Come and Taste the Power of God's Love

 Child, it is by this Tabernacle that we are mother and child and we walk into the world as one. Come and be filled with the all of me.  Come and be filled that you may know your heavenly mother.  Come and taste the ways of the River of the I Am for I am graced to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am.

This new day grants us communion.  This new day grants us the walk into the world to gather my children unto me. I ask not that you change who you are for me.  I ask that you allow me to take you into the depths of the River where I add to your human ways for I enter where I am invited. 

Janine, my child, we are conduits for the work of our Father, the I Am.  We are conduits for the Light of my womb, my Son, Jesus. We walk that my children may find the Light, the way and the truth.

This new day shines God's Light into the world through your yes. The yes is simple when you open your heart.  The yes flows forth from the heart that learns to taste itself for within the opened heart God abides.

Within the opened heart you learn of the mystical ways of God's love.  Within the opened heart you expand for the ways of God's love can be of no other way.

Your heart has opened to the truth that you are loved beyond measure for God has placed within you the power of love that conquers and counters all sin and evil.  The lesson for this day is to know and taste the power of God's love that flows within you and through you and out into the world. Come and walk with me as one for to be united in the ways of mother and child grants the power of the love of the River of the I Am to touch those that we touch.