In Nakedness the Soul is Free to be of Its Design

Child, sign yourself with the mark of my Son who has gained you access to this Tabernacle.  Come and let us commune in the love of mother and child.  Come and let me take you deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am on this new day.

You are mine and I am yours for this is the grace of our design.  To let go of the noise and taste the great love of this Tabernacle is to know the peace of my Son. 

Janine, my child, the lesson for this day is to never estrange yourself from your God.  To remain opened to God requires the fortitude and commitment to being true to your design. Your design is meant to be naked in all parts that God may fill each and every corner of your being.  In nakedness nothing can hide.  In nakedness you are free to be of your design.

When parts must hide the noise has a place to cling. In nakedness the noise cannot take hold for when there is nothing to hide all is true. In this nakedness of heart and soul you are true to your design. 

Janine, my child, in the nakedness I speak of, you have learned to dance.  In the nakedness I speak of, you have learned to love another with no hiddenness to bind the relationship.  You speak your truth in nakedness where the noise cannot abide.

In nakedness the heart and soul are free to be of their design.  On this new day we walk in the nakedness of our design which is to gather my children home to their rightful place in God's loving plan.