The Heart is the Gate to the Kingdom

Child, come and know you are of the earth and you are of the River of the I Am for your heart has said yes to me and to the Light of my womb.  Come and know you are  freed from the bindings that separate you from your God.

As each day rises you come to me and open yourself to me.  Know that I am with  you and within you for this is the way of our Father, the I Am.  You cannot let go of the chains that bind without opening the heart for the heart is the gate to the Kingdom.

Your heart is the gate that joins the physical to the mystical.  Your heart is the gate that when opened takes you into the mystical within depths of the River of the I Am.  The soul holds itself within the depths of the heart for the heart is the gate to the soul.

By your daily attendance to this Tabernacle your heart and soul are opened to your God.  As you attest to and taste, my child, this is where intimacy lies with your Father and Creator. The gate has been opened.  Come and be still and commune with your Creator.  Come and be still and know the beauty of nakedness with your God and Creator, the I Am.