The Wisdom to Disengage the Noise

Child, do not let the noise distract you from this Tabernacle.  Come and let go and hear me.  Let go and allow us to flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.  Letting go for this time allows me to fill you.  letting go for this time teaches you to let go and give to God what is God's for here within these depths you learn to give all to God.

To give all to God is to gain the return of the nakedness of your design.  You cannot move throughout the outside world without the noise. But, my child, you can and do move in the outside world from the view of the River.

My dearest child, you ask for wisdom to know how to disengage the noise for it is loud and everywhere.  Your prayer is to disengage the noise.

The task is great and often over powering.  The answer is simple but often difficult for angst overtakes you.  Within the angst you lose sight of the truth.  Within the angst you lose yourself.  

My dearest child, be still and listen for the song that sings within your heart and soul.  Be still and let us hear the song that our Father, the I Am, sings to us.  Be still.

Ahh, now your heart hears.  Now your soul sings.  Now you have the knowledge of how to disengage the noise.  Let your heart open and sing the song you have just heard for it engages you to your God. The song connects you where words do not.  

By this song the noise becomes the whisper.  By this song the power of the River overpowers the noise.  You cannot disengage the noise with more noise.  You disengaged it by being of your design which is to sing the song of intimacy with  your God.