By God's Grace I Carry His love into the World

Child, come and be of my heart that flows with you and within you this new day. Rest in my arms that hold you as we commune in the ways of mother and child.  Come and learn to love as I love.  Come and learn of the love I carry into the world.

Janine, each new day is a day to learn more and more about the ways of my heart that hold you in love and only love. I judge not.  I punish not.  I abandon never.  

I am mother to God and mother to all.  By God's grace I carry the ways of my Son into the world.  Janine, my Son walked the Earth and loved always.  My Son judged never and abandoned never.

My Son walked the Earth and taught with stories. He taught never with self-righteousness of judgment or punishment for my Son knows the heart opens when not judged or punished or called out with self righteousness that boasts of itself.

We walk into the world with the ways of my Son who loves and only loves that my children's hearts may open to the truth and the way.  Walk with me in the knowing that love cures the ills of the heart.