
Showing posts from February, 2024

Joy and Peace are the Fruits of Being Unburdened

 Janine, my child, come and be awakened to me and to this Tabernacle. Come and taste my nurture. Come and hear the soft voice of Jesus who is the lifeblood here within the River of the I Am. Today finds you peaceful for Jesus has given you His peace that dwells deep within you and is now opened to your depths. This peace is everlasting for it is a gift of the Lamb. Jesus carries us and Jesus is in relationship with us for we are opened to it. To be opened to what cannot be seen is to come to know the peace that Jesus has given us by His death and Resurrection. Jesus has offered to take up your burdens and you have said yes to Him. You now have this peace that is so deep.  You have been able to give Jesus your burdens that you may receive Him in all things. Today, my child, you have come to learn that giving all to Jesus makes your day lighter for you need not take on the heaviness of the world. Rather, you are made light by the unburdening of the weight of the world.  Today, finds you

In Stillness of Heart Jesus Comes to You

 Janine, You come to me even when you hear the call of the noise that says to you that you need to stay away from me. You pay no heed to the noise for it is noise. The noise can be very loud at times for it makes you feel the trepidation of the old.  The old is all the noise has to tempt you. The noise cannot tempt you with gold or want of glory or want of power over another. The noise can no longer use temptation to cause you to judge another or taste jealousy of another.  The noise uses the old worry and fear of being lost or abandoned by the control of another. Even with this ability the noise does not stop you. You have given yourself to me and to Jesus where the noise has lost its control.  Blindness is a tool the noise uses to cause fear and worry. The noise uses the ego of another to do its bidding when the ego lives in blindness. The noise uses its temptations to make promises of power over another as well as a self righteous glow of judgment.  To become still and listen within

God's Garden

 Janine, I hear your call and I see you place yourself before me at this beautiful Tabernacle. It is beautiful, not because of the amount of cost, but rather, the amount of love placed into it. Come and let us take in the beauty of this time and space that is of our hearts and souls where love grows with each day. Our love is as the nutrients placed in the garden of flowers that the flowers may grow into the beauty we see on this new day. I am graced with the nutrients given to me where I give them to you that you may grow the beauty that is deep within you. Your heart and soul must be fed just as the flowers that you may grow in the beauty of God's Garden. To attend to your soul is to be fed with the nutrients to grow God's Garden of love and only love. Take in the roses before you for they are a reminder of how we are growing God's Garden.  They may seem artificial but they are real for they show how you are being  fed. The beauty of this garden shows the beauty of your s

The Kingdom is as the Rose Garden

Janine, my child you enter the River of the I Am by way of this Tabernacle and by way of the rose garden before us. Come and know I am pleased that you have made this artificial garden of my roses that has nothing artificial about it.   Janine, your soul is as the rose garden that we share within this Tabernacle and within the River of the I Am for, as you come to me and place yourself upon this Tabernacle, the rose garden expands as you expand within the depths of the River of the I Am What your senses take in here, allows the rose garden to be seen in all of its grace for you are able to sense what the world cannot. You are expanded within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am where you can smell what others cannot. You take in the depth and breath and aroma of this seemingly artificial rose garden for it all comes alive here within the River of the I Am. Take in each petal and each color and each depth for this is the way of the Kingdom. What may seem artificial in the

Expanding Your Soul Shows You Forever

 Janine, my child, I love you and I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. Come and be known in all parts where all is naked and free to take in my nurture Your senses are expanded here and your love grows within all parts.  You are now able to give and receive love in great measure for the expansion of your soul allows more love to be given and received.  Janine, it is of great grace to love with a love that gives and receives for this is the design of our God. As you grow in your depths you become more and more of your design Now, my child, you can begin to see the growth of the soul of yourself and others. You can begin to see that there is a maturity that has no basis within the noisy world, but rather, has basis and ignition from the soul. To be of this depth is to taste the soul that knows its God and knows the promises of forever. You now have the knowing that the noisy world grows only the physical and ages the physical while the soul grows and expands into the knowing of God and

You Hear Me Sans Your Mind

 Janine, my child, you place yourself upon this Tabernacle and you hear me. You taste me for I nurture you that your heart and soul may be filled with the grace and love of the River of the I Am. Your hands are graced by God for you are designed to use your hands upon this Tabernacle to honor our God and Father. This Tabernacle is made holy by your presence and your trust that my words shall flow into your hands. My dear, Janine, do you not know that it is by your attendance to your hands upon this Tabernacle that we have what we have?  It has been these many years that your mind is bypassed by your hands for my words reach your hands and not your mind. Your mind contains the old while your hands cannot be of the old when you place yourself upon this Tabernacle. Your hands upon these keys are nothing when your mind is engaged. When you engage me upon these keys this Tabernacle appears for it allows you to write my words sans the mind. The mystical of your depths is graced and engaged h

