When the Mind Lets Go The Heart Learns to Navigate

 Child, come and take in all that awaits you at this Tabernacle.  Come and let go that you may be emptied for I fill all empty spaces with my nurture and renewal. This day can be of no other for it is anew. 

Janine, you are never erased. You are always made anew where we commune as mother and child.  I hear you and I hold you and I never take from you.  I add to you that you may know the ways of my motherly heart.

There are those who attempt to make you believe your tomorrows shall take away from you for you are aging.  I say to you, my child, you are expanding and growing each day in the ways of the Kingdom. Even those of age you name as without mind, know that when the mind lets go the heart learns to navigate. 

To be of this day is a gift of great measure.  Your yesterday has grown and expanded your love and wisdom for you are of the River of the I Am.  Your today shall expand you all the more for you are of the yes. By your yes you are mine. By your yes you expand each new day in the ways of the River of the I Am.

Let us walk in prayer for those who know me not.  Let us walk in prayer that my children may open their hearts where the yes abides. There are the many who grow not even with age.  There are those who walk in darkness and are held hostage by their own Adam and Eve mind.  Let us walk in prayer that my children may awaken to the truth that God awaits to shower each child with the Great Love of the River of the I Am.