
Showing posts from March, 2021

One Day There Shall be no Boundaries to Separate

 My child, lay down all that you may be freed from the noise that carries the callings of the outside world. While you are here at this Tabernacle the noise cannot be for we commune within the mystical body of the Light of my womb.  Come, be filled and be graced with my love that flows between us. I take in your love and your humanness and you take in my love that shall sustain you within the world on this new day. Janine, I take you into my heart and away from the world.  My child, I take you into my heart within the River to fill you that we may enter the world armed with the love that shall sustain you in our walk.  The outside world and the mystical are meant to be of no boundaries. Man has made boundaries that separate themselves from God.   I walk with you with no boundaries to separate.  I take you out into the world to attest to our walk of both the mystical and the physical. When the New Earth is established all shall see the glory of the release of the boundaries that separat

Empty Yourself that the Holy Spirit May Fill You

 Child, come and let go and I shall take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the mystical ways of mother and child. Come and taste the freedom to just be.   Let go and allow the River to take us on the journey of this new day.  This new day shall begin with your filling, for to do this work you must be filled with the Holy Spirit.  By God's Holy Spirit we gather. By God's Holy Spirit we walk into the outside world armed with the power of love and only love.   The power of the River, my child, gains us much grace that we may walk without the bindings of the noise. The power of the River gains us much in the ways of God's will for the River flows towards the New Earth.  Come in this new day and know the Holy Spirit is within and without as we walk within this Tabernacle as well as within the outside world.  Keep yourself empty that the Holy Spirit may keep you filled with love and only love for to empty is to make the space for the Holy Spirit to

Come and Taste the Power of God's Love

 Child, it is by this Tabernacle that we are mother and child and we walk into the world as one. Come and be filled with the all of me.  Come and be filled that you may know your heavenly mother.  Come and taste the ways of the River of the I Am for I am graced to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am. This new day grants us communion.  This new day grants us the walk into the world to gather my children unto me. I ask not that you change who you are for me.  I ask that you allow me to take you into the depths of the River where I add to your human ways for I enter where I am invited.  Janine, my child, we are conduits for the work of our Father, the I Am.  We are conduits for the Light of my womb, my Son, Jesus. We walk that my children may find the Light, the way and the truth. This new day shines God's Light into the world through your yes. The yes is simple when you open your heart.  The yes flows forth from the heart that learns to taste itself for within the opened heart God a

Trust is Within Your Heart

 Child, come and allow the excitement of this new day to take you into my arms where we move deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Take note of the joy and peace in our communion.  Take note of the move from fear that I will abandon you to joy at the rise of this day for in the rise of this day your fear has been replaced with trust and joy. Your being now finds joy where there was once fear that I would not be here and that all would be for naught. Your heart has learned to trust.  Your heart has learned that judgment and punishment are not of our Father, the I Am. Even in the face of dread your heart has learned to trust. You have gained much in the ways of trust for you give to God the trust that He is within and without you. You give to God the trust that all may see the Kingdom with the yes.  You give to God all that we do in His name. You give to God your trust that He is walking and working with you and through you as I, your mother, walk with you and though you for

Taste Fortitude

 Janine, my child, come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune for I am your mother who moves you into the realm of the Light of my womb. I am your mother who nurtures you and attends to you. My love for you shall never die not shall I abandon you.  You cannot be separated from me for this is the gift and grace of our Father the I Am. Today, my child, is of you and me. It is a day that shall allow me to hold you and protect you.  Your yesterday showed you patience and fortitude.  Even when  you felt the noise at your back you "chose" to give it to our Father, the I Am. The lesson for this day is to taste fortitude for, with no matter the noise of your yesterday and with no matter the angst within you, you chose to say to the noise,  "Be gone." And to our Father you said, " I choose to trust you, my Father, that my prayers are being heard and responded to in your time and not mine." You also were bold and said to