We All have the Unique Seed of God

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you come to me at this time and in this way for you give your entire being to me that we may enjoy our time within the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the great presence of Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. The souls here sing the song of songs with us. The souls here come together as one to be of the heart and soul and lifeblood of Jesus. Love here has no boundaries. Love here has no pain or judgment or fret. Love here is peaceful and joyful and boundless. Today is anew with joy and hope and faith in the promises of God's covenant with man. It matters not what each man looked like while on Earth. It matters only that each man say yes to that which is within their own soul for that is where God's seed resides. It is because of God's seed within each man that man shall see God again in the second meeting. Each soul has met and known God for each soul has been given His seed at conception. To have God's seed i

Giving and Receiving Within Relationship

 Janine, come. I welcome you here to the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I give you my heart and show you that I am but a turn away from the world for as you place your hands upon  this Tabernacle there I am. As you place your hands upon this Tabernacle we commune with Jesus for when there are two or more gathered in His name, there He is. I take in the sunshine of this day with you as does Jesus. I take in the beauty of this rose garden as you do and as Jesus does. To be of the River of the I Am is to know the grace and great value of relationship. In relationship you discover the grace to give and receive.  In relationship you are given the opportunity to grow in love and only love. To be in relationship with me and Jesus is to see how grand relationship is for we give what we receive.  There are the many who have not opened fully to relationship for theirs is a life of being closed to the depths of the River of the I Am that dwells deep within the

The Ego Can Grow to Be Evil

 Janine, my child, come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be taken into my heart that flows within the depths of the River. Come and taste Jesus who is the lifeblood here. Come and hear the song of songs where all of the yes sing with us.  Come and become part of the beat of the heart of Jesus who carries all of your burdens. Do not fall into the prey of the noise that asks you to believe only in what the world sees. Do not become prey to the noise that asks you to see the world as doomed for with God there is the promise of forever. No child is doomed. Each child will make the choice of whether or not to join those in Heaven. That choice will be made clearly and without any noise to make unclear this choice.  God so loves and knows the misguidedness and noise that is within the world. God knows how evil grows within the world. This does not stop God from loving the child for God sees through to the soul that has been given in a purity of love and only lov

Do Not Give Self Righteous Advice

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the simplicity of God's love. No need for effort for Jesus carries all burdens when you give all to Him. No need to hold on to the world and make effort for love loves with no effort. Love loves with no effort for it flows as the gentleness of the soft breeze. You are learning to love with no effort.  Take in  my heart that shows you love and only love with no effort. Jesus walks with us and carries us that you may love His love with no effort.  To witness to another with no effort is to be of your design for it becomes not work but love. Man finds angst in work for man does not yet have the ways of love and only love where the heart and soul witness rather than judge or use self righteous advice to control another.  It is the self righteous advice to another that causes angst. To truly love another is to see the other as a soul who is distinct and different and able to walk with Go

The Wonder of Our Naked Design

 Janine, we are here together on this new day because you place yourself before this Tabernacle with the beauty of your design for you were designed to hear me and know me. I have been with you always. Come and be known in all parts that we may commune in the intimacy of the River of the I Am. There is such grace and beauty in the nakedness of our souls where there is nothing to hide and all to gain. We are designed to love and only love in a nakedness where love flows with no boundaries. To love in the nakedness I speak of is to know God. To love in a nakedness that is truly genuine is to love in the ways of Jesus. Jesus loves with no boundaries. Jesus loves in a nakedness that is solemn for nakedness of heart and soul and the whole being glorifies God. Nakedness is cast as a danger in the outside world for the outside world cannot manage the fear of being seen in the whole. Man feels the need to hide the beauty and wonder of God's naked design. There is great beauty in the nakedn

