You Cannot Control Timing

 Janine, how easy is what we have! How timely is what we have for it is of today and the day is anew like no other. What we have is easy and loving with no judgments or timings, but rather, easy love and only love. 

No need to hurry. No need to be what is not of your design where you attempt to be what others wish of you to be.

We flow in the beauty and easy gentle flow of the River of the I Am where there is no need to make anything happen for Jesus shows us the way in each inch and moment.

Man has the folly of thinking there is a need to control. Can you control the day into night? Can you control the passing of time?

When you wait upon Jesus to show us the way, you give to God what is God's and that is the timing of the world. It is of God who makes timing. When you stay awake to God's timing you await the miracle in each inch and moment. Timing can not be controlled. Timing is in God's hands with no matter your want or wishful thinking that you may control timing.  You cannot control timing but you can await God's timing with joy. Let those with ears to hear, hear.