Teaching of Love, Non Judgment and Patience

 Janine, I welcome you to this new day. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and be known. Come and rest in my heart. Come and let us take in the beauty of our rose garden. Come ad taste love and only love.

We commune in love and only love here where all the pain of the surface cannot be. You are being filled and given the view here from the depths of the River where we are in communion with Jesus and all of the River.

To see from the view of the River of the I Am is to see clearly what God sees and that is love for God knows all and knows love and only love is the only way.

You cannot teach of love if you have not love. You cannot teach of patience if you have not patience You cannot teach of non judgment if you judge.

You may use words of love and patience and non judgment, but my child, if you do not practice patience and love and non judgment, your words are of nothing and fall on the ground with no ability to attach it to a teaching of another.

Words cannot do what the heart does and that is to be patient, non judgmental and loving. The heart teaches without words by showing and practicing love, non judgment and patience. Let those with ears to hear, hear.