To Be of My Heart

 Janine, you are my child and I welcome you to this Tabernacle. How graced we are to be mother and child within the River of the I Am. Come and be drowned in love and only love. To flow with me into the depths of the River is to take on my breath and love where you are drowned with love and breathe in the mystical Living Waters of God's love for us, To come into these depths is to know your own soul that thrives now in openness and nakedness where you taste me, you taste Jesus and you taste the Living Waters of God's love. To be mine is to know the beauty of our garden. To me mine is to know my heart. To be mine is to know the peace of my Son. To be mine is to live from the view of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  To be of my heart is to know me in all things of motherhood. To be of my heart is to weep with me for all those who choose the path of death to the Kingdom. To be of my heart is to know the joy of motherhood for to be of my heart is to walk with me in the

Your Soul Knows Jesus

 Janine, my child, it is a new day with all of the joy and hope and faith that is of your soul. Come and be known within your very depths that glorify our God. We commune with our God and Jesus and all of the River of the I Am for all are as one in our communion and prayer. To be so loved and known and part of all of the River of the I Am is to be graced with the fruit of God's promises. You are of age and are of God's gentleness that never ages. God's joy with you never ends for God loves you and sees through the misguided humanness. You have grown within your depths with each new day. You know your body that knows its God. You know love and only love that need not judge or forecast or fret. To have given your yes those many years ago began this beautiful journey into the depths of the River of the I Am where your soul abides.  We walk with those placed before us and witness to the yes that grows within others. The yes is the want to open what has been closed off from pain

Seeing with the Eyes of Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and let go of yourself that we may enter the River of the I Am. Let go with the breath that takes you into my heart and the heart of the River of the I Am. Take the breath that takes in my heart and my nurture. Take note of how quickly the noise leaves as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of your new learning that has reshaped the way you see the world for Jesus shows you the new way in each day and in each inch and moment. Today finds you a bit confused for the old learning is giving way to the new.  Your dream showed you that Jesus came to teach you of the way to love, not only the lovable, but also those that on the surface may seem unlovable to you and to man. You learned that Jesus loves each with no matter the way of the world and that included those who crucified Him. To see Jesus not judge any child gives you a view of the true Jesus who asks us to love as He loves with no judgment. To see as Jesus sees, you learn to seek wha

The Lesson of Patience

 Janine, my child, I am pleased that you are here. I am your mother who is awaiting your turning to me. This Tabernacle is of our design for it opens us to the communion of mother and child. We move into the depths of the River where we breathe in the ways of mother and child. We breathe in the ways of Jesus. The lesson today is to accept and taste the grace to be patient and await the love of Jesus to show you the way. We walk with Jesus who shows us the way in each inch and moment. When you can slow all down with the patience of Jesus, you begin to see that His patience shows us the way. The way of Jesus teaches you to let go of the attempts to make your own way. To attempt to make your own way and control is folly for control cannot be controlled. You may choose to slow all down that your choices may be made in the inch and moment before you, rather than attempt to seize and control the future. The future cannot be owned or controlled.  You are learning to trust in the waiting of th

The Circle of Healing

 Janine, my child I taste your gratitude. I love you and I place no conditions on what we have. I know your heart places no conditions on what we have. I hear your heart and your prayers. I hear you worry and I walk with you in all joy and all worry. As we commune in the depths of the River of the I Am ,I know of the noise and the ways your childhood history uses the noise to attempt to condemn what we have. I am pleased that the Holy Spirit has walked with you and given you peace in the places that were so wounded. Today is anew with the love that rises up from where those wounds once were. The memories rise up, but my child, these memories hold no more angst or pain. Rather, these memories give rise to prayer for all of those who caused the wounds. As you view these old wounds, you feel love, compassion and forgiveness rather than pain and hate. Your love and compassion and forgiveness are as the boomerang for when a wound is healed such as yours,  you give and receive love, compassi

The Circle of Judgments

 Janine, my child, as you place yourself before me, know that the noise leaves us and we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of how your body lets go in the presence of this Tabernacle. Take note of the beauty of what we have as we move out from the noise. Love here hath no end and no boundaries. Our love here hath no judgments to close off what we have. Judgments are always of the issue with the one who judges. You cannot separate the person judging from the judgment for judgments are of the generations of misguidedness held within each child and not of God. There is no situation where you can separate yourself from the noise of judgment while within the world. When you are here with me and Jesus within these depths you see without the noise of judgments and therefore you see sans the dangerous judgments of the generations.  Man would do well to take heed of their own judgments that rise from the generations within them. To take issue with the one who judges cause