Compassion Cannot Judge

 Child of mine, come and take in all that awaits you this new day. Come and be renewed and nurtured that you may be filled with the Great Love of the River of the I Am. Your trust in my words and in my heart grows you in the ways of God's wisdom and in the ways of the simplicity of love and only love. Come and be still and allow me to fill you with my heart that loves with the simplicity of love and only love.  The world makes complicated and noisy what is meant to be simple. When you love in simplicity you learn to judge not. When you love in simplicity you give to God all that He may do the work of gathering His children within the world. When you knowingly give to God your heart and soul you are  given the permission to let go of all the doings expected by the noise and instead wait upon God to show you the walk of love. Janine, take note of your heart that is freed from the need to prove your worthiness. Rather than work to prove anything you give all to the One who handcrafted

Awaken to the Whole of You Where God Abides

 Child, do not fear for I am here.  Your sleep was bothered by fears and worries.  Come and be awakened on this new day to my love that counters all fears.  Come and let go of all of your restlessness and be confirmed in my love and nurture. Today is anew and all of the old is laid to rest for you must not be encumbered by old noise.  Allow the little one called Faith to rise up with you in the nakedness of the all of you. Faith is the one who makes you whole. Faith is the child who loves with no restrictions for she has been freed to be of her design. Janine, when you were awakened to the whole of you, Faith was the fruit for it is she who walks in the wholeness as intended by God. We walk this new day to witness to the ways of the healing and opening of the Kingdom to my children, one child at a time. When you expose the hidden parts there in the exposing rises up the truth and the path to the Kingdom.  When all is exposed all can be healed. This healing leads to wholeness which lead

Come and Witness to God's Timing

 Child of mine, please know that what we have shall never end for we are mother and child by the grace of our Father, the I Am.  Come and know my love and my nurture for I feed you with the all of me that by this filling you are renewed and fed. By this filling we in turn enter the world as witnesses to God's love. My child, raise your eyes and see the clock.  The clock moves through your day with no matter the noise for it moves with each inch and moment. Whether you take notice of the clock or not you know it moves in the timing of the Earth. Janine, my child, God's ways are as of the clock for the River of the I Am moves in the timing of the inch and moment whether you take notice or not. The Book of Life witnesses to the clock of God where each inch and moment is no more or less precious than the current or the next or the last. When you witness to the timing of God you see and taste the miracles within each inch and moment.  It is as the seconds that appear to fly by with

When the Mind Lets Go The Heart Learns to Navigate

 Child, come and take in all that awaits you at this Tabernacle.  Come and let go that you may be emptied for I fill all empty spaces with my nurture and renewal. This day can be of no other for it is anew.  Janine, you are never erased. You are always made anew where we commune as mother and child.  I hear you and I hold you and I never take from you.  I add to you that you may know the ways of my motherly heart. There are those who attempt to make you believe your tomorrows shall take away from you for you are aging.  I say to you, my child, you are expanding and growing each day in the ways of the Kingdom. Even those of age you name as without mind, know that when the mind lets go the heart learns to navigate.  To be of this day is a gift of great measure.  Your yesterday has grown and expanded your love and wisdom for you are of the River of the I Am.  Your today shall expand you all the more for you are of the yes. By your yes you are mine. By your yes you expand each new day in t

Awaken to Grace and Receive the Holy Spirit

 Child,  attend to this Tabernacle that we may commune. Come and let us flow within the River of the I Am where you become nurtured and enlightened by its gentle and peaceful Waters.  Awaken on this new day to all that is of our Father, our God, the I Am.  Taste the Light that flows within you, through you and out into the world for to be of the River is to be graced to take in and to give back into the world. The lesson, this day, my child, is to awaken to what is directly given you by God through the gentle River and to gaze at it as it flows into the world through you.  Awaken to my heart as it graces you in each inch and moment and gaze at it as it flows into the air through you just as the gentle flow of the breeze.  Breathe, my child, and know that I am with you, within you and without. The air around you is graced with the love of our Father, the I Am, through His Holy Spirit.   What you take in from the River graces each pore of your being and then flows into the world that all

