Punishment is Not of Our Father

Child, come and be awakened to this Tabernacle.  Allow your hands to be taken and your heart to be taken that we may flow deeper into the River of the I Am.  This new day is of you and me.  This new day is of our Father who guides and graces us in the ways of mother and child.

Janine, I am here and I am with you always. I am your mother and I care for you with love and gentleness and with the Light that is of my womb. Your trust in me is known.  Your love for me is known.

Love is the food of Eternal life.  Love is the food that guides us in our walk each day. Love needs no introduction for love is tasted within the depths of your being. You were formed in love.  

Anger and hate and war are not of your God, the I Am.  Punishment is not of our Father, the I Am, for love does not hate or punish or declare war upon another.

Love can never be used to make war or hate.  These are the tools of the noise that houses the Adam and Eve mind.  You have grown, my child, for you can now separate love from the noise.  You have grown to be witness to the love that never judges or punishes.  

There are those of my children who declare war and hate and punishment are of God. I say to you in a loud and clear voice, my child, war, punishment and judgments upon another are not of God for God can only be of love. War begets war.  Hate begets hate.  Love begets love.  

Come and let us walk in love and only love for love counters war and hate and the want to punish others.