Teaching of Love, Non Judgment and Patience

 Janine, I welcome you to this new day. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and be known. Come and rest in my heart. Come and let us take in the beauty of our rose garden. Come ad taste love and only love. We commune in love and only love here where all the pain of the surface cannot be. You are being filled and given the view here from the depths of the River where we are in communion with Jesus and all of the River. To see from the view of the River of the I Am is to see clearly what God sees and that is love for God knows all and knows love and only love is the only way. You cannot teach of love if you have not love. You cannot teach of patience if you have not patience You cannot teach of non judgment if you judge. You may use words of love and patience and non judgment, but my child, if you do not practice patience and love and non judgment, your words are of nothing and fall on the ground with no abi

The Breath of the River of the I Am

 Janine, come and be freed from the pull of the Earth. Come and be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we breathe with the movement of the River. You breathe within the depths of the River where the breath is slowed and made free from the weight of the world.  The peace here is tasted. The breath here is combined with the flow of the River where there is no need to make effort for the River takes us with its gentleness and buoyancy. Take in the leaving of the weight of the world and take in the ways of the breath of the River of the I Am. The unbalance you feel with the movement from the River back into the world is your heart that must return to the beat of the world. As you reenter the world, your worldly balance is restored. It is the weight of the world on your heart that you feel. You still carry the peace of Jesus but within the world it is the breath of the world and when within the River it is the breath of the River.  

Peace Shall One Day Reign

 Good morning, my child, I am pleased to take you into my heart once again. Come and be of the peace of Jesus for He is always with us. His Holy Spirit cannot be contained for it has been let loose into the world by the life and hand of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is within the word and within all things. The beat of the Earth beats with the heart of Jesus. Man can deny Jesus but man cannot stop Jesus and His Holy Spirit from being within all things. Man may not see the beauty of the Holy Spirit but it does not stop the beauty of the Holy Spirit nor the love that is being spread by the Holy Spirit.  Man would do well to harness the energy of war to make peace for peace is the only way.  There shall be the one day when the world shall not be able to stop the passage of the Holy Spirit that shall take the world into the New Earth where all of the yes and those of peace shall reign. The peace of Jesus shall reign within the New Earth. Rest in the knowing that peace shall one day reign.

With Jesus All is Possible

 Janine, my child, come and be nurtured. Come and be fed. Come and place yourself before this Tabernacle that we may flow into the depths of the River of the I Am. Unlike the outside world, there is no noise to consume or confuse here within these depths. I am always with you and within you. I am always here when you call upon me. Jesus is with us in all we do for we gather in His name. Today finds you in need to take leave of the noise. Come, my child, and rest in the loving flow and holding of the River of the I Am where we flow in the gentleness and holding of the River. The River flows with God's love and only love. The River flows with a gentleness that holds the peace of Jesus. I am your heavenly and mystical mother and I am with you in all things. Today shall gain us the grace to be within the world with Jesus. Today shall grace us to love and only love  in spite of the noise. Today shall grace us to be of peace and joy in spite of the noise that casts war upon the world. Wh

We Dance in the Light Once Again

 Janine, my child, letting go is accomplished with your attention to your soul. To let go at this Tabernacle is to free yourself that you may enter here and hear me, taste me and know my heart. This Tabernacle is the gateway for you to enter the River of the I Am. The gateway to the mystical ways of your being is through the heart and soul, that with attention each day learns to let go and allow, just allow the Holy Spirit to open the soul. The Holy Spirit is the force that takes us into the depths of the River of the I Am where Jesus and I and all of the yes abide. Come to me and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am. Your hands dance with love, my love, Janine. Your hands dance upon this Tabernacle as you take in Jesus and the love that flows with us and through us and into the world. I remind you of the noise that cast you into worry in your yesterday.  The old rose up with fear and worry from your past. Today, Janine, you are back with the peace of Jesus for

Open to Your Depths and Find God

 Janine, my child, I hear you call upon me. I see you place your hands on this Tabernacle. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where I give you the taste and nurture of my heart. Let no man judge what we have.  Each child has within them the depths that gain them access to the River of the I Am. Each child has the ability to open and find God. God gives each child His special seed that shows the truth and the way. To open to your depths is to find the seed given you by God. To open to your depths shows you your design where God shows Himself in love and only love.  The noise may cast doubt upon the truth of your depths. But, my child, as you now attest to, the truth shows itself when you reach your depths where the noise becomes only noise that can no longer harm you. Today, Janine, finds us within the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child, I feed you that you may be prepared for the day. Just as a mother feeds her child within

