My Son Has Felt Each and Every One of Your Wounds

Child, come and be awakened to my heart and to the River of the I Am where we commune and flow as one.  Let go of yourself and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.  Let go of yourself and join me within the mystical of this Tabernacle.  Come and be humble of heart for you are in a holy place.

Janine, as each day passes you become the more and more of my heart for as each day begins you attend to your heart and soul at this Tabernacle. Each day you are renewed.  Each day you go deeper and deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are all the more and more loosened from the bonds of the Earth for to be of this Tabernacle each day is to be nurtured in the ways of Eternity where all bindings are washed away.

Do not fear for I am with you always.  Be of peace for my Son walks with you always.  Know that my Son has felt each and every one of your wounds and He knows you by name. Do not let the noise attempt to convince you that Jesus could not possibly be intimate with you and know your pain and wounds.  

My child, I open your heart and soul to deeper depths this day.  Stay awake for you shall hear and taste my Son.  Stay awake for you shall hear Him call you by name. Stay awake and He shall remind you of your communion with Him. Stay awake and know the Light that is within and without you.