The River Flows to Coat You With God's Protections

Child, come and take respite here within the River of the I Am where we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am in the ways of the wisdom of our Father and Guide, the I Am.

Allow all parts to breathe and take in the peace that is of the River for the River flows with the promises of my Son.  The River flows with the promises of the Covenant between God and His people. 

This day is new and joyful and carries hope into the world. The joy that flows within you and through you is from the grace of our Father, the I Am, for you are graced with the wisdom that knows this time in your body is precious with no matter the ways of the noise that seek to bind and control.

The outside world of noise and the self righteous ego called the Adam and Eve mind cannot take hold or bind you for you are of the River of the I Am where within these depths you are protected. This protection coats you with the protections of the love and only love of the River where the barnacles of the noise cannot find a place to take hold of you.

Janine, the lesson this day is to know that you are mine and you are coated with the Great love of our Father, the I Am. As such, these protections cause you to walk in the joy as intended by the promises of Covenant.

The noise carries with it the dangers of evil and sin and war.  But Know this, my child, the noise shall one day be overcome by the River of the I Am.  All we need do is walk the walk of our design and God's will shall come to pass. The world shall one day be of peace for my Son, the Lamb, has paid the price for the New Earth. My Son has paid the price that you may enter the New Earth.