Come and Know Hope

Child, watch your heart as it moves into the River of the I Am where your breath communes with mine and with the Light of the River.  Taste the Light that is within and without you.  Taste my nurture this new day.  Taste the newness of this day.

Your awakening on this new day shatters the old and carries in the new.  Your awakening on this new day has seen you in the Light where you were given view of what you call the hopelessness of walking alone. 

My child, you walk with me in the newness of the day.  Hopelessness is the walk of aloneness without your God. Your prayer upon your awakening this new day was one of giving all to God for you know that prayer consists of letting go of all worry and hopelessness into God's hands.  Rather than become overwhelmed with hopelessness you were brought into God's grace and love.  

Janine, in the one inch and moment you saw life evolve into Eternity.  Hopelessness gave way to hope for you were allowed to see the futility of walking alone.  My children walk in much hopelessness for they know not the hope that awaits them.

When you are filled with my nurture let us walk into the world to carry hope to my children.  To know hope is to come to know our Father, the I Am, for hope flows forth from the River of the I Am.  To know hope you must come to know you are not alone.