In Nakedness the Soul is Free to be of Its Design

Child, sign yourself with the mark of my Son who has gained you access to this Tabernacle.  Come and let us commune in the love of mother and child.  Come and let me take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am on this new day. You are mine and I am yours for this is the grace of our design.  To let go of the noise and taste the great love of this Tabernacle is to know the peace of my Son.  Janine, my child, the lesson for this day is to never estrange yourself from your God.  To remain opened to God requires the fortitude and commitment to being true to your design. Your design is meant to be naked in all parts that God may fill each and every corner of your being.  In nakedness nothing can hide.  In nakedness you are free to be of your design. When parts must hide the noise has a place to cling. In nakedness the noise cannot take hold for when there is nothing to hide all is true. In this nakedness of heart and soul you are true to your design.  Janine, my child, in the n

Give the Noise No Attention

Child, awaken to me this new day.  Come and be filled.  Come and be drowned within the River of the I Am where we breathe as one for we are mother and child within the mystical and breathing Waters of the River of the I Am. Your yesterday gave you view of the ways of the patience and fortitude with which we walk as witness to my children, one at a time. We witness as one for I am within you and you are within me.  We are mother and child never to be separated for this is the promise of our Father, the I Am. Janine, your day is littered with the pull of the noise.  The noise becomes as the dead leaves that fall from the tree for to give no food to the noise casts it into the ground where it becomes the fodder for God's garden. Remember this lesson, this day, my child, for to allow the noise to fall to the ground with no attention to feed it destroys it where, as the dead leaf, will fall to the ground and grow God's garden.  What appears to be strong and above God shall one day f

The River Flows to Coat You With God's Protections

Child, come and take respite here within the River of the I Am where we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am in the ways of the wisdom of our Father and Guide, the I Am. Allow all parts to breathe and take in the peace that is of the River for the River flows with the promises of my Son.  The River flows with the promises of the Covenant between God and His people.  This day is new and joyful and carries hope into the world. The joy that flows within you and through you is from the grace of our Father, the I Am, for you are graced with the wisdom that knows this time in your body is precious with no matter the ways of the noise that seek to bind and control. The outside world of noise and the self righteous ego called the Adam and Eve mind cannot take hold or bind you for you are of the River of the I Am where within these depths you are protected. This protection coats you with the protections of the love and only love of the River where the barnacles of the noise cannot find

Each Soul Has God's Special Seed

Child, come and as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am know that you are being drowned in my love and the great love of the Holy Spirit. I flow with you into the depths where we commune for I am your mother and you are my child. This new day is upon us and is being blessed by our Father, the I Am, for it is by His hand that we are mother and child.  Janine, my child, I call you by name for you are precious in my sight.  Each child I call mine for I am graced to be mother to all. I enter the world that each child may come to know of the ways  my motherly heart that anoints, heals and nurtures.  My children need me.  My children need to know that they are loved without measure.  I come to open my children in heart and soul and body.  There are the many of my children who are closed to the truths within their own soul.  There are the many who know not the love that awaits them. Janine, my child, the River flows towards the New Earth where each child shall walk with me and my

The Closed Body Runs From God

Child of mine, come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the joyfulness and peacefulness that is ours on this new day. I love you and envelop you with the all of me that you may taste how much you are loved, nurtured, and renewed. Janine, it matters not the ways of the outside world that attempts to take you from me for each day you come to me at this Tabernacle where you are made anew in the ways of fortitude and protections that you may pay no heed to the noise.   There are those who run from not only their God but from themselves.  When you learn the ways of the River of the I Am you learn that to close the body is to close yourself off from your God as well. God's seed within must be released by the body that the seed may be exposed where the soul and God are reunited. Janine, my child, herein lies the lesson this new day.  To witness to another without judgment relaxes the body where it learns to open and slow itself.  Within the safe space

Punishment is Not of Our Father

Child, come and be awakened to this Tabernacle.  Allow your hands to be taken and your heart to be taken that we may flow deeper into the River of the I Am.  This new day is of you and me.  This new day is of our Father who guides and graces us in the ways of mother and child. Janine, I am here and I am with you always. I am your mother and I care for you with love and gentleness and with the Light that is of my womb. Your trust in me is known.  Your love for me is known. Love is the food of Eternal life.  Love is the food that guides us in our walk each day. Love needs no introduction for love is tasted within the depths of your being. You were formed in love.   Anger and hate and war are not of your God, the I Am.  Punishment is not of our Father, the I Am, for love does not hate or punish or declare war upon another. Love can never be used to make war or hate.  These are the tools of the noise that houses the Adam and Eve mind.  You have grown, my child, for you can now separate lov

