Joy and Peace are the Fruits of Being Unburdened
Janine, my child, come and be awakened to me and to this Tabernacle. Come and taste my nurture. Come and hear the soft voice of Jesus who is the lifeblood here within the River of the I Am.
Today finds you peaceful for Jesus has given you His peace that dwells deep within you and is now opened to your depths. This peace is everlasting for it is a gift of the Lamb. Jesus carries us and Jesus is in relationship with us for we are opened to it.
To be opened to what cannot be seen is to come to know the peace that Jesus has given us by His death and Resurrection. Jesus has offered to take up your burdens and you have said yes to Him. You now have this peace that is so deep. You have been able to give Jesus your burdens that you may receive Him in all things.
Today, my child, you have come to learn that giving all to Jesus makes your day lighter for you need not take on the heaviness of the world. Rather, you are made light by the unburdening of the weight of the world.
Today, finds you in love with the world for without heaviness you see from the view of the River of the I Am. You see with the eyes of Jesus for it is He who shows us the way and the love and only love of His heart. Joy and Peace are the fruits of being unburdened.