Come and Allow God to Fill the Empty Spaces
Child, come and let go and allow me to take you deep into the depths of the River of the I Am where we breathe the air of our God and Father, the I Am. We breathe as mother and child. Come and take in all that flows within and without for this is the air of the mystical.
Letting go and joining me each day anew allows you to be renewed. Take note of your breath that needs no effort for we breathe in the peaceful Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The outside world cannot give you what you are being given here in the joyful Living Waters of the River of the I Am.
To be mine, my child, you must let go of all even those who are so close to you for to truly trust all that the River promises you must let go, get out of the way and allow God's will to be done through you.
Janine, my child, I know your heart and I know your love for me and my children. The noise cannot harm you when there is nothing to harm.
When you let go there is no space for the noise to grab at you. When you let go of all the space is filled with God where the noise cannot go. Let go and allow God to fill the empty space. Ponder these words, my child. Let those with the heart to hear, hear.