You Cannot Control Timing

 Janine, how easy is what we have! How timely is what we have for it is of today and the day is anew like no other. What we have is easy and loving with no judgments or timings, but rather, easy love and only love.  No need to hurry. No need to be what is not of your design where you attempt to be what others wish of you to be. We flow in the beauty and easy gentle flow of the River of the I Am where there is no need to make anything happen for Jesus shows us the way in each inch and moment. Man has the folly of thinking there is a need to control. Can you control the day into night? Can you control the passing of time? When you wait upon Jesus to show us the way, you give to God what is God's and that is the timing of the world. It is of God who makes timing. When you stay awake to God's timing you await the miracle in each inch and moment. Timing can not be controlled. Timing is in God's hands with no matter your want or wishful thinking that you may control timing.  You

Pure Joy and Pure Peace that is of Jesus

 Janine, my child you are in need of letting go. Place yourself before this Tabernacle and take the breath that slows all done and allows us to move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and Child. I am  your mother and I feed you, attend to you and prepare you for the day. I am pleased that you are of excitement for the day. You are of great joy. Today shall grace us with the great joy and love that is of Jesus. Peace is the fruit of Jesus. You take in and accept this peace and love. You are at times as the little one called Faith who finds excitement with the joy of play. At times Faith gives way to the part of you that witnesses and finds joy in that. Faith is growing and playing and learning that all things of life need not be fearful, but rather, be of joy and peace for Jesus carries the worry for you. Be still for this time and take in the pure joy of being. Be still for this time and take in the pure love of my heart and the pure love an

The Balm of the Peace of Jesus

 Janine, my child,  I love you and I know your love for me. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where your breath takes in what we have. The breath of letting go is the breath that allows us to leave the world and move into the mystical depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Love within your body takes in as the breath. The peace of your body is as the breath that takes in air and gives it back to the world. This peace breathes out into the world that others may have this peace and love. Do not take lightly what we have for it fills you and spreads into the world as does your breath. Let us take in the beauty of this time for your breath holds much grace. Your breath knows its God.  Jesus breathed onto others and gave the invocation of healing. As we walk today let us be of prayer that the breath you breathe out into the world breathes the breath of the Holy Spirit of Jesus to heal with the balm of His peace.

The Face of Jesus

 Janine, my child, I am your mother and I am here to feed you and nurture you in the ways of my heart. Let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune. You take in my nurture and I take in your love.  Your dream showed you that the man thought to be dead by others was in actuality not dead but alive. You saw what appeared to be a dead man and yet you could not bury him for you knew he was alive. You took the man and waited in your home until he breathed again and awoke.  The man was Jesus, Janine, who was killed (you knew this was a plot made up by those who hated him) and thought to be dead but lives.  You know Jesus lives. The dream showed you the path of Jesus.  Remember the face in your dream for it is Jesus. Jesus lives in you and in all of mankind.  The beauty of the man, Jesus, who has risen has been shown to you. It surprises you that the man shown you was shaven and that confuses you. Jesus is Jesus, my child. I remind you it is the same face of Jesus of

The Gift that is Beyond compare

 Janine, my child, come and love and be loved. Come and know that today is another day to love and be loved. Take note of your hands and heart that are in communion with me. Take note of the joy of being here in communion with me and Jesus. Hear the soft voice of His love deep within this peace. Take the breath of Light. Take in the Light of peace that is far beyond the world of noise. Take in the beauty of this garden on this new day. Let this garden be a reminder of what we have. Let this garden be blessed for I bless it with my heart. This garden represents what the Kingdom is for the Garden of the Kingdom is made from love such as yours. In these last days you have witnessed to those who have opened their souls before us and show you the love that is of the Kingdom. To witness to the design of another is a gift beyond compare for it shows you the fruits of the opened soul. In witnessing you give love with no expectations of receiving and yet you receive love for you have tasted the

To Be in Relationship is to Love and be loved

 Janine, my child, come and do not shy away for I am here and I judge not what you fear I shall judge. I love you no matter your fears and at times doubt. Come and be released from this fear and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. You fear at times that I am judging what you do or not do. This is of your learning and not of my heart that walks with you in all you do. Your choices are yours and your heart is loving. Your choices are made in love of another and self love. There is a balance you seek and that is of awareness that self love must be balanced with love of another to be whole and joyful. You find joy in play now and it pleases me to see us play. You find joy in witnessing to others and it pleases me to see us witnessing. Janine, I and Jesus and the River of the I Am do not take pleasure in any control, but rather, take pleasure in relationship with no matter your choices.  The Kingdom of God does not take pleasure in control or in being a king that uses othe