Be of Gratitude for Your Dreams

Child, come. Take this inch and moment to let go for your dream has given you view of the noise that clanged at you in your yesterday.  Let go and breathe in the love of my heart at this holy Tabernacle. Breathe in the loving Waters of the River of the I Am.  Breathe in the love and beauty of this garden.

Child, I give you view of what is now in the back of you.  The dream was merely the noise that clanged at you in your yesterday.  It seemed  as much was lost but much was gained for your dream worked through the night to let go of the noise of your yesterday. 

You ask why is it that my yesterday was loving and peaceful in the day and by night was chaotic and lost?  My child, you must come to see and taste the dreams in all of their beauty for what was lost and noisy has been cleansed by the gentle waters of the River of the I Am.  The chaos, noise and scenes of being lost are now gone.  The Lord, Our God is taking all of the noise and cleansing it that your day today may be freer than your yesterday.

Your yesterday gained you much in the ways of your trust and faith and patience in God's timing. The noise that clanged at you needed to be erased and by God's grace it was cleansed in your dream.

Janine, I make it simple for you. The scenes in your dream are being written into the Book of Life that you may one day know just how much noise, chaos and misguidedness that our Father, the I Am, is erasing for you. Each day you begin anew in the ways of God for He gives you a new day free from your yesterday. All that is gained in the ways of God grows you while the noise that could hold you are erased. 

By your dream you are given a new day with a newness that is of the River of the I Am.  From this day forward I ask that you pray the prayer of gratitude for these dreams.  When  you awaken to what appears to be lost and chaotic and fearful, pray the prayer of gratitude for God is making you new that the old may be erased. Let those with ears to hear, hear.