Give the Noise No Attention

Child, awaken to me this new day.  Come and be filled.  Come and be drowned within the River of the I Am where we breathe as one for we are mother and child within the mystical and breathing Waters of the River of the I Am.

Your yesterday gave you view of the ways of the patience and fortitude with which we walk as witness to my children, one at a time. We witness as one for I am within you and you are within me.  We are mother and child never to be separated for this is the promise of our Father, the I Am.

Janine, your day is littered with the pull of the noise.  The noise becomes as the dead leaves that fall from the tree for to give no food to the noise casts it into the ground where it becomes the fodder for God's garden.

Remember this lesson, this day, my child, for to allow the noise to fall to the ground with no attention to feed it destroys it where, as the dead leaf, will fall to the ground and grow God's garden.  What appears to be strong and above God shall one day fall.  The grinding of the noise into the soil of the River forms the soil of God's Garden for God's love is the food of all life.