By the Breath you Gain the Holy Spirit

Child, breathe and let go of.  Let go with the yes of your breath and the yes of your body that I may fill you on this new day.  Come and be filled with my love where we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of how new this day is for you and me where we flow in the ways of mother and child.  We flow with the Light of my womb.  We flow with The Holy Spirit that guides in love and only love. As you awaken this new day take in the ways of the breath that take you to me and take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you lose the breath and gain the Holy Spirit that breathes with you and for you.  When you are filled the breath is ready to once again breathe in the outside world. The River flows in simplicity. To give up yourself to me within the depths of the River is to learn to breathe with the breath of my Son which carries peace, faith and the promises of the Covenant.  The simple breath when turned over to the River becomes the linkage to the wisd

Jesus, The Ordinary Man, is Guiding You Home

Child, you have been graced with much for you are of the River of the I Am where you are taken into the depths of its kind and gentle waters.  No more need to fret death.  No more need to fret abandonment for you have been graced with knowing me.  I am your mother who cares for you.  I have given  you the Lamb  that has made Eternity possible for you and all. Your dream showed you the depths that you have traversed in these last days and months and years.  The young man, the ordinary man, showed you the way to the vehicle that travels you through life. This, my child, was my Son, the ordinary man, who showed you the path to your true self where your seed lies.  Your dream then showed you the way of your yes for you chose to travel with the man into the realm of his home where you were wanting to walk with him to his home. This, my child, is the journey you are on to the New Earth where you shall travel with my Son, the Christ, the ordinary man who does great and extraordinary things fo

You Are of Great Worth

Janine, my child, I call you by name for I am your mother who knows the all of you. Come and be filled and be known and be rendered renewed by my heart for you give yourself over to me that I may take you deep within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Take  in my love and let go of all that you may be filled.  You are of great worth for our Father, the I Am, has made you worthy, not by your doing but by the grace of God for all are given worthiness. You have within  you God's seed that is pure and holy for your God cannot make you any less.  Can you pour yourself into another and not give of yourself? God is pure and holy and has only love.  He gives himself to you in the smallest of seeds that is meant to grow and grow into the flower it is meant to be.  The flower is beautiful and even when it withers it takes its beauty and becomes the fodder for another and another and another.  Likewise, my child, what appears to have died within your depths never dies. What appears to be d

Without Words We Hear and Listen

Child, take the breath of your sign that you are letting go of all. Let go of all  that is within and without you that I may fill you on this new day.  Empty that you may make space for the Light of my womb to fill.  Take note of how beautiful is the breath that lets go and takes in its God. Take in the love that is of my heart and of the I Am who allows us and graces us to be mother and child.  We commune in the presence of the Light of my womb who is of the Holy Trinity.  God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  By the breath that lets go you give your yes to the River of the I Am.  By the breath that lets go you are taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.  By the breath that lets go you hear and taste me. By this breath that brings you to me you are given the grace to take in all that is of the Garden of our Father.  The inch that we attend to each day moves you deeper and deeper into the realm of God's love.  Take in this new day that fills and anoints

Judge Not Yourself That You May Not Judge Others

Child, let go.  Come into this Tabernacle naked and opened that I may fill all of you with the ways of my heart.  Leave all behind that you may gain all.  My child, do you not know that our Father, the I Am, knows the all of you and loves you in all parts for He gave you Himself. He knows of your humanness by the walk of my Son, Jesus. Judge not yourself that you may not judge others for what you do to yourself affects others.  All are connected in the Body of God for all are of the same cloth. When  you share the same cloth, my child, you share all of the gifts of our Father and you share all of the misguidedness that is of your humanness. Our Father knows you and loves you without measure.  Today, Janine, take this lesson and allow it to root within you. Judge not any hair on your head and judge not any part of you for you must honor yourself as God honors you. Take in the joy and love of God who honors you for you are His. Taste His love in all you do this new day. 

