You Hear Me Sans Your Mind

 Janine, my child, you place yourself upon this Tabernacle and you hear me. You taste me for I nurture you that your heart and soul may be filled with the grace and love of the River of the I Am. Your hands are graced by God for you are designed to use your hands upon this Tabernacle to honor our God and Father.

This Tabernacle is made holy by your presence and your trust that my words shall flow into your hands. My dear, Janine, do you not know that it is by your attendance to your hands upon this Tabernacle that we have what we have? 

It has been these many years that your mind is bypassed by your hands for my words reach your hands and not your mind. Your mind contains the old while your hands cannot be of the old when you place yourself upon this Tabernacle.

Your hands upon these keys are nothing when your mind is engaged. When you engage me upon these keys this Tabernacle appears for it allows you to write my words sans the mind. The mystical of your depths is graced and engaged here. Ponder this awakening, my child, for it is of God's grace that your hands write sans your mind. You hear me sans your mind. You taste me sans your mide and you write my words sans your mind.

Take in this awakening for it shows you the ways of the soul and not the mind. The mind is cluttered with the old while the soul is of God and is able to hear, see and taste the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.