The Kingdom is as the Rose Garden

Janine, my child you enter the River of the I Am by way of this Tabernacle and by way of the rose garden before us. Come and know I am pleased that you have made this artificial garden of my roses that has nothing artificial about it.  

Janine, your soul is as the rose garden that we share within this Tabernacle and within the River of the I Am for, as you come to me and place yourself upon this Tabernacle, the rose garden expands as you expand within the depths of the River of the I Am

What your senses take in here, allows the rose garden to be seen in all of its grace for you are able to sense what the world cannot. You are expanded within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am where you can smell what others cannot.

You take in the depth and breath and aroma of this seemingly artificial rose garden for it all comes alive here within the River of the I Am. Take in each petal and each color and each depth for this is the way of the Kingdom. What may seem artificial in the outside world is true and real and alive within the River of the I Am.