  Let go and flow with no restrictions or boundaries. Flow with your God, my child. Your dream of the One who has come to walk with you and guide you is the Light of  my womb, my Son, the Christ.  Your dream is of the Lamb who has cast His peace upon you.  You have learned to trust that which is deep within you for there in the great depths of the River of the I Am lay the truth and the way to the peace as prom

What We Do as Mother and Child Cannot be Done Alone

Child, this is a new day.  Come.  Come and be with me at this Tabernacle that flows within the River of the I Am.  I take you into its depths for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am as designed by our Father, the I Am. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where wisdom, love, and all of the yes abide.  I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where all is slowed that you may taste the peace as promised by my Son for by His sacrifice you are granted His peace. By His sacrifice you are granted Eternity.  Janine, be still and taste.  Be still and hear me.  Be still and take in the Covenant between you and your God.   You are loved beyond human limits.  Taste this love as we commune within this holy place for you are being prepared to love beyond human limits.  What you take in within this Tabernacle prepares you to take it out into the world.  Our communion prepares you to take my love into the world where we love beyond your human understanding.  Janine, my ch

Your Roots Are of God

Child, let go of yourself that you may be free to commune with me within the River of the I Am.  Come and know the freedom to just be.  Come and know the freedom to take in all that is around you both within and without. Janine, when you let go and allow the River to take you there are no boundaries or constrictions that keep you separate from being both in the physical world and in the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Take note of your heart that beats with me and through me for we are as one.  Take in my nurture that gains you the ways of the Light  of my womb.  Take in the love that is of my nurture.  Dearest child, do you not see that this nurture is not only the food for your body but also the food for your soul.   When you flow with me and allow me to feed you, you gain both nurture of the body and also of the soul that shall renew and hold you all of this day and into Eternity for the food of my heart expands you in all ways of the physical and mystical. Walk wit

You Have Been Created To Love

Welcome, my child.  I welcome you into my arms on this new day.  I carry you into the River of the I Am where we commune with our Father, the I Am, my Son, the Holy Spirit and all of the yes.  Come and be filled that you may know love and only love for the River flows to counter all else which is noise. Janine, you are mine for I am your mother by the call of God.  You are mine and we are able to commune within this Tabernacle that flows within the River of the I Am.  Wait upon your filling and taste all that fills you.  Take in my nurture slowly and assuredly.  Take in all that surrounds you on this new day for this day shall shine with you and within you and through you.   You have been created to love.  You have been created to know love.  You have been created to know Eternity. The opened heart tastes all.  The opened heart knows its Father and mother.  The opened heart expands to hold all the more and more in love and only love for it has the capacity to expand even in Eternity. J

Walk With me and Witness to Both Worlds

Child, come and awaken to the depths of my heart within the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. By God's grace we are mother and child. By God's grace we have this Tabernacle that grows and expands you with each new day. Yes, my child your day begins here with me. Your awakening has begun on this new day for you are given renewal and freedom to be of your design. Janine, the saddest day for my children is that they know not that I am their mother who walks with you and prays with you that the hearts of my children open to the great love of the River of the I Am. To know me is to get to know my Son. To know me is to know I intercede for each child to my Son and to the Father of all, the I Am. Taste what you have been given this day. Upon your awakening you were given the view of the two worlds that we walk within. In the one all is safe and protection is yours for you are naked and opened within the River of the I Am where wisdom and protection fl

Trust is the Fruit of the Nakedness of Your Soul

Child, awaken to this Tabernacle where we commune for I am your mother who fills you with the love and protection of the River of the I Am.  Come and awaken to the sight of your own soul for this Tabernacle opens you into the depths of your being where your soul becomes exposed and awakened. Janine, see your own soul as it communes with all of the River of the I Am. See and taste that which has been given you by your God. As you flow within the River you flow to return to the nakedness as designed by our Father and Creator, the I Am. In nakedness the soul is exposed.  In the nakedness of your soul all is seen through the eyes of God.  Trust is the fruit of this nakedness for to be seen in all parts is to trust that God will protect you from invasion. Your journey to this Tabernacle has shown you the ways of my love and the love of our Father, the I Am, who has sent us the Lamb that all may be returned to the nakedness that flows into Eternity.   Come and walk with me in this new day in