What We Do as Mother and Child Cannot be Done Alone

Child, this is a new day.  Come.  Come and be with me at this Tabernacle that flows within the River of the I Am.  I take you into its depths for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am as designed by our Father, the I Am.

I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where wisdom, love, and all of the yes abide.  I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where all is slowed that you may taste the peace as promised by my Son for by His sacrifice you are granted His peace. By His sacrifice you are granted Eternity. 

Janine, be still and taste.  Be still and hear me.  Be still and take in the Covenant between you and your God.   You are loved beyond human limits.  Taste this love as we commune within this holy place for you are being prepared to love beyond human limits. 

What you take in within this Tabernacle prepares you to take it out into the world.  Our communion prepares you to take my love into the world where we love beyond your human understanding.  Janine, my child, what we do as mother and child from the view of the River of the I Am cannot be done alone for as mother and child together we gather through the physical and the mystical. 

This is the simplicity of the flow of the River of the I Am. I am your mother who nurtures and grows you that you and I may in turn walk to nurture and grow others in the ways of the River of the I Am.