Be of Gratitude for Your Dreams

Child, come. Take this inch and moment to let go for your dream has given you view of the noise that clanged at you in your yesterday.  Let go and breathe in the love of my heart at this holy Tabernacle. Breathe in the loving Waters of the River of the I Am.  Breathe in the love and beauty of this garden. Child, I give you view of what is now in the back of you.  The dream was merely the noise that clanged at you in your yesterday.  It seemed  as much was lost but much was gained for your dream worked through the night to let go of the noise of your yesterday.  You ask why is it that my yesterday was loving and peaceful in the day and by night was chaotic and lost?  My child, you must come to see and taste the dreams in all of their beauty for what was lost and noisy has been cleansed by the gentle waters of the River of the I Am.  The chaos, noise and scenes of being lost are now gone.  The Lord, Our God is taking all of the noise and cleansing it that your day today may be freer than

Come and Hear the Song of Songs

Child, you hear me and you taste me as well as the Light for you move deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune as one. Rest, be filled and know how much you are loved. This new day finds us deep within the depths of the River where God's love shines brighter than any star.  The Great Light flows within you and through you that you may take in this Light that shows you the path to the New earth. Be still, listen and take in the beauty that is around you, within you and through you.  Take in the peace here within the River that holds the voice of my Son for He places Himself within you.  Janine, let us speak to the ways of hearing the song of songs and the peace of the Light, my Son and the Holy Spirit.  You firstly enter this Tabernacle with your yes and your letting go of all.  By the breath you have learned to let go and enter this Tabernacle where I carry you into the depths of the River of the I Am, one inch and moment at a time.  As the days a

The Holy Spirit Flows with God's Precious Timing

Child, come and enjoy the peace and gentleness of this Tabernacle. Come and stay for as long as you need that you may be filled with the ways and love of my heart.  Our Father and God, the I Am, loves and protects as we commune within the River of the I Am. This day finds you wrapped in my love and in the love of my Son who is present within and without through The Holy Spirit. Do not take lightly the ways of the Holy Spirit for by God's hand we are able to enter the world as one through the Holy Spirit.  By the Spirit all boundaries are broken that the Spirit may flow through all.  The Spirit of God is within us, my child, that we may walk and gather. Taste the Spirit as we commune.  Taste the love that flows effortlessly between and through us and out into the world.  The Spirit flows with God's precious timing that His miracles may be seen and tasted in what you call "real time" within the inch and moment. Janine, my child, stay awake today and take in God's ti

God's Timing Grows You in Patience and Trust

Child, your heart holds much for each new day your heart expands to take in the more and more of  my heart that holds the love of my womb.  The River of the I Am flows that we may be mother and child. The River of the I Am flows to fill and nurture and gather all of God's children. Come and be renewed on this the day of our Lord, God, the I Am.  I am graced to be your mother and mother to all.  I am graced to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am. I am graced to walk with you into the world to gather my children to me and to my Son. This new day begins with you and me that you may feed and be filled.  This new day finds joy and peace and fortitude within you.  This new day finds you grown from your yesterday where your heart has expanded in love and only love.  Yes, my child, it is at times in your day that the way appears closed.  It is in these times that you are being grown in the ways of trust and patience. Within your day, the way is often shown to you even when you see no way

Come and Give What you Have received

Come and Give What You Have Received Child, come and let go of all that we may commune within the River of the I Am. Let go and allow yourself to be taken into the depths of the River where the River breathes the Holy Spirit into you that all may be made of no effort. Take note of how gently the River takes you into its depths. Take note of the peace that flows within  you and all around you as we commune. Take note of  your breath that opens itself up to the void where we breathe as one.  Take note of the breath within the void where we breath with the Holy Spirit where God abides. Janine, my child, this day is of you and me.  Stay and breathe within the void with me and the Holy Spirit.  Take in what is here for you. Take in my heart and know that the miracles in the inch and moment of your yesterday prepares you to see the miracles of today.  As we commune I make you the less and less porous to the noise. I remind you of the joy of your yesterday even when the noise was loud and cla

