The Many of My Children Are Being "Duped"

Child, come and know this new day that awakens you to this Tabernacle for you come to me to attend to your soul. Come and take in the peace and joy that awaits you for you are of your God where the Kingdom is established within that you may walk with me into the outside world armed with the power of the River of the I Am.

Janine, my child, your dream awakened you to the truth and the way of the Kingdom.  The many of my chidden are being "duped" into believing the great treasure is of the Earth.  The many do not see into their own heart and soul where the true Kingdom and treasures lie.

Your dream has come to show you the way of the witness for you stood outside the great "dupe" which is of the Adam and Eve mind that makes such noise. Do not take lightly the place of the witness for by being placed outside the noise you see and taste the futility of the great "dupe".

Walk with me this day and we shall open hearts to see and taste the truth and the way. We also walk to witness to the great "dupe" and as we walk our walk shall be of prayer that the eyes of my children are opened to their God who is forever.