The Mystery of the Seed of Your Soul

Child, come and let go of all that you may be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where the mystical body of my Son, the Christ, abides.  Come and be lightened of spirit.  Come and be nurtured.  Come and know you are mine for I am your mother and I am given the name and task of Our Lady of the River of the I Am.

Child, what we have is of our Father and God, the I Am.  What we have is of the grace of the One who handcrafted us.  What we have is of our design.

Come and know the peace as promised by my Son.  Take in the space of your heart for it leads to your soul.  Take in the space of your soul that knows me.  Take in the space of your soul that takes in its God.

Janine, my child, it is by the space that is within the empty that God fills .  When you reach your soul you reach the void of emptiness that God fills.  The mystery of the seed of your soul is that it opens the space and voids all that all may be taken in.

The space of the void is where you meet God with no bindings.  The space of the void is where your soul and God reunite.  The space of the void shows you the truth and the way for God Himself is exposed within the void that you may commune without the bindings of noise.  

Stay, be still and know your God.  When you are filled with His love and energy and wisdom for this day we shall move into the world to witness and to gather and to open that which is closed off.