A Quiet and Listening Heart is of God

Child of mine, come and join me at this Tabernacles that flows deep within the River of the I Am.  Let your body go that I may take you and drown  you in love and only love. 

My child, you are being prepared.  You are being taken into the depths of the River where renewal, peace and the wisdom of God abides. You must let go of all to gain all. Just as the child lets go into mother's arms, so too you must let go and give yourself over to my nurture.

To be of this peace you must let go, for to continue to hold so tightly to the noise is to counter the peace of my Son.  Just as my Son walked the Earth in a peace that gives to God what is God's you turn to me in each new day and with no matter the ways of the noise you give all to me.

To give all is to let go in the mind and in the body that the Spirit may enter.  To let go of all is to be still, be naked and empty all within the silence that you may hear the voice of the Spirit within the River of the I Am.  To give all is to empty body and mind in a nakedness and  silence that hears and tastes God. 

Come and let us walk this day to teach of the quietness of the heart that invites the Holy Spirit to enter and to speak.  My misguided children know not how to be still and listen with the heart for they believe they must make noise to convince the world that they are  "right." Self righteousness is of the noise.  A quiet and listening heart is of God.