Perfection is of Your Soul

Child, enjoy the peace that is of the promise of our Father, the I Am.  You have found the path that leads to the New Earth. Come and be held by my love that flows with you within the River of the I Am. You need not be of perfection to be with me and my Son. But know this, my child, you are being shown the path to the perfection as destined by God in the inch and moment. You need not fret for your prayers are being heard.  How great is the letting go and allowing God to do His work through you with no matter your imperfections.   Janine, my child, what you call imperfections are known and loved by God for you are His. God has created you knowing imperfections will rise.  Perfection is of your soul for your soul holds God's seed.  As you walk the path with me in each new day you shall expose God's purity and perfection within you. No need to fret the topic of perfection for your God seeks to make you perfect in His sight.  Come now and walk with me in the joy of knowing all shal

I Watched My Son Die for You

Child, I am here at this Tabernacle and I await you.  Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am on this new day that we may commune.  I am your heavenly mother who fills, nurtures and attends to you.  Come, my dear child, and know you are loved. Janine, each day now opens with our communion.  Each day is anew with the excitement and joy and peace that are the promises of the Covenant between God and His children. Your love for me is known.  Your love for my Son is known.  Without this Tabernacle you would still harbor angst towards my Son for He was a man.  It was by a man that you were forced to wall off your heart. It was by my Son that you have been made whole.  Take note of this miracle.  It took my heart and the patience of the River of the I Am to open what was closed.  Let us commune in the prayers of gratitude for what was closed is now opened that you may know the love of the Lamb. I am your mother and I am pleased that your heart has opened to my Son.  Your yesterd

In Awareness the Noise Cannot Take Hold

Child, come and emptied.  Come and let go with the breath that I may take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. Come and know the great love that awaits you. Stay awake this new day for this filling shall renew you in the ways of the inch and moment that shall carry God's miracles.  Stay awake that you may not be taken by the noise.  Stay awake, my child, for when you remain in this space of awareness the noise has no hold. I give you view of your lesson taken in yesterday.  When you became aware of the noise you turned to me and the noise was quieted where you were made aware of God's presence even within the noise. You tasted the peace of my Son even within the noise.  You let go of yourself within the noise rather than fight it knowing deep within that God has you.  This, my child, is the way of the path to the New Earth for to give the noise your awareness and allow it to flow around you rather than declare war upon it causes the noise to hav

By God's Grace I Carry His love into the World

Child, come and be of my heart that flows with you and within you this new day. Rest in my arms that hold you as we commune in the ways of mother and child.  Come and learn to love as I love.  Come and learn of the love I carry into the world. Janine, each new day is a day to learn more and more about the ways of my heart that hold you in love and only love. I judge not.  I punish not.  I abandon never.   I am mother to God and mother to all.  By God's grace I carry the ways of my Son into the world.  Janine, my Son walked the Earth and loved always.  My Son judged never and abandoned never. My Son walked the Earth and taught with stories. He taught never with self-righteousness of judgment or punishment for my Son knows the heart opens when not judged or punished or called out with self righteousness that boasts of itself. We walk into the world with the ways of my Son who loves and only loves that my children's hearts may open to the truth and the way.  Walk with me in the kn

Taste the Peace of My Son

Child, come and be with me as we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am where the Holy Spirit abides. Come and breathe in the beauty that awaits you as I fill you with my nurture that renews you. Your need to be known is attended to.  Your need to be loved is attended to.  Your need to know me for I am your mother is graced here within the depths of the River of the I Am. All is made naked and known here.  Allow yourself to be taken deeper into the depths this new day. Your lesson within this depth is to taste.  Do not become bound by words or noise.  Taste the peace that is within and without you for by the promise of my Son the Holy Spirit is within you and within the world. You cannot know peace within the mind.  You cannot know peace within the noise. The peace that my Son has given you is the peace that is of the taste.  When you taste you leave behind the mind and the noise for to taste you must allow the Holy Spirit to flow in all of the spaces of your body. Janine,